Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara)

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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara) Page 1

by Katie Dowe

  Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2

  Age ain't nothin' but a number

  A follow up to the best selling book 'Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire', though can be read as a stand alone story. Part 3 of the trilogy can also be seen here. By bestselling author Katie Dowe. Features a free bonus book.

  Cara and her older man Matthew are back!

  They’ve made a happy little family with their twins, and now Cara's pregnant with their third child.

  Everything seems to be going perfectly.

  But it seems there are forces out to tear them apart and destroy their lives...

  First, Cara’s sister comes to stay after her marriage breaks up, and starts looking at Matthew with longing.

  Second, there’s a break-in at the shelter Cara works at, putting the vulnerable women in danger.

  Third... well, you'll just have to read on to find out. :)

  With this couple’s love being tested to its very limits, can they show their 'happily ever after' is truly unbreakable?

  Find out in this sensual yet emotional romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to burning hot sex scenes between a woman and her older billionaire man!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2016 to Kaite Dowe and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Free Book – Falling For Her Bodyguard

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

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  Chapter 1

  Spring had made its way slowly and carefully and had brought with it showers that had washed away the last of the snow. The air was still cold and the jackets had been reached for gratefully to combat the chill of the weather. The flowers were blooming in the gardens and the lushness of the trees was evident with the spreading of the branches.

  Cara placed her hands on her belly absently as she stared out at the beautiful landscape absently. The heady scent of begonias and tulips vied with the roses and lilacs already in bloom and wafted all the way upstairs to the bedroom she shared with her husband. She closed her eyes and breathed in carefully.

  They had been told only a few days ago that they were going to be having a boy and her husband was over the moon. The twins were already eleven months old and had taken their first steps a week ago. First Janice and then Joel two days later as if to show his sister that he is not to be outdone. She was feeling tired and she had a feeling that the pregnancy after giving birth to twins not too long ago was taking its toll on her. Not to mention twins who were going through the teething stages.

  But she was not going to complain. She had a husband who doted on her and the children and who tried his best to make things much easier for her. She had cut back from going to the center for the children in her neighborhood and only went in three times a week.

  It was Saturday and her husband was still asleep as he had just come back from a three day trip to Europe. He had wanted her to travel with him but she had been nauseous lately and extremely tired so the doctor had suggested that she cut back from the traveling.

  She turned to look at him sprawled on his stomach, the sheet barely covering his taut naked buttocks, his golden tan a sharp contrast to his ash blonde hair. She had met him quite by chance when she had gone jogging in his area for a change and had almost knocked him down flat. It had been an agony of indecision at first because she had told him he was too wealthy and high profile for her and he had been struggling with the fact that he was twenty years her senior. Not to mention that his sister had been so against the union.

  Now Jennifer was on her side and doting and spoiling her niece and nephew and looking forward to another addition to the family. They barely had time to get to know each other before the children came along and now she was pregnant again. He had come back in the early hours of the morning and although she had tried to wait up for him, she had fallen asleep only to feel his mouth on her cheek.

  “Matthew,” she had murmured and turned towards him sleepily. She had felt the bracing cold of his hands on her and had opened her eyes to look into his amazing green ones. “I wanted to wait up for you.” She pulled down his head and captured his lips with hers. He had shed his jacket and loosened his shirt.

  “I got hung up at the airport in Japan and the meeting ran over.” He murmured huskily. He had almost got up and step out of the meeting but he forced himself to remember that he had not been in his board room at home.

  “I am glad you are back. I missed you,” she combed her hands through his ash blonde hair savoring the familiarity of him beside her.

  “I missed you too.” He had climbed in beside her and showed her how much.

  He had made love to her slowly and she had clung to his taut muscled body as he stroked the walls of her vagina with his penis. She did not tell him but she was jealous of him and was getting possessive. She was getting big with his child and had still not managed to lose the baby fat from the twins and she was afraid that he was going to notice that she had packed on the pounds. She had seen how the women looked at him whenever they went to functions. He was a worldly sophisticated man who did business with people all over the world. She had seen in the financial papers and how much he was revered as well as the vast holdings his company held. She was not in his league and she was beginning to feel that way. She had been a preschool teacher who had led a very simple life before she met him and now she was beginning to think she was in way over her head.

  With the twins, she would pick at her food but with this baby growing inside her she had become ravenous and ate at odd times of the day and night. The chef Caleb was always making sure he prepared sumptuous meals to satisfy her palette and it was now starting to tell on her, especially her thighs.

