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The Developer and the Diva (Vintage Love Book 4)

Page 9

by Alexia Adams

  A flush crept up her cheeks. “Still… Will you give me the ‘boyfriend experience,’ I think they call it?”

  “Do you know what you’re asking of me?” She wanted more than just his body. She wanted his heart and soul.

  “Yes. And it’s nothing more than I’m willing to give to you.”

  Dios, he must be tired. Or else he’d never agree to this. “All right. But starting tonight. I’m going to take a couple of painkillers and see if I can pass out for a few hours.” Because heaven knew he was going to need all the restraint he could muster to keep this thing between them just physical.

  “Then let me send you to bed with sweet dreams.” She sauntered over, the sway of her hips enough to make a man dizzy. Her fingers brushed aside the front panels of his shirt and flitted over his nipples. Did she have any idea what she did to him?

  He groaned, capturing her hands before she could do further damage. “I need to sleep, querida, not toss and turn in frustration.”

  “Can I at least kiss you?”

  Yes, yes, yes. He released her hands and she cupped his face, her fingers sliding across his cheeks like a feather to slip into his hair, guiding his head down to hers. She stood on tiptoe, her body pressed against his for stability. Another soft moan escaped his lips seconds before hers settled on them.

  The kiss she gave was not one of passion but of promise. Still equally devastating. “Sleep well. And heal fast. I’ve got plans for you,” she whispered against his lips before stepping back.

  Without another word, she gathered up the clothes and bags and left the room. He ran his hands through his hair to remove the tingle left by her touch. Soon, his whole body would become her playground.

  This had not been his intention when he’d climbed out of bed this morning after yet another sleepless night. He’d come to the same conclusion Anna had: she was better off in America. No threats or incidents had happened there. She’d be safe.

  His sanity would also be safe. He could tell himself all he wanted that he didn’t sleep because of worry over the community center development. Or because his back pained him too much. The kick-in-the-balls reality was that he was too wound up about Anna. As soon as he slid between the sheets, he imagined her there with him, and all the things he wanted to do with her. It was impossible to sleep.

  She’d offered the perfect solution to facilitate her return to the United States, and all he could think was that he couldn’t let her go. This time she’d leave on his terms. They’d part in such a way that they could both move on with their lives in a healthy manner.

  The song she’d written and sung to him the night before, about the normal family life she’d sacrificed… Well, he still wanted those things. Eventually. He wanted children. He wanted a wife to cherish and hold in the night. He wanted what he’d never had except for that brief time with Anna. He wanted love.

  Tiago would pass out laughing if he discovered this admission. Eduardo had mercilessly teased that self-proclaimed bachelor-for-life when he’d fallen in love with his bride of convenience.

  But if Eduardo took Anna to bed, would any other woman compare afterward? Last night’s kiss had shown him that their passion still blazed strong. He prided himself on his control. Even that seemed to disappear when Anna’s lips touched his. She, and she alone, swept him into a maelstrom of desire, want, need, until he wasn’t sure of anything—except she was the woman he loved.

  Still loved.

  Kick-in-the-nuts reality at its finest.

  There was no future for them. She had her singing career. He had his plans. And never the twain would meet.

  He risked more heartache if he made love to her.

  But neither could he walk away.

  Chapter Eight

  Eduardo rolled onto his side, hissing in a deep breath as the cuts on his shoulder made contact with the mattress. What time was it? He’d gone to bed at 2:00 p.m., but based on the lack of light at the edges of the curtains, it was night now. More than night, the bedside clock revealed. Almost dawn. He’d slept for sixteen hours.

  Those were some pills the doctor had given him. But it wasn’t the tablets that had calmed his mind. It was finally having made a decision about Anna. Taking her to bed now seemed the smart thing to do. They’d both get what they wanted. And if a weekend of sex allowed him the closure he needed to move on, that’s what he’d do.

  Score one for logic.

