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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara)

Page 11

by Katie Dowe

  They made their escape hastily and they went to their suite where he locked the door behind them. He held her up against the door and reached for her swollen breasts. She had breastfed Jeremy before going downstairs for the party but her breasts were stiff with milk again and the nipples painfully stiff. He pushed aside her dress and eased away her bra and held her breasts into the palms of his hands.

  “I see you need release,” he said huskily.

  “I do.”

  He bent his head and took a nipple inside his mouth. Cara’s head fell back against the door and she almost cried out at the intense feeling of pleasure and pain from his mouth on her nipples. He tasted their son’s milk and used his tongue to soothe her aching flesh. Cara gripped his head, her fingers going through his ash blonde hair griping his head tightly. He went to the other nipple and she felt the sob escaping her throat as he pulled against her. He lifted his head and looked down at her for a moment before capturing her lips with his in a kiss that shook her to the very core of her womanhood. He dug his fingers through her hair scattering the pins she had used to secure it and held her head fast as he plundered her lips with his.

  He dragged his mouth from hers after awhile, his breathing harsh and thunderous in his ears, his body shuddering from unreleased passion. “Christ!” he dragged his fingers through his hair and looked down at her. “Look at me!” he demanded and pulling down the zipper he released his erection, the tip of it red and moist. “I cannot go back out there like this.”

  “I know,” she told him softly dropping to her knees before him.

  “Baby-“ he was not able to say another word as she took him deep inside her mouth.

  With a groan of surrender and gratitude he pressed his hands against the door and closed his eyes giving into her mouth on him.


  “You two were gone for long,” Marissa drawled looking at the couple as they made their way back into the room. The party was well under way and people were enjoying the music and the food. “You missed your sister’s speech.” She said looking at Matthew.

  “We had to check on the kids,” Cara told her. She had tried to pin up her hair as best as she could but tendrils were escaping the hasty bun she had put it in.

  “Of course,” Marissa said with a smirk. “Honey you have the sated look of a satisfied wife all over you. Not to mention you Matthew.”

  “We are sticking to our story,” Matthew told her mildly. “It’s your word against ours.”

  Chapter 11

  The goodbyes were tearful and promises were made. Matthew had a car to take them to the airport where they would be leaving on the private jet.

  Cara went into her sister’s room as she was getting dressed. “I hope you will be happy,” she told the girl softly. She was wearing one of the dresses Cara had bought her, a soft green wool that came to her knees. Cara had also sent for her personal hairdresser and her hair was now cut in a stylish bob that brushed her cheeks. The style flattered her face and highlighted her lovely dark brown eyes.

  “I am,” she said with a smile as she turned to her sister. Jennifer had just left the room and had pressed a package for Cara-Lee into her hands. “I cannot believe how good I look,” she said looking at herself in the full length mirror.

  “You are a very attractive woman Caro and you need to realize that. Okay turn around.” Cara instructed her.

  “Not more gifts please,” Carolyn protested but turned around nonetheless. Cara put the necklace with the beautiful emerald stone that settled inside her cleavage. “I saw it and it looked perfect for you.”

  Carolyn stared at the dazzling stone in silence, her feelings mixed. “I don’t deserve everything you have given me.”

  “We are sisters and there is nothing too good for you and my niece.” She said firmly.

  “You deserve everything. You are good and kind and everything I am not.” She whispered.

  “Nonsense,” Cara said briskly taking her into her arms for a tight hug. “You deserve happiness and I am hoping you will be.”

  “I will be, I am” she said returning the hug.

  “If there is anything you guys need please do not hesitate to call us.”

  “You have given us so much already.”

  “You have not seen anything yet.” Cara told her with a grin as they linked hands and went downstairs together.


  The accident happened two weeks later. There was a pile up on the freeway and the ambulances were kept busy transporting the injured, some critical and some with minor bruises and contusions. It was caused by an oil spill and a man’s careless overtaking. Matthew had called her to tell her he was leaving the office at a quarter past six.

  It has been two weeks since her sister, mother and niece had returned to the UK and Caro had called to tell her of the changes in décor that her husband had surprised her with. She told her that their daughter was settling in nicely and that Clive was quite the doting father and husband. “Thanks sis,” she had told Cara.

  “You are welcome.”

  She had just put Jeremy down for his nap and was putting on Janice’s pajamas when Jennifer came up to the room. “Hi.” She said looking up briefly with a smile, not noticing the woman’s distraught look. “Your niece is demanding her stuff bear and I cannot seem to find it-“ her voice tailed off as she looked at the woman again.

  “Matthew,” she stood up slowly on shaky legs, keeping one hand on her wriggling daughter.

  “Mrs. Morgan please come and see to Janice,” Jennifer called out.

  The woman hurried into the room and Cara gave her daughter an absent kiss and followed her sister in law out of the room. “What is it?”

  “There has been an accident.” Jennifer took her hands and led her into one of the sitting rooms.

  “How is he? What happened?”

