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Strip Poker

Page 3

by Sara Desmarais

  “I’ll take that bra, Nicole,” he said carefully. “Maybe a sip of wine first.”

  She took the sip, set her glass down, carefully reached around her back, started to undo her bra, but he stopped her.

  “Wait,” he hissed, “I’ll do it.”

  “Jason,” she whispered.

  I opened my mouth to say no but the word never came, she looked at me, I at her, we stared as she moved towards him, turned her back, and he reached for her bra. I opened my mouth again when she moaned when his rough hands touched her skin, but no words were spoken. I opened my mouth but couldn’t speak when the bra dropped to the floor exposing her young, perfect 34C breasts. And I said nothing as he moved his hands around her back, reached to the front and heaved a breast in each hand.

  “Hmmmm,” Nicole moaned at his touch.

  “Mr…Mr. Thompson…please, I…I…you…you can’t…”

  “You owe me a grand, Jason and your bride doesn’t have enough clothing left to cover it.”

  “I…I’m good for it,” I mumbled.

  “That’s not how it works, Jason, I told you that when we started.”

  “What do you want,” I said, “I…I don’t have anything.”

  He sat back, a wicked grin on his face. “One last bet,” he said. I looked at the cards. “You don’t need the cards for this, Jason,” he laughed.

  “Please, Mr. Thompson,” I begged, suddenly worried about being all alone in the woods with a man who was older, bigger, stronger.

  “You have $1,000 in your pocket? Cause I’m not paying $500 each to hold a breast, as beautiful as they are.”

  “No,” I said softly.

  “Here’s the bet then, Jason, I’m going to touch your bride, not just her breasts, I’m going to touch her where she’s dying to be touched, I’m going to reach between her legs and touch her. And before you say another word, look at her face, look how badly she wants it.”

  “Uuughh,” a small moan escaped from Nicole, all but confirming what he said.

  “Mr. Thompson,” I begged, “she…she doesn’t…”

  “Should I stop, Nicole?” he asked, “or should I settle the bet the old way.”

  “You…you won’t hurt him?” Nicole said.

  “I’d rather not,” he said.

  “Nicole,” I whispered.

  “It…it’s okay,” she said softly.

  “You…you’re sure?”

  She nodded, lost.

  “Here’s the last bet, Jason. I’m going to reach down inside those pretty panties and finger your bride for two minutes, it’s not that long, she’ll like it, trust me.”

  “You…you’re crazy!”

  “Oh, I’m not done yet. See, while I’m fingering her, I’m going to touch you, too, see, I like cute young boys like you as much as I like women like her.”

  “WHAT?” Suddenly my eyes were wide—wine or not, touching my bride was bad enough, but me?

  “Never had a man touch you, Jason?”

  “A man, no, NO!”

  “Never had a friend jerk you off?”


  “I bet you’ll like it. Just as much as she’s going to like it.”

  “You’re out of your mind.”

  “Am I? Here’s the bet, Jason, ‘mister I lost almost a thousand dollars I don’t have’ guy. I’m going to finger her for two minutes, rub you for the same. You say you won’t like it? Fine. Then don’t cum?”

  “Don’t cum,” I said, “why would I do that? Yuck.”

  “Don’t cum,” he said again, “two minutes while I rub her, don’t cum watching me touch her and rub you and you win back everything you lost, I’ll even throw in the cabin rental. That’s almost two grand…but if you cum…”

  “I’m not going to…ewww…”

  “If you cum,” he repeated, “I’m going to fuck her while you watch.”

  Nicole sucked in a breath, shivered, I did the same. This guy was absolutely crazy, absolutely fucking crazy. “Are you fucking crazy?”

  “Afraid, Jason? Afraid you’ll like an old man playing with you.”

  “What, no, no? Dude, you’re crazy, I’m taking her back.” I wasn’t sure if I was more horrified at him touching her or touching me.

  “Fine,” he said, “go get the cash, then.”

  “I…I told you, I…I don’t have it.”