  She went to get her robe, careful not to wake him. After putting her arms through it she slipped out of the room and pulled the door closed behind her. The twins had been given their own rooms and the nannies slept in rooms further down the hall. She smiled as she went into her daughter’s room to see the toddler sitting in her crib and playing with her favorite toy: a stuffed elephant with a pink trunk.

  “Mama,” she murmured and Cara felt her heartbeat quickened as she picked up the chubby infant. She was beau
tiful with bouncy dark brown hair threaded through with blonde highlights and light green eyes. Her skin was rosy and healthy and she smelled heavenly.

  “Mama is here baby girl.” She sat on one of the comfortable chairs and held her daughter in her arms. It was very quiet and she could faintly hear the household staff stirring as they got ready for the day. She had considered giving the nannies the weekends off but Jennifer had told her logically that she would never be able to take care of the twins even with her help so now they got two days off during the week.

  “Okay how about we go and see what your brother is up to?” she hoisted the toddler on her side and went into the room next door to see that Joel had a toe in his mouth, his amazing green eyes so much like his father’s turned towards the door just as he heard them come in. His hair was a darker shade of blonde than Matthew’s but the resemblance was astounding.

  She put his sister in the crib with him. She loved to watch them playing together and even at this tender age they already shared a bond that only twins ever shared. She looked up at a sound in the doorway and saw Mrs. Morgan one of the nannies coming in.

  “Mrs. Logan I am sorry I just went to get their bottles.”

  “That’s okay Mrs. Morgan I was just enjoying them for a little bit until it is time for them to take their baths.” She smiled at the middle aged woman. Joel’s nanny was Elise and she had taken the night shift so she was still asleep.

  “They are such beautiful children,” the woman murmured as she handed them their bottles. They had started to eat real food now so the bottles were reserved for early mornings and late evenings. “And well behaved.”

  “For now,” Cara stood up carefully and went over to ruffle their heads. “They are growing up so fast.”


  Jennifer Logan pulled the brush through her thick black hair slowly and carefully watched the strands fall back into place on her shoulders. She smiled as she thought about seeing her niece and nephew. She never had children and her marriage had fallen apart some years ago, when her brother had suggested she come and live with him at the manor and take over the running of household. She had been resentful when he had met Cara and she had discovered that her brother had fallen headlong in love with a woman so much younger than he was and not in his social league at all. She had hoped and prayed that somehow he would come to his senses and realized that it would never work. But somehow they had come to some sort of compromise and had started getting along.

  When the twins came she had fallen helplessly in love with the two adorable babies and loved them like they were her own. She could not get enough of them and neither could the photographers who insisted on photographing them whenever they came out of the manor.

  Now Cara was pregnant again and it was going to be another boy. Somehow her cup was full.

  Things had started looking up for her the last few weeks. She had met someone and at first she had not given him the time of day but he had broken down her resistance and she had agreed to go out on a date with him. He was a quiet gentle bear of a man who was a doctor at that.

  She preened in front of the large oval mirror and decided to let her hair down for a change. He had told her that he preferred it that way and that softened her features. “You have the most amazing pair of green eyes I have ever seen,” he had told her softly.

  She had met him on one of her trips to the hospital where she volunteered every Wednesday afternoon where she read to the elderly. It was her way of giving back to society. Her brother was big on charities and she had decided that she would look better in society’s eyes if she did something herself. She had been hurrying to get back to the house to play with her niece and nephew before she instructed the staff on what to prepare for the evening meal when she had almost fallen to the floor and he had caught her.

  She had looked up into his kindly face with gentle blue eyes and a shock of white hair and had been mesmerized. They had started talking before he had gotten a call on his pager and had had to hurry off.

  She had dressed especially nice the next Wednesday hoping to see him and had not been disappointed. They had gone for badly made coffee in the hospital cafeteria and he had told her he was a widower and childless. They had exchanged numbers and had called each other when they had the chance. She had started wearing brighter colors and Cara had told her she looked very different.

  She frowned a little bit as she thought about her sister in law. The girl was looking very pale and tired from the other day as if something was troubling her. They had not gotten to the point of confiding in each other yet but she wished the girl would tell her what was going on with her.


