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A Sacred Pact

Page 16

by Michael Todd

  Although they seemed relaxed and comfortable, reminders of their battles were all around them. Calvin sat at the opposite end of the couch with a cane propped up against it. His eyes seemed to wander away from the television from time to time as if he were lost in his own thoughts. Sofia was curled up in the crook of his arm, munching on popcorn. Next to them, Korbin had his arms stretched out on the back of the couch. Stephanie was curled up like a cat against him.

  Juntto crossed his legs in front of him. He had morphed to look like one of the characters on the show. As the story progressed, Juntto stared at the screen, completely confused. “Those two douchebags are demon-killers?”

  Angie nodded. “Yeah, they started hunting demons when the portals were opening.”

  Juntto chewed his mouthful of popcorn. “They know Tomas is an infected, and he’s not a good guy. Why don’t they just kill him? Or even get that weird bourbon-drinking priest to exorcise him? They just kind of let him run around like an evil wizard.”

  “Money. Power. All those things we crave as humans,” Timothy answered.

  Angie rolled her eyes. “Timothy has this absurd theory that the demon hunters are being paid off to leave him alone.”

  “But you don’t believe that?” Juntto asked.

  Angie scoffed. “No. I think it’s a low-budget soap opera and there are plot holes—like we haven’t seen them in this show before.”

  Juntto shook his finger at the television. “But wait. Who is this person now?”

  The guys threw pieces of popcorn at Juntto, shushing him. Angie laughed and patted his leg. “Just watch, baby. I can explain things later.”

  Katie chuckled and ate another piece of sugar corn. She put her hand down on top of Brock’s. Instead of pulling away, she squeezed his hand and glanced at him. Brock looked her deep in the eyes and smiled. Katie got butterflies in her chest. She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  Pandora laughed. Uh oh. Looks like sexy time is only a matter of hours from going down. That’s right, girl. Get it!

  Quiet down. We’re having a sweet moment.

  Sweet and salty, girl. As with everything in life, you need a balance.

  The bright desert sunlight crept between the cracks of the blinds on Katie’s bedroom window, slashing across the floor and over Katie’s face. She wrinkled her nose, her eyes shut tightly, and turned onto her stomach. Her hand slipped beneath the sheets and encountered warm skin next to her. She opened her eyes—it was Brock. She smiled and snuggled into the pillow, watching him sleep.

  Pandora yawned. Isn’t it a bit early to be thinking deeply about Brock? For fuck’s sake, he just plowed you like six hours ago. The man is still in your bed.

  Katie let out a slow, quiet breath. I know. I just was thinking about everything and how so much is going to change. I know Brock thinks he is going to roll back into fights like nothing is different, but I don’t know if I can let him do that. I don’t know if I can have him on the main team. We do the most dangerous jobs, and his demon is just not up to par. I would be worried about him during the entire fight.

  Pandora sighed. Yeah, but he’s not going to be terrible. He’s just going to have to compensate for the loss.

  Katie rolled over on her back and put her hands on her belly. You know I love being a merc; it’s like my thing. My calling.

  Pandora was suspicious. Yeah.

  Katie watched the blades of the fan spin above her. At the same time, things have changed. Seeing Calvin and Sofia making choices for their future makes me wonder if I shouldn’t consider the same thing.

  Pandora scoffed. And do what? You and Brock run off into the sunset and get a farmhouse in the hills? Hide from everyone? I don’t think you could do it. I think no matter how much you care about Brock, you will always be drawn to this fight. For fuck’s sake, Katie, you are made for it with your angel blood.

  And there’s nothing else I want to do, believe me. I don’t even know what Brock wants.

  You seemed to have a pretty good idea last night.

  Katie smiled to herself. You’re not wrong there. But with Calvin getting married and leaving the team, it just makes me think.

  Pandora grumbled. She was hungry, but she also knew the conversation had to be finished before she would get food. Look, they are going on their honeymoon. He might not have a demon anymore, but he isn’t completely abandoning the family. He hasn’t even decided what he’s going to do. And Korbin and Stephanie are married, but they have chosen a life of fighting.

