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The Developer and the Diva (Vintage Love Book 4)

Page 14

by Alexia Adams

  “Go lie down. I’ll be with you shortly,” he said.


  He tossed the towel on the rack and turned back to her. “Have you had enough? Changed your mind?”

  “No. I still want to make love with you. But I want to do it with you. I don’t want to be treated like a paid companion or someone you picked up in a bar.”

  His eyes closed for a second and when he opened them again, she saw stark pain. “I didn’t know it would be this hard.”

  Her blood drained to her feet, and the heat she’d felt earlier was replaced with icy tendrils of insecurity. She grabbed another towel and wrapped it around herself. “It’s so hard making love to me?”

  “It’s so hard pretending this is just sex. I can’t distance myself from my emotions unless I become domineering.”

  “Would it be so bad to let your emotions show?”

  He raked an unsteady hand through his hair. “You have your songs. You can let your feelings pour out in music and lyrics and the incredible way your voice touches other people’s hearts. If I tell you what I feel, it will be a burden to you.”


  “Because right now I want to imprint your touch, your taste, your very essence into my memory bank and feast on it forever. I want to throw away everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve just to be with you. And that terrifies me.”

  The lump in her throat reduced her voice to a whisper. “Why is loving me so scary?”

  At last he touched her, this thumb rubbing a gentle caress across her lower lip. “You don’t need me, Anna. You have Angel and millions of adoring fans.”

  “You’re wrong.” So, so very wrong.

  He shook his head, a sad smile creasing his lips. “I’m not.”

  Words weren’t going to be enough to convince him. “Where do we go from here?” She was still standing practically naked in his bathroom, aching with a desire only he could fill. “How about, just like I release my feelings in my songs, you do the same with your touch? Show me what you feel, Eduardo. Make me believe the passion.”

  “And tomorrow or the day after?”

  “They don’t exist. We have now. Make it last forever.”

  His lips replaced his thumb on her mouth, and he kissed her like he’d never stop. Her breath, her heart, her soul deserted her and became one with this man.

  The towel fell to the floor and his fingers skimmed over areas they’d touched before. But it was different this time. This time, it meant something.

  Just when she thought her legs wouldn’t hold her any longer, he lifted her reverently and placed her on the bed as though she were a priceless artwork. He shed his pants and shoes and socks. His boxer briefs were distorted in the front.

  As he’d promised days before, he had her writhing beneath him. Her body responded to his every touch. He whispered words of devotion as he kissed every inch of her skin. Her spirit soared within while her heart memorized every minute. This had to last her a lifetime.

  Because it was patently obvious. There was no other man for her.

  She was floating back down following her second climax when Eduardo suddenly got off the bed.

  “Where are you going?” She managed to push herself into a sitting position, but there was no way her legs would carry her across the room to follow him. If he meant to leave her now…

  “To get condoms. I forgot to put them in the bedside drawer.” He’d shucked his boxers on the way, and for the first time she saw him completely naked. Her body tapped into an energy store she hadn’t even known she had.

  This had to be special for him as well. “We don’t need them.”

  That halted his progress towards the bathroom. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m on the pill. And I’ve had no other lovers.”

  He paused. “I’ve never had sex without protection.”

  As she’d suspected. “Then it will be a first time for both of us.” She rolled onto her knees and held her arms out wide.

  “Dios, Anna.” He moved back to the side of the bed but didn’t climb on. “Are you sure about this?”

  “If you ask me that one more time, I’m going to gag you and tie you to the bed.”

  His deep, sexy chuckle tickled her skin. “Now I don’t know whether to ask again or not.”

  “Get on the bed, Eduardo. Can you lie on your back, or is it too painful?” It was her time to explore.

  “It’s fine.”

  “Then it’s my turn to taste you.”

  He piled the pillows against the headboard and relaxed against them. “I want to watch,” he said.

  She straddled his thighs, and he immediately reached for her breasts again, but she pushed his questing hands back. “Hands behind your head. Like I said, this is my turn.”

  A frown marred his forehead, but he did as she asked. “I don’t want to complain before you’ve started, but make it quick. I’m so ready for you, I don’t think I can last long.”

  Her body was stirring again as well. And more than anything, she wanted him inside her. But he deserved some payback for earlier. Taking her breasts in each hand, she touched her nipples to his, circling and teasing until that wasn’t enough. She lowered her head and flicked his hardened peaks with her tongue as he’d done to her, eliciting a similar response.

  She trailed kisses down his stomach while her hands explored. His hip bones were ticklish to her touch, but when she licked them, he moaned. She wanted to spend days touching him, discovering what he liked, what drove him wild. She wanted to claim his body so completely he’d never even look at another woman.

  “Two minutes, Anna. You have two more minutes before I take over.”

  It wasn’t going to happen, but spurred on by the warning, she took him in her mouth. Thirty seconds in, he abandoned his laidback posture and sat upright, clutching the sheets with one hand. The other found her clit and worked that into a frenzy. She had to release him from her mouth, because breathing was all she could manage.

  He made a move to roll her beneath him, but she resisted. When his eyes met hers, she straddled him once more, positioning them both. As she slid down an inch, a loud moan escaped his lips.