  Matthew woke up at around nine feeling the discomfort of his rigid penis with a groan. He had been having erotic dreams about screwing his wife from behind and he felt his body flushed with heat. His green eyes opened and to his surprise he saw the sun shining through the rich burgundy drapes and his wife not beside him. It always happened whenever he traveled to Europe: his body would try to adjust to his coming back home and he would sleep longer than he usually did.

  He swept the sheet off his naked body and took a deep breath. His erection was very obvious and was not going down anytime soon. He needed her. He went into the bathroom and stepped into the vast shower stall and turned on the water, closing his eyes as the spray of the needle hit him from the head down. He had thought of calling down to have one of the maids tell her that he needed her upstairs but he knew she was probably supervising the feeding of the twins. He had woke her up early this morning and made love to her.

  His children. He rested his head against the cool tiles. He never dreamed he would be a father, he had thought it had been too late for him but now he was going to be the father of three and it scared the hell out of him. What scared him more was that he was wondering if he was going to live to see them grow up.

  He stood underneath the shower and let the water sluice over his body, willing his erection to take a nose dive. He had worried about not been able to satisfy her and he refused to take anything to enhance his sexual performance but as it turned out he did not need it. One look at her and he was as hard as the proverbial rock. It takes loving someone to distraction to make that happen.

  He had a day planned for them: First he was going to take them to the zoo and then stop on the way back and let them have ice cream. He grinned as he remembered their first taste of ice cream. They had been sitting around the dinner table and ice cream with chocolate sauce poured over it and he had fed them from his bowl in spite of his sister and his wife protesting that he was sending them on a sugar high and they would not be able to go to sleep. They had loved it and had asked for more. His kids.

  He had taken them out to the zoo and his sister had come with them when Cara had been having a particularly bad day and had gone back to bed and there had been stares and murmurs as they walked along looking at the animals. Joel had rode high on his shoulder and held on tightly to his hair almost pulling the strands out as he jumped up and down looking at the animals. His sister who had been pushed by Jennifer in her stroller had behaved with more decorum. She was going to be a little princess and he could see it already.

  “I thought you were going to sleep the day away,” he had not heard her come in and he slid the glass door back and stood there looking at her. She was in a large t-shirt and black leggings and her hair was piled on top of her head carelessly. Her skin had the glow of pregnancy and she looked ravishing.

  “I woke up a few minutes ago and you were not beside me which was too bad because I was as hard as a rock.” He murmured reaching for her.

  “Matthew,” she warned as he continued to pull her inside the shower.

  “I am sorry but I need my wife,” he told her huskily, pulling her in and pulling the shirt over her head. “Very much.”


  They were dressed and ready to go as soon as Matthew had finished eating. Both children knew they were going somewhere and they coul
d not keep still. The nannies dressed them warmly in sweaters and matching sweat pants and put wool caps over their heads. “Make sure that they are kept warm enough,” Jennifer fretted as she fixed the cap on her niece’s head, her heart melting as the large light green eyes looked up at her. The girl was going to be a stunning beauty and her brother was going to break a lot of hearts.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” her brother asked her as he shrugged into his jacket.

  “Yes Jennifer we would love you to,” Cara told her with a smile.

  Jennifer preened at the invitation and the reinforcement by Cara but she had made a deliberate effort to try and let them have their family time.

  “I have some things to deal with but thanks. Just take care of my babies.” She bent and kissed them both on their plump cheeks.

  Matthew took the SUV and strapped them into their car seats himself while Cara climbed into the passenger seat and waited until he had secured them before coming around. “All buckled up?” he glanced at her to make sure before pulling out of the driveway. He adjusted his mirror to make sure he could see his children before programming their favorite cartoons for them to enjoy.

  “How are you?” he made the turn to clear the driveway before he looked at her again. She was wearing black denims and a loose black and white top and a sweater and had left her hair loose. His sister had told him in confidence that she thought she looked a little tired.

  “I am okay now that you are home.” She told him shifting a little bit in the seat to make herself more comfortable. She knew he worried about her and was wondering if her getting pregnant so soon after having the children would be too much for her.

  “I am supposed to be cutting back and spending more time with my family but that is not happening,” he said with a sigh. “I am still weighing my mind on the company going public but the profits soared somewhat after we bought out the internet provider that had gone bankrupt.” He glanced back at the children, a smile curving his lip as he saw Janice’s green eyes looking at him in the mirror. She was so beautiful that he knew he was going to have a hard time not being overly protective where she was concerned.


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