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Prisoners of Paradise

Page 68

by Brandon Lars Erikson

  Location: EMS Signet

  Standard Ship Time: 1114 Hours

  Chief Medical Engineer Patrick Lonkly was sitting comfortably on the padded toilet seat, clearing both his bowels and his brain of obstructions. He enjoyed this part of the day the most, it was the only time he could get any privacy. When on a spaceship, one’s body tends to acclimate itself to a schedule. Lonkly found that he had to attend to this duty, about an hour or so after lunch. If dinner included beans, he found himself back here right before bedtime. Right now, Lonkly was taking full advantage of the situation as he quickly typed into a Ready File that he had perched on his lap.

  Dear Crystal,

  So far, this trip has been very dull and unexciting. The men I am crewing the ship with are rude, arrogant, selfish and thoughtless brutes, but I must admit that I would rather spend two weeks with these vermin than spend one more hour with you. Consider this letter, to be the last time we communicate. It’s over. I now realize that I would rather have cancer, than force myself to relive the sort of misery that I lived with when we were dating.

  All you do is take, take, take! You sucked me dry physically, financially, and emotionally. Your memory of the past served to do nothing but catalog my faults in order to beat me into submission, and make me feel like an asshole, who should be thankful to even have a girlfriend, beings that I am so ugly, and such a loser! But now I have seen the light! I now realize that your dominating, cult of personality, did nothing more than to keep me down! You bitch! You never loved me! You were just using me as a means to extract from me what you needed for your own selfish needs, and have finally found what I need to break this cycle of co-dependency. I have finally found a great love, and respect for myself, and I am here to say this, take your complaining, whining, bitchy, moaning, no sex giving, freeloading, cellulite covered ass out of my life! I am so over you Crystal, I am so over you!

  I am also writing you one last time to let you know that there is no point in you crawling back to me begging for my forgiveness, and pleading for one more chance AGAIN, because I have found a new girlfriend Crystal! Yes! Believe it or not, there truly is a soul mate out there for me, and I have found her, and she has convinced me of YOUR evil ways, and so it is with glad tidings, and great joy, that I am here to say that I have finally found someone who understands me and loves me for who I am. I have met someone new and refreshing, and just as soon as she gets out of prison, we are going to start a new life…

  There was a knock in the door to the stall that Lonkly was busy reflecting in.

  “It’s occupied!” He yelled and shook his head in disgust, “Assholes.”

  Then, all of the sudden, Lonkly heard a crashing sound and saw a massive fist breaking its way through the door. Lonkly’s eyes became the size of saucers as he realized that the intruding hand, was unlocking the door from the inside. The hand quickly slipped out and the door swung open.

  Bloke smiled as he cocked the pistol’s hammer back.

  Lonkly’s mouth gaped open and he said out loud, “I loved her…honestly, I always loved her.”

  There was a plopping sound as what remained in Lonkly’s colon, hit the water.

  There was a high pitched bang as Bloke pulled the trigger and a sloppy, splatting sound, as what was left of Lonkly’s head hit the wall behind the toilet.

  Location: The Penitentiary Wing of the Hana Paloi Federal Building.

  Ailanian Standard Time: 1000 Hours.

  The voice sounded like the cries of a child being beaten as it poured out of the monitor, “They promised us paradise and then took it away when they denied us our ability to become sovereign. Did you know that The Hydroplantations were originally designed to be an environmentally friendly? Did you know that the original intent was to make them into financially sustainable enterprises that would work with nature and allow Ailanians to have reliable, good paying jobs? The War Machine needed to start operating right away, and so instead of perfecting the original design, The Alliance ordered The Military to install nuclear reactors so The Hydroplantations would get online and start producing food as soon as they possibly could. The battle of Farcry was won many, many years ago, and still The Hydroplantations use a dangerous source of energy to power them because a corporation, based on Earth, makes billions in profits from them. The Military no longer needs The Hydroplantations the way they once did and they were supposed to reformed. But today, they still do not grow nutritious food, produced in an environmentally sustainable fashion, because large, intergalactic corporations are still being allowed to entice investors with speculative schemes based upon the idea that aliens might invade and a lot of money could be made from Military contracts again. How long are we going to allow this military-industrial complex to rule our lives? How long are we going to live in fear of these aliens…that probably don’t exist?”

  Van Dien calmly exhaled a cloud of thick smoke that slowly danced its way on the stale, musty air of the prison cell. The large Balguran man strained against the cuffs and straps that held his muscular body to the bed. Van Dien’s face barely moved as he said, “Do you remember when you made this video presentation that went viral all over the Ailanian Wide Web? That’s the reason why you are here. Before I begin the consequences of your actions, you should know that I’ve captured most of your friends…they all fell ill due to their newly acquired drug habits and surrendered to area hospitals. Believe it or not, a couple of them are in the cells next to yours.”