  “Jason,” Nicole whispered. I looked at her, she was biting her lip while he fondled her breasts. “It…it’s okay…”

  “Nikki, he…he wants to touch you.”

  She sucked in a breath again. “Two minutes, Jason, can…can you…”

  “Of course,” I said, “but…but I…”


  “Tell you want, Jason, just to show I’m not cruel, I won’t even reach inside underwear, I’ll only touch through panties.”

  I don’t know that was any better, but given the circumstances I wasn’t sure what to say. “Two minutes?”

  “Two minutes, only though panties. Talk it over with your bride, Jason, but remember you got yourself into this.”


  He walked out of the room toward a bedroom, I looked over at Nicole. “Nicole, I…”

  “It…it’s okay, Jason.”

  “It’s not okay, Nikki, he…he want to fondle you, fuck. What the hell’s the matter with him?”

  “You, too,” she said softly, looking down.

  “Yuck,” I wrinkled my nose. “I…I can take that, whatever, but I can’t have him touching you like that.”

  “What are we supposed to do, Jason,”

  “Nik, I…I’m sorry.”

  “Jason, if you can handle it, so can I.”


  “I…I can…”

  “Are…are you sure?” I asked her.

  “It…he…he’ll just touch me…through my panties, I…” Her eyes fluttered for a moment.

  “Nicole,” I practically yelled remembering she was wet. “You…you want him to!”

  “No…I mean…I…I can’t help it. I…I don’t know what’s the matter with me.”

  “You want him to touch you?”

  “What, no! No, I mean…not…not really. I…I will if we have to.”

  “You’re really…” I swallowed. “Wet?”

  “A…a little,” she said looking away. “I…I’m sorry.”

  “Nicole, what the fuck!”

  “Dammit, Jason, I’m half tipsy, I’m dressed in bridal lingerie, I haven’t been fucked in weeks, and I’m standing here half naked while some stud fondles my breasts while talking about fingering me and making me cum…of course I’m fucking horny.”


  “Jason…god, I shouldn’t have had any wine…”

  “You…you think he’s a stud?”

  “Jason, please.”


  “He’s strong and rugged and masculine and has me half naked and wet, of course he’s a stud,” she said, saw the reaction on my face. “Jason, I’m just saying I can take him touching me for two minutes…as long as…”


  “As long as you don’t,” she lowered her voice, “cum.”

  “Fuck, Nikki, I won’t,” I crossed my arms. “Yuck…”

  “You sure,” she asked, with almost a tone of disappointment in her voice.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Then we don’t have much choice, Jason.”

  “What…what if…”

  “Don’t, Jason…don’t…”


  When we finished talking, Mr. Thompson came back in the room carrying a small box. “Well?”

  “Fine,” I said, “whatever, we…we’ll do it.”

  “Excellent, get undressed,” he said to me, opening the box.

  “Me? Why?”

  “Because I said so, Jason, how else do you expect to get fondled? You have sex dressed last night?”


  Nicole let out a small giggle.

  “What, Nicole,” he asked her?


  “Nicole,” I shushed her.

  “You had wedding night sex dressed?” he laughed.

  She giggled again. “We…we didn’t have sex last night,” Nicole said softly.

  “Ha,” Mr. Thompson laughed, “well this gets better and better. More incentive to hold off, Jason, wouldn’t want me to be the first one to fuck her married, would you?”

  “Everything I lost and the cabin,” I said just to make sure.

  “Yep,” he agreed. “The debt’s even and I’ll refund the cabin.”

  “Let’s just do this,” I said, trying to fluff my boxers so my slowly swelling penis wasn’t obvious.

  “Those too, Jason.

  “You said over,” I protested.

  “I did and I will.”

  “Then I can keep these on,” I said.

  “No, Jason, I said over panties, the bet was over panties.” He took something from the box, held them up; a pair of lilac nylon panties with lace trim. Nicole’s panties.

  “What…where did you get those?”

  He tossed them to me. “Put them on,” he said, ignoring my question.

  “Those…those are Nicole’s…those are her…panties,” I whispered the last word.

