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Something More (Another Falls Creek Romance Book 4)

Page 17

by SF Benson

  No shit.

  Both councils will question why the Broussards are in Falls Creek in the first place. NOLA Council will probably come down harder on Ace and his pack. Either way, I’ll be removed from office. Then, I’ll have to deal with my father. Calhoun Ryder will not be my downfall.

  “Does your Council know there’s an alliance between our packs?” I reach for the whiskey bottle and top off my glass.

  “Yeah. Your beta made sure of it.”

  Damn. Brian may not have wanted the position, but he’s good at it.

  “Okay. Let’s work with that.” Turning to the keyboard, I pull up our company website. “We need to create a paper trail—a plausible explanation for our partnership. I’ll let our investors know that Romero Enterprises is expanding into Louisiana.”

  Ace purses his lips. “I’ll contact my father. Tell him to dummy up some forms linking Broussard International with ya company. It’ll be enough to convince both councils that we have a reason to be in town.”

  I nod. “Now we need to plan for the confrontation.”

  “Leave it to me. We’ll draw out those assholes and—”

  “Don’t tell me.” I hold up a hand. “If I don’t know how it’s going down, I can feign innocence.”

  “Gotcha.” Ace drains his glass and sets it on the desk. “Mind my asking how thing’s are going with ya lady?”

  I toss back my drink before saying, “She’ll only accept the bond after this matter is finished.”

  Ace sits forward. “I know it ain’t whatcha want, but it’s better than nothing. You’ll be able to go public and be accepted by ya pack. Morgan and I… We don’t have the luxury. We’re bonded and married. That’s it.”

  My eyebrows shoot up. This is news.

  The brooding alpha wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “I know whatcha thinking. If Julien knew, he’d serve my balls for breakfast with a glass of my blood. The rogue problem is intense in N’awlins. Morgan went up against a fucking werewolf and almost lost. After that experience, I convinced her to marry me. I won’t risk losing her.”

  “How does that work with her parents against you?”

  It’s my understanding that the couple has an intense relationship. Her parents—a vampire and a witch—reject the idea of a union between the alpha and their daughter.

  “It ain’t easy.” Ace reaches for the bottle and refills his glass. “Thankfully, Morgan moved out of Julien’s manor. Got herself a place over in Faubourg Marigny. Julien and his wife rarely step beyond the Vieux Carrè and the Garden District. As long as we conduct ourselves properly in public, we’re good.”

  I exhale. I’m so glad I don’t have to live his life. Only positive in Ace’s world is his mate accepted the bond. No matter what goes down, he can easily find her.

  Ace replaces the cap on the bottle. “Brady, I only tell ya this so ya know anything’s possible. Ya getting bent out of shape ‘cause Audra won’t bond and marry is ridiculous. It could be a helluva lot worse. Just do whatcha gotta do. My wolves will handle the Ryders. If we need anything, can we count on ya pack?”

  “Of course, without question.”

  I’m hoping all this shit can be wrapped up in a couple of days. By this time next week, I want to be on our honeymoon. My family owns a private island in Ávila, Spain. This time of year you can only reach the 1920s stone castle by a boat which suits me fine. We can run the three-acre-estate undisturbed, although sightseeing won’t be on the agenda.

  The rest of the night goes by without incidence. I’m appreciating the quiet when Audra comes to the office with a couple of plates of steaks and fries.

  “Got a minute for dinner?”

  Worries can wait for a while. This is my time. I clear a spot on the desk. “With you? Always.”

  She smiles and sets a plate in front of me. “Any more whiskey, or did you and Ace finish the bottle?”

  My eyebrow shoots up. “How did…?”

  “Please.” Audra waves her hand in the air as she sits down. “As if you could keep anything from me. I was on my way to the office when I heard his voice.” She cuts into her steak. “Do you think it’s wise to stage an attack against the Ryders? I thought you would keep this on a personal level. Council won’t question anything if it’s just the two of you in a challenge.”

