Allie's War Season Three

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Allie's War Season Three Page 102

by JC Andrijeski

  "Yeah," Wreg sighed, finishing the thought for him. "Before that Shadow fuck short-circuited him or whatever."

  Jon watched Wreg re-lock the safe's door.

  "The key cards to get in here have DNA sensors now, too," Wreg commented.

  "DNA sensors?" Jon stared at him. "What would happen if someone without our DNA tried to use them to get in?"

  Wreg gave him a wry smile. "We can code in others," he said. "The boss and the Bridge and Balidor have access everywhere. So do I, pretty much."

  "So? What would happen to someone else?"

  Wreg's face remained noncommittal. "Don't lend out your card, brother."

  Jon looked at him, then snorted. "Right."

  Wreg smiled back, then shrugged again, using his good hand as he straightened from his crouch in a single move, still managing it gracefully, despite his injuries. He left the office alcove to return to the main room, using that gliding gait of his, while Jon trailed behind him.

  "...Nenz has one of these in his room too," Wreg added. "Adhipan wants us to have weapons up here, since we could potentially be cut off from the armories. He and his team have more on the floor below this one, too..." He gave Jon a grim smile. "And you are correct. You are not able to live under the radar anymore, my friend. You are a high-priority target. You get high level security." He shrugged, lightening his voice. "...Comes with the territory, I’m afraid."

  Wreg had been about to pick up Jon's bag again, but Jon stopped him, taking it from his fingers, even as he motioned the other towards the couch.

  "Just sit, okay?" Jon said, a little exasperated. "Jesus."

  "I need a shower, Jon," Wreg said, remaining standing where he was.

  "I got it," Jon said. He motioned towards the couch a second time. "Seriously, man. Sit. Have a little faith in your ex-cousin, semi-seer, jailbait boyfriend for a change..."

  Wreg grunted, but Jon saw another of those predatory looks glance across his expression. Seconds later, he sank into the couch, still wearing the military fatigues and boots.

  "Boyfriend, eh?" the seer said.

  Jon clicked at him in irritation.

  Ignoring Wreg's reaction to his stare, he appraised his body and light, trying to decide how far he could push the other before he literally collapsed. Remembering again that Wreg had been deployed a good two weeks ahead of the rest of them, and that he'd led frontal assaults on two separate Black Arrow work camps and injured himself on top of it, Jon frowned to himself as he entered the tiled bathroom.

  Looking at the giant shower and the two sinks, he opted for the third option once he remembered the organic bandage was supposed to be waterproof. Sitting on the edge of the massive sunken bathtub, he flipped on the water, setting the temperature with controls on the side, along with soap and oil and whatever else.

  Once had everything roughly where he wanted it, he walked back into the other room, and found Wreg sunk into the couch, his head leaning on the back cushion.

  He looked exhausted now, and pale.

  Studying his face, Jon decided sex could wait.

  "Like hell," Wreg said.

  Jon ignored that, holding out a hand. "Just a little longer, then you can sleep. Promise."

  He tugged the seer to his feet, and found himself staring again at the high-cheekboned face, realizing he had nicks and cuts near his hairline, too, along with a bruise on his neck, on the same side as the gunshot wound. Remembering the bruise he'd glimpsed on Wreg's back in that dimly lit tent in Argentina, Jon averted his gaze, tugging the seer along by his fingers.

  Just then, he also remembered what Jax told him about Wreg hiding in windowless rooms for the entire duration of the submarine ride from New Jersey, and chuckled.

  "Laugh it up," Wreg muttered. "Wait until you get stuck under a few thousand tons of water in one of those death traps..."

  "So you are reading me," Jon said, bringing him into the bathroom. "...And not only when you hear the word 'sex' go through my mind."

  Once he got him near the double sink, he pushed Wreg backwards so that he was leaning against the marble counter.

  "Enough that I have a hard-on, little brother," Wreg said.

  "Yeah," Jon said. "Too bad you're going to be too busy sleeping to use it."

  He began undressing the taller seer, but he felt Wreg's light react as soon as he unhooked the first strap on his vest. The seer grinned at him then, starting to do the same to him, but Jon pushed his hands away, taking care with the wounded shoulder.

  Looking up, he frowned at the dark eyes.

