Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara)

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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara) Page 2

by Katie Dowe

  Cara had been reading up on his company and trying to get an idea of what it was all about. She had come into the marriage with nothing but a teaching degree and had married a man that was very powerful, a man that was mentioned in the business sections of every newspaper about him buying this company or that and the work he was doing with this charity or the other. She felt as if she was in over her head and it put her in state of depression that she was trying to shake. “I don’t feel neglected in the least bit Matthew and the kids get to see you every night before they go to bed.”

  “That’s not enough.” He told her grimly.

  He pulled into the parking lot of the Parkland Zoo and switched off the engine. “You will always come first for me, you and my children, never forget that.” He told her softly, touching her cheek with a finger.

  Both Janice and Joel had fun. They squealed as they saw the antics of the monkeys on the bars and wanted to touch them. Matthew refused to let her carry any of them and when they were too tired to walk, he put one on his shoulders and the other in his arms. They were given admiring glances as they made their way from the different cages. Janice screamed and started to cry when she heard the roar of the lion and her father tenderly wiped her tears and assured her that he could not hurt her.

  Cara loved to watch him with them. He was a very doting and indulgent father and always put their needs first. When they had gone halfway, he insisted that they rested on one of the benches and he bought them cotton candy from a vendor, ignoring her protests that it was too much sugar.

  He held her hand as he set them down to toddle off some distance with them watching. “I am a very fortunate man,” he murmured taking her hand to his lips as he kept his eyes on the children. He released her immediately as Joel took a stumble.

  “Daddy fall,” he told his father as Matthew scooped him up quickly. Cara stood up and picked up her daughter into her arms. “Okay guys what do you say about some ice-cream?” he asked dusting off his son’s knees and putting back the cap onto his curls.

  “Ice-cream!” they both called out in excitement.

  “What about you mommy?” he asked her softly. “How do you feel about some ice-cream?”

  “I am game,” she told him as he took her free hand and they went back to the vehicle. She wanted to tell him that she was putting on weight and that the last thing she wanted was more sugar to increase the problem. She wanted to tell him how insecure she was around the people he associated with but instead she smiled and went with him pretending that everything was fine.

  Chapter 2

  Cara almost passed the place but glimpsed the sign and had to turn and come back. She had been given specific directions at the ‘Pregnant Mothers Solace’ a gym where they guaranteed that they'd help you take off the weight that irregular eating and craving packed onto your body. A mother there had told her of the place that sold the most delicious and creamy smoothie. “And it is low on calories honey!” the woman who had four children and another on the way had told her. She had started last week and she had started to feel better. She had not told her husband she was going but when he called she would tell him she was on the road.

  She smiled gratefully as a middle aged man opened the door for her to go in and placing her order for a large strawberry smoothie and a slice of pecan pie, she made her way over to one of the small tables by the window. The little place was tucked away a little off the road and offered a view of a tiny park where she could see runners taking advantage of the cool weather.

  It was a little after two and she had left the house at eleven telling Jennifer that she would be out for a little bit. The woman had looked at her curiously as if expecting her to say where she was going but she had not said anything to her.

  “Hi, fancy seeing you here?” the low husky voice said causing her to look up. The tall slender African American woman looked vaguely familiar as if she had seen her somewhere before.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I know you do not recognize me, do you?” the woman smiled and beckoned to the girl behind the counter before taking a seat opposite Cara. “My name is Marissa Coulter and my husband and I were at a function just two weeks ago at the Palm Tree Hotel.”

  Cara’s eyes cleared as she remembered being introduced to the elegantly suited woman and her much older husband. Matthew had told her that he owned a string of hotels across the country. “How are you?”

  “I am fine,” she accepted her large cup of mango smoothie from the smiling girl. “I cannot resist this place!” She said with a shake of her head. “I come here twice a week and sometimes I order and they deliver several cups to the house.” Her large dark brown eyes twinkled as she looked at the girl opposite her. “Who told you about it?”

  Cara hesitated a little bit and then told the girl that she was going to a gym that catered to pregnant women and one of them had told her about it.

  “How far along are you?” Marissa asked her curiously.

  “Going on seven months.” Cara said warming up to the girl. She figured that she was about her age or a little older and looked like she could have been a model. Maybe she had been.

  “I got married to John five years ago and for one tiny minute I thought about having a child,” she said with a rueful laugh. “I am a second wife honey, married to a man who could very well be my dad and he has grown children who hate my guts so I figured that it was easier if I closed up my womb.”

  “But don’t you want to be a mother?” Cara asked her curiously.

  “His children think I am a gold digger and that what we have will never last. Who knows?” she shrugged elegant shoulders. “I married him as a way out and fell in love with him along the way. We have fun together and he treats me better than I have ever been treated before. I have never been tempted to take a younger man and besides, his performance in the bedroom is something that is very satisfying so why should I look elsewhere?”