  Katie looked at the time and slowly worked her way out of the bed. Maybe you’re right. Either way, we have to go out and see Calvin and Sofia off. I had the jet chartered so they wouldn’t have to fly commercial.

  Pandora giggled. Uh oh, you’re gonna have Long Dong Calvin giving it to his new bride all over your new jet.

  Katie grimaced. I’m just going to imagine them sleeping on the flight. I don’t even know where they are going. Calvin wanted to keep it a secret for security purposes.

  You mean, so he could have private time with his lady.

  Whatever. I let him work all that out with the pilot.

  Katie pulled on a pair of black stretch pants and her black halter top. She grabbed a cardigan and pushed her arms through the sleeves. She looked at herself in the mirror and twisted her bulky hair into a messy bun on the top of her head. She pulled the covers back over Brock and kissed his forehead.

  She poked her head into the dining room but it was empty, so she made her way outside to the landing strip.

  Sofia stood near the plane with the cool desert wind blowing around her. She looked beautiful in a peach-colored satin dress and a warm faux fur wrap around her shoulders. Calvin put the last piece of luggage into the storage area beneath the plane and hobbled back to them.

  Sofia took Katie by the hands. “Thank you so much. For everything.”

  Katie hugged her tightly. “You are more than welcome. Only the best for my BFF and his new girl. Where are you guys jetting off to?”

  Sofia reached out to straighten the front of Calvin’s sports coat. “He won’t tell me. The only hint he has given is that it is someplace warm and tropical.”

  “That sounds amazing. I’m pretty sure there is snow in New York City right now. Not looking forward to the cold-as-hell winter fight coming up.”

  Sofia looked at the two of them and kissed Calvin on the cheek. “I’m gonna go on up.”

  Calvin nodded. “I’ll be right there.”

  They watched Sofia board the plane, and Katie turned back to Calvin. “Long Dong Silver has finally tied the knot.”

  Calvin narrowed his eyes. “Katie or Pandora?”

  Katie laughed. “I’m not letting Pandora out right now. She is being feisty. Have you given any thought to what you are going to do when you get back?”

  “No, not really. I’m sure Sofia and I will talk about it. We have a baby to plan for and a future to figure out.”

  Katie nodded. “Yeah. No need to think about it all right now. Just enjoy your honeymoon. Please don’t get caught up in any strange drug-cartel deals while you are gone.”

  Calvin laughed, turning to board the plane. “I can’t promise you a damn thing.”

  Eddie stuck his tongue out and closed one eye like he was sighting a rifle. He pointed between two buildings. “So, down the straightaway, then loop around that barracks, across the back of Joshua’s building, and back here. No shortcuts through the mess hall, no bullshit. First one back gets to claim that foxy nurse Tina as their own.”

  Sean raised an eyebrow. “Does Tina get a say?”

  “Sure, but how could she resist?”

  Turner tilted his head to the side. “We’re not supposed to be exerting ourselves.”

  That was true. They were all still in wheelchairs. Both Eddie and Sean stared at him. Usually, Turner was the one who had zero self-control. He looked at them for a second, then broke into a smile, wagging his finger at them. “Psych. Ha! I am going to cream you assho

  They lined their wheelchairs up, still talking shit. Eddie raised his hand and started the countdown. “Five, four, three, two, go!”

  They took off across the dusty ground, pumping their arms quickly. Their wheelchairs rattled and shook as they sped across the base, moving at speeds the chairs definitely were not built for. As they passed the midway point, Katie stepped into their path. All of them raised their hands and tried to slow down. Sean and Turner managed to come to a safe stop, but Eddie barreled forward. He pulled his brakes at the last minute and skidded across the ground. Katie stood there calmly as he came to a stop just inches from her legs.

  Eddie gave her a grin. “Hey there, Katie.”