  “I assumed so, they were in her lingerie bag. Didn’t think they were yours”

  “I…I can’t…”

  “The bet was over panties Jason, put them on.”

  This suddenly got much worse. I looked at Nicole, her face was impassive, just watching as a man ordered me to step into her panties. “I…”

  “You want to forfeit? Believe me, I’d rather you do,” he glared at Nicole. “If you forfeit, you lose and god damn, do I want to collect on that bet.”

  Nicole gasped. “Jason.”

  “No,” I said, turned, pulled the boxers down, pulled the panties up my legs, over my quickly swelling penis.

  Mr. Thompson laughed. “Well, well, well…you’re as hard as she is wet, Jason. Sure you’ve never had a guy give you a hand job? It’s okay, I’m sure your bride will understand. Who was it? Older fraternity brother? Roommate?”

  “No, never,” I said again.

  “So it’s the panties, then? See, Nicole, some guys have this secret sissy inside them, just love prancing around in their mother’s or wife’s lingerie.”

  “Stop! I don’t, come on, just start so we can get this over with.”

  “One more thing first,” he reached into the box again, took out two pairs of handcuffs with pink padding.

  “No,” I took a step back.

  “I don’t want either of you interfering with me,” he said holding them out, “don’t worry, I’ll unlock them after.”

  I looked at him, a sense of genuine fear overcoming me. “I…don’t know.”

  “Fuck, Jason, if I wanted to kidnap you I’d pull a gun and kidnap you, that’s not what this is about. I know we’re out in the woods, but don’t let your mind run wild. This is consensual…seriously. You’re both saying yes.”

  “I…” It seemed like we were setup, maybe that’s what was bothering me. Oh, that and we were both practically naked and about to get fondled by some stranger. “I’m scared.”

  “And excited, too,” he chuckled, looking at my crotch. “Just like she is.”

  “I…I don’t want you to…to…”

  “Prove it, then, you only have to last two minutes.”

  “Fine,” I huffed. He cuffed both our hands behind our backs, had us stand facing one another. He walked into the kitchen, set the microwave time for five minute, came back and stood behind Nicole, wrapped his arm around her, placed his other hand in front of me. “We’ll start at two minutes.”

  For three minutes, the tension built second by second, twice Nicole even flinched forward so his hand grazed her pussy. We all watched the timer count down, closer and closer to two minutes, Nicole and I both were breathing heavier and heavier, my penis even started to twitch.

  “Two minutes,” he said, touched us both.

  Nicole immediately backed into him, not to escape, but because she was moaning and her legs seemed weak. I tried to back up to escape, but he had a strong grip on my erection, held me in place.

  “Hmmmmmm,” Nicole started moaning louder, breathing heavy, her teeth chattering, all within seconds.

  “Well that didn’t take long, did it,” Mr. Thompson laughed, alternately squeezing and rubbing her through her panties. On one rub, he pulled his hand higher, slipped it into her panties, plunged his fingers into her wetness, she screamed.

  “Hey, you said…” I started to say, but Nicole wasn’t screaming in protest, quite the opposite, she shook violently as an orgasm ripped through her. She didn’t want him to stop, she wanted his hand insider her.

  I watched silently as he fingered her, as she shook and shook, as her knees buckled, as she leaned against him so she didn’t fall.

  “Ever make her cum this quickly, Jason?” he laughed as he fingered her, rubbed me through the panties.

  I didn’t answer, what was I going to say, I simply thought of things, added numbers, spelled words, anything to keep my thoughts off of his hand on my bride, his hand on my erection.

  I looked down at the big, muscular hand stroking me, told myself to be disgusted watching a man’s hand stroke me through panties. I was, too, disgusted, but there was something else, something strange yet familiar, something I didn’t want to admit.

  It felt good. Especially with Nicole moaning, cumming.

  No, Jason, no, no it doesn’t, not at all.

  “Ummm,” I grunted softly, hoping neither heard me, not wanting to admit to myself, let alone them, that it fucking felt good.

  “Look at him, Nicole, looks like he likes a man’s touch. No wonder he didn’t want to screw last night, he was thinking about something very naughty.”


