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Allie's War Season Three

Page 39

by JC Andrijeski

  He'd still been half in that Barrier/infiltrator space, and I could feel he wasn't letting his light get very close to mine. Even so, he'd been warm, mostly distracted because the others were still clearly talking to him from the Barrier while he took the time out to update me.

  But that was another thing that had become almost normal between us. From what I could tell, he was pretty much in contact with someone on one or both of the infiltration teams from the minute he got up to when he went to sleep...even while he was in the shower and getting dressed. I had no idea what was going on that needed that much coordination, but clearly, I was cut out of a lot of things right then.

  Balidor had been gone a lot, too, and weirdly.

  He'd told me he was doing infiltration work locally, but he didn't specify what. He seemed to split his time almost equally between this mysterious "local" project and the infiltration work he did downstairs with Surli and Raven.

  Today Balidor had been down there, questioning Surli along with Yumi and Jorag, off and on for over eight hours. As soon as Wreg finished helping Jon collect his teenaged, future, first lieutenant, they'd called him into the fray as well, maybe in the hopes he'd be able to intimidate Surli more convincingly. I'd seen him leave for that briefing myself, as I'd been in the room with Dante and the others when he got the call.

  They'd left Revik out of direct involvement with the Surli interrogations for the first few days...mostly because I insisted. I wasn't as convinced as they were that his presence there would help, and anyway, I didn't want Revik to have to deal with Surli goading him about me, not unless there was a good reason. At the end of those two days, however, when they'd still gotten next to no results, they'd called him in. Revik must have okay'd it, or I would have heard about it, I'm sure...even so, it irritated me. I'd hoped we would get a real break from all of that Lao Hu crap before someone dragged us both through it again.

  Anyway, I knew Surli better than any of them. I didn't really think Revik's presence down there would have the effect they were hoping.

  They still wouldn't let me near Surli, of course.

  And yeah, I got it, in theory at least. They were worried about my connection to the Lao Hu. I suspected it was more than that, but I didn't argue...and in fairness, it probably was a good enough reason to keep me away from Surli, at least until they'd controlled his light and made sure he didn't have a direct line back to Voi Pai or one of the Chinese infiltration teams. Wreg in particular seemed concerned that Surli may only have come as a decoy, or for reconnaissance. He and Balidor didn't want Surli using my connection to the Lao Hu to gather intelligence of any kind, especially about me and Revik.

  Again, all perfectly sound and logical reasoning.

  The problem was, I couldn't stop the nagging feeling that I already knew Surli hadn't shown up here for any of those reasons. I found myself pacing like a tiger in a cage, half-climbing the walls while the other infiltrators did their best to make him 'safe' for me to talk to.

  Meanwhile, Surli didn't really want to talk to any of them.

  He wanted to talk to me.

  He was also well-trained enough to keep them out, even collared. They hadn't tried drugging him yet, or worse, putting him on wires, but I worried that would come next...which would only drag things out even longer. Having Revik down there wasn't helping. I understood why Wreg and Balidor thought it might, him being an intermediary and all. Even apart from his skills as an infiltrator, a lot of the Lao Hu were religious, and would give Revik a lot more respect...even deference...than they would either the rebels or the Adhipan.

  Surli wasn't going to be one of those seers, though.

  I'd known that even before they brought Revik down there, but I bit my tongue. It turned out I didn't have to. Surli made it abundantly clear that he especially didn't want to talk to Revik, who he accused overtly of being some some sort of enemy of the state...although which state wasn't wholly clear to me, as Surli's being here alone had to be an act of treason from Voi Pai's perspective, unless he'd come for the reasons Wreg suspected.

  Whatever his reasons, I could tell it was pissing Revik off, too, even though he tried to hide it from me. He'd come back to the penthouse in a worse mood every night since he'd started working with Surli, and spent more time in the shower, avoiding me, I suspected.