  Tango tried to shout back at him, but he was too winded and tired as he said, “we know that you’ve been here past your deadline…we know what you’re doing in that laboratory…we know what you did to our world…”

  Van Dien said, “And you took it upon yourself to stage the revolution that would have exposed my plan and forced me to leave Ailana…well, let me assure you…I am doing this in order to save this planet. However, if your planto save this world from me and my influence had succeeded, you would have doomed your world to annihilation…and you still refuse to acknowledge that. I’m sorry…but when the evil forces that I must combat are defeated, then I will let you out of this cell, and allow you to work for The Hydroplantations as a manual worker…but never again as a scientist. I am going to use chemicals and shock therapy to kill the parts of your brain that allow you to do your research and scientific work. This will stop the progress you need to happen, so you can live in your dream world where more money is given to more people, and the common man can become rich because their organic food is outcompeting my brand name products, which I need to make profits…so that I can pay certain CEO’s and High Senators what they need so that they can keep dragging your name through the dirt…”

  Tango gasped and tried to remain strong as his prideful mind reeled with thoughts of defeat.

  Van Dien said, “I need Hydroplantation workers who do only as they are told…and these last few months of your sentence will turn you into a flesh robot. When you get out of here, you will be a brain damaged person, who is only responsible pulling weeds the robots miss when they are caring for the genetically modified soybeans.”

  Tango said, “We know that you are lying to us. And you haven’t stopped us…Andrea and myself aren’t afraid to die for this cause, and neither are our allies. There are more of us…we’ve recruited a lot of people for this plan of ours…we’ve found ways to avoid detection by your agents…we’re still out there…and we won’t stop until we’ve defeated you.”

  “I only need to find Wallace…he’s the last one of your little group that is of any real danger to me. I tell you what…I’ll let you walk right out of this cell, if you would be willing to help me with my plan. I’d let you walk right on out of here and then I will let you drive me to where Wallace is hiding, and if I capture him…I will let you go.”

  Tango gasped like a dying man who knew his last breath was coming.

  Van Dien lit a cigarette before he said, “Does that
sound like a good deal? You can save yourself…and believe me, I know a few people, on this planet, who have taken me up my generous offers…one of them is currently the president of Mele Entertainment and some others are now government officials…many of whom could push your paperwork through to get you a full pardon for your crimes against the laws I enforce.”

  While gasping for air, Tango began to contemplate how he could survive this torture.

  Van Dien said, “You should see how grateful some of these people became after I struck an amnesty deal with them…I could get you set on the path to brand new life…if you betray your friends, your allies, as well as your beliefs and principles.”

  “Go to hell,” Tango whispered as the sedative took hold. “And just remember…even if you do capture Wallace…there is another…there is another that you don’t know about…there is another that can wake the Prisoners of Paradise…”

  “Sleep now,” Van Dien whispered as he stepped on his cigarette, “and pray that when you wake up…there will still be a world in which to live your new life on. There is something that you do not understand. While you were trying to stop my plan…someone else, who you don’t know about, found out about what you egoists were doing…and decided to use your people and your plan to advance their own self interests. You’ve been taken for fools…and like I said, hopefully, I can find out who they, and exactly what they are doing, before they succeed to twist your own plot against you. I’m sorry it had to come to this…but in the end…there is no turning back the tide.”

  Van Dien walked out of the cell and put his hands into his pockets as the door closed behind him. He pulled out his cigarettes and lit one up as he thought, “the Prisoners of Paradise? What does he mean by that…is it Wallace who can wake them? And if not, is there really another person, besides Wallace, who could potentially ruin my plan? Hmmm…there is another one…who is this person?”

  He pulled out his com and started dialing. He waited for a moment and when the person on the other end of the line answered, he was quick to anger as he said, “I just got done speaking with your Attorney General…and I don’t know what you are trying to pull off here and quite frankly I don’t care. Just remember that I still have the upper hand in this game.”

  The voice on the other end of the com said, “Do you now?”

  Van Dien said, “I don’t know how you managed to do it, but all those photographs we once took of you standing next to that large, cigar smoking fellow, whom you once held in high regard, have apparently been erased.”

  “Yeah…well, I’ve managed to learn a few tricks of this trade. I learned how to be a real good liar out of necessity.”

  “And what good does it do you? Not a damn thing. I’ve still got the upper hand here, and if you don’t start playing this game the way I instructed you then I will have to start hitting below the belt. How about if I call a Grand Jury against your Attorney General friend?”


  “She has a lot to lose in all of this…and I bet she won’t be willing to help you out anymore once she has a heart to heart chat with your old friend, Captain James Harris. Do you ever wonder about the bad dreams he has? Do you ever wonder if he has some things he would like to get off his chest? The answer is yes, he does, and before he left for Earth, I managed to fill his brain full of all kinds of pictures, images, conversations and memories that I will use to bring you down if you don’t start cooperating with me!”

  There was silence, followed by some slightly nervous breathing.

  “Do you think Harris has forgotten about the deals you once made with your cigar smoking friend? Do you think Harris remembers what happened on that beach all those years ago? I bet he does…and I have the ways and means of making those memories magically reappear as the files and documents you had your Attorney General destroy! This game isn’t over and if you want me to keep my promise I made to you all those years ago, and if you want to be someone who gets to have a chair when the music stops then I suggest you start working for me again! Now go do your job, Kalapana! And remember that we made a deal! You are a betrayer of your fellow man and I STILL OWN YOU!”


