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Forbidden Bastard: Opposites Attract Matchmaker Romance (Princes of Avce Book 10)

Page 9

by Victoria Pinder

  She sucked on her bottom lip. “I have no idea what's appropriate to wear and I’m nervous about going to a palace.”

  His biological father wasn’t that horrible even though he wore a gold crown in his throne room. The king had been kind.

  The day where Charles had humiliated himself and demanded Sheena come to him replayed in his mind and made his spine go straight.

  If Sheena'd actually gone with him, he’d be living in a nightmare.

  He much preferred how everything had turned out.

  A part of him was sorry that he'd gone to the king about Sheena, but at the time he’d wanted to stop factions from setting up meetings with him to topple a government he had no interest overtaking because of his bloodline. He’d never wanted to be involved with destruction; he made money on helping creative people shine.

  He continued to direct Sandi toward the jeweler. “I scheduled a hair dresser and makeup person for you to be at the house at six.”

  She glanced at the street clock near the beach entrance that read noon and her eyes widened. “Then we only have a few hours to get what we need.”

  He opened the door for her. “This is the jeweler…” As soon as they walked in, his feet skidded to a halt on the brick-red carpet. Sandi stopped too. He stared at his half-sister and her husband. What were they doing here? “Sandi, this is Cassidy, and her husband, the Earl of Skye.”

  Sandi’s face was white as she shook hands and asked, “Cassidy Burke, formerly Bright, who created”

  His brunette half-sister adjusted her glasses. “Yes, that’s me. Are you Sandi Smith from Denver?”

  Now was a good time to speed things up with getting Sandi a proper engagement ring too, so he backed away and asked the sales associate to get the diamonds prepared for them to see while Sandi said to Cassidy, “Yes. Avce is much greener than I’m used to.”

  He whispered to the salesperson that he’d be right back as Cassidy said, “It’s really lovely to meet you.” He slid back next to Sandi as his half-sister asked, “Is everything okay?”

  He placed his hand around Sandi's hip as she told Cassidy, “I’ve never been to a royal castle for a party. All I packed were my jeans and work dresses. I wish I had help because I’m lost on what to wear and haven’t done anything formal since prom…”

  Cassidy glanced at him and then suggested to Sandi, “Tell you what, my sister and her husband are in town too, and Chelsea has a much better fashion sense than me. Get your jewels and I’ll have Chelsea speak to the royal designer and we’ll get you something to wear, delivered.”

  That would make Sandi feel better. He smiled, squeezed Sandi’s side and said, “Thank you, Cassidy.”

  Cassidy took off her glasses in surprise. “Those are probably the first words you’ve ever said to me.”

  Hmm. He’d read her emails with Sandi’s name without expectation. He'd understood when Antonio had explained why Cassidy had wanted him to find his "true love" in order to not meddle in the kingdom. Had she wanted more than that? A possible relationship?

  From what he’d read, his natural mother wasn’t exactly the best mother later on to her daughters. And besides, she was going to help Sandi, and she was why Sandi had agreed to marry him. Charles kept Sandi at his side as he looked from Cassidy to her husband. “If you'd like, the four of you are welcome at the house to get ready. We can all travel to the castle together if you wish?”

  Cassidy clasped her husband’s hand and nodded. “Sounds lovely. We’ll be there… with lots of dresses.”

  Cassidy and her husband left and he escorted Sandi toward the clerk who had a selection of diamond rings out. Sandi said, “That was sweet of you.”

  While the world judged him based on his parents, he wouldn't do the same. He held her seat for her. “They live on the other side of the country but are probably here to spy on me. Might as well play nice.”

  She reached over and brushed her hand on his thigh. “Or they're enjoying the sea air. If you think they're spying, why invite them over?”

  Must be nice to think so positive all the time. Perhaps if she stayed around she’d rub some of that off on him. He picked up a ring to slip on her finger. “Because you believe in her computer program finding true love and you’ll feel more confident with other women around to guide you.”