  "I mean it, Wreg. You said I could order you around, right?"

  Wreg nodded, leaning his weight against the counter again, right before he closed his eyes. "I thought you meant while you were reminding me how long it’s been since we've fucked..." He grunted when Jon finished unfastening the catches on his vest, pain emanating off his light. "You really think I'm going to be able to get in there with you and not try?" he said, jerking his head towards the pond-sized basin. "You're seriously deluded, brother."

  "Who says I'm getting in with you?" Jon retorted.

  He pulled the vest carefully off the other man's shoulders before starting to unhook velcro straps on one of the several gun holsters strapped to Wreg's upper body. Jon got off all of the armored and explosive bits and clicked at him, unfastening the front of the seer's shirt even as he motioned with his head towards the mini-armory on the floor.

  "Balidor was worried we might not have enough firearms up here?" he said with a half-snort. "Does Balidor even know you and Revik?"

  Wreg laughed, wincing as Jon got the shirt down over the bandage on his arm. Jon reached for the seer's belt and felt a low pull on his groin, dense enough that he paused in what he'd been doing, right before he tugged at the tongue of Wreg's belt, a little harder than necessary.

  "Cut it out," he muttered.

  Bending his knees, he began unhooking the straps on Wreg's boots, conscious of the pain coming off the seer, more tangibly now, although Wreg didn't move from where he leaned against the marble counter, his hands planted on either side of the sink. Wreg just stood there, in fact, until Jon smacked the calf of his leg.

  "Lift," he told the seer.

  Jon tugged the first boot off once Wreg complied, peeling the reinforced sock off his foot as well. He went to work on the second boot, yanking that one off faster than the first. Wreg lifted his weight off that foot without being asked, but when Jon finished getting off the boot and sock and straightened to his full height, the seer caught ahold of his shoulders, his light pulling on Jon's as it softened. The seer's body softened, too, as he pulled Jon closer.

  "Don't you want to give me light, little brother?" he said, his voice gruff. "Come in with me. Give me light. I promise I'll be good."

  "Yeah. Right." Jon pushed at his chest. "No, all right? Gods. You seers are like big, horny teenagers. Even when you're half-dead, apparently..."

  "Give me light," Wreg said, his voice cajoling. "I'll heal faster."

  Wreg pulled on him, harder that time, his arm wrapped around Jon's waist.

  He didn't speak when Jon only looked down, finishing unfastening the front of the armored pants before he began tugging them down over the seer's hips. He lowered his weight seconds later, pulling the pants off each of the seer's strangely pale feet, and studiously ignoring the erection under the seer's clothes, even though Wreg's cock was fully extended, to the point where Jon was pretty sure he could have gotten him to do whatever he wanted if he put his hand on him, much less his mouth. At his thought, Jon heard the seer suck in a breath, right before he made a low noise. His fingers gripped Jon's arms, hard as iron.

  "Please, little brother," he said, his voice openly holding pain that time. Wreg fought to pull him to his feet. "Fuck. Please..."

  Disentangling his arms and his light, Jon stood, but only long enough to grab the seer's hand, pulling him off the tile counter.

  "Inside," he ordered, pointing to the sunken tub. Seeing the look t
hat rose to the other's face, he preempted any argument. "...Now. Do you need help?" When Wreg's eyes glinted again, Jon cut him off. "...I meant with getting in without breaking something. Not with your hormonal issues."

  Leaning down, he hit off the controls for the water, since the basin was already filled to the rim. Still staring Wreg down, he folded his arms, watching the naked seer as he seemed to be thinking. He couldn't help looking at him, though...especially when he walked to where Jon stood, the designs inked over a large portion of his skin moving over the muscles that lay just below. Noticing Jon's stare, Wreg pulled on him again, harder that time.

  Refusing to react, Jon didn't move, watching as Wreg reached the raised platform of the tub.

  "You're really not coming in with me?" he said.

  Jon rolled his eyes, gesturing noncommittally.

  "Get in, Wreg. Now."

  The seer clicked at him, sighing in defeat as he stepped into the steaming water. Jon couldn't help noticing that the seer's erection seemed to grow harder as he lowered himself, or the fact that Wreg's eyes never left his face. Jon saw him close those eyes then, even as he eased himself the rest of the way down, leaning against the edge and resting his head.

