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Prisoners of Paradise

Page 35

by Brandon Lars Erikson

  The man in black remained stoic as he realized how little the white haired man actually knew.

  Van Dien took a long, pleasurable drag from his cigarette and exhaled a big cloud of smoke as he said, “So far, there is no connection between those archeologists and this mysterious person…but I remember how I told this mysterious person that what they were doing is not something I normally approve of. I remember how I made them an offer, and I informed them, that their plan would never come to fruition if they did not join forces with me. They told me that they would fully cooperate with me, so why they did they do this behind my back? Unfortunately, I must admit that inner workings of their plan, is something I do not fully understand just yet. However, I know you are assisting them somehow…and I know that you are only doing this for the money…”

  For a brief moment, what was left of the human side of the dark man’s brain thought, “Yeah…it’s about the money…but money is not the only thing that’s convinced me to consider these other offers I’ve been getting lately…”

  Van Dien’s eyes narrowed as he said calmly, coldly, “and exactly what are your motivations in all of this?”

  The man in black suddenly felt faint bits of guilt running through his nerves and circuits as he remembered sneaking up to the little house in the country-side about six months ago. He recalled how he jumped over the white picket fence and landed softly in the yard, so softly that the dog didn’t hear him. He remembered how he slowly crept up to the back door and used a tiny laser to cut the lock. He recalled slowly creeping in through the kitchen and into the living room, where a portly, old man, who looked like a University Professor, was sitting in front of the fireplace talking on his com.

  The man in black remembered hiding behind the wall as he heard the man talking; “Yes…this is Dr. DeWolf Miller and I spoke with you a couple of days ago about this data my team analyzed. Yes, it had to do with those strange Ailanian stones found in that cave in the mountains. Yes, that place was once an archeological dig site but it has been shut down for years due to lack of funding. You see, the reason why I ask is that we ran samples here and cross checked our data with some Military files we found and I believe we have discovered something rather disturbing…my team has been doing some investigating of their own, they believe they have found evidence of a plan that will have deadly consequences and we need some verification so that we can present our findings to the proper authorities…yes…yes, I can check back in a couple of days. Yes, that will be fine. I will call you then. Goodbye.”

  The man in black closed his eyes in shame as he remembered how he stepped into the living room and slashed the old man’s neck. The was very little satisfaction in seeing how Dr. DeWolf Miller’s eyes rolled back in his head as he gasped and fell into a puddle of blood.

  He remembered the voice in his ear, “trash the place and make it look like a robbery.”

  He felt his heart aching as he remembered hearing a scared voice behind him saying, “Grandpa? Grandpa! What is happening?! Oh my gods! Grandpa!”

  The man in black felt his circuits overloading as he remembered how he whipped around and saw a teenaged girl walking into the room in her pajamas.

  “Goddamn it!” He remembered Van Dien’s voice shouting in his ear, “she wasn’t supposed to be here tonight! Shit! You need to kill her! She’s a witness!”



  The man in black knew he didn’t want anything to do with this. He tried to run, but couldn’t. He remembered the rage he felt as the surge of electricity began running through his body as someone activated his override switches and caused him to involuntarily drive the blade into her heart.

  “Things haven’t been the same since…”

  He opened his cyborg eyes and saw the white haired man, who paid him to kill, standing in front of him, smoking a cigarette and speaking as if none of the blood that was spilled mattered. The man in black gritted his teeth as what was left of his human mind began to think differently.

  Van Dien exhaled a puff of smoke and said, “And what I saw tonight…was just as amazing, as it was appalling. This mysterious person, despite my warnings, managed to trick Makula into attempting to kill Loko himself…this plan, with its two birds and one stone approach…it was almost, artistic in its execution. This leads me to believe that there might new players in this game, working together, helping this unknown person obtain wealth and power beyond their wildest dreams…but I do not know for sure what is exactly going on here…or exactly who is involved with this plan…but, I have to find out.”

  “So what does this have to do with anything?” The human part of his brain was appalled as it noticed how Van Dien didn’t appear angry or worried.

  Van Dien sucked on his cigarette as he said, “I’m at a loss here. No one does this sort of thing on Ailana, without my knowledge and especially my approval…but their plan seems to be working anyway despite my attempts to gain control over it…and the thing is…I need to gain control over their plan…or my plan could potentially be at risk…”

  “And what is the point of this conversation? Are you afraid that you might actually lose this game?”

  “…well, all I can say is that they thought of everything this time around…and it’s a good thing they hired you as an insurance policy because Kalapana nearly had their plan figured out…he was just so close to ruining everything for all of us.”

  “What do you mean, us?”

  “After seeing this, I’m thinking how it would be so nice of you to tell me who hired you to do this for them, because, quite frankly, I would like to congratulate them for a job well done…this was well played. However, I must make it clear to them that this is not how business is done on Ailana. We need to convince them, once and for all, how things like this need to go through me first. So…if you would be so kind as to tell me who you did this for…I would really appreciate it, because, whoever was responsible for this perfect murder tonight, could really be of use to me. They could help me tremendously since what happened tonight could inevitably help me destroy Kalapana. I want to tell them I admire their courage and skill, but they need to know that I am in control here.”