  Now all he had to concentrate on was keeping his emotions in check. The thought of spending a couple of days in bed with a woman had never filled him with such elation and trepidation at the same time. He was being ridiculous. How good could it be?

  If they were going to have a few days to concentrate on nothing but her sexual education, he needed to clear up a few things first. Like who was behind the attacks.

  He listened to his voicemail messages, several from the office updating him on various projects, which thankfully, seemed to be running smoothly despite his absence. There was one from his contact on the police force.

  They’d ruled out Raul as the target. Evidently, there was a cop undercover within the gang who said there was no vendetta against the former member. As long as Raul stayed away from criminal activity, they’d leave him alone.

  Eduardo couldn’t wait to tell his friend. Maybe Raul would want to relocate to Mendoza permanently once they’d settled the custody dispute. He didn’t really need a driver. Tiago was always looking for good workers, and Timo seemed to love the being in the country. It could be good for both father and son to have a fresh start.

  On to the other avenues of inquiry. Eduardo did a quick time difference calculation, then placed a call to his friend and business partner on holiday in France.

  “You okay?” Tiago asked as he answered the phone.

  “Yeah, a few cuts and bruises but nothing serious. Thanks again for letting us hide out at your place and for the use of your plane.”

  “It might be clichéd, but it’s still true: mi casa es su casa. How are the other guests?”

  “Fine. Little Timo loves it here. We may have a hard time getting him to leave.” He was not going to discuss Anna. His friend was too astute. He’d recognize the change in Eduardo’s voice when he even said her name.

  “You can all stay as long as required.”

  “Thanks.” He needed to switch subjects before his throat closed. “About the community center—”

  “You think I’m worried about the company when someone blew up my best friend’s car?”

  That elicited a genuine chuckle. “My, how the mighty have fallen. I recall a time not too long ago when you breathed business.”

  “I was a fool.”

  A condition Eduardo was perilously close to emulating. “Nevertheless, buildings are waiting to be built. Love may make the world go around, but it doesn’t file permit applications or arrange deliveries of cement.”

  “No, that’s what competent staff do. Let them prove themselves, Eduardo. You don’t need to oversee everything. Figure out who’s got a grudge against you or your friends. Then we’ll sort out the rest together.”

  “Speaking of grudges, what have you been able to discover about Spencer and Linda Suarez?” Those two had put Tiago through hell when they’d been battling over custody of Miranda. Perhaps with their main target out of the country, they’d decided to focus their revenge on Eduardo, who’d helped thwart their plans.

  “Spencer is still in prison in Rawson. He’s had a few visitors lately. We’re making inquiries. Linda is in BA, on parole. But according to the officer assigned to her, she’s been a model citizen.”

  “The woman is a snake. I wouldn’t trust her with a rotten apple.”

  “Agreed. I’ve got someone tailing her, but so far she hasn’t done anything suspicious.”

  Eduardo groaned. This tangle had so many threads it was going to take more than one lead to figure out who was involved.

  “Jacques has been dealing with the American suspects. Do you want to ta
lk to him?”

  “Please, if he’s available.”

  “He’s right here. We were discussing a collaboration with our vineyards.”

  “Bonjour, Eduardo,” Jacques de Launay, Tiago’s pseudo half brother greeted him. The man was a billionaire who’d left it all behind to go into hiding with the woman he loved because of a threat on her life. If anyone understood Eduardo’s position, it was Jacques.

  “I appreciate your help,” Eduardo began.

  “No problem. To be honest, since Maya’s troubles are over, things have been a bit dull.”

  “At the moment, I’d gladly take dull. Have you uncovered anything?”

  “Your woman has an interesting family.”

  Eduardo let the comment about Anna being his woman pass. “I know her late husband’s children are suing her for a larger share of the estate. But Anna doesn’t believe they’re capable of violence.”

  “That was my investigator’s initial assessment as well. In her words, ‘they couldn’t find their way out of a closet.’ The likelihood of them organizing an escalating terror campaign is highly improbable. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t someone in the background who has the wherewithal to do it. The instigator might benefit if any of those three came into a lot of money.”