  "Gods," he said, his voice nearly a groan. "You put oil in here. Can I jerk off, at least?"

  "No," Jon said, laughing involuntarily. "You'll just hurt yourself. Again."

  Wreg chuckled in reply. Then he turned sharply, his eyes flickering open when he heard Jon's first boot join the pile of Wreg's clothes on the floor. The seer's black eyes turned openly predatory when Jon finished tugging off his second boot, tossing that one down as well.

  "You fucker," Wreg said. "You're going to strip for me, and I can't jerk off? Is it some family trait to be an insufferable tease?"

  At the reference to Allie, Jon's jaw hardened, even as he paused where he'd started to unhook his vest. He aimed a less friendly stare at the other seer. "Cute."

  "Don't get pissed off," Wreg said. "I didn't mean anything. I just talk shit. You know I do, Jon..."

  "Yeah, I do," Jon conceded. "I do know that, Wreg. I wonder sometimes if your brain is attached to your mouth," he added darkly, pulling at the catches of his armored vest, even as he felt another pulse of pain off the watching seer. "...Maybe I should make a few threesome jokes about Yumi or Revik, see how much humor you get out of that..."

  Wreg frowned, even as more pain left his light, along with a pulse that might have been embarrassment. "Nenz told you? Asshole."

  "He told Allie...I just happened to be there." Tossing the vest down, as well as the one holster he'd been wearing, as opposed to Wreg's five, he began unfastening his shirt. "...Are you going to teach me more mulei, like you promised?" Jon said, more to distract the seer when he saw Wreg's eyes on him again, his features taut. "...Or are you going to be too busy staring at my sister's ass to fit that into your busy schedule?"

  Wreg looked up, his expression bordering on aggressive. "Are you coming in here? Because I may give you a mulei lesson now, if you don't."

  "Relax, mighty Khan," Jon sighed.

  He shoved down his armored pants once he got his belt undone. He didn't bother to hide his erection, either, and felt another ripple of pain leave the seer's light as he pulled the pants off each of his legs and feet before dropping them on the floor. Just having all of that heavy crap off his body made him feel about a hundred times better. He could breathe again, despite the bruises, most of them earned from either Wreg or Allie dragging him to the ground at that chateau, as well as when the aircraft carrier pounded the house with shells, shattering those stained glass windows and throwing most of them to the stone floor.

  Remembering Cass' face as she left with Feigran, he shoved that off, too, even as he fingered the mark on his jaw, which had swollen into a rapidly darkening bruise in the days since.

  "I'm sorry about that, brother," Wreg said, his voice holding a different kind of pain. "...Truly."

  "I know," Jon said, clicking at him with a small smile. "You've only apologized about a dozen times now."

  "I still am," Wreg said, his expression changing again as Jon walked closer. His eyes focused on Jon's erection, even as another pulse of that denser, more belly-oriented pain left his light. "Gods. Come here, brother. Please..."

  Wreg turned where he sat, wincing a little from his arm as he sat up in the tub. Jon only shoved at his chest lightly though, pushing him back in the direction of the water before he sat on the edge of the raised platform.

  "Chill out. Jesus," Jon said, frowning and smiling pretty much at the same time. Reaching for the bottle of shampoo, he tapped on the back of the seer's head. "Down."

  Wreg turned his head, smiling. "Gladly, brother."

  Jon laughed. "Nice try, pervert. Get your hair wet. Try to pretend you're a grown-up for five minutes. You've only got, what? Three hundred years on me?"

  "No need to rub it in," Wreg grumbled.

  But he did as Jon asked, sliding away from the tub's edge and backwards into the steaming water to wet the rest of his shoulder-length hair. Jon watched him do it, including the sliding movement of the tattoos as he raised his hands to smooth back his black hair, flexing the muscles of his arms and shoulders. Jon liked the shorter hair on the seer. He hadn't asked him to do it, but for some reason, the seer cut his hair only a few days after they'd started dating...or whatever this was. Allie told him Wreg had worn the barbarian braid since she'd met him, so he must have done it to modernize his appearance, maybe even because he thought Jon would like it better.

  He did like it better, but he couldn't have articulated why, exactly.