  “Yeah…right. Whatever you say, boss…” The man in black thought as he turned around and began to slowly walk away. His footsteps did not make a sound as he began to blend in with darkened hallway.

  Van Dien took a long drag as he watched the black cloaked cyborg disappear into the darkness. He exhaled a long, billowing cloud of smoke and spoke with a cold voice as he said, “I can assure you that I am still in control here! I have set my plan into motion and you are still a part of it whether you like it or not! Something big is about to happen on Ailana, and it appears as if the shit is beginning to hit the fan…so unless you want to end up on the wrong side of this equation, you and I had better have a long talk, real soon. Who hired you to kill those men who were supposed to protect Loko from the Pilikoa family? Who hired you to kill Loko tonight if Makula failed to do so?”

  Van Dien couldn’t see if the man in black had left the building, or if he was just hiding in the darkness like a specter. Van Dien exhaled smoke as he shouted out, “What about all those other murders that have your signature on them, what are they all about?! All this killing that you have agreed to participate in could benefit us both! Tell me who hired you to do this! Nothing happens on this planet without my approval! I am in control here!”

  The man in black’s eyes lit up. The angry red glow allowed him to express his thoughts without uttering a single word.

  “Fine, be that way,” Van Dien said as he regained his normally calm composure. “This will make my life a bit harder, but it’s only a matter of time…I always find those who break the laws I must enforce. And when I find them…they will do anything to save their sorry asses from the pain that I will inflict upon them.”
r />   The man in black closed his eyes. He seemed unimpressed as he turned around and kept walking.

  Van Dien said, “And before you walk away from me…let me assure you that you are forgiven for your transgression against The Alliance. No harm has been done due to your recent, moonlighting. I have taken care of the little mishap we had with our bank accounts and just to let you know that I am not angry with you, there is another million dollars in your account for your past services…and there is more where that came from.”

  The man in black simply turned around and started walking. He didn’t care whose side he was on as long as the money kept coming. He was a man, with a body filled with machinery, who was not afraid to die now that he realized that he had the upper hand in this game he had decided to play.

  Van Dien sounded just a bit worried as he said, “So…what do you say…how about a name?”

  The man in black tuned out all his thoughts and shut down the human side of his brain in order to allow it some much needed rest. The computerized side of his brain took over once again as he heard the white haired man behind him yelling, “Remember! I own you! You work for me! And you better be ready to assist me in punishing those people when they break my laws again!”

  The computer in the black cloaked man’s brain simply filed those words away for future reference and instructed his mechanized legs to keep walking without looking back.

  Location: The Molo Kinu Cocktail Lounge.

  Ailanian Standard Time: 0130 Hours.

  Audrey set her beer glass down on the wooden bar, and closed her eyes. Tonight had been a total failure, and she wished to drown her sorrows for a few more moments, before going home to sleep for a few hours. She dreaded the idea of having to wake up and go back to the reality at her office. She lifted her tired head and looked at the monitor above the bar.

  A newscaster in a nice suit said, “And a recap of tonight’s top stories. Mele Entertainment owner, Loko Kalaheva, has died tonight in a botched attempt, by the CIA, to arrest Makula Pilikoa, one of Ailana’s most feared gangsters. We will have more on this story as we get more information.”

  Audrey gritted her teeth and made as fist as she saw the newscaster saying, “And we have just received word that just a few hours ago, a special High Senate Judiciary Committee has found High Senator Glik and High Senator Semnor not guilty of the corruption charges brought against them by the Ailanian CIA and the Attorney General’s Office.

  “DAMN IT!” Audrey shouted as she slammed her fist down on the bar.

  She didn’t even hear the person sit down next to her.

  “You never used to do this sort of thing,” said the gruff voice.

  Audrey instantly felt her mood becoming angry. She recognized the voice. It belonged to a person that she hated talking to. She opened her eyes and turned her head, the man sitting next to her was skinny, and had a wrinkled face with four days of razor stubble on it.

  She felt contempt race through her veins. Her voice was cold as she said, “Pete, I don’t have time to talk. I’m just about ready to make my way out the door.”

  He said, “I told myself that about thirty years ago. Only I still ain’t left yet, if ya know what I mean.”

  She inhaled and felt the anger growing in her as she remembered all the times he had shown up in front of her office over the past year. She thought about how she had been polite at first as she entertained the notion of his conspiracy theories. She recalled being polite, and how he became pushier and more obnoxious. She remembered the phone calls, the e-mails, the late night visits when she was trying to work. She remembered becoming less polite as she became more and more irritated with his antics. She remembered how he screamed at her the day she called security to take him away when he showed up early in the morning smelling like booze.

  She recalled the nagging feeling that he always left her with, and right now, she wanted to punch him as she said, “what the hell do you want, Pete?”

  “I wanna tell you something about that medical file you guys stole from The Military,” He said softly, but urgently.

  She glared at him as she said, “How do you know about that medical file?”