  My love speaks like a female concerned with my well-being. I know her though. If this is just between Calhoun and me, Audra can step in and help if needed. That’s not happening. She’s the strongest, most capable she-wolf I know, but I’d be less of a male if I let her fight my battle. I’ll be the one settling this matter between the Romeros and the Ryders. No one else.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” Reaching across the desk, I squeeze her hand. “Besides, the sooner this is done, the sooner we bond and marry.”

  With her free hand, Audra combs her fingers through her hair. She’s nervous. But for what reason? I know she’s not worried about me fighting Calhoun. “Sugar, everything okay?”

  Absently, she pushes the food around on her plate, not meeting my gaze. “Of course, it is. Why do you ask?”

  Audra has never lied to me. Never. Reality hits me like a fucking sledgehammer. Agreeing to bond and marry was to appease me. My hand slips from hers as anger threatens to take over. “How about a little honesty between us?” I narrow my eyes. “What are you planning to do once this situation with the Ryders is over?”

  She bites her lip but doesn’t look up. “I told you. We’ll bond and marry.”

  “Then why is it I doubt you?” Frustration adds to the mix of emotions surging deep down. My voice rises. “Audra, what are you hiding from me?”

  My love smiles, but her eyes are as cold as ice with uncertainty flickering in their depths. “Baby, I haven’t changed my mind, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m only nervous about this attack on the Ryders.” With words, she attempts to soothe me, but her voice shakes.

  Pushing to my feet, I drop my napkin on the desk. “I need to go out. Get some air.”

  “Do you want some company?”

  Ordinarily, I would. Right now, I need to get my head on straight. Find a way to move past the voice in my head warning me that things aren’t right. This female I love with every ounce of my being has never given me cause to doubt her, but now I do. Frankly, I don’t think anyone would find fault in me for doing so. With all that we’ve been through… All the stalling… The back-and-forth dialogue… My concern is justified.

  But maybe, just maybe, this is what the Ryders want. You doubting the very person you love.

  I’m not about to get into a war with myself over this. It’s best I step away and gather my thoughts before I say something I’ll regret forever. “No. I need to be alone for a bit. Just do me a favor.”

  “Anything.” Her brow wrinkles.

  “If I don’t come back before closing, go straight home.”

  “Brady.” There’s an edge in her voice.

  My wolf snarls, and I fight to keep him at bay. “Please, Audra. I don’t usually order you, but with this, I have to.”

  She turns her gaze away from me. I realize I’m upsetting her, but I can’t let that deter me at the moment. I continue with my orders. “Do not leave the house for anything or anyone. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “And where do you think you’re going?”

  Good question without an answer I’m willing to give. “Don’t worry about it. If you’re being honest with me, we’re good.”

  She folds her arms over her chest and glares at me. “And if I’m not?”

  My eyes cut to hers. There are no words. Anything I say at this moment might condemn me and take away the one who holds my heart.

  The Broussard and Romero packs rally together at the meeting house. Noise ricochets back and forth. The members are so riled up, I believe they’d change on command. Each and every one of them is ready to bring down the Ryders. It’s an exciting sight to see this many bodies in one accord. It makes me
proud to be Alpha.

  Sadly, my mood threatens to obliterate the celebration. I choose to keep quiet and let Ace run things. He’s already informed everyone what the objective is and how it will be carried out. So far, no one disagrees. I’m thankful my mother hasn’t shown up to check out the ruckus. It’s a confrontation I don’t need.

  The burly alpha pulls me away from the crowd. He doesn’t say a word. Just jerks his head toward the door. I follow him over the threshold. We stop walking when we reach the dock.

  “Ya have words with ya intended?”

  “Something like that.” I hold my head back and stare up at the dark sky. The wilderness calls to my wolf. He wants time to run.

  “Ya don’t have to say it. Go. I told ya that my wolves had this. Ya pack understands what’s at stake.”

  I side-glance at Ace. “What do you do when you doubt Morgan?”

  He huffs. “Step aside and let her have her way. If I let her think she’s in charge, she eventually comes around.”

  “I don’t think that’ll work with Audra.”

  “It will. All females need their mates. She might just be nervous. Give her a little slack. She’ll take up the rope.”

  I sure as hell hope he’s right.

