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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara)

Page 7

by Katie Dowe

  Carolyn hesitated and then sat in one of the plush sofa. She had started to get used to the luxury and she was not sure it was such a good idea. Eventually she would have to leave all this behind. After all it was her sister’s life not hers. Jennifer poured the tea into the delicate silverware and passed the cup to her before pouring one for herself. There were several different cakes and biscuits on the tray for them to taste and enjoy.

  “You look better than the last few weeks,” Jennifer commented staring at the girl over the rim of her cup. She did not know if her sister had spoken to her or Matthew but she noticed that she no longer looked at him as if she wanted to include him in her meal.

  “I am trying to adjust to my situation.” She said with a sad smile. Clive no longer called her and she can’t say she blamed him; she had hurt him a lot and herself in the process. Now she would have to adjust herself to being a single parent.

  “I left my husband after twenty years when I found out that I had been going through the motion.” Jennifer told her with a little smile resting her cup back into the saucer. “I looked at myself one day in the mirror and realized I was going through the motion and if I had to spend another minute in a loveless marriage then I was going to slit my wrists. I love life and I decided that life was too short and too precious for me to continue like that and I left.”

  Carolyn stared at the woman seeing her in a different light. “I never realized that there was someone who would understand what I was going through.” She said with a tremulous smile.

  “If you have not been in the situation you will never realize.” Jennifer said with a smile. “I came here and when I saw my brother around your sister I knew I had made the right decision. They have a love that many people including myself dream about but rarely ever find.”

  “It’s the same thing with me,” Carolyn blinked back the tears. “I wanted to escape my neighborhood and my life there in that poor neighborhood and the fact that our father died there that I picked up and ran and when I met Clive I figured he was my salvation. I was wrong and now I have ruined both of our lives.”

  “There is always hope my dear as long as there is life.” Jennifer told her gently.

  Chapter 7

  Matthew knotted the tie at his neck slowly, his green eyes meeting hers in the large mirror in the room. It was Saturday night and she still had another week to stay on bed rest and she was going crazy from boredom. He had a dinner engagement with some men and their wives from Europe and he knew she did not want him to go without her. He would have preferred to stay with her but it was something he had to do because the men were coming to meet specifically with him.

  “I promise I will come home as soon as the dinner is finished,” he turned away from the mirror and came over to the bed. She was wearing a lavender silk robe with little flowers on the lapels and looked adorable.

  “Which will probably be around midnight.” She said with a forced smile. She hated him having to leave her so much and she was trying not to show how miserable and insecure she was. He was dressed in a steel gray pin striped suit with a light blue dress shirt and a red tie and he looked amazing, mouthwateringly so. And that was what she was afraid of.

  He tilted her chin and looked down at her quizzically. “We are not going to go through the jealousy phase again are we?”

  “Who is jealous?”

  “Cara baby you have no reason to think that I want someone else other than you.” He bent and kissed her lingeringly on the mouth and then moved away suddenly remembering that he was not allowed to let his passion get in the way of her getting better. It had been torture sleeping beside her and not be able to sink deep inside her and frankly that was one of the reason he had to get out of the house for a few hours. He was tense with sexual desire all the time and not touching her was driving him crazy.

  “We are not able to make love and I know that you love sex,” Cara reminded him feeling the depression wash over her. She missed him and he was holding himself aloft but sometimes she just wanted to be held. “I keep thinking that you are going to seek that satisfaction elsewhere.”

  Matthew stared at her in frustration. “I love sex with you!” he bit off impatiently shoving his hands inside the pockets of his dress pants, his green eyes dark and turbulent. “You are the only woman I want every single minute of the day Cara. Do you think I would try and slake my thirst with some woman who does not turn me on the way you do?”

  “I am sorry,” she said biting her lip. “I am holed up in this bed and I am sick of it. I am not able to do anything and I am not used to it.”

  “It’s just one more week,” pushing aside his hesitation to touch her he strode over to the bed and climbed the steps taking her into his arms. “God baby I miss you, I miss stroking your body and feel you vibrate beneath me.” He whispered huskily. “I miss running my tongue all over your beautiful body. I miss my baby.” He was trembling against her and he knew he should stop but he could not seem to be able to help himself. She was like an aphrodisiac where he was concerned and he needed her every second. “It’s driving me crazy staying away from you the way I have been. How many cold showers can one man have for the day?” he asked her shakily.

  She lifted her head and her lips parted. “Cara,” he said huskily. “Baby you are making it impossible for me.”

