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Beyond Star Trek

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by Lawrence M. Krauss



  Lawrence M. Krauss

  v1.2 (2011.11)

  In Memory of Carl Sagan




  SECTION ONE They’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain…

  ONE Choose Your Poison

  TWO To Be or Not to Be

  THREE To Boldly Go… If We Can Afford It

  FOUR A Cosmic Game of Golf

  FIVE There, and Back Again?

  SIX Seeing Is Believing

  SEVEN Gambling on the Galaxy

  EIGHT The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

  SECTION TWO Madonna’s Universe

  NINE May the Force Be with You

  TEN Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know

  ELEVEN It’s About Time

  TWELVE All Good Things…

  THIRTEEN The Measure of a Man

  FOURTEEN The Ghost in the Machine

  FIFTEEN The Final Frontier?




  These are the days of miracle and wonder.

  —Paul Simon

  I have been asked innumerable times since the publication of my last book, The Physics of Star Trek, to talk about the relationship of science to science fiction. I think the connection is a simple one: We are all inspired by the same questions.

  I also believe that the questions that scientists and writers of science fiction wonder about are essentially universal and time invariant. They are the subject of every age’s fascination, reflected in its literature, art, and drama, and its science. The specific miracles change with time, as we learn about the world; as certain mysteries are unveiled, others are born. Think about a vibrant flower. Could such a wonderful thing really have evolved from primordial sludge? Yes. But let’s go beyond this rather tired question and examine the flower further. It may have a beautiful pattern visible only in ultraviolet light, which a bee can sense. Who ordered that? Or think about the myriad chemical reactions going on in the bee’s eye, which turn individual packets of pure energy into the same visual picture each time the bee scans the flower, in spite of the fact that these reactions are governed by probabilistic laws and the very molecules that respond to the light cannot be said even to exist in any specific state before, and sometimes after, absorbing the light. Deep inside the bee’s brain and our own, the mysterious quantum-mechanical universe turns into the classical, predictable universe. How? And why are we self-aware and not the bee? Do we represent the only full consciousness in the universe? Are there extraterrestrial intelligences conscious of us now? How will we ever know?

  All the miracles of our own existence and others’ can be expressed in scientific terms. But the issues are just as engaging to anyone who simply wonders, “What if…?” However, while the best science fiction arouses our interest by capturing the drama and excitement inherent in the “What if…?” questions, it generally leaves the answers hanging. Modern science holds the key to knowing what is possible and what isn’t.

  Celebrating the connection between science and popular culture is therefore a natural way to set out the ideas that drive the modern scientific enterprise. Moreover, it can be a lot of fun. I have chosen here to go beyond Star Trek—to range over a larger collection of examples and anecdotes, and to treat issues that more widely permeate our culture. I’m not abandoning Trekkers, just, I hope, opening the door for an audience who may not stay up to watch the reruns every night. I hope, too, that those readers who may have been waiting for The Wrath of Krauss will not be disappointed. The inspiration for much of what I will discuss here has been derived from matters raised in thousands of e-mails and letters, and in conversations I have had with readers over the past 2 years—and, as you will see, Star Trek is never far away. The enthusiastic response to the previous book has been a great gift for me. I hope this one will be an adequate, if partial, repayment.

  So, buckle up. Here we go again.



  SCULLY: There’s a marsh over there. The lights… may have been swamp gas… It’s a natural phenomenon, in which phosphine and methane rising from decaying organic matter ignite, creating globes of blue flame.

  MULDER: That happens to me when I eat Dodger Dogs.



  It’s just that in most of my work, the laws of physics rarely seem to apply!

  —Fox Mulder

  A dark, ominous shadow descends over your house. The furniture starts to rattle, the walls and ceiling vibrate, and you hear a strange whistling in your ears. You rush to the window to see what’s causing all the commotion. Only 5,000 feet off the ground, a huge black disk at least 15 miles across floats motionless in the sky, blotting out the sun, darkening the entire neighborhood. You run to the kitchen sink and splash cold water on your face. Surely this can’t be happening! Back to the window once more, and the massive object is still there. You scurry out to the garage to get away, then you remember something. Hurrying back to the house, you pick up the phone to call your daughter’s school, but the line is dead. You lose bladder control. The realization terrifies you. Aliens have arrived! As you begin to black out, your last thought is, I am about to become toast!