  I’m not taking Brady’s warnings lightly. Threats to our lives come from all sides, making it hard to trust anyone. But sitting in the house all day and night, waiting to see if something happens, is ridiculous. A quick run shouldn’t be a problem. It’ll relax me and help me think.

  Stepping off the back porch, my mind already starts clearing as I inhale the crisp night air. I yank my T-shirt over my head and shove my yoga pants down my legs. If those weren’t my favorite comfortable pants, I would have let them shred. Either way, there are more clothes tucked away nearby.

  Before my foot hits the cool grass, my gut twists while sweat drips off my forehead. Bones snap and muscles stretch. My breathing saws in and out as I drop to my knees. My wolf bares her teeth and pushes forth. Darkness shrouds any remaining fragment of human thought as I sprint toward the woods.

  Hungry and thirsty, I turn around. The tall trees creak and groan as they sway in the breeze. Something cracks in the distance. My pointed ears twist back and forth, attempting to identify the source. Probably just rats or some other vermin rooting around in the underbrush. No need for concern. I continue the trek toward home.

  As I get closer to the watertight box buried in the ground, the fur recedes, and I’m walking upright again. Something’s not right though. The dirt is disturbed, and there are footprints leading away from it. I stoop down, lift the lid, and find the container empty. Who the hell stole my clothes?

  Dead pine needles and twigs crunch. Something reeks, but it’s not me. Sniffing the air, I detect something akin to burnt rubber mixed with garlic and rotten eggs. Slowly, I stand. I know that odor, and the beast it belongs to. Question is, what is he doing here?

  The rank bandit steps out of the shadows. My clothes, including the ones I left at the house, are in his grubby hands. “Looking for these?”

  If I were human, I’d waste seconds panicking about being naked. Thankfully, shifters are only half human. My nudity has never been an issue for me, but I’d prefer it if Calhoun Ryder wouldn’t ogle me like I’m on fucking display.

  “News flash, Cal. You’re too big for my things. You’ll have to shop somewhere else to fulfill your cross-dressing needs.”

  He eyes me for a moment longer like he doesn’t understand English. Come to think of it, that might be a real possibility. Ryders aren’t the smartest cats in the cattery. Seconds pass before recognition dawns, and Calhoun roars with laughter.

  “Oh, you got jokes. Good one.”

  Folding my arms over my breasts, I tap my foot on the ground. “Glad you enjoyed it. Keep the clothes. I have more.” This fool is holding up progress. I need to pee and get something to eat and drink. In that order.

  As I step forward, Calhoun grabs my upper arm. “Not so fast. You and me are going to have a little heart-to-heart.”

  My gaze travels from his face to his hand on my flesh. “If you don’t want me to break it, get your damned mitt off me.”

  Calhoun, ignoring my warning, leans into me. Hot, stale breath like an overflowing latrine scorches my face. “Here’s a news flash for you. You’re going to do anything and everything I tell you to do.”

  I don’t know which is worse—smelling this fool from a distance or up close and personal. Through clenched teeth, I ask, “Why’s that?”

  “Because if you don’t, my friends will fuck up your pretty little sister. When they’re done partying…” Calhoun tightens his grip. His claws surface and poke my skin. Warmth cascades down my arm as blood slowly pours from the wound. “I’ll make sure you get to watch as they rip her throat out.”

  I stare at the were-panther. “My sister isn’t in town.”

  “Nice try.” Calhoun’s mouth twists into a smile. He calls over his shoulder. “The wolf needs proof!”

  The back door tears open, and a muscular moron lumbers onto the porch. Struggling at his side is Tia. Her eyes bulge with fright. Wrapped around her neck is a metal collar. Magic, dark and deadly, reaches out to me from within the band. I’m sure it’s keeping Tia from shifting. How did they get her away from Brian?

  I won’t endanger my sister. It’ll take some time to figure a way out of this, but I will. Swallowing hard, my gaze returns to Calhoun. “What the hell do you want?”

  He continues eyeballing me. “To take away everything and everyone the Romeros hold dear.”

  What the hell does that mean?

