Book Read Free

Losing It All Over Again

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by Michelle Graham

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2014 Michelle Graham

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-812-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Laurie Temple


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  For Oshea


  Losing It, 2

  Michelle Graham

  Copyright © 2014

  Many people remember losing their virginity as an awkward experience filled with pain and regret. We at Losing It hope to make your first time exquisite and blissful, with none of the normal emotional hang-ups involved in a relationship.

  We take your profile and carefully match it to someone who is experienced, sensitive, and willing to show you the ropes. If you’re looking for a special encounter, with no strings attached, give us a try. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

  Losing It. With no strings attached.


  Dear Mr. Abramo,

  We are pleased to inform you that we have matched your profile and arranged a date for you with a woman named Lauren. She prefers first names only. Your meeting will take place at the Royal Court Hotel in Chicago. Lauren wishes to bypass dinner and asks that you go directly to suite 714 on May 22. Should you require anything, please contact us.


  Losing It

  Chapter One

  “Daddy, do you have to go?”

  Hank glanced down at the tiny female clinging to his leg and longed for the days when going out meant just opening the door and leaving. He disentangled himself and then hoisted the girl into his arms.

  “Angel, Daddy has a, um, a meeting.”

  “I don’t wanna stay with Aunt Maggie. I want to go home with you.” Angel’s lower lip quivered and her eyes went big and round. “Please stay!”

  Hank’s resolve weakened for just a moment. Though she’d only been part of his life for a short time, Angel had him wrapped around her finger. He wanted her to be happy, but he hadn’t had a date in almost a year. And that is why you have to put her down and get moving. Planting a noisy kiss on Angel’s cheek, he gave her a squeeze, and then passed her to his sister. “I’ll be here in the morning to pick you up.”

  “Daddy! No! Don’t leave me!” Angel kicked and squirmed but her aunt kept a firm grip.

  “Just get going,” she said. “She’ll be fine.”

  Hoping Maggie was right, Hank scooted out the door and let it slam behind him. Angel’s screams carried out into the corridor. He bypassed the elevator and took the stairs, distancing himself from his daughter’s cries.

  Warm air greeted him outside the apartment building, and he slowed a bit to breathe it in as he walked to his car. Once inside the vehicle, he opened the sun roof to allow the air to circulate. God, he missed his bike. Today would have been perfect for a ride.

  The drive from the suburbs to the Royal Court Hotel in downtown Chicago didn’t take as long as he’d feared it would. He grabbed a small overnight bag from the trunk and tossed his keys to the valet, then strode through the lobby to the elevators. When he reached the seventh floor, he paused to check the email he’d received. Suite 714. Consulting the signs, he turned to the right and went about halfway down the hall before reaching his destination.

  He lifted his hand to knock, paused, and then lowered it. Hank often made impulsive decisions, but this had to be one of the more outrageous things he’d undertaken. In his thirty-three years, he’d never had a shortage of female companionship, so why go to a hook-up site? Why not go down to the bar and pick up a woman for the evening? With a shake of his head, he dismissed the idea. He wanted anonymous, but not that impersonal. Taking a deep breath, he rapped on the door.

  Hank noticed a shadow pass in front of the light shining underneath the door. Straightening his shoulders, he prepared a sexy smile. But the door didn’t open. His smile slipped, and he checked his phone again. This was the right room. What was taking so long?

  Another moment passed. Screw this. He turned and walked away. Behind him, a chain rattled, and a door squeaked.

  “Hank?” The high, feminine voice stopped him.

  Turning around, he saw a tall brunette standing at the door. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she glanced down. As Hank walked back toward the room, he saw her bouncing on the balls of her feet. When he stopped in front of her, she raised her gaze to meet his and he caught a brief look at her deep blue eyes before she looked away again.


  The woman nodded, still staring at the floor. Then she took a deep breath and tilted her head up. “Please come inside.”

  She held the door and he walked past her. The suite was nice enough. Not as luxurious as he was used to, but definitely no Comfort Inn. On the far side of the room a cart stood with a bottle of wine chilling. The door clicked closed behind him, and he turned to look back at the woman before him.


  He didn’t know anything else about her. She looked about twenty years old, slim, but with enough curves to make a man notice. Her sapphire eyes twinkled, and deep red highlights shone from hair that looked soft and touchable. How did a girl who looked like her end up a virgin?

  The silence between them dragged on. Now that he was here, he had no idea what to say. He eyed the wine. “Would you like to have a drink?” Maybe a bit of alcohol would loosen them both up.

  “A drink? Oh, right. Of course. I should have offered.” She stumbled over her words as she moved across the room to the cart.

  Hank set his bag down and followed her, watching the sway of her hips in the tight black dress. His cock stirred. When she held the bottle over one of the glasses, he noticed her hand shaking. Stepping forward, he placed a hand over hers. She jumped, splashing some of the wine on the cart.