  She sighed, shook her head, and gave the ring back. His heart stopped until she pointed to another one. He slipped that one on as she asked, “So it was because of me?”

  The diamond ring was circular but large enough to see while being able to pick things up and move around. He held her hand to the light. “Yes, but don’t let it go to your head.” Yes, this was quality work and hand-crafted. “How about this ring?”

  She smiled and laughed her approval. “It’s lovely. Thank you.”

  His future wife was a treasure and he’d treat her like one. He motioned toward the cashier and held up the ring on Sandi's hand. He asked the clerk, “Can I see that set over there?” The clerk glanced over at where he pointed and nodded while Sandi took the ring off and handed it to the cashier to pay.

  “Try this on.” A four-strand diamond collar necklace, clasped in gold.

  Her cheeks were red. She traced the necklace he'd wrapped around her throat. “Are these real diamonds?”

  He fastened it and kissed the soft skin of her neck. “Of course. My bride won’t wear fakes.”

  She puffed out her chest like she’d say something and then said, “It's-”

  “Yours,” he interrupted fast. “Wear them tonight.”

  She reached to unfasten it but he shook his head and handed his credit card to the saleslady, who took it and finished packing the ring. She could wear it out if she wanted.

  Sandi quickly removed the necklace and handed it to the cashier who then took out a black box to pack it. “Oh, okay. Thank you.”

  As they waited, he asked, “How come you aren’t wearing it now?”

  “I don’t want to lose anything while trying on clothes.”

  Good point. He offered her his hand. “Let’s get back to inform the staff of our small party so they can prepare.”

  He signed for the bag and then handed her the diamonds. At least everyone would see that he'd take wonderful care of Sandi. Soon he’d fly her parents in to Avce and they’d have their social standing back, so that should also put Sandi at ease. Clara would be able to retire in Avce as she wished.

  Life was good as they got back into the car and rolled the windows down.

  He heard birds singing and people laughing on the boardwalk they passed on the way back to his home. When was the last time he'd felt so happy?

  Within fifteen minutes the Mercedes passed through the open black gates of his villa and he saw the perfectly kept yard. Hard to believe this belonged to him. Sandi took his arm and asked as they neared the house, “Your head housekeeper was Chiara, and head butler, Bernard, right?”

  The driver stopped, parked, and went to open their door as Charles kept his voice low but admitted, “I’ve no idea.”

  The driver opened her door for her and she slipped out. “You were there when they said their names.”

  He followed on her heels. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

  He stopped for a moment, then his arms wrapped around her waist as she held the diamonds in the black bag close to her chest. She said, “Please address them with names, Charles.”

  Chiara. Bernard. He’d try. They made their way inside the house and he stopped next to the butler who held it for them. “Bernard?”

  The older, bald man’s eyes widened. “Yes, Your Grace?”

  Sandi brushed against his shoulder with approval clear on her face while Charles said, “The Earl of Sky and his wife, Cassidy, her sister, Chelsea, and her sister’s husband, Alexandre Travers, will be having an early cocktail with us this evening before we go to the royal dinner.”

  The man’s posture stiffened like he had orders from an army commander. “The staff will be pr
epared. Also, we are expecting the royal stylist, Michael Colombo, at any moment. Where would you like to set him up?”

  Another royal spy. This was why he avoided Avce and preferred Paris. At least there he pretended his life was normal and nothing had changed. He crossed his arms. “Why is he coming here?”

  Bernard’s face lost its gleam while he lifted his chin. “He said he was scheduled for the hair appointment with Miss Smith.”

  So, he’d watch his tongue.

  There wasn’t any information he might have left around here. And supposedly the man was the best hair stylist on the continent. Sandi deserved the best so he nodded, and stepped back. “Very well then--send him to Sandi’s suite.”

  “Who's Michael exactly?” Sandi asked. “If he bothers you, we can get another stylist.”