  Another one of Calhoun’s brutes approaches us. He hesitates for a moment, giving me an elevator glance, before snapping a collar around my neck. “We’re good to go, boss.”

  What is it with these damn fools? They all act like they’ve never seen a naked female before.

  “Cal, you must have a death wish. Brady’s going to rip you apart and bury you so far deep you’ll land in Hell.”

  He ignores me and shouts out, “Let’s go!”

  Long minutes pass as the Ryders transport us to wherever it is we’re headed. Still nude, I sit in a corner of the van. Chains secure my feet to a raised metal rod in the floor. Another set of chains keep my hands attached to the sides of the vehicle. Tia isn’t with me. Instead, I have Calhoun for company. Thankfully, the van isn’t airtight. Otherwise, I’d pass out from the stench.

  “Why do this, Cal?”

  Crouching beside me, Calhoun runs a chubby finger alongside my jaw. “You know the answer, but I’ll play along. Your boyfriend and his family robbed from us.”

  “Brady’s not my boyfriend. Remember, we broke up?”

  “That’s what you want everyone to believe. We both know that’s not true.” He leers at me. His light-colored eyes rake over my nakedness. Suddenly, I want a bath.

  I try to put more space between us, but there’s no place to move to. “What did the Romeros steal from you?”

  Calhoun holds his fist up. He flashes a thick finger. “First, the Romeros hid that bastard who killed my brother.”

  Is this fool serious? Did he forget what happened? “And Jackson killed Hank’s sister. Tit for tat.”

  “Ha! Ha! Tits!”

  The buffoon is so fucking immature.

  He holds up a second finger. “That same bastard killed my father.”

  Cocking my head to one side, I say, “How are you going to blame the Romeros for that one?”

  “If they hadn’t hid the asshole, he’d be dead, and my father would be alive.”

  The Ryders are the real assholes. They can’t seem to understand that everything happened because they initiated it.

  If Jackson hadn’t beaten his wife…

  If Elijah hadn’t sought revenge…

  Both males would be alive today. End of story.

  “Third…” Calhoun holds up a third finger. “Brady Romero took what should be mine!”

  Those last words sna
p me out of my thoughts. “Excuse you?”

  Calhoun points that finger, with dirt beneath the nail, into my cleavage. “He took you from me.”

  It’s confirmed. Calhoun Delroy Ryder is certifiable. “Since you’re fond of countdowns, here’s one for you. One, I’m not anyone’s goddamned property. Two, you never stood a chance with me. Not when we were in high school and not now. Three, I was not and still am not interested in your fucking ass. And here’s the last one! Pay attention!” I take a deep breath and exhale. “There is no competition between you and Brady. I. Don’t. Screw. Cats!” I spit in Calhoun’s face to punctuate my point.

  A resounding crack echoes around the van as Calhoun’s hand connects with my cheek. My face stings and tears surface. I hold my chin high. No tears. No weakness.

  “Lucky for you,” he says. “I don’t discriminate!”

  We ride for so long that I lose track of time, but I’m guessing we’re outside of Falls Creek. As the van door slams behind me, I take in the surroundings. I breathe a small sigh of relief, realizing we haven’t left town. We’re at the waterfront. An abandoned apartment building sits near the water’s edge. Behind us is the highway overpass.

  What took so damned long to get here?

  A breeze blows off the water, and goosebumps pepper my flesh. Calhoun pushes me toward the building. Broken glass cuts into my soles. I stumble. My captor grabs my elbow and steadies me.

  “Can’t you walk?”

  “If you had given me my damned clothes and shoes, this would be easier,” I bark.

  “Quit your bitchin’ and go on!”

  We enter the decrepit building, and I’m greeted with smells that make the Ryder stench almost bearable. Urine, stale cigarettes, and alcohol permeate the air. Bile shoots up my throat without warning. Calhoun moves just in time as puke lands next to his boot. I lift my shackled wrists and wipe at my mouth.

  He grumbles something unintelligible and drags me into a room. In the center of it is a human version of an exercise pen for animals—chain-link fencing in an octagonal design without a roof. Calhoun inserts a key into a padlock and opens a rusty, mesh door.


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