  Cara told her about Matthew’s sister the first time she discovered that he was seeing her.

  “Honey your man is a looker and as sexy as hell,” Marissa said with a wave of her hand. “And from what I saw of him and you that time I figured he is completely captivated by you. I come from a very poor neighborhood and had to learn to adjust to the lifestyle that I married into and I had to learn real fast.”

  “Do you ever feel like you do not belong?” Cara asked her.

  “All the time,” Marissa said with a laugh. “But the more I have come to know the so called rich society, the more I realize that they are just people trying to cope with life so I do not allow them to make me feel intimidated.” She stopped and realized that they had both finished their smoothies. “How about another one? My treat?”

  Cara glanced at the large man type gold watch she had on her writ and realized to her surprise that it was almost three thirty and she had promised to get back home in time to spend some time with the twins. “I am afraid I have to leave. The twins nap time should be over by now and I need to spend some time with them. How about Thursday same time and place?”

  “Lovely,” the girl said with a pleased grin. “And honey to answer your question of me wanting to be a mother: the answer is yes but I had to sacrifice that for our happiness.”


  “So now that I am free man for the third time around how about coming with me to the club to celebrate?” Michael Groves asked him, lifting the glass of orange juice in a mock toast.

  “I don’t happen to think that getting a divorce constitutes a celebration Mike,” he told the man dryly. They had been friends for a long time and did business together. Michael was the owner of several apartment buildings in the city and apart for his penchant for picking the wrong women and marrying quickly he was a great guy. “Aren’t you tired of paying alimony?”

  “The good thing is that children are not involved.” He downed the orange juice in one gulp and got up and walked over to the window looking out at the beautiful spring day. He had really thought that Me
lanie had been the one until he had caught her in bed with one of his tenants, a man young enough to be her son and she had had the gall to tell him that they were in love.

  “What am I doing wrong?” he turned back to Matthew and asked the question he had been battling with for quite some time. He had called Matthew and asked him if he could come over to discuss some business with him and they had ended up discussing his personal life.

  “You fall in love too easily,” Matthew told him mildly. He had a meeting in half an hour but he suspected that the older man wanted a listening ear.

  “You fell in love with Cara after seeing her for two seconds,” Michael reminded him dryly.

  “That was different. I had been with other women enough to know that when I met Cara, she was the one.”

  “Your wife is beautiful and totally committed to you. The women I marry do not seem to know the meaning of that word.”

  “How about coming by for dinner this weekend?” Matthew suggested, glancing at his watch quickly.

  “You are trying to get rid of me,” Michael said with a grin. “But dinner sounds nice.”


  Cara waved to the gardeners who were pruning the hedges. The flowers had started blooming and the grass on the lawn was lush and green. She could smell the spring in the air and stopped to pick a delicate yellow rose before she went inside. Very soon it would be time for the children’s birthday and she was contemplating having a party for them even though they would not have a clue as to what was going on.

  “Ah, there you are Cara,” Jennifer bustled out of the direction of the large kitchen. “I was wondering if you would prefer beef or chicken for dinner tonight?”

  Cara looked at the woman who had been determined to drive a wedge between her and her husband some time ago. She even looked different now. “Chicken sounds fine,” she told her with a smile. “I am just going up to spend some time with the twins. Are they awake?”

  “I just came from up there,” the woman said with a beaming smile. “Janice just had her bath and insisted on playing with her little ducks before she got out and Joel is now taking his bath. I came down here to get someone to bring up their meals for them.”

  “Thank you Jennifer.”

  “My pleasure.”

  They were bathed, powdered and had on their pajamas when she got to their suite of rooms. Both Mrs. Morgan and Elise were in the playroom with them. They had been put in their high chairs while the two women tidied up the area. It was Janice who saw them first and her light green eyes lit up.

  “Mama,” she chortled holding up her hands for her mother to lift her out of the chair.

  “Hi sweetie,” she greeted the nannies with a smile and bent to lift her daughter out. She realized that she could not manage them and she put the little girl down on the carpeted floor and then took Joel out of his high chair.

  “Mama,” her son crooned reaching to pull her hair from the ponytail she had put up before she went out.

  “We will go down and see about their meals Cara,” Mrs. Morgan told her with a smile, she and Elise discreetly leaving the room and leaving them alone.

  Her children! She thought as she hugged them to her. She had watched them grow up and enjoyed getting up at nights to feed them, feeling a little lost when they had stopped breastfeeding at five months. Joel was teething again and she wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

  “Mama up,” Janice told her holding her hands up. Her dark brown curls tinged heavily with blonde were all over her adorable face and Janice pushed the curls back before putting her in her arms. Joel had found his favorite stuffed dinosaur and was squeezing it into his arms. She played with them for a little bit until their food came up and then she secured them inside their high chairs again so they could eat. She stayed and watched them eat for a little bit before she went downstairs to get something to eat herself.