  Hold on! While F-14s or computer viruses or even H. G. Wells’s microbes might not be able to protect us from the sheer terror generated by the attack of a 15-mile-wide floating saucer, Isaac Newton would—sort of. Newton’s laws would ensure that you’d probably be dead before you had time to get terrified. Even 350 years after the fact, Hollywood still has to get past Newton before it can indulge in all the fancy stuff. Alas, the aliens piloting the Mother Ship in the blockbuster Independence Day seem to have skipped that semester back home…

  What instead might actually transpire if we were visited by the Mother Ship and her children reads more like a scenario for the Salem witch trials.


  A Mother Ship full of aliens bent on ending life on Earth may not need to send out a squadron of huge flying saucers in order to destroy our major cities. Long before the first shadow fell on the Empire State Building or the Hollywood sign, New York might be underwater and Los Angeles could be leveled by earthquakes. Early in Independence Day, the telemetry tracking the approach of the Mother Ship reveals that it is almost 1/4 the mass of the Moon. Before it releases its squad of death saucers, the mammoth ship pulls into a geostationary orbit above the Earth—the same sort of orbit the U.S.S. Enterprise uses to visit a new planet. In such an orbit, a spacecraft or a satellite moves at the same rate as the planet rotates, so that it always stays directly above the same spot on the planetary surface. The large communication satellites that transmit our international messages, as well as the network of Global Positioning navigational satellites that guide our airplanes and well-equipped trekkers (the terrestrial wilderness type), sit in such orbits.

  Newton’s law of gravity determines how high such an orbit must be, regardless of the object’s mass. It is one of the many miracles of the law of gravity that any object, no matter how heavy, must orbit at exactly the same speed as any other object at the same distance from Earth. (If that weren’t the case, NASA would have to design a different trajectory for every space shuttle, depending upon the weight of the astronauts inside.) The distance from Earth for an object in geostationary orbit is about 22,500 miles, or almost 1/10 the distance from Earth to the Moon. At 22,500 miles up, the gravitational attraction on the Earth of an object the mass of the Moon would be 100 times stronger than the Moon’s gravitational pull; since the Mother Ship is 1/4 the mass of the Moon, its grav
itational pull on the Earth would be 25 times that of the Moon!

  What would this do? Well, one effect might well be to close down Wall Street, because much of New York City would probably be awash. The tidal forces provoked by an object as massive as the Mother Ship would cause a catastrophic rise in sea level in various places on the Earth. At the same time, the unaccustomed tidal stresses on the Earth’s crust would undoubtedly induce earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in sensitive areas around the globe. Moreover, the very motion of the Earth through space would be affected, producing unpredictable effects, including possible climatic variation. When an object as heavy as 1/4 the mass of the Moon is in close orbit above the Earth, it causes the Earth to move back and forth in response—once again, because of gravity. Adding a third massive body, with its additional gravity, to the Earth-Moon system would change the system’s dynamics in possibly chaotic ways.

  Indeed, if the evil aliens were particularly patient—and why shouldn’t they be?—they might choose to orbit the Earth in the direction opposite to its present direction of rotation. The tidal pull of the Mother Ship would then slowly serve to brake the Earth’s rotation rate, lengthening the day or getting rid of it all together! In just such a way, the length of the Earth’s day has been slowing due to the Moon’s pull. Eventually (on a cosmic timescale), the Earth’s rotation period would precisely match the orbital period of the Moon, so that one Earth day would be almost a month long. Imagine how hungry you would get between lunch and dinner.

  Whether or not its crew chooses the slow route or the fast one, the Mother Ship could wreak devastation on Earth by astute choice of orbit, without doing anything more than being there—much easier than risking battle with terrestrial aircraft and missiles.


  So much for the Mother Ship. The mammoth 15-mile-across flying saucers, whose shadows over the White House, New York, and Los Angeles produced some of the most memorable movie images of 1996, would also pack quite a wallop without firing a single shot.

  Let’s first imagine how much a ship 15 miles in diameter—and, say, 2 miles in height—would weigh. Now, the ship is not solid, of course—there has to be interior space for the aliens to move around in. So let’s assume that 50% of the volume of this object consists of structural elements and the aliens themselves, and that the rest is essentially just air (or some comparable gas); and let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that the solid material is lighter than steel—say, with the density of water (1 gram per cubic centimeter). I estimate that such an object would weigh approximately 100 billion tons.