  Her sweetness unmanned him. He met her gaze and softened when he said, “No, that's fine. When I tell the buying clientele, I am the Duke del Pescatore, from Avce, Michael is always asked like they hoped I knew hair and makeup designer.”

  She tilted her head. “I see.”

  For a second he waited for more questions, but she was silent.

  The air was thick like he needed to make a choice but didn’t know the options. He returned his attention to Bernard, who had closed the door and then said to both of them, “We’ve not been informed which rooms Miss Smith has chosen, Your Grace.”

  Sandi being here meant this house was his permanently as well as the money and title. Everyone needed to know her rank in his life. “Sandi has agreed to be my wife--she will inform you which rooms she prefers herself.”

  Bernard stood at attention again and said, “Very well.”

  Sandi tugged on his hand like she wanted to go as her face was slightly red. “I don’t know anything about where I should be, but we’re running late. I’ll check the house out later, in more detail, and choose then?”

  Late? Sandi must be one of the early-to-bed, early-to-rise type of Americans with that answer. Her general optimism about life also made her novel and tonight everyone would see how much she was a treasure.

  And she was his.

  He walked her toward the room he’d chosen as his own. “For now, Bernard, can you have the staff choose the most efficient place for hair, makeup, and wardrobe? I don’t know the house as well.”

  “Thank you. That’s perfect,” Sandi agreed with a smile.

  “Yes, Miss,” Bernard said. The butler lowered his head and bowed. “I want to add that the staff is very happy you and His Grace are settling into the house, and we all hope you enjoy life here.”

  Sandi gripped her bag like she might drop the jewels. “Bernard, you’re a real kind soul--I'm sure we’ll enjoy everything more once we get through this party.”

  The fast pitch of her words meant she was nervous. Charles escorted her up the stairs to their room. Hair and makeup had an hour. His mindful bride-to-be would want to be punctual, but right now he needed some alone time with her so he brought her toward their room. He kissed her shoulder. “With you here, Sandi, life is pretty perfect.”

  “We don’t need perfect, just happy is enough.” She stayed in step with him.

  They reached his bedroom and he opened the door for them. She slipped inside like she needed him too. Together, life might be just as optimistic as Sandi was. And it was a nice feeling to think everything he ever wanted and needed was within arm's reach now. Thanks to Sandi.

  Chapter 11

  Sandi had towel-dried her hair. The en suite bathroom in the shared gold, white and blue bedroom was larger than her bedroom in Denver. She’d never once thought about how a modern bathroom might just make the difference from nice to amazing in washing the worry away.

  She needed to be clean if hair, makeup and dresses were coming here, for her. Sandi fixed the knots as she glanced out the window. The sun would soon set and tonight’s adventure would begin.

  Charles was still curled in the sheets they’d wrinkled together with his eyes closed, but she couldn’t have slept more. Every cell in her body was too awake and alive as she thought about the party.

  Everyone she’d ever know would want pictures so she checked that her phone was being charged.

  It was. Good.

  She continued to get the knots out of her damp hair. The last time she'd had her hair styled had been for her cousin Maddie’s wedding, and they were told not to wash their hair that morning. Clean hair was harder to style.

  A royal ball was like a wedding in that there would be dresses and dancing. That was the only frame of reference for formal she had.

  Sandi refused to go to anything feeling less than perfect, which meant washing took precedence. Knots out, she combed out her long red hair as Charles woke from his small nap.

  Her body still was tender and excited from earlier, but she’d be a perfect lady tonight.

  She had to be.

  Sandi could handle mingling at a royal ball, enjoying it without fear of messing up. She wasn’t in charge of selling something during the event.

  Sandi sat on the bed and the sheets smelled like Charles. That woodsy cologne he wore mixed with his personal testosterone and her body ached for more.

  Charles, according to the best program in the world, was her perfect match, which meant this would end well.

  He sat up, not caring whether the sheet covered him or not as he yawned and studied her in her black knit dress.

  This was what she'd packed for vacation, so it had to be good enough to prepare for a royal ball. He traced the edge of the dress and said, “Looks like you’re ready.”