  “That’s a possibility.” And it widened the search even more. Mierda.

  “Another person of interest is Anna’s mother.”

  Eduardo sat. “Valentina? Why would she want to endanger her own daughter?” They didn’t have the closest relationship—at least they hadn’t when Anna had been his girlfriend. And given Anna’s response when he’d asked about her mother, it hadn’t improved in the meantime.

  “Valentina Marquez, now Fuller, is deeply in debt, and her marriage is on the rocks. Anna pays her a monthly stipend, but it’s obviously not enough for the lifestyle she’s living. Maybe she’s hoping that if her daughter is upset, she’ll turn to her mother for comfort and get back into her good books. Or worse. Ask Anna if her mother is a beneficiary in her will. Valentina could have approximately a hundred and fifty million reasons to want her daughter dead.”

  Eduardo rubbed his sternum. This would crush Anna. Her mother was all she had left. “I’ll ask her about their relationship and the terms of her will.”

  “Très bien. We’ll keep investigating. I’ll pass you back to Tiago. Good luck and stay safe, Eduardo.”

  “Thanks again, Jacques.”

  Tiago came back on the line. “Hey, I just wanted to let you know we’re heading back early. We’ll arrive in Mendoza on Sunday.”

  “You’re not cutting short your holiday because of me, are you?” Was this sinking feeling consternation that his friend had curtailed his vacation? Or disappointment that he now wouldn’t be spending an entire two days in bed with Anna?

  “No. As I mentioned, Jacques and I are going to co-produce a vintage next year. He wants to taste the grapes personally, and they need to travel soon as Maya is getting big with the twins she’s expecting. He doesn’t want to leave her or have her travel any closer to her due date.”

  Another man so besotted with his wife he couldn’t bear to be apart from her for even a few days. A vision of Anna pregnant with his child flitted through Eduardo’s mind. Nope, he wouldn’t be able to travel solo either.

  “Okay. See you Sunday.”

  The pressure on his chest increased. If he let himself fantasize about a future with Anna and what they could mean to each other, he’d stare heartache in the face again.

  He needed to exercise, clear his body of the pain meds, and get his focus back.

  He downed the glass of water beside the bed and brushed his teeth to rid his mouth of the woolly sensation. After slipping on a pair of shorts, he exited his room.

  And ran straight into Anna.


  Eduardo’s strong hands grabbed her arms or she would have fallen.

  “Sorry. I didn’t expect you to be outside my bedroom door at six in the morning,” he said.

  Busted. Heat crept up her neck, infusing her cheeks. “I heard your voice and I was worried. You slept so long. Raul checked on you twice, just to make sure you were still breathing.” She searched his face, looking for signs of fever or delirium. She hadn’t been able to hear what he said, but she was concerned. Had he been talking in his sleep or hallucinating that someone was with him?

  “I was on my phone. Those pills really knocked me out. But I’m feeling better now. I was just going for a run.”

  “Is that wise? The doctor told you to keep your back dry. I don’t think getting all sweaty will help you heal.”

  “Damn, I had forgotten that. I’ll just walk around the gardens. Some fresh air will clear my head of the pain pills.”

  Wow, was he desperate to get away from her or what?

  “Outside? In the dark? And have the commandos shoot you, thinking you’re an intruder?”

  He rubbed his hand over his chin, now sporting two days’ growth of beard. Dios, he was so sexy. “Not likely, but I take your point.”

  “There’s a fully equipped fitness room on the ground floor. You could walk on the treadmill. Just give me a second to change.”

  His eyes flitted down her body, pausing where her breasts pressed against the thin cotton camisole she wore. Under his gaze, her nipples pebbled. And that had nothing on the moisture gathering between her thighs.

  “I don’t need a nanny, Anna. I’ll see you at breakfast.” He turned to leave.