  Location: The Hana Paloi Federal Building

  Ailanian Standard Time: 1100 Hours.

  Moke stormed into his office.

  Jack bit his lower lip and sucked in his gut, as he realized his boss looked upset.

  Audrey braced herself. She realized that Moke had just gotten done speaking with his Aunt Ulu and Wram Karamotzain.

  “Ah crap,” Audrey sighed to herself, “There will be no getting him back in a good mood again.”

  Moke sat down angrily.

  Jack gave his Captain a serious look and said, “Sir, I have to tell you about how I feel…”

  “Don’t say anything, Jack!” Moke said sharply, “Just go out and find me some more targets for that Special Forces Team to destroy…apparently what we have is still not enough for the Moralist majority. I’m taking you, and your agents, off any assignments that you might have so that you can be completely committed to finding targets. Audrey and her agents will continue looking out for any more members of The Evil, while you and your people will immediately begin looking into what is left of the Pilikoa family’s operations. We’ll concentrate on bringing them down first!”

  “Sir,” Jack said with a respectful voice. “I don’t know what you’ve been told before, but the fact is, we still have next to nothing to focus on. We have been watching trucks owned by the Pilikoa family go into the jungles of the Sacred House Reservation, and not return. The undercover agents I do have assigned to the Pilikoa family are reporting that those people are doing nothing but fighting amongst themselves for turf and supremacy. As far as we can tell, very few of them are actually manufacturing anything because no one is getting very much Makani. Everyone is suspecting everyone else of stealing from them and they are killing each other because of it. The Cutz gangs are in a state of total chaos right now…”

  “Jack,” Moke said in an abrupt, angry tone, “Are there Cutz producers on this planet right now?”

  “Yes, but….”

  “Can you locate where they are producing this narcotic substance?”

  “Yes, we probably can, however…”

  “What the hell is the problem, Jack? This is what you wanted!” Moke clenched his fist glared at Jack with eyes that could kill.

  Jack narrowed his eyes, and glared back for a few moments, before he finally said, “There is no problem…sir.”

  “Then go do it,” Moke said as he clenched his back teeth together.

  Jack gave Moke a long, hard look. He relaxed and tried not to appear rude as he bottled up his feelings of anger inside. Jack felt his pulse racing as he realized that keeping his anger in check was getting harder and harder to do.

  Audrey glanced at her partner and noticed the distain on his face as she thought, “I know he wants to express how he feels. He believes all of his advice and suggestions have been neglected and ignored. He feels that all these disastrous results, which have recently occurred during our assignments, could have been avoided had certain things that he had suggest to Moke had not been overlooked. He wants say how we missed opportunities and dropped the ball during crucial moments…”

  For a moment, Audrey felt afraid that Jack might actually get brave and say something to the man he once held a lot of admiration for.

  She wiggled her fingers slowly, nervously as she thought, “He once believed in Moke…I fear that I have failed him as well.”

  After pressing his lips together tightly, Jack stood up, adjusted his jacket and tie, and walked out of the office.

  When the door slid shut, Moke turned to Audrey and said, “Find me these people who are producing The Evil, and if any of them have outstanding warrants, or even an overdue parking ticket, throw them in prison. Crack down on every single one of the
se people. I searched my sister’s computer files at home and found a list of names…I e-mailed you the list…have the people on that list questioned immediately. I also e-mailed you a file with information on every anti-economic revampment protest leader who is still currently active. I want background checks done on those people, twice. I want them under constant surveillance. Anyone who gets out of line, goes to jail, is that understood? Let them know that any protest rallies they organize will result in arrests…and when they ignore your warnings…go out and start arresting people…I want our jails to be filled with protestors and deviants…and even terrorists if that is possible.”

  Audrey seemed confused as she said, “but sir…”

  Suddenly, Moke began choking and put his hand to his face so he could hide his disappointment and fear.

  “Wram ordered this…it’s not what he wants…that’s why he is so angry right now,” Audrey thought as she reverently nodded her head. She lowered her eyes and inhaled deeply. She wanted to say something in protest; she wanted to say anything in defense of her uneasy feelings. Audrey felt her jaw starting to ache.

  She saw how Moke was staring at her with cold eyes. “Is there anything else Agent Winters?”

  “No.” She lowered her gaze as she stood up and walked away. She sighed and shook her head as she thought, “Actually, Captain…I want to know why you have become such an asshole lately. And secondly, I want to know some things about Captain Harris, because the things I read in his file… they terrify me…and reading about his life has me questioning my own. Who am I? Who was my real family? Why do I have such terrible feelings about what I read? Oh my gods Moke, I am so afraid this new path you are taking us down, is going to make us we become what we wanted to defeat…”

  When she had finally left the room, Moke sighed and sat down at his desk and thought, “The jails will be overflowing with people soon…it’s what they want…they want criminals in jail…maybe that alone, will buy me some time…before my past catches up to me…”


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