  Now that I had full security access again, there wasn't a lot they could hide from me during the interrogations, though...not when I could pretty much hear and see everything going on downstairs, if on a bit of a lag while they scanned my light for any taps, too.

  Surli seemed to be treating Balidor with the most respect of all of them, which I supposed made sense. Still, he wasn't saying much to Balidor, either.

  Just let me talk to him, I argued for like the tenth time that day, aiming it at Wreg this time.

  No, came the immediate response. After a pause, where Wreg must have felt me still there, or possibly while he consulted with the others, Wreg added, Adhipan agrees, princess. You're still too closely tied to them. It's a risk...and one we don't need to take, at least not until we've had his light under surveillance for another forty-eight hours...

  I couldn't help biting my lip in irritation that Wreg had mentioned Balidor and not Revik. I knew that had to be about Ditrini, at least in part.

  You're right, Wreg said. But only in part. Your friend Surli won't tell us anything, and that's suspicious right there. The reason he gives is not convincing...

  Which is what?

  He wants assurances that you are still in charge, Revik cut in, in a tone that told me he'd been listening the whole time. He is worried I will act on the information he gives without your consent, Allie... He sounded even more annoyed when he added, ...and you were right about me. I shouldn't have come down here. My presence in the direct interrogations seems to have derailed the entire proceedings...but it's a little late for me to pull out now...

  Just let me talk to him, I said, this time aiming it at Revik. I swear, it will be all right. I can't tell you how I know, but I ––

  That time it was Balidor who spoke. Absolutely not. Allie...we cannot allow you to be alone with him. I could almost hear him look at Revik, even as his thoughts grew more irritated. This Surli has clearly got unresolved...issues. With you, I mean.

  And me, Revik added, his voice annoyed still.

  No, I sent sharply, before I'd thought about how it sounded. That's not acceptable to me. I haven't pulled rank up until now, but if that's your reasoning, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist on my request. Hearing the silence this produced, I subdued my thoughts. That's not a good enough reason to keep me out, not under the circumstances. He's not're extending the Ditrini worries to him in a way that's not appropriate. He just doesn't trust you guys. Hell, he doesn't know you guys. He has no reason to trust you...for the same reasons you have no reason to trust him...

  Are you saying you do trust him? Wreg said, wary.

  I'm saying I have more reason to trust him than you do...and vice versa, I sent sharply. It will make the conversation less adversarial at least...

  There was another pause, that one longer.

  No one said he was fixated, Allie, Revik sent finally.

  He'd subdued his mind as well, but I felt the tenseness behind his words.

  Biting my lip, I forced myself to remain silent.

  Allie. Revik's mind changed tenor. The space around me changed, too, and I realized his words were coming to me through a protected space, absent of the others. The shield formed rapidly around us both, so that I felt nearly alone with him.

  Allie, he sent again. What is it, baby? What's wrong?

  The softness of his words melted some of my anxiety. Even so, I knew how tense I must be when I felt tempted to make some kind of joke. Instead, I tried to open my mind and light more to his. Whatever my problem right then, it wasn't Revik's fault...and cracking inappropriate jokes wouldn't help either of us.

  Something's going on, I sent, making
my words as accurate as I could. I don't know what, but I can feel it...he really is here to warn us about something. And you're wasting time, Revik. I've tried to do this you and Balidor and Wreg's way...I really have. But it's not fact, you're losing ground right now, and it's already been almost a week. Longer than we can afford... I hesitated, then just said it. You need to let me talk to him.

  There was another silence. I felt the space open up, enough to tell me that Revik wanted the others involved if it wasn't personal.

  What can you feel? Balidor sent after a pause.

  It's about San Francisco... I said, trailing. It was all I could tell them, really. I let the Adhipan leader feel my frustration, too, along with the impressions I shared with all three of them, the same impressions that had been bombarding my light for the past two days. 'Dori, please. Let me talk to him. This isn't about the Lao Hu infiltrating least not here, in New York. They wouldn't be that stupid, honestly...and sending someone like Surli as a scout for that kind of op just isn't their style. They'd know we'd be suspicious. They also know we'd hold him long enough to check him out...