  She took him a bit deeper and hit her barrier as he took her mouth in a blistering kiss, one full of passion and promise and … love? His hands tightened on her hips, but she ignored the silent command and plunged down his full length.

  Her gasp was caught in his kiss.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice tight.

  “Amazing,” was all she managed to say. There was a sting deep inside, but even that small discomfort faded when she kissed him. He filled her, stretched her, completed her.

  His cock twitched within her, and she could tell from his rigid muscles what it took to hold steady while she adjusted.

  “Dios, Anna. This is so good,” he said. His thumb traced her bottom lip before he lowered his hand to caress her breast.

  An urge to move invaded her muscles, and she ground her hips against his before lifting slightly to plunge back down again. He sucked her other nipple into his mouth, and she moved more urgently. Pressure built once more inside, different from when he’d stimulated her with his hands and lips. This was more relentless, demanding movement, demanding fulfillment.

  She tossed her head back, put her hand on his shoulders, and rode him like a novice on a runaway horse. She was glad this wasn’t being filmed, because there was no finesse to her movements, only need.

  “So close,” she huffed. Her hair had fallen from her hasty updo and swirled around her, in her face, her mouth.

  He flipped her over without withdrawing and drove home their pleasure. She came, screaming his name and inflicting new injuries on his shoulders.

  With one final thrust, he went rock hard within her, triggering another wave of molten sensation through her core. He collapsed on top of her, anchoring her to the bed. Didn’t matter. She never wanted to move again.

  “Edio, te amo.” The “I love yo
u” slipped from her lips without conscious thought.

  He stiffened above her before rolling off.


  Damn. It sucked to have a pinnacle experience at only thirty years old. The rest of his life loomed long and empty before him. That had been the ultimate sexual encounter. Hell, the ultimate personal one. Being with Anna, making love to her—with her—had been even better than he’d imagined.

  She was so responsive; his every touch had resulted in a moan of pleasure from her lips. And that was nothing compared to the way she made him feel: like he was her everything. Like he mattered. Only him. She’d chosen him.

  It was intoxicating. She undoubtedly felt the same. That’s why the “I love you” had fallen from her lips. It was an involuntary reaction to a new experience.

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and moved her so her head lay against his chest. There was no way he could let her go so soon. Returning her to her own room was not an option. Besides, she’d asked for one morning where she woke without regret.

  And he wanted one morning where he woke with her in his arms.

  “Sleep now. I’ll undoubtedly wake you in a few hours to do that all again. If you’re not too sore, that is.” He’d never had a virgin in his bed before.

  “I’ve heard that men don’t want to talk afterward,” she mumbled against his chest. Her hot breath blew across his nipples, stirring to life the cock he’d thought satiated.

  “I have no words, Anna.” None that he could burden her with. “You told me to express my feelings in my touch. I did that.”

  “Yes, you did.” Another yawn.

  He knew the moment she relinquished reality and drifted off to sleep. Her head got heavy over his heart and her hand, which had been gripping his ribcage like she was afraid he’d disappear, loosened its hold.

  Carefully, he slid from the bed, tucking the blankets around Anna to keep her warm.

  There was no trace of Angel in her appearance. Her hair was a complete mess and would probably take hours to untangle tomorrow. Her lips were swollen from his kisses. There were likely a few red marks on her breasts where his stubble had rubbed against the sensitive skin, not that she’d complained. She looked thoroughly ravished. He rubbed a clenched fist over his clavicle to ease the sudden ache there.

  He forced his feet to move towards the bathroom and the beckoning shower. Dios, when Anna had washed herself, he’d nearly come in his pants like a horny teenager. Even now the vision danced before his eyes, making him hard.

  He nearly jumped from his skin when a hand connected with his cock and began stroking.

  “One thing that has changed in the past ten years,” Anna said, “is that I now demand equal opportunity. No one gets to make decisions for me. Such as leaving me to sleep when there are better things to do. And what makes you think you get to shower without an audience?”

  “This is more than just watching,” he ground out, his teeth clenched as she continued to pump him with her hand. Mierda, he was so close to coming again.

  “I’ve always preferred an active role in a performance,” she said.


  He tried to formulate words. It was too soon; she’d be too sore. But all he could think was how much he wanted to sink into her hot, wet, tight channel—oh Dios, so tight—and lose the rest of his mind.

  “Shh.” She put a finger on his lips, and her tongue flicked his nipple for added emphasis. “This night is all about me. And I want this.”

  She dropped to her knees and once more took him in her mouth while her other hand played with his balls. He locked his legs and leaned against the cool tiles for support. Hot water bounced off his chest and streamed down her face. Her wet hair was plastered to her body. He couldn’t take his eyes from the vision of her lips caressing his manhood while her tongue drove him wild. Her gaze caught his and he saw triumph, desire, and mischief in her blue eyes.

  He was seconds from coming, so he pulled her to her feet and swiveled her around so fast her hands automatically braced against the tile wall. Before she could even draw a breath, he slid into her from behind.

