Book Read Free


Page 18

by Jacob Chance

  Please be okay, please be okay.

  Maybe if I repeat my plea enough times he’ll be fine?

  “Guys, I’m sorry,” Kid hurries over. “I don’t know what happened.” He throws his hands up, helplessly.

  “I know it was an accident,” I tell him, but I don’t have a lot of comfort to offer anyone else right now. I’m too worried about Jesse. My father always says he hires the best wrestlers and injuries don’t happen often, but when they do they’re bad. It goes with the territory. “Nobody is blaming you, Alex. Wyatt, what’s going on? I can’t see,” I question sharply. I’m scared and frustrated.

  “They’ve got him on a board and his neck is braced,” Wyatt informs me. With his lofty height he can clearly see what’s happening.

  “How does he look?” Shit. I can’t stand this not knowing what’s going on or how he is.

  “He just opened his eyes.” Wyatt grins.

  “He did?” I sob with relief, lowering my face into my hands as happy tears replace uncertain ones. The crowd roars its approval. “What’s happened?” I raise my head and wipe the moisture from my cheeks.

  Wyatt barks out a laugh. “He just gave the audience a thumbs up.”

  Ronnie snorts. “He’s such an attention whore. He probably did this on purpose,” she jests. Wyatt kisses her on the top of her head and her eyes close with emotion. These two need to have a come to Jesus talk, but that’s a story for another day. Right now, all I care about is Jesse and what his prognosis is.

  The audience cheers so loud the building practically shakes when the EMTs lift Jesse and slide him onto a stretcher and then once again when he raises his thumb in the air as they wheel him out. “Let’s get out of here. We can head to the hospital and find out what’s going on,” Wyatt mentions.

  I nod my agreement; my eyes never leave Jesse as they carry him out. I’m glad Wyatt’s thinking clearly because my head is clouded with a heavy fog of worry.

  Wyatt leads us backstage and directs us to a WCW vehicle as Ronnie and I wordlessly follow, climbing inside the back seat. Wyatt jumps in the front and the driver starts off toward the hospital. We all remain silent, lost in our own thoughts of Jesse. I’m sure theirs aren’t weighted with regret like mine are. Seeing him crumble to the mats and then lying unconscious in the ring, put everything in perspective for me with a clarity I’ve been lacking. When he didn’t move, my life flashed crystal clear before my eyes and I saw how empty it would be without him. In that instant I realized how much I love and want to be with Jesse. No; I need to be with him. He’s vital to my very existence and I don’t want a single day to pass where we’re not together. At that moment it didn’t matter if millions of viewers were watching. It certainly didn’t matter if my dad approved or not. I had tunnel vision and getting to Jesse was the only thing I was concerned with.

  The car drops us at the emergency entrance and Wyatt heads to the reception desk to find out where Jesse’s been taken. Ronnie puts her arm around me. “He’ll be okay.”

  “I hope so.” I shake my head in disgust. “I’ve been so stupid and selfish, and he’s put up with me. I hate what I’ve put him through. Who cares what other people think? All that matters is him being okay,” I rationalize.

  “Lilah, he’s going to be fine and you’re going to tell him all of this. He’ll be ecstatic and the two of you will live happily ever after.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “It can be. You guys love each other. That’s simple.”

  “I think you need to take your own advice. Simple, huh?”

  “In your case it can be simple. You both feel the same.”

  “He’s being checked out now,” Wyatt interrupts. “They said to take a seat and someone will bring us back to him as soon as they can.”

  Moving to a row of empty chairs along the side windows, I sink down on the plastic chair. Wyatt and Ronnie take the seats next to me. Resting my head on the cool glass behind me, I picture Jesse’s smiling face. Please be okay. My stomach is in absolute knots and I want to crawl out of my own skin from the anxiety smothering me. Mind whirling with regrets and what ifs, I’m driving myself mad and spiraling further into the dark space inside my head. My knee bounces nervously as I relive every time I told him we needed to keep things on the down low.

