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Ancient Remedies

Page 22

by Dr. Josh Axe

  CANDIDA. If the body’s pH balance is off, this yeast can grow out of control. Symptoms include headaches, sugar cravings, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, candida overgrowth is caused by dampness, spleen qi deficiency, and a weak digestive system. Excessive worry will make it worse.

  Foods That Harm: Cold or raw foods, refined carbs, sugar, wheat, dairy, egg whites, oils, nut butters, banana, fruit juices, alcohol, soy, tofu, fried food, and pork

  Foods That Heal: Bone broth, cooked vegetables, asparagus, radishes, celery, carrots, squash, pumpkin, stewed apples and pears, fermented foods, beef, chicken, salmon, beans, rice, oats, barley, onions, cinnamon, ginger, bitter foods and herbs

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Pau d’arco. Strong anti-yeast and antifungal properties. Drink 1 to 3 cups of tea daily, with warming bitter herbs like cinnamon and ginger.

  2. Alisma. Clears candida and dampness from the body. Take as directed.

  3. Astragalus. Stimulates the immune system. Take 1,000 mg daily.

  4. Probiotics. Can reduce candida overgrowth.6 Take 50 billion IU daily.

  5. Garlic. Helps fight fungal infections and boosts the immune system.7 Take 2 capsules or consume 2 fresh garlic cloves daily.

  Other remedies: Control stress with spiritual triathlon (see here), meditation, yoga, exercise, digital fasting, and walking in nature. Herbs like grapefruit seed, poria, and sage may also help.

  Essential oils: For oral thrush, add 3 drops of either clove or oregano oil to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, swish for 2 minutes, then spit out.

  CARDIOPULMONARY LUNG DISEASE (COPD). COPD is a respiratory disease in which the lungs become inflamed, restricting airflow, most often caused by smoking. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chronic cough, wheezing, chest tightness, and mucus accumulation.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the cause is lung yin deficiency, known as “wilting lung.”

  Foods That Harm: Conventional dairy, processed food, sugar, additives, preservatives and food dyes, simple carbs, fried food, salt, apples, stone fruits

  Foods That Heal: Organic vegetables, fruits (especially citrus, which contains quercetin), mulberries, mango, rice, oats, sweet potatoes, beets; omega-3-rich foods (wild-caught salmon, flaxseed, chia seeds), poultry, eggs, healthy fats (avocados, coconut products, olive oil), tahini, honey

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Panax ginseng. Improves lung function. Take 500 mg twice daily.

  2. Astragalus. Has anti-inflammatory properties and supports lung function. Take 1,000 mg daily.

  3. Ginger tea. Its antioxidant content is good for lungs. Cut up a 2-inch knob of ginger; steep in 4 cups of hot water. Drink throughout the day.

  4. Probiotics. Healing the gut aids the lungs. Take 50 billion IU daily.

  5. CBD oil. Reduces inflammation in lung cells.8 Take 160 mg daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture; do qi gong “pursed-lip” breathing exercises (inhale through nose for 2 to 3 seconds, then exhale through pursed lips for 4 to 6 seconds); reduce stress with yoga and spiritual reading; avoid smoke, perfume, and insect spray.

  Essential oils: Diffuse 5 drops of eucalyptus oil, which improves lung function in COPD.

  CHOLESTEROL (HIGH). This naturally occurring substance is used to repair damaged arteries. It travels in fat cells through the blood and can build up on artery walls, decreasing blood flow—and increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

  Ancient perspective: According to TCM, spleen qi deficiency causes excess dampness, leading to internal obstruction, while anger can lead to liver stagnation, causing heat.

  Foods That Harm: Hydrogenated oils, sugar, refined grains, gluten, full-fat dairy, pork, bacon, and other processed meats, alcohol, caffeine, fast food

  Foods That Heal: Leafy greens, vegetables, berries, nuts and seeds (especially flaxseed and walnuts), beans, sweet potatoes, wild-caught fish (especially salmon), avocados, olive oil, coconut, green tea, small amounts of gluten-free grains, oats, rice

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Hawthorn. Can lower bad (LDL) cholesterol and increase good (HDL) cholesterol. Take 500 to 1,500 mg daily.