  I took another breath, realizing I was still pacing, even as I thought at them.

  This has something to do with what's going on in California, I added. ...I'd swear to it. Voi Pai is behind this, yes...but not in the way you think...

  I felt Revik listening to me and pulling impressions off me, too. At the end, when I mentioned California again, I felt a light bulb pop in his mind as he realized what I was saying. I felt him turn it over briefly, and then another flash of understanding off his aleimi as it occurred to him what was really bothering me...and why I was so wound up. His light got instantly warmer, less reserved as he drew closer to mine.

  You think Voi Pai's going after your friends, he sent, a faint apology in his light.

  I nodded, feeling an enormous flush of relief as I realized that was exactly what I thought.

  The relief came partly because my message had finally gotten through...but also because I finally understood it myself. I'd been wearing holes in the carpet, pacing up and down in my worry, but somehow the true source of that fear only really hit me when Revik gave it an exact name.

  She threatened to do that, I sent, feeling my own understanding deepen. She told me once, after the Gerwix thing, that she'd go after everyone I knew if I pulled any more shit on her... I felt the pieces continue to click together as I formed the words, creating a more logical picture in my head. ...And she can go there with impunity...none of her seers will get sick from that disease. I don't know why I'm so sure, but for some reason I think that's what she's doing. Looking for leverage...some way to pull on me. Ditrini's helping her...this is totally his kind of thing. He's not a front door kind of person. He's into mind games. He'd do it just to unbalance me...

  And to attempt to divide you and me, Revik added, softer.

  He let me think about that for a beat, then added,

  ...Both of them would know I wouldn't want you to go, Allie...especially not alone. And not until we knew how safe it is there for intermediaries. She'd probably send enough of her seers that it would be dangerous for us to send anything less than a large number of ours...or an intermediary, or both. Enough firepower that we could fight back... He thought about that a little longer. It makes sense, Allie. It's a logical move. It also divides our forces here, if she does mean to lure you to them, and not just take them hostage. If she wanted to attack us in New York, it would be wise to try and draw off some of ours...

  His presence faded slightly, but he didn't retract his light entirely from mine.

  I felt him and Wreg and Balidor and Yumi discussing that in the room, wherever they were. I caught bits and pieces and most of the flavor of the discussion, but it was maddening not being able to hear all of the words.

  We all think she's still primarily after you, Revik sent, to fill me in. This is an attempt to gain custody of you again...maybe not even for Shadow, but for herself. Balidor and Yumi have both felt that there's been some turmoil in the City since we took you out. And the Chinese government wants you under their umbrella again, too. They don't like it that both of us are in the States. They also don't like us being together...with possibly our own agenda, separate from Salinse or the Council of Seven or whoever else...

  Maybe, I sent, more dubiously than him. I thought about that a little longer, turning over his words before sighing a bit more. Yeah, maybe. So maybe she's hoping you'll lead some kind of team, leave me here alone?

  ...Or maybe she is still working with Shadow, Revik sent back, thinking aloud with me that time. She could be hoping that I would be drawn down there, to Argentina, given what Raven said. The timing is pretty coincidental...both of us having pretty strong reasons to leave New York, and in different directions. One to go West...

  ...The other South, I finished for him. Turning this over, looking for holes, I nodded again. Yeah. Either scenario works. Maybe they made a deal...Shadow and Voi Pai, I for you? I agree, it's a bit much, to believe this is all just a coincidence. It's possible they're working together to pull us apart. Hesitating, and still thinking, I added, ...That probably means there are Lao Hu in Argentina, too, Revik...helping this Shadow person, whoever he is...

  Maybe... Revik began, but Wreg cut him off.

  So why wouldn't this Chinese fuck just tell us that? he sent angrily.