  “I know. I feel the same way.” She brought his head down and with a groan of defeat he touched his tongue to hers sinking into the kiss and pushing her back against the mound of pillows behind her. Cara sighed and ran her fingers through his soft ash blonde hair feeling her body trembling with need. Ever since she had been pregnant her libido had gotten stronger and her skin more sensitive to his touch. Matthew felt his penis harden painfully and lifting his head, he shakily unbuttoned his jacket and loosened his tie before lying full length beside her to resume the kiss. His hand reached into her robe to touch her breasts and it was the ringing of the phone that broke them out of the desire that was pouring through them like quick silver. He sprang up hastily and stood there looking down at her broodingly before grabbing up the phone and barking into it. “Yes!” he listened for a moment and then said: “I will be right down.”

  He looked down at his wife, at the way her lips were swollen from his kisses. The robe was parted and he saw a glimpse of her generous breasts and her beautiful skin and knew he had to get out of here before he damned the consequences and took her just the same.

  “I have to go,” he muttered not even bothering to kiss her goodbye. He could not take the chance of touching her, afraid of setting off an explosion that they would not recover from.

  He shrugged into his jacket and buttoned it, going in front of the mirror to fix his tie. She usually did it for him but he was not going to let her touch him for the rest of the time. “I will see you later. Try and get some sleep,” his tone was brusque and he stood there looking at her for a moment before he left.


  “Up for some company?” the voice sounded just inside the doorway. She had been trying to watch a movie on television but she had gotten bored pretty fast and was just about to turn the television off. She had been restless since Matthew had left and her body was fully charged. She looked up to see both Carolyn and Jennifer, the latter bearing a tray with tea and snacks.

  “Definitely,” she said looking at the women curiously. She had noticed since the other day that they had grown closer and had wondered what had brought that on.

  “We thought you would want something to eat as a way of passing the time.” Jennifer told her briskly climbing the steps to place the standing tray in front of her.

  “Only if you will be joining me.”

  “Of course,” her sister said with a smile climbing onto the large king sized bed. The first time she had entered her sister’s bedroom which she shared with her husband, she had found herself staring at the giant sized furniture and the opulence of the room. The closet could hold her apartment back in the UK with ease with left over room and
the bathroom was something like a dream. “We figured you might be missing the fact that you were not able to go with Matthew to the function.”

  “He had to go,” she muttered taking the tea from Jennifer with a smile.

  “Business obligation,” Jennifer nodded sympathetically perching on the edge of the bed. She looked around the room and wondered why Cara had not done anything to change the tan colored furnishing and add something more feminine. “You know what would keep you from tearing your hair out?”

  “What?” Cara asked up for anything.


  Cara looked around the room. Her husband had asked her if she wanted to change anything but she had told him she had no decorating sense so she was content to leave it the way it was.

  “I have no clue about color schemes and what not.” Cara said shaking her head.

  “Lucky for you I do.” Jennifer said getting excited about the idea. “We could send for some fabrics to look at and change the drapes at the windows. You could also have a secretary right in that corner to deal with your correspondence and set up a little office for yourself. I know your husband has his den but you need something, an area for yourself. You have parties to plan and Christmas cards to send out and things like that.”

  “It sounds like a good idea Cara,” Carolyn said catching the fever. She got up carefully and climbed down the steps taking in the room at a wide sweep. “You could even change the color of the walls and use a brighter paint. This dull orange is not very attractive.”

  “So I am going to have to tell Matthew that the suite he had lived in for years is going to disappear like smoke.” She said with a laugh, her spirit lifting.

  “He loves you and he wants you to be happy. He will bend over backwards to make sure you stay that way.” Carolyn told her quietly.


  Matthew sipped his Chardonnay and looked around the room slowly. They were at the hotel downtown and the place was packed with some group or the other meeting and discussing some sort of business deal. It was the place to come for dinner and meetings because of its location and the service. His mind was not on the man sitting next to him talking to him on his left. He was a German national and his name was Adalrik Schmidt and he had a heavy German accent.

  “The global market in terms of internet services are widening no?” he asked bringing Matthew out of his reverie. He wanted to go home and be with his wife so much that he was starting to feel irritable. “We want to invest in some more of this- er- what you say networking and provide the kind of service that people need. The world is going viral these days and we can only benefit from the move. My five year old daughter lives on her IPod and can do things that I cannot do at my age.” He smiled at Matthew. “I saw from the papers that you have twins and are expecting another one.”

  “Janice and Joel,” Matthew smiled with genuine pleasure. “They just turned one a week ago.”

  “I have a twelve year old, a ten year old and the last one five.” Adalrik said with a smile lighting up his swarthy face. He lifted his glass in a toast. “To children who make it all worthwhile.”

  Matthew lifted his glass and drank down the wine. He was starting to feel better as he turned to the other man next to him and begin the discussion.

  He got home at some minutes to twelve slightly mellow to find his wife asleep with her hands folded on top of her belly. He closed the door quietly behind him and walked over to her. Her mouth was slightly opened and she was snoring. He smiled when he remembered telling her that she snored and how vigorously she had denied it. He had told her he was going to tape her and let her prove it for herself.