  2. Garlic extract. Can lower cholesterol. Take 500 mg daily.

  3. Red yeast rice. Contains a substance that’s identical to the active ingredient in a prescription cholesterol-lowering drug. Take 1,200 mg twice daily.

  4. Turmeric. Reduces LDL cholesterol. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  5. Fish oil. Reduces artery inflammation. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  Other prescriptions: Niacin, CoQ10, reishi, and green tea can help keep cholesterol in check. Reduce stress with yoga, walking in nature, prayer, and meditation, and drink 100 ounces of water a day. Strength training and interval cardio increase HDL and lower LDL.

  Essential oils: Mix 3 drops of lavender oil and rosemary oil and rub on neck and chest.

  COMMON COLD. The common cold is a contagious respiratory illness caused by any of more than two hundred viruses. Symptoms include runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, and low fever.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the virus takes hold due to wind, dampness, or excess cold.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar (including fruit juice), conventional dairy, egg whites, packaged and processed foods, refined grains

  Foods That Heal: Cooked vegetables, carrots, celery, squash, pumpkin, vitamin C–rich fruits (citrus, kiwi, goji, amla, camu camu), fermented foods, miso, rice congee, bone broth, chicken, salmon, beef, lamb, garlic, onions, thyme, sage, oregano, ginger

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Echinacea. Prevents and treats colds. Take 5 ml twice daily for 10 days.

  2. Elderberry. Can shorten illness duration. Take as directed.

  3. Astragalus. Strengthens the immune system. Take 1,000 mg 1 to 4 times daily.

  4. Turkey tail and reishi mushrooms. Boosts the immune system. Take as directed.

  5. Zinc. Strengthens the immune system. Take 30 mg 3 to 4 times daily.

  Other remedies: Take vitamin C, vitamin D3, andrographis, and ginseng to support immune health. Make homemade chicken bone broth soup, with warming herbs like garlic and ginger, and drink hot water with honey, cinnamon, and a squeeze of lemon. Do light exercise (gentle yoga or walking in nature) and aim for 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night.

  Essential oils: Take 1 or 2 drops of oregano oil and/or myrrh oil for no more than 10 days; diffuse 3 drops of thyme, lemon, eucalyptus, or clove oil.

  CONSTIPATION. Characterized as fewer than three bowel movements a week, constipation has symptoms that include gas, bloating, and back pain. Too little water and dietary fiber, stress, inactivity, hypothyroidism, and magnesium deficiency are common causes.

  Ancient perspective: The root causes are liver stagnation, and heat and dryness in the large intestine. Overwork and emotions related to frustration contribute as well.

  Foods That Harm: Refined flour, sugar, pasteurized dairy, fried food, eggs, red meat, pork, alcohol, caffeine

  Foods That Heal: High-fiber food, cooked vegetables, leafy greens, okra, carrots, fruits, apples, bananas, blueberries, prunes, figs, coconut, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, beans, seeds, omega-3-rich fish

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Probiotics. Help maintain a healthy intestinal tract, which supports the normal movement of food waste. Take 25 to 50 billion IU daily.

  2. Slippery elm and marshmallow root. Reduce heat and moisten the colon. Take as directed.

  3. Chia seeds and flaxseed. Lubricate the colon. Take 2 to 3 tablespoons daily with water.

  4. Magnesium. Boosts intestinal motility. Take 250 mg 2 or 3 times daily.

  5. Triphala. Strengthens the colon. Take as directed.

  Other remedies: Exercise, such as brisk walking, yoga, and jumping on a mini trampoline. Meditate and pray daily to reduce frustration and impatience, and read spiritual growth books. Drink 8 ounces of carrot juice with 2 tab
lespoons flaxseed oil upon awakening. Drink 100 ounces of warm liquids throughout the day.

  Essential oils: Take 1 or 2 drops of ginger or fennel oil with water twice daily.

  DEPRESSION. Characterized by low mood and energy; symptoms include sadness, anger, sleep issues (too little or too much), loss of appetite and libido, and suicidal thoughts.

  Ancient perspective: The root cause is lung qi deficiency, liver qi weakness, and heart qi deficiency, which is made worse by dwelling on the past and a lack of hope and joy.

