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Page 18

by Raine Thomas

  She felt the snap of power all the way to her toes as their lips touched. After that, her every thought centered on the wonder and amazement that rushed through her whenever Ini-herit kissed her. When he didn’t deepen the kiss at first, she boldly parted her lips. That was all the encouragement he needed.

  Her arms encircled his neck as he kissed her. He explored her with his tongue as though this was a new experience and he wanted to savor every second. But his hands moved along her body in a way that told her he remembered what pleased her most. A vibrant current flowed between them as the kiss continued, intensifying to an alarming level. Drawing on that, she instinctively funneled all of her love to him, sensing the current might help her convey how she felt in a way he could finally understand.

  The energy crested. Clara Kate was so overwhelmed by a blast of emotions that tears filled her eyes. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. She needed Ini-herit.

  She needed Harry.

  Without warning, the kiss ended. Ini-herit’s lips left hers and he fell to the ground. She looked at him in numb confusion. His eyes were closed. He wasn’t moving. It looked as though she had robbed him of every essence of life.

  “No!” she cried, falling to her knees beside him. “Harry!”

  Ignoring everyone else as they moved forward, she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her ear to his chest. Hot tears spilled from her eyes as she listened for his heartbeat. His skin felt far too cold against the side of her face. An eternity without him in it stretched before her, bleak and unbearable.

  “Please don’t leave me,” she whispered.

  Then he stirred. Issuing a low moan, he brought a hand to his head. Clara Kate lifted her head and struggled to look at this face through her blurred vision. She couldn’t keep her tears in check.

  He slowly opened his eyes, blinking a couple of times as if acclimating to the lighting in the room. She sat back so he could sit up, but he just lay there for a long moment.

  “Ini-herit?” she asked, wondering what to do.

  Finally, he sat up and looked at her. She reached up to wipe more tears from her gaze so she could focus on him. Then she gasped.

  His eyes were no longer silver, but gray.

  “Please don’t cry, Angel,” he said.

  Soft exclamations filled the air around them as everyone heard his human southern accent. The sound of Harry’s voice struck Clara Kate right in the heart. In direct opposition to his order, she burst into hysterical sobs.

  He reached for her. She was too overcome to fight him as he pulled her onto his lap and hugged her tightly to his chest. His voice was husky as he said, “I’m so sorry that I didn’t keep my promises to you, love. I didn’t realize how much I had to overcome to retain my human awareness. When I think of all you’ve gone through these past months, thinking that I no longer loved you—God, you’re killing me, Angel. Please don’t cry.”

  But she couldn’t stop. His words were a wish she had harbored in her heart for so long that their power overwhelmed her. All she could do was cling to him and weep.

  “You helped me remember,” he said. He took an unsteady breath. For some reason, that gave her the strength she needed to regain some of her control. “All of these months, you’ve endured the pain of being near me. I can’t even imagine how it must have been, hearing me tell you that I didn’t remember you after I promised—”

  He stopped talking. She knew he was close to losing his composure. Taking a deep breath, she eased away from his chest and did what she could to wipe her face dry. She vaguely realized that they were now alone and silently thanked her family for giving her this moment with him.

  “I love you, Harry,” she said. “Even if you suck at keeping promises.”

  His lips parted in surprise. Then he laughed, long and deep. The sight and sound brought a smile to her face and a fresh round of tears to her eyes.

  “Lord, I needed that,” he said when his laughter faded. He cupped the side of her face, using his thumb to wipe away a tear. “I love you, too, Angel, more than I could ever possibly tell you. Now that I remember everything, I’ll spend the rest of my existence making these past months up to you.”

  She started to reply, but he distracted her by leaning down and kissing her. Every other thought faded away. She sighed against his mouth, pleasure streaking through her with each stroke of his tongue. When his hands began roaming, caressing any bare skin they could find, she reciprocated. In the back of her mind, she registered the subtle differences between Harry’s Estilorian form and his human one. Before, he’d been fit and toned. Now, he was muscular and sublime.