  She shrieked and he froze, his skin chilling despite the hot water that flowed over him. “Mierda. Anna, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  “No! Don’t stop! That feels so amazing.” She reached around and grabbed his ass to prevent him from pulling back. She even wriggled her hips to take him deeper.

  He groaned. “Prepare for spectacular.” He adjusted his angle, making sure to hit her G-spot with each thrust. One hand he slid down her front to toy with her clit while the other reached up and tugged on her nipples. She climaxed again, screaming his nickname. As her inner muscles clenched around him, they wrenched his own orgasm from the depths of his soul.

  Anna Marquez owned him. Lock, stock, and two hard-as-rocks balls.

  Chapter Twelve

  Eduardo reached across and snagged his phone without waking Anna, who was draped across him like an abandoned blanket. He’d heard various footsteps outside his door for the past hour, but so far no one had knocked or attempted to enter.

  He sent a text to Tiago who was undoubtedly already in Chile: In bed. With Anna. Never leaving. Please ask your housekeeper to send food to my room.

  A second later he got a thumbs-up emoji.

  Anna stirred as he replaced the phone. “Morning,” she mumbled against his chest. “At least I assume it’s still morning.”

  “Yup. How are you feeling?”

  She pushed herself into a sitting position and gazed down into his face. A soft smile curved her lips. “No regrets.”

  “You’re not too sore?” After the frenzy in the shower, he’d brought her to orgasm two more times in their bed but hadn’t entered her again.

  It was the best night of his life.


  She settled back against him. “What time is it?”

  “Ten thirty.”

  “Everyone must be wondering where we are.” But she made no attempt to move, instead snuggling against him, rubbing her cheek against his chest.

  “I told Tiago we would spend the day in bed.”

  “That was very presumptuous of you,” she said.

  “Are you complaining?”

  “No. Just reminding you that I don’t like decisions being made for me. Speaking of which,” she said, sliding off his chest and lying back against the pillows, “what are we going to do about our adversary? I say, let’s draw them out and end this once and for all.”

  “And how do you suggest we do that?”

  “I give a free concert at the local stadium.”

  “No way.” She couldn’t be serious. It would be suicide. “There’s no way we could keep you safe with a crowd of that size.”

  “Then let me go back to LA. I’ll hire extra security. If nothing happens, we know I’m not the target.”

  “And if it’s your mother or one of Simon’s children who is behind this, you’ll be walking straight into the lion’s den.”

  “At least you’ll be safe.” The love in her eyes dampened his anger a little.

  “I can look after myself.”

  “Said many a dead man. How come you can look after yourself, but I’m too stupid to do the same?” She shifted to get out of the bed. He put a hand on her wrist.

  “You’re not stupid. Far from it. But you are famous. That comes with greater challenges.” He ran his fingers up her arm to circle her elbow. “Anna, I know you’re new to morning-after protocol, but this is not the way to start a day in your lover’s bed.”

  That, at least, elicited a small smile. “I’ve always been one to buck the trend. However, for the sake of a well-rounded sexual education, how’s it usually done?”

  He tugged gently on her wrist, and she moved back to his side. “Whispered words of amazement at how awesome the night was. Example: ‘You were fantastic, Eduardo, the best I’ve ever had.’” He trailed kisses up her arm to her collarbone. “A spoken reluctance to ever move or le
ave the bed, no matter what your bladder may be shrieking. Such as, ‘I never want to move from your side. I will stay here forever.’” His lips slid down and hovered above her nipple, which had tightened already. “Then gentle caresses that awaken the senses”—he flicked her nipple with his tongue but didn’t touch her elsewhere—“until one partner finally gives in to their body’s demands and … runs to the bathroom.”

  Throwing back the covers, he darted to the adjoining room to her startled laugh. He turned on the bathwater as he passed.

  By the time he emerged, Anna was up to her ears in scented bubbles in the tub.

  He sat on the edge of the roll-top bath to enjoy the view. “This evening when they’re back, we’ll sit down with Jacques and Tiago and call the investigators in America and my police contact in Buenos Aires. Together we’ll formulate a plan to get us both back to our lives safely. Agreed?”

  “Agreed.” She lifted a bubble-laden toe from the bath and ran it up the outside of his thigh. “That leaves us the rest of the day. Whatever shall we do?”

  He dropped a kiss on her instep then stood. “I feed you first. You’re too skinny. Don’t they have food in LA?”

  After slipping on a pair of boxer shorts, he opened the bedroom door a crack. A feast awaited on a rolling cart outside the door.

  “I eat. I also exercise a lot. It takes stamina to put on a two-hour concert five nights a week for eighteen months.”

  “It also takes stamina to spend the day in bed with me,” he said. He popped a piece of medialuna into her mouth.

  She finished the mouthful, but before he could add another she asked, “What are the protocols for asking difficult questions the morning after?”

  “Don’t do it. Do you want mate or coffee?”

  He stood and so did she. Bubbles and water sluiced from her body in an erotic waterfall. “Coffee. But after we decide a way forward regarding our security situation, we talk about us.”

  Reluctantly, he agreed. Because the sooner he heard the words ‘you’re right, this is all we could ever be’ from her lips, the sooner her could begin healing again and move on.

  Until then, however…


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