  “They have rushed him to the hospital and he is in surgery. They won’t tell me anything.” Jennifer’s hands tightened on hers.

  “No!” Cara felt faint and with a supreme effort she managed not to faint. “I have to go to him.” She started to move away.

  “I have asked the driver to bring the car around.” She had the presence of mind to look at what her sister in law had on. She was wearing a simple cotton dress with small cap sleeves and her hair was in a ponytail. “I have asked Marissa to meet you there as well. Please let me know what is going on.”

  “Thanks,” her voice was hollow and she felt as if she was walking in a dream. She nodded as the maid handed her a light sweater. It was August and the heat was on but it tended to get a little chilly during the nights.

  It was after seven but the sun was still high in the sky as she got into the car and the driver pulled away taking her to the hospital. She was numb and would not allow herself to think of him dying. She could not possibly think that. She just had another child so there was no way fate could be so cruel as to take her husband away from her and leave the children without a father. Jennifer had said that they had refused to tell her anything over the phone. What did that mean? Was it that there was no hope for him? He had a lot of money surely that made a difference?

  She nodded to Joseph as he held the door open for her to get out. She hurried inside the busy hospital with attendants and residents rushing to and from dealing with people who were hurt by the accident.

  Doctor MacBride the chief resident came forward to meet her. She had met him once before at a function where Matthew had donated a wing to the hospital. “My husband,” she looked at him her expression glazed.

  He took her hands in his in a kind gesture, his expression somber. “They are still operating on him Mrs. Logan. As I understand he suffered several broken ribs and his lungs might be punctured-“ he felt her hands tightened on his and he paused before he went on. “The air bag saved him from more damage but also was the cause of his ribs severing. I am not sure he sustained any head injuries. We just have to wait until the doctors are through.”

  “Is he-“ s
he took a deep breath and then continued. “Will he-“ she could not say it, the words could not pass her lips.

  “We will just have to wait and see I am afraid Mrs. Logan,” he squeezed her hands. “Is there anything we can get you?”

  She wanted to scream at him that the only thing she wanted was her husband but she managed to restrain herself. She shook her head no and he escorted her into a room that was used for the doctors and made her sit.

  Her hands were shaking so badly that she had to clasp them together as she stared down at the shiny marble floor. “He was not going to die,” she kept telling herself as her body shook with fear. She jumped as her phone rang inside the pocket of her jacket.


  It was Marissa and she closed her eyes in relief that she was there. “Where are you honey?” she told her where and hung up.

  Cara jumped up as soon as her friend came in. Marissa folded her into her arms and that was when she let go and the tears came and could not stop. Marissa led her gently to a sofa and sat with her arms around her as she sobbed.

  “They don’t know anything yet,” she told her, blowing her nose into the handkerchief her friend handed her. “It is bad Marissa. What if he does not make it? What am I going to do?”

  “You are going to stop talking like that and start thinking that your husband is going to make it.” Her friend told her, firmly holding her hands.

  “I spoke to him as he was leaving the office and he told me he had the chance to leave a little earlier. I was planning to put the kids to bed and have Caleb prepare a romantic dinner out at the gazebo for us. It’s a nice night out and we have not had a romantic dinner since I gave birth,” she was twisting the material in her hands as if she wanted to shred it to pieces. “I can’t lose him Marissa, please God.”

  “You won’t,” Marissa took her hands and forced her to look at her. “You are not going to lose him.”

  She fell asleep with her head resting back against the back of the sofa after Marissa went to get her some coffee. They were still operating on him and she had called Jennifer to let her know that she had still not heard anything yet and they were still waiting. Marissa took the opportunity to go out into the waiting room to stretch her legs. Hospitals always made her feel depressed and she had to take a deep breath as she saw the loved ones waiting to hear what was happening to their families.

  The pile up on the freeway had been bad and she had seen glimpses of it on the news. An oil spill and a careless overtake. She had also heard that three people had died but she did not say it to Cara, she had too much dealing with right now, she did not need to hear that. She saw a doctor come out and a woman sprang up and saw when the doctor said something to her and when he grabbed her as she collapsed and started wailing. Oh God please let it not be that way for Cara. She begged, suddenly feeling shaky as she hurried back into the room where her friend was.

  She was grateful to realize that she was still sleeping. She stood there looking at the beautiful girl sleeping on the sofa. She had thought she had everything and had been thinking about her life and what it was worth. John was getting miserable and demanding in his old age, making demands on her he had never made before and she had a feeling that his children were influencing him. She was thinking of leaving but she had not made up her mind yet and she did not want to be too hasty in her decision.

  She turned around as the doctor came into the room and felt her heart beating rapidly. Cara woke up as if she felt his presence and jumped up. “My husband.”

  “He is recovering just now,” the man said with a weary smile. “His lungs were not punctured as we had feared and there was no brain damage but he is still unconscious.”

  “Thank you,” Cara hugged the surprised man and held onto him for a moment before stepping back. “May I see him?”

  He nodded with a smile. “He won’t be up for the rest of the night.”

  “I just want to be with him.” she told him simply.