  She returned the grin. “I thought you boys weren’t supposed to be exerting yourselves? If you manage to hurt yourselves, it means that much more time before you can move out of the med wing.”

  Turner threw his head back. “But just sitting around is so boring.”

  “You can’t think of it as boring. You have to think of it as relaxing. Just imagine you’re sitting on the beach instead of being in the hospital.”

  Turner just blinked at her. Katie shook her head. “Whatever. You need to take it easy, but that’s not why I found you guys. I had a question for you.”

  Eddie smiled. “Yes, we will go to war with you in our wheelchairs.”

  “We need a cool name,” Sean mused.

  “Rolling Roughnecks?”

  “Wheelie Warriors?”

  “Oh, I like that one.”

  Katie smirked. “Thanks for the offer, but that’s not quite it. I wanted to find out if you guys would like demons again. You aren’t healing very fast, but that’s how humans work. And when you do heal, what will you do? Will you go back to regular military duty? You may be discharged, or you may be put back into battle without a demon.”

  Turner sighed. “I really haven’t given it a lot of thought. Personally, I don’t know if I want to be Damned again. It was cool, but now I have a chance for something else.”

  Eddie and Sean nodded. Eddie pointed at Sean. “You sure you don’t want your demon back?”

  “I don’t know, man. I’ve seen some shit. Spiderwomen, towns covered in lava. I don’t mind being a soldier, but being Damned was something else.”

  “But your demon gave you abilities,” Eddie pointed out.

  “Yeah, like healing.” Sean looked down at his legs. “I’m all messed up.”

  Eddie thought for a moment. “And reading, too.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your demon could read. You know.” Eddie cracked a wry smile.

  Sean frowned. “I can read.”

  “Come on, we all know you were illiterate before you became Damned.”

  “I can read!” Sean’s face grew red.

  Eddie looked at Katie. “Poor boy. Can’t read a stop sign. Another child left behind.”

  Sean rammed his wheelchair into Eddie’s. “I can read, dingleberry! I’ll read all day! I’ll read right now.”

  Katie cracked up and shook her head. “Okay. I can see I’m not going to get anywhere today. Not a problem. I just figured I would put it out there. You don’t have to decide anytime soon. Take your time.”

  “In the meantime, you need to be resting,” Brock put in. He walked up behind them with Korbin.

  Turner growled. “Look who’s talking. You just got back too. Where the hell are you going? If you get to fight and the Wheelie Warriors are stuck here, I am protesting.”

  Korbin chuckled. “Relax. No one is fighting.”

  Katie looked at Korbin, slightly confused. “Where are you guys going?”

  Korbin glanced at Brock, realizing he hadn’t had a chance to talk to Katie. “Brock isn’t going anywhere. He is staying here to get back in shape. I have business elsewhere for the general. I will bring you up to speed on the details later, but I have to get a move on. Timothy will be accompanying me for now, but if he is needed back here at any point I’ll put him on a plane right away.”

  Brock led the guys back to the med unit, kicking at their wheelchairs to keep them in line. Katie crossed her arms on her chest. “And Timothy will be safe without a demon?”

  Korbin nodded. “We are going into territories that need to be reinforced. Fortified, just like we’ve done here. The general wants me to oversee the construction of battlements. These are places that have already been attacked or are in danger of being attacked. Prime targets. It’s for the general, so we’ll have military support. The incursions have always been bad, but they’re getting worse. You can’t be everywhere at once. We need to give people around the world a place to stand and fight.”

  Katie nodded. “Right. Good. I don’t mean to question your thought process.”

  Korbin chuckled and put his arm around Katie. “It’s a good thing. This is your team, and you are keeping everyone safe. I’m assuming you’re going to head back to New York?”


  “Stephanie is in charge of the base, then. She knows the ins and outs better than anyone. Brock is staying on. I spoke with the general, and if he wants the job, he’s my new head of security here. He knows tactics and demon fighting better than most of the people left here.”

  “It’ll be good for him to get back to the grind without being thrown out into the field right away. The guys already know Brock, and they respect him.”