  “Allow me.” He gently pried the bottle from her hand and filled the glasses. He handed one to her and gestured toward the set of armchairs by the window. “Shall we sit down?”

  They sat. Each of them took a sip of their wine. They looked at everything except each other. They took another sip.

  “So,” Hank said.

  “So,” Lauren replied. She still wouldn’t look at him.

  “Maybe I should go,” he said.

  “I’m not really a virgin,” she blurted out at the same time.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said that I’m not a virgin.” She took a deep breath and then rushed on. “I was married for four years and I lost my virginity to him, but my divorce is almost finalized, and I just wondered…” She trailed off and waited a moment before she met his eyes. “I’m sorry to have misled you.”

  Hank studied her. “How old were you when you got married?”

  “I was eighteen. He was my high school sweetheart and we eloped right after graduation.” She shook her head and drained her wine glass. “Biggest mistake I ever made.” She reached for the bottle of wine. “Top-up?”

  “Please.” He held his glass out and she filled it, then hers. “If you’re not a virgin, why go to Losing It? Surely there are other sites out there that you can use for hooking up.” He ignored the inner voice reminding him he’d also used the site when there were other options.

  Lauren stared int
o her wine glass, swirling the pale liquid around. Twice she opened her mouth as though she was going to say something, but then closed it again. “My first time sucked. It was in the backseat of this tiny little car, it hurt like hell and was over in about thirty seconds.”

  Hank chuckled. “That sounds pretty bad.”

  She smiled and her blue eyes sparkled. “Yup.” She sipped her wine again and her face became serious. “I wish I could say it got better, but it never really did. He’d lick my nipples and attempt to rub my clit a couple times and call that foreplay.”


  “No shit. Just once it would be nice for someone else to make me come. To be so dripping wet that I don’t have to use lube.” Her cheeks flushed as she met Hank’s eyes. “To have someone listen when I tell him what I need.”

  Setting his glass down, Hank shifted his chair closer to her. He noted the way her breasts rose and fell with her breathing, and the way her blush had spread across her chest. Her eyes widened as he placed his hand on her knee and leaned in close. Flicking a glance down to her full lips, his cock stiffened. “What do you need, Lauren?”

  Chapter Two

  Lauren couldn’t breathe. The warmth of his hand against her bare skin created a wave of lust that swept through her. No one but her husband had ever touched her like that, and even with him, she’d never had such a strong reaction.

  His face hovered less than a hand-width from hers. As he closed the gap, her desire grew stronger. “What do you need, Lauren?” he asked again.

  She licked her lips and swallowed. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  Hank touched his lips to hers, once, twice, three times, each kiss lasting a little longer than the one before. Heart pounding, Lauren pulled him in for a fourth, weaving her fingers through his hair and holding his head to hers. When he pressed closer and deepened the kiss, she darted her tongue out to meet his, moaning. She wanted to be closer to him but the angle of the chairs made it awkward.

  He seemed to know what she was thinking. “Would you like to lie on the bed? We’d be more comfortable,” he said.

  Lauren bit her lip and only hesitated a moment before nodding. Hank stood, pulled her up against him, and kissed her. She melted into his embrace, returning the kiss eagerly. He maneuvered them toward the bed until she felt the mattress behind her legs. Before she could sit, he unzipped her dress. When he started to push it down her shoulders, she crossed her arms over her chest, preventing him from moving it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “We should turn out the lights,” Lauren said. She’d rarely made love to her husband with the lights on. He liked to point out the slight paunch of her tummy, the cellulite on her thighs, and any other imperfection he could find. She liked Hank, and didn’t want him to be turned off when he saw her naked.

  Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted her head up until she met his gaze. “I like to see the woman I’m making love to.”


  “No buts. You’re a beautiful woman.”

  Still, Lauren hesitated. Hank kissed her again, and she forgot about any objections as he stroked her back, her arms, her hips. He slid the dress down until it fell to the floor in a heap. Then he took a step back and looked her up and down.

  When his gaze lingered on her chest, Lauren fought the urge to cross her arms over her breasts. The corner of his mouth turned up a bit. As she watched, he pulled off his tie, and then his shirt, tossing both onto a chair. His pants joined a moment later and he stood before Lauren wearing only his boxers, which did nothing to hide his erection. His sizeable erection. She licked her lips, stomach quivering as he embraced her again.

  “Lie down on the bed.”

  Nodding, Lauren did as she was told. He climbed on, knelt over her, and began to plant soft kisses along her neck. Sliding off to lie beside her, he propped himself up on his elbow and looked down. Her breath hitched when he traced the edge of her bra with his fingers. He ran them along the bottom edge, up the straps, along the top of the cups. She longed for him to take her breasts in his hands, growing more frustrated every time he got close and then moved away. She wiggled a bit, hoping to force his hand, but he withdrew completely.