  After a couple of minutes, she broke off the kiss. Her heart thundered in her ears as she struggled to catch her breath. She knew her cheeks were flushed. The intimate thoughts that ran through her mind as she felt Harry’s touch were far from proper.

  “Um, Harry…how do you think the whole ‘sharing thoughts with my dad’ thing is going to go?”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “Well, up until you said that, fine. Now I’m having a hard time not broadcasting to him.”

  Her blush deepened. “Sorry. We’ll have to figure something out. See, there’s something I have to tell—”

  “Hey, can we come back in yet?” Tate shouted from outside the room. “We’d like to meet the ‘new and improved’ Ini-herit.”

  Sighing, Clara Kate caught his gaze and said, “I guess we can’t tell them we’re never leaving this place, can we?”

  “We could,” he answered, a grin flashing across his sinfully gorgeous face, “but I’d prefer never leaving somewhere with a bed.”

  Oh, how she hoped he was keeping such thoughts from her father! Blushing with the intensity of a thousand suns, she shoved at his shoulder and shook her head in mock censure. He got to his feet, bringing her with him. When they both stood, he wrapped an arm around her waist and anchored her against his side. Then he kissed the top of her head and nodded.

  “Come on back,” she called out to her family, her eyes on Ini-herit’s.

  The others filtered into the room. Clara Kate recognized the curiosity in most of their gazes. Even the elders looked intrigued.

  While everyone else hesitated a few feet away, Tate walked right up and flung her arms around them. Clara Kate’s heart swelled over the sincerely joyous gesture. She returned the hug with a big smile.

  “I’m so happy for you!” her cousin exclaimed, her embrace tight and full of enthusiasm. When she pulled back, she gave Ini-herit a cheerful wink. “I knew you’d come around eventually. No one can outlast C.K.’s stubbornness.”

  “Hey,” Clara Kate said, but she grinned as Ini-herit squeezed her shoulder. “Show more respect for your elder.”

  Tate responded with a dimpled smile and a shrug.

  “Thanks, Tate,” Ini-herit replied. “I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

  “I wonder how long it’ll take me to get used to you smiling,” Knorbis said.

  That started a loud conversation that flowed around Clara Kate like happy chaos. She barely registered the words as everyone approached and shared their variations of congratulations. At some point, Sebastian used his power to clean the blood from her clothes and skin. Several times, tears of elation pricked her eyes and she had to force them back. It all felt like an impossible dream.

  “Congrats, you two,” Sophia said as she approached with Quincy. The hum of conversation continued behind them.

  “Thanks, Soph,” Clara Kate said. She reached out and hugged her cousin. “And thanks for saving my life, while I’m at it.”

  “Oh, sure,” Sophia replied, returning the hug. “What kind of commander would I be if I let my elder die on my first day on the job?”

  Laughing, Clara Kate pulled back from the embrace. “Well, you certainly confirmed today that I made the right choice. All of you confirmed it.”

  “It’s strange, though,” Sophia mused. “I heard your thoughts so distinctly when we were falling. Now, I can’t really hear yo
u at all.”

  “Your connection is still growing,” Ini-herit explained. “It’ll get stronger over time. For now, you’ll experience it more when there’s a need.”

  Sophia nodded. Quincy put his arm over her shoulders and smiled at his elder.

  “It’s great to see this new side of you, archigos,” he said. “I know this change will make everything easier for both of you, especially with the baby and all.”

  All conversation ceased. Clara Kate struggled not to flush with guilt as everyone glanced in her direction. When she glanced at Ini-herit, she realized that he just looked confused. Beside them, Quincy paled.

  “Oh, no,” he said. “I’m so sorry, C.K. I assumed…”

  “It’s okay, Quincy,” she assured him. Then she took Ini-herit’s hands and turned to face him. For the first time, her pregnancy filled her with something besides shame and fear. “What Quincy is saying, Harry, is what I’ve been unable to until now. The thing is…you’re going to be a father.”