  Korbin shook his head. “Those were my thoughts exactly. As far as the Special Forces guys, Turner, Sean, and Eddie? They have been given the okay to stay here if that is what they want. Once they are healed, the general will talk to them about what’s next. General Brushwood was very adamant about them having choices. They’ve been crucial to the war effort so far.”

  Katie looked back at the guys. They had teamed up against Brock and were knocking his shins with their wheelchairs. He was trying to fend them off. “Good. I’m glad they’ll be here, where I know they are comfortable. I’m not sure what my plan is right now, but I will help wherever I can.”

  “Good.” Korbin squeezed her shoulder. “Because you are a true leader. You and Pandora both.”

  Pandora sniffled. Oh, get off it, old man. Get out of here.


  Timothy leaned back in his chair and sighed. He put his feet up on the desk and swayed in his office chair, his mind stuck in the events of the night before. He had finally managed to hook up with one of the soldiers who had been flirting with him for over a year. He was tall, dark, and handsome—just how Timothy liked his men. It had been a very long time since he had gotten down and dirty, and he was feeling renewed.

  He reached over and grabbed a handful of grapes from a bag by his computer, then tossed one up in the air and caught it. He rolled it to the front of his mouth and held in between his front teeth. Suddenly an alarm began to sound, and his feet crashed to the floor. He chomped the grape while typing feverishly on the computer. The screen flickered a bit, and a bright red box appeared in front of him. An incursion had come out of nowhere.

  Timothy scribbled down the coordinates and lifted an eyebrow. “Who attacks Canada? They are like the baby sister of the world.”

  The bright red box was right over Toronto. It was a bit stronger than the one he had seen a few days earlier, the one that had brought a wave of infected carnies. He grabbed his phone and dialed Katie. She yawned as she answered. “I was just talking with Korbin about your little trip.”

  Timothy nodded. “Yeah, we can talk about that later. Right now you have an incursion to deal with.”

  “Well, hot damn, I was wondering how long it would be until another hit,” Katie replied.

  Timothy read through the scrolling information on the screen. “Looks like a decent-sized one, too. Right over Toronto.”

  Katie wrinkled her nose. “Why would anyone, demon or not, attack Canada?”

  Timothy slapped his knee. “That’s what I’m saying! Anyway, they haven’t participated in the demon training too much,
so they are going to need some backup. I’m not even sure they have a protocol in place to handle a demon incursion. Here, let me send your phone a few images.”

  Katie sighed. “Okay, I’ll head down and get ready. Do me a favor and let everyone know. I will take this one alone, though. Stephanie needs to stay here. Besides, from the images you just sent to my phone, it looks like I’ve got it. Handled bigger ones on my own before.”

  Timothy hated when she went out alone, but she was the boss. “Will do. I’ll get the information to the general as well.”

  “Perfect,” Katie replied before hanging up.

  Timothy looked at the incursion site and shook his head. “Looks like we got some hockey-playing demons this time around.”

  Katie hurried down the stairs to the training area. Pandora stepped out of her and rolled her shoulders. Katie glanced over and rolled her eyes. “Why are you never wearing clothes?”

  Pandora looked down at her naked body. “Because I live inside of you.”

  “You live inside of me naked? Gross.”

  “Plenty of people, men and women, would pay to have me naked inside them.”


  “You heard me. Besides, it’s not quite what you’re thinking, asshole. And I’m usually given a bit more notice. It’s an emergency, so my cooch is out. A thousand fucking apologies, okay? Don’t worry, I got clothes in the locker over here.”

  Katie took her boots from the locker and pulled them on, lacing them up the front. “I would bring a coat since we’re going to Toronto in the winter. It’s going to be cold as fuck.”

  Juntto walked through the door, glanced at Pandora, and looked away. “Jesus, put some clothes on. I don’t walk around with big Juntto hanging out.”

  Pandora snorted. “You don’t walk around naked anymore. It’s not like it’s the first time you’ve seen these tatas.”


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