  He pushed back strands of her hair from her forehead and touched her soft skin briefly. She had told him she was insecure about him with other women but he knew he could never be with anyone else no matter how long he had to wait on her. She was the only one who set his skin on fire and who made him forget anything else but her. He stepped down and went to the bathroom. He was going to have to take another cold shower again, that much was certain.


  Cara told him about the impending changes in the suite. “Is it something that you want to take on?” he had asked her as he got ready to leave.

  “It is something that will take my mind off the fact that I am cooped up in this blasted bed.” She told him dryly. She had been to the bathroom and stopped to help him with his gray silk tie. She looked up and met his eyes. “I am bored out of my mind Matthew so I am up for anything.”

  “As long as you are not going to be doing any lifting,” there was a warning note to his voice.

  “I promise I will only lift the smaller bulk of fabric,” she told him with mock seriousness.


  “I was kidding.” She knotted the tie and fixed his collar, her hands lingering.

  “I am going to make sure to tell Jennifer and Carolyn to watch you.” He bent and kissed her lips, his mouth lingering on hers. Not been able to make love to her was slowly killing him. “I want you so much that I cannot think of anything else.” He murmured against her lips.

  “I keep having erotic dreams about us.” She clung to him unwilling to let go. “We have three days left.”

  “It’s starting to feel like three years.” He said grimly. “I am thinking of taking the kids to the children’s museum this weekend.”

  “I am sure they will enjoy it.” She rested her head on his chest and breathed in his subtle cologne.

  “I have to go baby,” he whispered in her hair.

  “I know.” Still she held him. “Just a little bit longer.”

  “Okay.” He lifted her suddenly and went to one of the sofas where he held her closely to him and they stayed that way for a few minutes without saying anything.


  The swatches of material were delivered at ten the same day and she along with Jennifer and Cara examined the rich fabric carefully. “I like this navy blue with the large dark blue and green flowers.” Carolyn said holding up the rich fabric.

  “I kind of like this washed out pink with the red floral patterns.” Jennifer looked at it frowning.

  “My husband said absolutely no pink.” Cara reminded them with a laugh. Her phone rang just then and she answered it. “Marissa what are you up to girl?”

  “I am sitting here by myself watching daytime television. Help!”

  “We are redecorating my suite why don’t you come over and help us pick out fabrics?” Cara suggested.

  “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

  “No but you can show me by bringing smoothies.”

  “Done. Including Jennifer and Carolyn?”

  “Yes and some slices of that delicious pecan pie.”

  They made a day of it and Cara found the day flying by as they argued over colors and texture. Matthew called while they were having a lively discussion about the carpet in the sitting room. “It sounds noisy.” He commented when she answered the phone.

  “We are deciding whether or not to put up bright pink curtains or stick to the shell pink I prefer,” she said teasingly.

  “Cara Logan!” he said with a smile in his voice. “Glad to see you are having fun.”

  “I am. How are you?” she moved away from the rest of the women and went towards the large bay window looking out over the gardens. The day was cool enough and the gardeners were doing some pruning.

  “I am heading into a meeting.” He paused a little bit. “I am going to have to go away for a couple of days next week baby.”

  She became silent.


  “Yes I heard you. Where are you going?”

  “Germany. Look I don’t like to travel without you either but this is something I have to do baby.”

  “I know but it does not mean that I have to like it.”

  “It will be only for two days or max three, no more.” He reassured her. “We will discuss this when I get home and Cara? No pink.”

  She h
ung up the phone and with a forced smile returned to the discussion, the joy gone out of the morning.


  “They are having some of the same problems they had been having when the internet service provider was managed by the company we bought out Matthew,” Gary Lee told his boss reluctantly. He was head of the acquisitions department and had been streamlining the takeover of the internet company but he was reporting now that things were not going as smoothly as hoped.

  “And why is that?” Matthew asked him coolly. He was not supposed to having a meeting about ineptitude and he was getting impatient.

  “We have kept on some of the previous employees and they are the ones giving the problems. They are reporting for work late and are being rude to the clients.” Gary admitted, avoiding his eyes. He had hoped to sort the problem out before it came to Matthew’s attention but no such luck.

  “And why is something not being done about it Gary?” the others in the room remained silent and Gary wished they would jump in and not leave him in the hot seat.

  “One of them has been working for the company for ten years and he has a kid in college. There are two more with mortgages and I did not feel right asking them to leave.”

  “They are long time employees and they should know better. Tell them if they come in one more day late or a complaint is made against them, even for the smallest infraction, they are out on their asses.” Matthew told him grimly. “Next.”

  Gary swiftly went to his Tablet and looked at what he had on next and what he saw there made him cringe. Today was not his day at all. “There is a problem with the suppliers in regards to the hotel downtown. He delivered the wrong marble tiles for the foyer and said he is not able to get the ones we ordered until the next week or so.”


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