  Wyatt and Ronnie speak in hushed whispers too quiet for me to hear.

  Why haven’t they come out here to get us yet?

  Is that a bad sign?

  Glancing around the waiting area, I find all eyes on me. My gaze sweeps to the large flat screen mounted on the wall and I realize they’re watching the replay of tonight’s WCW episode. There I am ugly crying in high definition. I never wanted to be on tv, but now I don’t even care. Worrying about Jesse is enough to deal with. Nothing else is of any significance to me.

  “Are you family members of Jesse Gunn?” A nurse inquires.

  “Yes,” we all say, jumping to our feet, eager to get some answers.

  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to him.” She dashes off and we hurry along behind. I want to ask if he’s okay, but I’m too scared.

  What if it’s worse than I think?

  Shaking my head to stop the negative thoughts, I take a deep breath and follow the nurse to Jesse’s room. She gestures for me to go in and Wyatt and Ronnie hang back letting me have a moment alone with him. I let out a sigh of relief when I see him sitting up in the bed. He smiles when he sees me, immediately I burst into tears. Running the final steps to his bedside, I stop short afraid to touch him and hurt him in some way.

  “Hey, what are all these tears for?” he questions, reaching for my hand.

  “I was so worried. I thought something horrible had happened to you.”

  “I’m fine, baby. Good thing I’ve got such a thick skull, or I might have more than a severe concussion.”

  “How long are they keeping you here?”

  “They want me to stay overnight for observation because I was unconscious for a few minutes.”

  “It seemed like you were out forever.”

  He squeezes my hand. “I’m sorry you were worried.”

  “I love you, Jesse. I know I’ve told you before, but I hope you realize how much. I’m sorry I’ve been so ridiculous, demanding we not tell anyone we’re together. If I’ve learned anything from what happened tonight, it’s that I don’t care if the whole world knows. In fact, I want them to and after my reaction on camera I’m sure they do.”

  He chuckles. “The cat’s out of the bag, huh?”

  “Oh yeah, in a big way.” I giggle.

  “I’m glad. I want the whole world to know that you’re my woman.”

  “What a sweet thing to say.”

  “I heard this is where the party’s at,” Wyatt calls out as he and Ronnie walk in. He shakes Jesse’s hand and Ronnie leans down to kiss him on the cheek. “You had us all worried,” she tells him.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t plan for that hit to go awry. I didn’t plan on getting bashed on the head.”

  “One of the nurses filled us in. At least you’re only here overnight. How are you feeling, man?” Wyatt asks.

  Jesse leans his head from side to side. “I’m sore as hell, but I’m glad I got off as lightly as I did. It could’ve been so much worse.”

  “Some people will do anything for attention and a bigger storyline.” Ronnie rolls her eyes.

  “You got me. It’s all part of the act.” Jesse tugs me closer. “Sit that sexy ass of yours down beside me. Give me some TLC, woman.” He puckers his lips for a kiss as I sit next to him on the mattress.

  Leaning over I brush my mouth against his. “That’s all you get for now, Gunn,” I scold with a smile.

  “You’re supposed to play private nurse and make me feel better.”

  “I think it’s time for us to get out of here,” Wyatt mentions with a look at Ronnie. She nods in agreement. They say their goodbyes and promise to stop by tomorrow to see Jesse.

  Ronnie shoots m
e a wink just before she walks out. I’m sure it’s her way of telling me to say all the things I worried I might not get a chance to.

  “Who’s moving in with whom?” I ask.

  “Is this your way of asking me to move in with you?”

  “Yep. I want to be with you every minute of every day and spend so much time together you get sick of me.”

  “That’s never going to happen, Lilah. With every day that passes I only love you more and that’s never going to change.”

  “You’re okay with moving into my house? It’s not exciting like city life.”

  “Of course, I am. It doesn’t matter where we live, as long as we’re together.” He caresses my cheek. “Besides, we can spend a night in the city anytime we want. There’s no shortage of hotels.”