  “Sure feels like it to me,” he laughed, squeezing my erection. “Bet you were popular with the jocks at your school, weren’t you?”

  With forth seconds to go, one non-stop orgasm from Nicole, I looked at the clock, knew I’d make it. His hand was physically pleasurable against he softness of the panties, but not too much—I knew I could hold back, despite what he said. We were going to win, I knew it.

  “Do you know what I’m going to do to her, sissy? How hard I’m going to fuck your bride? Do you know how loud she’s going to scream when she feels a real cock inside her, not this little thing you have between your legs.”

  “No,” I mumbled, bit my lip, tried to fight the turmoil between my legs, the sudden switch from just holding it together to just about to lose it. “Stop…you…you won’t…”

  “It’s funny, I know what a little penis you have,” he squeezed, “but you don’t know how big mine is. Nicole knows, though.”

  I looked at her, at him. “WHAT?”

  “Your bride knows how big my cock is—her hands are on my cock right now, sissy, stroking me, she’s been touching it the whole time. It’s bigger, isn’t it, Nicole?” I looked at the clock, twenty seconds. “Isn’t it?” he asked again, making her moan with his fingers.

  “Yes,” my wife moaned. Our eyes me, I saw so much behind them, the surprise, the pleasure.

  “So much harder than his…”

  “Yes, yes.”

  Fifteen seconds, fight, almost there. “N…Nicole…”

  “You want him to cum, don’t you, Nicole, so you can feel my cock inside you, cock. Real cock, a man’s cock.”

  “Please,” she moaned, shook, all but spasmed in pleasure.

  Ten seconds.

  “Answer me, Nicole. You want a man to fuck you for the first time as a married woman, not a small wicked, panty wearing sissy. You want my cock inside you, don’t you?"

  “Please, please.”

  Seven seconds. No, breath, no, no, no.

  “You want me to fuck you, don’t you? Not your little faggot husband.�

  Three second, no, please no, no, please! “D…don’t…”

  “Yes, please,” she begged, “please.”

  No, no! I had to stop, I was almost there, had to… “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh,” a moan escaped my mouth from deep inside my body, I shook, erupted.

  “You want me to fuck you, hard and fast, like a man.”


  The panties covered my penis so the cum simply blossomed all over the front, hot, wet, messy.

  “You want him to watch, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she moaned as she orgasmed at the same time I did, as she rubbed against him, as cum continued to spread all over the front the panties I was wearing.

  “You want him to see so he never forgets how a man fucks you.”

  “Yesssssssss,” she continued to moan as she collapsed against him, held up only by his muscular arm wrapped around her, his hand in her pussy.

  I wanted to run, but I couldn’t leave my wife. I wanted to hide, but couldn’t without Nicole. I wanted to strip the wet panties off that second, but couldn’t with his hand squeezing my penis and my hands cuffed behind my back. Instead I watched for several minutes as he continued to fondle Nicole, continued to finger her wet pussy, making her cum over and over.

  Finally he pulled his fingers his fingers from her with a loud, wet plop and pushed her upright. “Careful there,” he chastised her verbally, gave her a slap on the ass, “or you’re going to finish things before I get to collect.”

  “I…I’m sorry…,” Nicole said softly.

  “It’s okay,” he said, “Don’t worry, I’m not as quick as your little sissy groom there, I can control the beast until I’m ready. And speaking of ready…”

  “Please, you…you don’t have to do this,” I begged, spent from my orgasm, drained.

  “Oh but I do, a bet is a bet is a bet,” he grinned. “Besides, I’m not one to leave a woman unsatisfied…and I don’t think you’ll be of much use to your bride tonight.”

  “I…I can…”

  “Can what, sissy? Grow a real cock in the next half hour? Or come up with the money you owe me? I doubt either’s happening. Hell, I doubt you could even get hard again.”

  “But I…we…”

  “You made a bet, Jason, several of them, and you lost them all.”

  “Jason,” Nicole whispered, “it…it’s okay.”


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