  “Right this way.” He told her.

  “Marissa-“ she turned to her friend.

  “Go and be with your man honey, I will head on home and you call me if anything. I will call Jennifer and let her know.”

  “Thanks.” Cara told her with a tremulous smile as she hurried after the doctor.

  Her heart constricted as she saw her husband elevated on several pillows. There was a bandage around his head and the doctor told her that it was a scratch and would not leave a mark, as if she cared. He had bandages swathed around his chest and he looked pale and still.

  She approached the bed slowly and pulling up a chair, she sat by his bed and took his hand in hers resting it against her cheek, closing her eyes. Only this morning he had woke her up with his mouth on her cheek saying he was telling her good morning. They did not fight because he would not allow it. She would get irritated about something he had done or not done or if he came home too late from the office and he would catch hold of her and tickle her until she would end up laughing and not be mad anymore. He had told her when they had first gotten married that they would never go to bed angry with each other. There was nothing that would ever merit them fussing so much over. She turned his hand over and kissed the palm. “I would never forgive you if you had left us Matthew Logan.” She whispered.


  She slept by his bed holding his hand. She had called Jennifer and told her that she would not be coming home and Jennifer had told her that she would look after the children. “Be with your husband my dear,” she told her.

  He woke up at nine the next morning, disoriented and in pain. Marissa had come by with a change of clothes and toothbrush and several personal items for her to change. She had felt the stiffness in her breasts and wondered if she should have asked Jennifer to bring Jeremy so she could breastfeed him but she had told her that the children were okay. She had just come back into the room from getting some coffee when his eyes opened.

  “Matthew,” she whispered abandoning the cup of coffee on the table and hurrying over to him.

  “Where am I?” he asked her trying to ease up but lying back down and gasping in pain. She pressed the button to call the doctor to come and check him out.

  “You don’t remember?” she took his hand and held it with both of hers.

  He looked at her and then his brow cleared. “An accident?”

  The doctor came in just then with a nurse behind him. “Mr. Logan good to see you back with us.” He said coming over to look at him and checked his vitals. “I am going to give you something for the pain.”

  “Not something to make me sleep. I want to talk to my wife.”

  “Of course.” They finished what they were doing and left the room.

  “I remember veering off the road and heading for an embankment and not able to control the vehicle,” he told her as soon as they left. He felt her hands tight on his and realized that she had gone through hell not knowing what was happening with him. “I am sorry for putting you through that baby.” He said softly.

  To her horror she burst into tears. He felt his heart break as she sobbed heart wrenching sobs and he could not even hold her. She put her head down on the bed and he rested his hand on top of her head feeling totally helpless as he listened to her cry.

  When she was finished he told her to climb in beside him so he could hold her. “I don’t want to hurt you.” She whispered.

  “You won’t,” he told her solemnly. She climbed in beside him gently and he put his arm around her as she rested her head on his chest.


  He was not allowed to go home until three days later and the doctors wanted to keep him longer but he insisted he wanted to go home. “I am going stir crazy in this damned bed and I need to see my children,” he told the man impatiently.

  “We just want to make sure your ribs are healing properly Mr. Logan.”

  “I will heal when I am at home.”

  He knew that the time he spent in the hospital was wearing out his wife who i
nsisted on popping home to look at the children and feed Jeremy and then come back to stay with him. He had told her that she did not have to but she would not listen. He guessed the scare of almost losing him was what made her hesitant to leave him.

  He made his way carefully up the stairs and went into the bedroom. He had wanted to go into the playroom to see his children first but Cara and his sister who kept hovering around him said that they would bring the children to the suite as he needed to lie down.

  “Daddy!” Janice and Joel shouted as they came inside the room, their excitement at a fever pitch. They had been getting fussy and asking for their father over the past few days.

  “Hey princess! Little man.” He winced a little bit as they jumped up and down on the bed.

  “Easy guys,” Cara held them back a little bit seeing the look of pain on her husband’s face. “Remember Auntie Jennifer and I told you that daddy had a little accident and you have to be careful?”

  They nodded and stared at him. “Daddy hurt,” Joel said, his green eyes filling with tears.

  “It’s okay buddy.” He took their hands and let them lay beside him careful not to make them touch his ribs. “As long as you keep very still I will be okay and then you can tell daddy what you have been doing since I was not here.”


  “You are exhausted and you are running yourself ragged. Let us help you,” Jennifer told Cara pulling her into the kitchen and making her sit at the small table the staff used to eat their meals. The maid brought in a tray with some tea and biscuits and a glass of water and set it down. It was Friday afternoon and the children were back in their playroom. She had fed Jeremy and he was now asleep. Matthew had insisted on holding his son in his arms while he drifted off to sleep. He looked more like him than the other two except for his wife’s beautiful dark brown eyes.

  “I almost lost him,” her hands shook as she lifted the cup to her lips.

  “But you didn’t,” Jennifer told her firmly. “And you are going to make yourself ill if you do not rest. He is my brother and I want to help as well. I almost lost him too Cara.”


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