  Foods That Harm: Wheat, hydrogenated fats, packaged food, processed oils, caffeine, alcohol, sugar

  Foods That Heal: Coconut, omega-3-rich foods, wild-caught fish, walnuts, avocados, olive oil, bone broth, grass-fed beef, organic chicken, vegetables, leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, beets, onions, wild mushrooms, seeds, berries

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. CBD. Affects the brain receptors that produce an antidepressant effect.9 Take 40 to 160 mg daily.

  2. St. John’s wort. Can improve mild to moderate depression. Take 300 mg 3 times daily with meals.

  3. Fish oil. Omega-3s support brain health and mood. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  4. Ginkgo biloba. Supports brain health and qi circulation. Take 100 to 250 mg daily.

  5. Ashwagandha. Balances stress. Take 300 to 500 mg daily.

  Other remedies: Take time for prayer, exercise, gratitude, spiritual growth reading, affirmations, making future plans, volunteering, and connecting with supportive friends. Uplifting community events, like church, sporting events, or music performances, are also helpful.

  Essential oils: Diffuse a few drops of chamomile, lavender, ylang-ylang, or bergamot oil to boost mood and induce feelings of relaxation.

  DIABETES (TYPE 2). Characterized by high blood sugar, type 2 diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. Symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, fatigue, and tingling or numbness in hands and feet.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, it’s caused by a spleen qi deficiency or kidney yin deficiency caused by stress, worry, and overeating carbohydrates.

  Foods That Harm: All sugar, dried fruit, packaged snacks, conventional dairy, alcohol, white potatoes, white bread, pasta, rice

  Foods That Heal: Leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, pumpkin, carrots, squash, berries, wild-caught fatty fish (salmon, sardines), poultry, grass-fed beef, eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, seeds, nuts, dark chocolate, stevia, liver, bone broth, tahini, asparagus, monk fruit

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Cinnamon. Research shows it can reduce blood sugar levels.10 Stir 1 to 2 teaspoons daily into your morning coffee or smoothie.

  2. Gymnema. Known as the “destroyer of sugar.” Start by taking 100 mg once daily and gradually increase up to 4 times daily.

  3. Chromium. Balances blood sugar. Take 100 to 400 mcg daily.

  4. Fenugreek. Improve glucose metabolism. Take as directed.

  5. Holy basil. Lowers inflammation and blood sugar. Take 500 to 2,000 mg daily.

  Other remedies: Exercise, do yoga, walk in nature, and reduce stress and worry through meditation, spiritual triathlon (see here), and making time for things that bring you joy. For additional herbal support, try bitter melon, ginseng, astragalus, and rehmannia.

  Essential oils: Diffuse 3 drops of coriander, cinnamon, ginger, or lavender oil.

  DIARRHEA. Caused by food allergies, infections, and stress, as well as a number of digestive disorders, including irritable bowel, and medications like antibiotics.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, diarrhea is most commonly caused by spleen dampness and coldness, which can be brought on by candida (see Candida for how to treat) or by worry, stress, or overwork. Also, hot diarrhea (which feels like you’ve eaten spicy food) can be caused by stomach fire.

  Foods That Harm: Conventional dairy, raw food, fats, oils, sugar, caffeine, and common allergens (soy, gluten, dairy, shellfish, nuts)

  Foods That Heal: Bone broth, coconut water, rice congee, cream of rice, long-cooked oatmeal, bananas, applesauce, pears, butternut squash, cooked carrots, ginger, flaxseed oil

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Probiotics. Research shows they can reduce the length of a bout of diarrhea.11 Take 50 billion IU daily.

  2. Astragalus. Supports colon to reduce symptoms. Take 1,000 mg once or twice daily.

  3. Ginger. Eases gut inflammation. Take 500 mg 1 to 3 times daily in tea or capsules.

  4. Bone broth or bone broth powder. Strengthens the gut lining. Take 10 to 20 mg once or twice daily.

  5. Cinnamon. Warms the colon and balances blood sugar. Take 500 mg twice daily.

  Other remedies: Chronic stress, worry, and exhaustion contribute to the problem, so exercise, meditate, spend time in nature, pare back your schedule, and get 8 hours of sleep a night. For hot diarrhea, consume aloe vera juice and steamed vegetables.

  Essential oils: Take 1 or 2 drops of peppermint oil in water, or mix 2 or 3 drops of clove or ginger oil with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub on the abdomen.