  “You don’t think we’re doing this too fast?”

  “Lilah, I love you and that’s not going to change. You feel the same about me; why should we wait?”

  I smile so large it painfully stretches the corners of my mouth. “In the course of a couple of hours I’ve gone from the worst moment of my life to the best.”

  “Hell no, baby. The best is yet to come.”

  The nurse comes in to check on him and I take the opportunity to step outside his room and check my messages.

  Dad: Call me ASAP.

  Shit. I knew this was coming, I just thought I’d be able to put it off until at least tomorrow. I might as well get this over with. Leaning back against the hallway wall, I inhale and call his number.

  “Lilah,” his deep voice answers immediately.

  “Dad.” Squeezing my eyes shut, I wait for it…

  “How’s Jesse?” His voice softens.

  “He’s okay. He has a severe concussion, but he’s going to be fine.”

  “Good. How are you holding up?”

  “I’m okay.” I keep my tone light.

  “Lilah honey, I saw your reaction when Jesse got hurt. You looked like a girl who cares more than she lets on.” My eyes shoot open when the nurse leaves Jesse’s room. She smiles as she walks by. “You don’t have anything to say to that?” he inquires.

  “What do you want me to say, Dad? I’m sorry I did exactly what you warned me not to? I didn’t mean to fall in love with Jesse? Both of those things are true Dad, but I’m not sorry I fell in love. I only wish I hadn’t cared what other people would think.”

  “Do you care what I think?”

  I pause for a moment. “Yes and no. I care about your opinion, but not enough to let it keep me from Jesse.”

  “What if I asked you to choose between Jesse and your job? Which would you pick?”

  “Are you asking me that?”

  “Answer the question, Lilah.” His tone is brusque, allowing for no argument.

  “It wouldn’t even be a choice; I’d pick Jesse.”

  “You know what you have to do now.”

  “Find a new job?”

  “No, be happy. Enjoy your life and start a family. I need grandkids to pass the business along to.”

  “Dad, I think planning our children is a bit premature. We’ve only been together for a couple of months. And what am I, chopped liver?”

  He chuckles. “I’m thinking long term, Lilah. You know how I like to plan ahead. By the way, Jesse’s always been one of my favorite wrestlers, but don’t tell him I said that.”

  “No worries there. His head is big enough already,” I jest.

  “Exactly how long have the two of you been involved?”

  “I met him on my first day; I guess you could say he’s had a part of my heart since then. We didn’t start dating until after you ordered me to go on the road trip with him.”

  “Are you blaming me for falling in love with Jesse?”

  “Nope, I’m thanking you.”

  “It doesn’t sound like it,” he grumbles, playfully.

  “Dad, do you really need credit for inadvertently pushing Jesse and I together?”

  “I could say I knew that would be the result of you working so closely together, but I’d be lying. You hid your feelings for him well.”

  “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “Lilah, rules are important to follow, but you can’t help who your heart wants,” he pauses, sighing loudly. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you how we met?”

  “No.” Where is he going with this?

  He chuckles, tightly. “She worked at WCW.”

  “What?” I yell into the phone.

  “You heard me.”

  “I did, but I can’t believe it. You’re a hypocrite. You specifically told me not to get involved with someone from work and how that was the most important thing.”

  “Lilah, my father gave me those same rules and someday you’ll say them to your children when they start working at WCW.”

  “How long did you work with mom before you asked her out?”

  “Six months.”

  “That’s it?”

  “What can I say? You’re better at following rules than I am,” he laughs. “I’m better at enforcing them.”

  “Dad, we’ll be discussing this some more the next time I see you. I’m not letting you off the hook and I can’t wait to hear what mom has to say about this.”

  “It was all your mother’s fault. She flirted with me shamelessly.”

  I laugh, knowing he’s kidding.

  “Okay, back to business,” he mentions, clearing his throat. “I’ll expect you to work from home while you’re looking after Jesse. No slacking off just because you’re not coming in the office.”

  “Dad, you know me better than that.”