  It was a few minutes after five and she was not expecting Matthew home until six or some minutes to seven. Caleb the chef handed her a plate of freshly baked biscuits and grabbing some juice from the fridge, she went upstairs to their suite to relax and call her mother and her sister. She had not spoken to them in a few days and the last time she had talked to Carolyn she had sounded funny. She sat down in the comfortable luxurious living room and made the call knowing it was after eleven over there.

  “Hi sis I hope I did not wake you,” she said as she munched on the delicious biscuits on her plate.

  “I have not been sleeping well anyway,” Carolyn murmured. “How are you?”

  “I am fine but I am more concerned about you.”

  “Well you know I am having a boy and the pregnancy is progressing pretty much the way it should.”

  “So why do you sound as if something is wrong?” Cara asked quietly. She knew her sister and knew that there was something she was not saying.

  “Clive and I are not getting along.” She said abruptly.

  “What does that mean? I thought he was over the moon with the pregnancy and all that.”

  “He is but somehow he is not too pleased with his wife,” she said with a tinge of bitterness in her tone. “We do not talk anymore and when we do, we argue. We are not even sleeping in the same room, that’s how bad it has gotten.”

  “Caro why didn’t you say something to me?” Cara asked her in concern.

  “Because you have been over the moon happy and I did not want to interfere with that.” She took a deep breath. “I think he is having an affair Cara but when I asked him he would flare up at me and ask me if that is the only bloody thing I have on my mind. I want to get out of this but I am pregnant and I need the support.”

  “Do you think you want to come and spend some time here with us and have the baby here?” Cara suggested.

  “It is his child too Cara and as much as I want to shout yes! I still have to discuss it with him.” she sighed. “When I came over and saw how happy you were and the way Matthew was around you, I realized that what I had was nothing compared to what you have.”

  “Is that when the problem started?” Cara asked her shrewdly.

  “I have no clue. All I know is that we seemed to have fallen out of love with each other and with a baby on the way this is really not the time for that.”

  “Oh Caro I am so sorry.”

  “I have not said anything to mom yet so I would appreciate you not telling her anything.”

  “But she is right there, how can she not know?” Cara asked her, suddenly feeling as if a burden had descended on her. She and her sister were very close and she wished she was right beside her so they could comfort each other.

  “Because we are good at pretending to the outside world.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “He said he was going by the pub to hang out with some friends but at this point I don’t really care where he goes. I just want to be left alone.”

  “I wish you would come, this is not good for you and the baby.” Cara told her sister anxiously.

  “I will let you know in a few days. Enough about me. How are my niece and nephew?” she asked softly.

  “I think Joel is teething again so he is a little fretful and Janice has fallen in love with strawberry ice cream thanks to her dad.”

  “That’s my girl,” she said with a laugh. “I will let you know my decision in a day or two Cara and please do not worry about me,”


  Matthew came home at a quarter past six and found her curled up onto her side and her eyes closed. Jennifer had told him as soon as he came in that she had told her that she was not hungry and had not come down to supper.

  He approached the bed slowly and climbed up taking a seat at the edge of it. She opened her eyes and he could see that she had been crying. “Jennifer said you had not eaten.” He said softly and without another word he slipped off his shoes and came up on the bed pulling her into his arms. “What’s wrong?”

  “I keep thinking that this is not going to last and that you will on
e day come to your senses and decide to leave and take the kids with you,” her voice was toneless and he felt a surge of anxiety going through him.

  “I am not going anywhere and I hoped you would know that by now.” He said gently stroking her head. “What brought this on?”

  “Carolyn is having problems. She thinks Clive is seeing someone else.” She lifted her head to look at her husband. “I am sorry I should not have attacked you like that. She sounds so miserable Matthew and I suggested she come here and stay with us but she is going to think about it.”

  “Want me to add my plea to yours?” he asked her, his amazing green eyes looking into hers with understanding.

  “I am going to give it a few days and then I mention it again,” she told him gratefully. “She is pregnant. How can he be doing that to her now?”

  “I have no idea baby,” he bent his head and kissed her softly on her lips. “But I promise you that you will never have a reason to doubt whether or not I am going to be here for you and our children, I will always be here because you mean more to me than anything else.”

  She nestled her head on his strong muscular chest and listened to his steady heartbeat and knew she would never have any doubts where his love was concerned.

  “Michael is getting a divorce,” he told her quietly, his arms tight around her. “He came to see me today and I invited him to dinner on Saturday.”

  “Isn’t this his third?” she asked looking up at him.

  “Yes. Michael has a way of jumping into a relationship and then doing the weighing in after the ink has dried on the marriage certificate,” Mathew said dryly. “He is a hopeless romantic and it tends to get him in trouble.”

  “You make it sound like being a romantic is a bad thing.” Cara said curiously.

  “Emphasis on the word hopeless,” he pushed back strands of hair off her cheeks. “How about eating with me?”


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