  DIVERTICULITIS. With age, some people form small pouches, or diverticula, in their digestive tract. They can get inflamed or infected, causing pain, fever, and nausea.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, diverticulitis is caused by spleen qi deficiency and damp heat.

  Foods That Harm: Popcorn, corn, nuts, seeds, gluten, conventional dairy, sugar, refined flour, spicy food, peanut butter, garlic, ice-cold drinks, ice cream, hydrogenated oils, coffee, alcohol, caffeine

  Foods That Heal: Cooked vegetables, leafy greens, asparagus, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, butternut squash, peas, bone broth, miso, organic meat, fish, chicken, coconut kefir, baked pears, applesauce, coconut, rice congee, cardamom

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Chamomile. Expels heat and calms the gut lining. Drink 1 or 2 cups of tea daily, or take a supplement as directed.

  2. Cardamom. Strengthens intestines and digestion. Take as directed.

  3. Aloe vera juice. Eliminates heat. Take ¼ cup twice daily before meals.

  4. Licorice root. Soothes the intestinal tract. Take 500 to 1,000 mg daily.

  5. Probiotics. Improves gut health and fights infection. Take 50 to 100 billion IU daily.

  Other remedies: Exercise moderately every day to promote bowel movement; drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water or clear fluids daily to keep stool soft; for pain, try acupuncture, yoga, meditation, spiritual triathlon, and nature walks; eat foods that can reduce inflammation and fight infection, including garlic, green tea, ginger, and turmeric; take digestive enzymes as directed to relieve abdominal pain.

  Essential oils: For pain, mix 3 drops of lavender oil with ½ teaspoon coconut oil and rub on abdomen once or twice daily, or diffuse 5 drops as needed.

  EAR INFECTION. These bacterial or viral illnesses cause pain, fever, and fatigue.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the root cause is excess wind and heat. Chronic infections point to kidney qi deficiency.

  Foods That Harm: Processed food, sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, common food allergens (soy, peanuts, eggs, conventional dairy)

  Foods That Heal: Chicken bone broth, omega-3-rich foods (salmon, chia seeds, flaxseed), cooked vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, celery, squash), pears, kiwi, oranges, rice congee, coconut, miso, onions, garlic, ginger, breast milk (for babies)

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Garlic mullein oil. Eases pain. Put 3 to 7 drops of slightly warm oil in the affected ear. Rest with the affected ear facing up for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat 2 or 3 times daily.

  2. Elderberry. If given when symptoms first appear, it can shorten the duration of viruses. Take ¼ teaspoon twice daily.

  3. Probiotics. Boosts immune function and can prevent recurrent infections. Take 25 to 50 billion IU daily.

  4. Echinacea. Can help fight viruses and bacteria. Take ¼ teaspoon twice daily.

  5. Astragalus.
Has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Take 1,000 mg once or twice daily.

  Other remedies: Chiropractic care can help improve ear infections. To reduce pain, put a warm hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on the affected ear.

  Essential oils. Combine 2 or 3 drops of tea tree, basil, or oregano oil with 1 teaspoon coconut oil and massage into the skin around the ear area, but not in the ear.

  ECZEMA. Also called atopic dermatitis, this rash presents itself as red patches that are flaky and itchy. They can occur all over the body and are caused by food allergies, chemical sensitivities, leaky gut, genetics, stress, and immune deficiencies.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, eczema is caused by heat in the lungs, dampness in the spleen, and/or heat in the blood and liver yin deficiency.

  Foods That Harm: Additives and preservatives, gluten, lactose and other allergens, peanuts, margarine and conventional dairy, soy, tomatoes, nuts, seeds, refined grains, corn, eggs

  Foods That Heal: Bone broth, fish, poultry, fermented foods, miso, cooked vegetables, carrots, leafy greens, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, broccoli, squash, pumpkin, mulberries, pears, apples, blueberries, coconut oil, oatmeal, rice congee, grass-fed beef, sweet potatoes

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Sun therapy or vitamin D3. Calms inflammation and reduces itching. Get 10 to 15 mins of sun (without sunscreen) daily. For D3, take 2,000 to 10,000 IU daily.

  2. Dead Sea salt bath. Increases hydration and reduces inflammation. Take a warm (not hot) bath once or twice daily. Follow package instructions for adding salt.


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