  I shook my head, clicking mildly even as I smiled, half-laughing. Aren't all three of you from China, Wreg?

  This brought a dead silence. Then a startled laugh, one loud enough I could almost hear it through the intervening floors. It managed to break the tension anyway. It also reminded me how tired all of them were, which calmed me down some, too.

  China is a human term, Allie, Balidor responded humorously, sending a pulse of warmth, what might even have been gratitude for the momentary release of tension. Wreg meant the government...the human government of that land.

  You're defending Wreg now? I grinned faintly.

  I could almost see the two of them staring at one another across that small room.

  Fine, I sent, holding up a hand to no one, since I was alone in the inner lobby. I don't know what Surli's deal is, I really don't. But I can tell it has something to do with what's going on in California. Maybe he really does think he can't trust you guys not to do something drastic. Or... I hesitated, shrugging in the space before I added apologetically, Or maybe he just thinks there's a good chance you won't tell me what he said, at least not accurately. Or maybe that you'd lie to me about it outright...

  Hearing the subtext there, the rest of them fell silent.

  I could almost feel the pointed look Balidor gave Revik in that pause.

  Just let me talk to him, I said again. I really don't think he's here to hurt me...and if both the Lao Hu and Shadow are getting ready to attack, then we need to get all the information we can, so we can decide what to do...

  I felt the three of them turning over my words. Revik surprised me, by being the first to agree with me.

  She's right. I felt the reluctance there, but also the firmness of the decision. We might have to risk it. I feel the time element, too...

  I almost heard Balidor sigh. So do I. I agree, brother...

  And me, Yumi added.

  Well, I don't, Wreg sent, in a near-grumble. ...But clearly, I'm outvoted...even though I'm supposed to be the head of security...

  I didn't wait for them to reconsider.

  I'm on my way.

  I shut them out of my light before they could respond.

  WHEN I GOT downstairs, Revik was waiting for me by the elevator.

  He still felt apologetic when he looked at me, his expression close to cautious as the doors opened and he gauged mine. I found myself staring at him for a beat too long as I walked out the elevator doors. He wasn't exactly dressed up, but he wore a shirt with a collar, and looked almost fifties-ish to me, as he did sometimes. I couldn't quite pin down what it was a
bout him that made me think so, maybe the dark pants and the tucked in shirt and belt. He looked clean-cut, in that old-style, Rock Hudson kind of way.

  In any case, it looked good on him. A little too good, for how I felt right then. His hair was getting longer again too, I noticed. Long enough that he could almost wear one of those clips the older seers favored.

  I must have stared too long. I felt more than saw him growing tense. When I smiled at him, he seemed to relax, long enough to smile back. A few seconds later, however, he seemed to notice me staring at him again and his expression faltered.

  "What?" he said in English.

  I shook my head, faintly embarrassed. "Nothing. I'll tell you later." When he continued to stand there, looking at me as if he were trying to decide whether to read me, I made a vague gesture down the hallway. "Is he down here?"


  His accent sounded prominent again. When I glanced over next, I saw his eyes taking in my clothes, down to the sandals on my feet.

  "First door," he added, without looking up. "Elan's in the second..."

  I flinched a little at his use of her first name, then shook it off, irritated with myself for being hyper-sensitive.

  "Are you going to talk to her again?" I said.

  He nodded. Raising his eyes from the long skirt I wore, he studied my face again, his expression close to hesitant. Seeing the nerves there, along with some kind of apology, I walked up to him directly, taking his hand and squeezing his fingers.

  "Baby," I murmured. "I promise, I'll tell you later, but it's nothing bad...or even anything important. It's really not. I promise..."

  I saw his eyes relax perceptibly, right before he nodded. "Okay." Hesitating, he said, "I'm sorry about the 'Elan' crack..."

  "Was that a crack?" I said, studying his eyes.

  His jaw tightened, right before he nodded. "Yes," he said, averting his gaze. Making his expression neutral, he motioned with his head towards the corridor.


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