  Maybe because he looked less like the angry rebel he'd first met, who'd called him worm and seemed ready to kill him as soon as talk to him.

  Or maybe for some more superficial reason he hadn't admitted to himself.

  When Wreg glanced over his shoulder at him, his broad back exposed above the water, Jon forced his eyes away, pouring shampoo into his palm and motioning for Wreg to turn around. The seer complied, relaxing somewhat when Jon began rubbing shampoo into his hair, massaging his scalp with both hands. Leaning against Jon's crossed leg, Wreg sighed as Jon worked the dirt out of his scalp. After a few more times of that, Jon started massaging soap over his shoulders and chest, avoiding the area with the organic patch. The seer sat up when Jon prodded him, but once he had, Jon stopped, sucking a bit of air between his teeth.

  "Jesus. What is that?" Jon said.

  Wreg turned, eyes glazed. He seemed to have to think about Jon's words.

  "Oh. Yeah. Didn't you see that already? In Argentina?"

  Jon frowned. "I saw part of it...I didn't realize it covered your whole damned back. What the hell did you do, Wreg? Did you get an x-ray or anything?"

  Wreg made a dismissive gesture with hand. "They looked at it with handhelds in the field." He smiled, trying to soften the look on Jon's face, but not succeeding. "...I was standing too close to the transformers when they blew the first OBE," he explained. "Threw me backwards into a damned tree." He gave another amused snort. "...Thought I'd broken my damned back. I was trying to imagine having to explain that to Nenz, when they brought me down to Patagonia in traction, and with no additional infiltrators..."

  Glancing up at Jon's expression, he slid an arm around his leg, smiling.

  "It was my own damned fault,” he said. “I wasn't paying attention. Don't worry, it's not a sign of premature senility."

  Jon rolled his eyes, but felt his jaw clench. He motioned for the seer to turn around again, but Wreg caught hold of his ankle instead, tugging on him, pulling his leg towards the water.

  "Please, brother," he said, his voice gruff, his eyes hardening as he looked down at Jon's body. "...Please. How many times must I beg you? My fucking body hurts, yeah...but that's not what hurts the most..." He slid backwards in the tub, tugging on him with his light in sensual pulls. "Let me wash your hair at least...and maybe your cock..."

  Jon shook his head, laugh
ing in spite of himself.

  After a pause, he conceded with a sideways flip of his hand. "You know there's enough dirt on the two of us to build a new continent. If I get in there with you, we'll have to take a shower. Kind of defeats the purpose."

  Wreg shook his head, tugging on him harder. "No," he said, his voice holding more of an accent that time. "Replaces's automatic. Totally clean..."

  Laughing as much because he understood the seer's words as anything, Jon conceded defeat. "Fancy," he commented, shifting his legs forward and dipping his feet into the tub, wincing at how hot it was. "Yikes. You weren't kidding."

  Jon slid the rest of the way into the water, still a little thrown by how hot the water remained after four shampoos of the seer's hair. Once he was all the way in, Wreg tried to pin him against the wall of the tub. His large hands curled around Jon's shoulders as he pressed his body against his. Jon pushed him back, laughing again, but found himself exploring the seer with his hands under the water in spite of himself, invasively enough that Wreg's pain worsened, catching Jon's breath, bringing that nausea back to his belly.

  He found himself thinking that Wreg hadn't been kidding; he really was hurting in that area. Sometimes Jon knew Wreg just wanted to play, or that being a horny seer was part of his persona, but this time, Wreg fought Jon's hands openly once Jon started touching him.

  Jon found himself gripping the seer's wet hair, sending a sharp pulse of warning at his light.

  Immediately, Wreg stopped fighting him, but he didn't release Jon's arms.

  "What do you think you're doing, brother?" Jon said. "I thought we established the ground rules of this little scenario?"

  Wreg eyes glimmered with frustration. "All bets are off, if you're going to pull on me like this..."

  "I'm pulling on you?"

  "So much so that I'm about to lose my fucking mind." Pain reached his voice. "Are you really angry at me? Why? Did someone tell you about that bullshit in Third Jewel? Because I stopped him. Maybe you heard the story wrong, because of what I said..."

  "What?” Jon said, puzzled. “What bullshit in the Third Jewel?"

  Wreg hesitated, staring between his eyes.


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