  Metis knew better than to return to the main base. She couldn’t risk getting captured, and all of the entrances would certainly be secured by now. The knowledge had fury scalding the back of her throat. Battling the urge to scream, she wished that she could dispose of these emotions that had come to her as a result of her new form.

  It was so much better to feel nothing.

  She had come so close to achieving her goal. Although she didn’t know why Clara Kate was a key to acquiring the Elder Scroll, the fact that everyone risked their lives to rescue her told her that she had been on the right track.

  Now she had to figure out how she was going to find Clara Kate again. Although the elders knew Metis’ current form and would take measures to ensure every one of their followers did, too, she decided that she needed to retain her Orculesti abilities. She hadn’t been in this form long enough to hope she could still read and influence thoughts if she changed forms. Even if she could, it wouldn’t be at the same level. No, she couldn’t afford to lose this particular power.

  She would have to find knowledgeable Waresti on the mainland and attune herself to their thoughts. The Kynzesti would return to the mainland eventually, if for no other reason than to stop Eirik on his quest.

  When they did, she would be ready. The Elder Scroll would be hers.

  Part III:


  Elder [n. el-der]: A person of greater age and/or higher rank than oneself; an influential member of a tribe or community, often a chief or ruler.

  Chapter 28

  They flew to the Lekwuesti homeland for the pairing ceremonies a couple of hours after Clara Kate’s announcement. Ini-herit insisted on carrying her. Although he’d done a second round of healing on her as soon as his brain cleared enough for him to do so, he knew she was exhausted. She slept even now.

  He indulged himself by reaching around her to touch the taut skin of her abdomen. She had worn the uncharacteristic belly-baring top and low-waisted, floor-length skirt for just this reason. The skin-to-skin contact allowed him to use his abilities to listen to the heartbeat of his future son or daughter. The strong pulse of it brought a ridiculous grin to his face.

  Dear Lord, he was going to be a father.

  He was sure his expression had been rather comical when she told him. Because he was still filtering different parts of his human and Estilorian selves, he’d experienced two different reactions.

  His millennia-old self nodded in acknowledgement of the news. They’d had sex, she had conceived. Got it.

  His eighteen-year-old human self wavered between absolute elation and immobilizing fear. He had no doubt that her father was going to choke the life out of him.

  In the end, even the knowledge that he probably wouldn’t live to see his child’s birth hadn’t stopped the smile from spreading across his face. He had wanted to touch her abdomen right then, but she wasn’t about to let him lift her nightdress in front of everyone. Instead, they had enjoyed another round of congratulations as he once again used his healing abilities on her.

  When they were alone in their rooms, she bared her midsection so he could connect with the baby for the first time. It was a moment he wouldn’t ever forget. He just stood there for several minutes without speaking.

  “Are you excited, Harry?” she asked in an uncertain voice.

  She must have seen the emotion in his eyes when he caught her gaze. Rather than wait for a response, she leaned up and kissed him. Love for her filled him with such potency that he almost couldn’t bear it.

  He thought again of the past few months from her perspective. He tried to imagine how he would have felt if he awoke on this plane after experiencing everything they had on the human plane and then learned that she had no memory of it. Then he added the pregnancy to the equation. He knew it would have slain him.

  But his angel had borne it. Though he didn’t know how, she had. He was convinced she was the strongest being on either plane.

  And the sexiest. They hadn’t even been alone in their rooms for ten minutes before he pinned her against the wall, showing her how much he loved her…craved her. He wanted her to know everything he held in his heart for her. He interspersed words of love with the kisses he rained on her.

  This time, when her eyes filled with tears, they didn’t cause him such alarm. He understood.

  Before they left for the Lekwuesti homeland, he sat in his bedroom and connected with Gabriel. There was no doubt that this was a conversation he should be having face-to-face with his best friend. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented it. He’d have to make due and just be grateful the other elders had kept the details to themselves so he could do this.