  She ran her hand up his muscular abs and part of her wished there wasn’t anywhere to go.

  But the image of walking a red carpet that led inside the white and blue palace played in her mind. She stood and let him go. “I wanted to clean up before anyone gets here.”

  He followed and grabbed a pair of black boxer briefs. “Are you always on time, lapinette?”

  Her heart almost stopped as she asked, “Who's La-pin-ette?”

  He opened their balcony door and let the warm evening air inside the room, pouring coffee from a carafe on the table. “You’re full of surprises, Sandi.”

  But he'd just called her another woman’s name. She gripped his wrist and asked, “No, seriously. Who is she?”

  A slow smile grew on his face, showing off those dimples of his. “You are. It’s French. Technically it means you’re cute as a rabbit.”

  Warmth grew all over her body as she released his wrist though she wondered if he’d ever forget that bunny suit she shown up in. “Interesting.”

  His phone beeped. He walked over to the dresser where she had both of their phones charging and read the message, then put it down. “Michael is here.”

  Her mind twirled. She was glad that there wasn’t another woman, but she was caught off guard by how her entire body had frozen at the thought.

  If he was her true love and perfect for her, she shouldn’t second guess.

  Sandi ignored the tension in her spine and pointed toward the door. “I guess I should go and follow the staff then.”

  “Wait.” He gently cupped her waist. Her body was aware of his and she turned toward him as every cell wanted to be his again, right now. She couldn’t so she sighed and asked, “What, Charles?”

  He let her go and then tossed her jewelry bag like it was a piece of candy bought in the check-out line. “Wear these.”

  Absolutely not how to treat jewels worth more than a house. She stiffened, but then opened the bag. The necklace was still in the box. “It’s fancier than anything I’ve ever worn. My mom had jewels that she’d quietly sold off since I wasn’t making good calls, but I never bought anything like this for myself.”

  He removed it from the box and wrapped it around her neck. “It’s nothing…and you should be prepared for anything, wearing diamonds.”

  She laughed and glanced at herself in the mirror. The diamond necklace made a statement. “That’s something I
've only heard in movies.”

  He kissed her cheek and she closed her eyes. If she could lock in happiness, she’d keep this moment, forever. She let out a breath, and opened her eyes as Charles squeezed her shoulder. “Now go, but don’t let them transform your natural prettiness into some vixen. I’d miss my lapinette.”

  Yet she was supposed to shine. She met his gaze but didn’t mention that she wanted to be glamourous.

  Especially with the diamonds he’d wrapped around her.

  Her mind spun. “Okay, Charles. I’ll see you soon.”

  As she headed outside, Chiara walked her down the hall to another room.

  Chiara gave her a friendly nod and honestly Sandi should have talked to the housekeeper, but she was too nervous. Her thoughts were in a fog, but as she headed inside she saw racks of dresses all in different colors and a man, a pretty blonde, and Cassidy, who threw her arms open to hug her.

  She'd missed having friends. Real friends. She hugged Cassidy back and asked, “What’s all this?”

  “Hi, Sandi,” Cassidy said, while the blonde woman stared at her like she was a science project.

  Sandi shook it off and wondered how she was supposed to properly greet nobility. She curtsied. “Lady Skye.”

  Cassidy covered her lips and laughed warmly, then took Sandi's hand. “Cassidy is fine. You’re American and I’m not the Queen. We all bow to them.”

  Sandi needed to shake off the nerves that tingled up her back. This wasn’t anything where she’d ruin some business chance for Charles so she needed to get a grip.

  This was clearly the stress of going to a party. She rolled her shoulders and said, “Cassidy it is.” She pointed toward the man and the blonde, who was now holding up a royal blue silk dress, and asked, “What’s going on?”

  Cassidy waved at the blonde, who dropped the dress like it was nothing important, and bounced over to them. “This is my sister, Chelsea. She’s going to help sort through all the clothes to figure out what works best with your face and figure.”


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