  “I read it. I helped your boss steal the damned thing, Audrey. Did ya know that? I’m gettin’ a part of the action around here now…”

  “Shut up!” She said as hit the bar with her fist hard enough to disturb the amber liquid in her glass. “If Moke is letting you read that medical file then you better not start talking about it here, in fact don’t talk to me at all!”

  “Audrey, I just gotta tell ya. That medical file has some information that is going to change your total perception of reality as you know it…it contains things that are going to shock and disturb you, and someday, when you are ready…I would like to share those things with you, personally.”

  She was completely annoyed now. She put on her best poker face and tried to lie the best she could. “O.K. Pete, first of all…you and I, will never get personal…and second of all, I just gave the thing to Tavin, our resident computer genius, to decode. I didn’t get a chance to read that much of it, but I assure you that even though some of the things in Captain Harris’ file are a bit strange to me…but I have yet to be shocked and disturbed.”

  “Oh, believe me, you will be…and one more thing, Audrey…that little stunt your boss pulled tonight, was pretty ballsy, but dumb. You sure your boss is thinking straight right now?”

  She was confident as she said, “I have total faith in Moke…”

  “Total faith is one thing, but you know what they say about blind faith…”

  “Shove it Pete!” Audrey stood up and straightened out her jacket.

  “Listen, Audrey,” Pete lowered the volume of his voice to a forced whisper, “I just gotta warn you. I’ve been doing some of my own investigating, and from what I’ve gathered, some real bad shit is about to go down on Ailana, and you are right in the middle of it. Do you really trust Captain Moke Kalapana? Are you completely sure he is doing the right thing?”

  “I’ve known Moke for a long time now…I know he’s doing the right thing. And why should I trust you? You might have been a spy for Earth once…but you’re all washed up now. Moke has told me that he buys information from you every once in a while, but I can assure you that he only does it because he pities you for the fact that the Ailanian government granted you amnesty after getting caught by those North African rebels. You’re on permanent vacation Pete, you’re out of the game…and you are pathetic. I’ve known Moke a lot longer than I have known you…”

  “Oh, you’ve known him for a long time, huh?” Pete said as he clenched his fists, “Are you sure that you know who Moke is, and what he is really all about, Audrey…do you really know him? The man has skeletons in his closet, and ghosts out to get him. Do you know what they are? Those are the questions you have to ask yourself, because it is those things that will determine what he plans to do next, and how his choices will affect YOU!”

  “I’m leaving, Pete,” Audrey said as she turned around.

  Pete made one last attempt to speak. In a hushed, but forceful voice he said, “Audrey…you’re about to find out some horrible secrets about Captain James Harris and your boss. You’re also about to learn some horrible secrets about this planet, its people…and even yourself! Did ya ever wonder what the government did to your parents? Don’t you want to know what made you an orphan? Don’t you want to know what made you so different from all the other Ailanian and human children while you were growing up on this planet? Did ya ever wonder why you were so much stronger, and faster than all of your classmates in school? Have you ever wondered if Kalapana is trying to hide something from you? You gotta go read Captain Harris’ medical file again, Audrey…there is something in it that you have got to know about!”

  “Goodbye, Pete!” She said harshly as she walked away.

  “You’ve read t
he file, haven’t you?” Pete shouted as she walked out the door, “and what you read has you wondering about yourself, am I right? Do you remember what happened when you cut yourself with that knife when you were a little girl, Audrey? You know the truth, but you refuse to accept it don’t you? You need to be ready to face the truth, Audrey! You must face the truth!”

  Location: Mele Entertainment Corporate Headquarters.

  Ailanian Standard Time: 0200 Hours.

  Grant smiled as he sat in what was Loko’s chair, behind what used to be Loko’s desk. He picked up the com and dialed. The voice on the other end seemed to be enthusiastic as it said, “Grant! I saw what happened…that was well played! Sure things didn’t go exactly the way we planned, but we can work with this…we can go to Plan B if needed.”

  “There will be no need to alter the plan that much,” Grant smirked as he said, “this is only the beginning of our plan…however, it is time to start the second phase of the operation. I need you to send a message to your people. Tell them the keys we gave them have been activated. Tell them to follow the instructions on the encrypted map…they need to go pick up some merchandise from a warehouse that is located just outside of the downtown district.”

  “The merchandise is in a warehouse…got it.”

  Grant was calm as he said, “I need you to do it really soon…something tells me that things are going to start getting real intense around here real quick.”

  “Will do…I can’t wait for this to all go down…soon, this evil will be no more!”

  Grant felt his heart racing with an adrenaline charged feeling of accomplishment as he said, “Remember, have patience…this is a race where the tortoise is going to win, as long as hare believes he’s still in the lead. Steady as she goes, over and out.” Grant hung up as he sat back in his new chair. He was about to spin around and enjoy the view of the bright city lights outside when his com rang again.

  Grant felt his heart flutter with a bit of anxiety as he realized that this was a call he was not expecting. He put on his most serious game face as he answered it, “This is Grant.”


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