  Yeah…um, I know I sound different. I’m sure you sensed it earlier. Something’s happened.

  Is Clara Kate all right?

  That was a tough question. Not knowing what else to say, he conveyed, Sure. She’s, well, thrilled. She helped me remember my human existence.

  Ah. That explains a lot, Gabriel responded. His happiness for both of them was clear in the thought.

  Yeah. Well, I wanted to let you know a couple of things. I’m sorry we can’t do this in person. The situation is complicated.

  I understand.

  Cool. The first thing I want to discuss with you is how much I love Clara Kate. I told her when we were on the human plane that I wanted to avow with her, and that hasn’t changed.

  I see.

  I’d also like to ask you for her hand in marriage.

  There was a long pause. Ini-herit’s leg bounced up and down and he had to consciously stop himself from doing it.

  You’ve only known each other for, what, a few months?

  Five months, three weeks and two days. Our love is certain, regardless of time. If you reach deeply enough into my thoughts, you’ll know I’m telling the truth.

  I get that, and I know that Olivia and Skye knew their hearts in an equally short amount of time. But what’s the rush? You both have centuries ahead of you.

  Swallowing hard, he thought, Yeah…about that. I have some other big news for you.

  What’s that?

  You’re going to be a grandfather.

  All in all, the conversation hadn’t been as bad as he feared. Yes, there had been a moment when he thought Gabriel might somehow reach through his thoughts and strangle him. But in the end, his friend had deferred to his base nature, which was patient and understanding. He knew Ini-herit and Clara Kate had acted out of love and that they hadn’t expected the consequences. Gabriel also confessed he was relieved to know that the Kynzesti could bear children, though he hoped the rest of them decided to wait until they were older to do so.

  Ini-herit received his friend’s blessing to avow with Clara Kate whenever she was ready, and Gabriel said there would be a wedding the moment they returned to the Kynzesti homeland. He figured it would give Amber, Olivia and Skye something to focus on besides the continued danger their firstborn childr
en faced. Ini-herit vowed to protect Clara Kate and their unborn child, a fact that went a long way to smooth things over.

  As the Lekwuesti homeland came into sight, he leaned down to kiss the side of Clara Kate’s neck. She smelled so fresh and sweet. He could breathe in her scent all day and be content. When his lips caressed her soft skin, she sighed and murmured something in her sleep.

  “Wake up, Angel,” he said near her ear. “We’re about to arrive at our destination.”

  She blinked awake, reaching up to rub the fatigue from her eyes and yawning. Wishing she had more time to rest, he landed on the platform that had been reserved for them and began unfastening the flight harness that secured her in front of him. Commander Caoilinn stood waiting for them. She stared at him longer than usual.

  “It’s the eyes, right?” he guessed. When she blinked and her lips parted, he added, “And the new accent. But, hey, I still have my pairing markings.”

  The Lekwuesti commander quickly regrouped, giving him a genuine smile. “Well, this is exciting news. I’m thrilled to see you so happy, archigos.”

  “Thanks. Me, too.”

  Clara Kate took his hand and entwined her fingers with his, gifting him with a smile. Once everyone landed, Sebastian and Caoilinn led them along the paths leading to the place where the pairings would take place. The Lekwuesti homeland looked much like a human suburb, comprised of many dwellings of various sizes, most bearing thatched or clay tile roofs and brightly painted exteriors. There were also large gathering places such as parks and café-style buildings, seeing as the Lekwuesti was a social class. They were led to just such a space, a three-story stone building with numerous glass windows and colorful awnings.

  Once inside, they took a transport tube to the second floor. A large, round auditorium had been created there. Ini-herit spotted at least a hundred Lekwuesti in the space.

  Sebastian stopped him and Clara Kate before they entered the room. “Clara Kate, as we explained to you before, I’ll soon be paired with you just like I am the other elders. As soon as we perform the necessary ceremony and join in thought, I’ll see to your hospitality needs.” He smiled. “I’m looking forward to producing your maternity wardrobe.”


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