  “I do, but I also know how demanding of a patient Jesse will be. He’s a typical man, but even worse, he’s a wrestler who likes the attention on him.”

  “Don’t worry, dad. I know how to handle him.”

  One week later

  Jesse’s been staying with me since he was discharged from the hospital and we flew back to Connecticut. We put his official move off until he’s fully recovered. I’ve been working mostly from home since showering him with affection and nursing him back to health is my number one priority. My dad even made this part of my duties. He wants his superstar to get back to work as soon as possible. I’ve been posting pics all over social media of Jesse during his recovery and surprisingly the fans have embraced our relationship. We’ve been shown so much support from his followers and our coworkers too. It makes me realize how senseless all the secrecy was. I’ve even started to post pics of us together. Just once in a while though. I know Jesse is the one they want to see.

  He’s been a miserable patient for the most part. Having free time and being idle doesn’t work well for him. He’s used to living a physical life and being sedentary is testing his patience and as a result, he’s been testing mine.

  He has one more week before he can resume his workouts and how that goes will decide when he can return to the ring.

  “What’s this all about?” Jesse questions, frowning when he sees the two mats I’ve spread out in the middle of the living room.

  “You and I are gonna do some yoga.” I pause with my hands on my hips and look him over. He’s wearing black basketball shorts and a worn, gray WCW t-shirt. He hasn’t shaved in the week since he got hurt and the thick, short beard covering his jaw makes him look dark and dangerous. He’s the thief who stole my heart. I smirk at my cheesy thoughts. I never thought I’d be this girl.

  “Yoga?” He scowls, crossing his arms and showcasing the bulging muscles and veins running up his forearms.

  “Did I stutter, Gunn? Yep, you heard me right.” I point between us, “you and I are going to do couple’s yoga. I need to do something with your grumpy ass.”

  He grins crookedly. “It’s not my ass that you need to do something with. I assume that means we’re gonna be bending into some sexy positions together? This sounds promising.” He rubs his palms together; his mood seems to be rapidly improving.

  “You’re smarter than y
ou look, Gunn. Now sit on the mat.” I point to the blue one I purchased for him. Taking a seat on my own green one, I take hold of his hand. “I know you’re going stir crazy since your accident and not being able to work out is mentally taxing on you.” He rakes his teeth over his bottom lip, nodding. “I spoke with your neurologist and he told me yoga would be the perfect exercise for you. It will stretch out your muscles and help prevent injuries. And there’s no danger of impact since all the motions we’ll do are long, slow, and gentle.”

  “I’m pretty good at long and slow; gentle not so much,” he quips, eyes heatedly raking up and down my body.

  I do my best to ignore the flutter of desire his interest causes. “You excel at many things, but let’s see how you do at yoga.” I spin around on my butt and tell him to do the same until we’re sitting cross legged, back to back.

  “This isn’t how I imagined this going,” he says.

  “Just wait. We need to warm up first. We need to sync our breaths so you’re inhaling when I’m exhaling. Hold still and focus.” He surprises me by complying and we sit quietly listening to one another breathe for the next five minutes. “Now twist your upper body to the right and place your right hand on my left leg. This is called the Partner Twist.”

  “This isn’t my version of the Partner Twist. I can think of much more appropriate positions for that title.” I ignore him, choosing not to rise to the bait.

  “When you inhale reach straight up and then on the exhale twist and hold for a five count. We have to alternate sides each time.” He follows my instructions and we get through the exercise without any more complaints.

  Rising to my feet, I gesture for him to do the same. “This is called the downward-facing dog and it feels great. I bend over and get into the right position, ass up like the point of the letter V. He grumbles behind me, “are you fucking with me?”

  “What are you complaining about?”

  “This isn’t a real position is it? You’re making shit up to torture me.”

  Straightening up, I place my hands on my hips. “Assume the position, Jesse. I promise it’s real.”

  He bends over, maneuvering into downward-facing dog. Walking around him, I check his form which really means I’m ogling his ass and every other body part.


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