  “Did you want something?” Lauren could only nod. “You have to tell me. I can’t read your mind.”

  His sly smile suggested that he knew exactly what she wanted, but asking for it was a bit outside of her comfort zone.

  “Touch me, please.”

  “I was touching you.”

  Lauren groaned. Hank wasn’t going to make this easy for her. “Touch my breasts.”

  “Like this?” He stroked the exposed skin above the top of her bra.

  “Squeeze them.” Lauren groaned with pleasure when he finally closed his hand around one of her tits, gently kneading the soft flesh. He switched to the other one and bent down to kiss her again.

  His palm pressed against her hardened nipple, and she wanted to feel his skin against hers. “Take my bra off.”

  With one hand, he deftly unhooked the front clasp, exposing her breasts to his view. He groaned and lowered his head to one of the rosy tips, capturing her nipple between his lips. Every nerve ending sang in pleasure as he sucked one breast, and used his hand on the other. Lauren wriggled under him, the satisfaction of having her tits stimulated giving rise to the need growing between her legs.

  Whether it was the alcohol, or the intense desire, something made her bolder. “Hank, please touch my pussy.”

  The vibration of his lips on her nipple as he chuckled did strange things to her. He moved his hand slowly across her stomach. As he got closer to her pussy, her breathing sped up, until finally he slipped his hand into her panties. Lauren whimpered as he rubbed her pussy lips, never quite coming into contact with her clit. Slipping one finger inside of her, he began a gentle thrusting.

  “You’re pretty wet. That was one item on your wish list right?”

  Lauren nodded.

  “And I’m doing okay at listening to what you need?”

  “Definitely,” she whispered.

  “That just leaves one thing. You want someone else to make you come.” He stilled for a moment and then looked at her. “You’ve only ever had an orgasm when you’re masturbating?”

  Heat rushed into Lauren’s face and she turned away from him.

  “Look at me,” Hank said. When she did, he wore a frown and his mouth was drawn tight. “Your husband never got you off? Not even once?”

  A tear slipped out of the corner of her eye and she swiped it away. “No.”

  “What an idiot.” Hank grabbed the sides of her panties, yanked them off, and tossed them over his shoulder. He pushed her legs apart, and Lauren gasped. She’d never been so exposed.

  Hank crawled between her legs and lowered his face until it was just above her pussy.

  Lauren trembled beneath him, torn between wanting him to go down on her, and worrying about her smell. Looking down at him, she saw his nostrils flare and he inhaled through his nose. “Your pussy smells good enough to eat.”

  Spreading her lips apart, he touched his tongue to her clit.

  “Oh!” Lauren cried out. She watched as he circled her clit with his tongue, unable to keep herself from moaning. Hank didn’t let up, continuing the swirling motion over and over, pushing Lauren closer to climax. Her legs shook and her stomach muscles contracted, tightening in preparation for the impending release. Ragged cries filled the room.

  “Yes! Fuck, yes!” At last the orgasm crashed into her, ripping more screams from her throat, and causing tremors throughout her body. Hank held still, his tongue pressed against her until the climax had receded.

  Lauren lay gasping, unable to move. When Hank crawled up to kiss her, she responded eagerly, loving the taste of herself on him. He collapsed beside her and hugged her. “That was unbelievable,” she said.

  “Thanks. I’ve had a lot of practice.”

  She giggled. “How much is a lot? You’re not a man-slut ar
e you?” She snuggled closer as he stroked her hair.

  It took a minute before he answered. “I’ve never had a long relationship. I don’t have a different woman in my bed every night but I don’t lack for female companionship, either.”

  Lifting up to look at him, Lauren studied his eyes. They were guarded, almost wary. “Sounds like you do okay. Why would you sign up for a tryst with a virgin?”

  This time he wouldn’t meet her eyes. “You aren’t a virgin, though.”

  “It’s a technicality. And you’re avoiding the question.” She’d been honest with him. What was he holding back?

  Instead of answering, he tweaked one of her nipples, pinching hard enough to make her cry out. He bent down and sucked it into his mouth. Her clit, already sensitive from her orgasm, began to throb. She knew he was distracting her. And it was working. Getting up, Hank shed his boxers and Lauren watched hungrily as he sheathed his cock with a condom. A moment later he was on top of her.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, please.” Lauren spread her legs, eager to have him inside of her. He positioned himself at her entrance and started to push. She moaned as he stretched her, taking his time until he was completely buried.

  “For a non-virgin, you’re pretty tight,” he said.

  “My ex had a small dick.”

  Hank’s laugh made her stomach flip. He started to thrust, and she lost herself to the pleasure, grunting in time with his motions.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist and give me your hands,” he said. When she did, he pulled her up so she straddled him, his cock still buried inside her.

  Lauren gripped him as he wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t drop me!” She knew that there was no danger if she fell to the bed below, but she felt off balance.


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