  “Eduardo.” She grabbed his arm, and his muscles tensed beneath her fingers. “I…”

  How did you explain to someone so self-sufficient—someone who’d had no one to rely on since childhood—that you were lonely? While he slept, she’d spent the day rattling around this big house. She’d wanted to play with Timo, but he’d been helping his father wash Tiago’s seemingly endless inventory of vehicles. The pride and joy on the little boy’s face as he scrubbed at the rims of a Bentley with an old toothbrush had been too precious to interrupt.

  Still, the emptiness in her life echoed around her soul. She had no right to burden Eduardo with her drama. That didn’t mean she couldn’t try to cajole him into a small display of affection, something to get her through the next few hours.

  “You promised me the boyfriend experience,” she blurted out.

  His eyes narrowed and his chest expanded as he pulled in a deep breath. “Even when we were together, we didn’t live in each other’s pockets. I just want to exercise. I promise not to do anything too strenuous.”

  “All right. But how about a see-you-later kiss?”

  The words had barely left her mouth before he’d wrapped a strong arm around her waist and pulled her against him. His other hand gently tilted her face up. Passion darkened his eyes to nearly black, but they were softened by some other emotion she dared not name. The second his lips touched hers, however, her eyes drifted closed. She’d been chilled standing in the hallway wearing only a camisole and shorts. Now heat engulfed her, and even those few scraps of fabric seemed too much.

  Her back hit the wall and Eduardo’s hand at her waist slid under her thigh and pulled it up to anchor around his hips. His touch was fire, and she burned inside and out. Madre de Dios, this was just a kiss. When he did make love to her, she’d be a puddle in seconds. Her head filled with his scent of bergamot and sandalwood, drowning her in want. He tasted of minty toothpaste and the essence of Eduardo. She couldn’t get enough.

  His mouth devoured hers. This was no gentle kiss. No embrace between teenagers exploring their sexuality for the first time. This was a man who knew how to make a woman writhe with passion, as he’d promised. His tongue swept against hers, dueling, leaving her in no doubt of his expertise. The hand at the back of her knee slid along her inner thigh. If his fingers slipped five centimeters to the left, he’d find her soaking wet and ready for him.

  A gasp escaped her lips as his other hand slid under her top and caressed her bare breast. He rolled her tight nipple
between his thumb and index finger, giving it a gentle pull. She nearly came out of her skin. Every single one of her nerve endings was alive, waiting, begging for his next touch. His teeth nipped her bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth, soothing the minor sting with a caress of his tongue.

  Her head fell backward and hit the wall when he abandoned her mouth and traced his way across her jaw and down the corded side of her neck with little nips and licks.

  His index finger followed the seam of her shorts between her legs, and she could feel him smile against the skin of her collarbone. His hand cupped her full breast, which pulsed with need. Her fingers in his hair tried to tug his mouth down to her chest. She wanted his tongue on her nipples more than she needed to breathe.

  Instead he returned his lips to hers and once more plundered what she willingly offered. Her senses were overloaded, firing messages too fast for her brain to comprehend. Each sweep of his fingers over her flesh sent a cascade of electric shocks through her system. The world, her problems, her fears, all disappeared under his skill.

  This. This was what she’d missed by choosing her career over love.

  He released her lips.

  “Edio.” His nickname escaped her mouth, accompanied by a breathy moan. He licked the shell of her ear, melting her bones. It was several seconds before she realized that both her feet were back on the ground. Her top had been tugged down, but his hands were on her hips only, to steady her.

  “Go back to bed, Anna. I’ll see you at breakfast,” he whispered into her ear, his hot breath sliding down her neck to nestle between her breasts. Too soon he broke even that contact, moving to the middle of the hallway and leaving a lifetime of distance between them. If it weren’t for the rapid rise and fall of his chest and the discernible bulge in the front of his shorts, she’d never believe he’d been involved in the most passionate encounter of her life.

  “Eduardo.” How could he just walk away after … that?

  “Later we need to talk about your mother,” he said striding down the hall towards the stairs.


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