  That’s pretty heavy. But an airplane is pretty heavy, too, and it flies. Well, there’s a big difference. We can figure out how big by asking what kind of upward force would be required to hold this gigantic craft against the downward pull of gravity. Note that we can ask this question independent of whatever exotic physical mechanism the ship uses to levitate, be it as “conventional” as fusion-powered thrusters or as far out as antigravity. We express the question in terms of the pressure the ship would need to exert on the atmosphere below it to keep it aloft, given its weight. Dividing the weight of the craft by the area of its disk, one gets a pressure of about 450 pounds per square inch directly below the craft—or about 30 times the normal atmospheric pressure we feel at sea level.

  We tend to ignore the pressure of the atmosphere; after all, we are surrounded by it all the time. But the Earth’s atmospheric pressure is really remarkable, when you think about it. At sea level, the atmosphere exerts a pressure of 15 pounds on each and every square inch of your body. That’s about 150 pounds on the palm of one hand! Why don’t we feel it? Because our bodies are in what is called hydrostatic equilibrium with the atmosphere—that is, the fluids and gases inside our bodies exert a pressure outward equal to the pressure inward from the atmosphere. Change the balance, however, and dramatic effects ensue.

  The effects of atmospheric pressure were demonstrated as early as 1657, by Otto von Guericke, the mayor of Magdeburg, who invented the vacuum pump. He fitted two copper hemispheres the size of backyard barbecue kettles together to form a sphere. The two hemispheres weren’t soldered or glued together and could easily be separated. But when he evacuated the air in the sphere, so that the atmospheric pressure outside the sphere was not balanced by the air pressure from inside, two teams of eight horses apiece were unable to pull the hemispheres apart! Fifteen pounds per square inch adds up.

  Recall that the pressure exerted downward by one of those flying saucers would be about 450 pounds per square inch. That means an extra weight of about 30 tons per square foot on every object on the surface just beneath it. A normal building will collapse from an overpressure of about 5 atmospheres, or some 5 tons per square foot, which is the overpressure produced by an average nuclear weapon at a distance of about 10 kilometers. Forget about giant weapons belching fire: to flatten major cities, the huge disks could just sit there in the sky! Of course, this wouldn’t have made for spectacular previews of coming attractions.

  Why, you may ask, don’t conventional aircraft crush people and buildings as they travel above them? Well, aircraft are not really very heavy compared with the weight of the atmosphere. A 100-ton aircraft measuring 100 feet long by 10 feet wide needs to exert a downward force of less than a pound per square inch on the air below it to stay aloft. More important still is the fact that a plane’s cruising altitude is high in relation to its size. As the airplane rises, the pressure it exerts on the atmosphere below spreads over a larger and larger region, so that it is significantly attenuated by the time it’s transmitted to the ground. When you are far below the craft, you are unlikely to feel anything at all (except the noise of its engines). The same would be true for the giant alien spacecraft, if they were so far above the ground that their altitude was much larger than their breadth—but then they would appear as inconsequential disks in the sky, not the towering behemoths of Independence Day.


  Let’s say we’re lucky enough to survive the floods and the quakes and the crushing pressures, and we then send up a huge force of F-14s led by a young ex-fighter-pilot president and actually manage to disable the saucers. Suddenly we’re not so lucky anymore!

  How much energy is released when a single spacecraft of this size plummets to Earth from a height of, say, 1 mile? I conservatively estimate it to be something like 10,000 times the energy released by the nuclear weapon that destroyed Hiroshima. I’m not sure that in this case the winners would feel much like celebrating. Remember that the impact on Earth of a single comet or asteroid—thought to be no larger than such a spacecraft, albeit traveling at a faster speed—was probably responsible for wiping out much of life on Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago. And remember that a lot of the huge saucers were downed in the Independence Day victory.

  In fact, the power required simply to move such a spacecraft into our atmosphere would be devastating. Considerations of energetics allow one to calculate that to accelerate a craft of this size in a minute to a speed of 3 miles per second (say, about half the escape velocity from Earth) would require a power expenditure during that minute of something like 50 billion billion watts—about 300 times more than the power received on Earth from the Sun and a million times the average power used by all of humanity in our daily existence. The heat radiated by many such spacecraft would be enough to make it feel more like Doomsday than Independence Day.

  Which brings us back once more to the good old Mother Ship. How much energy would be needed to slow down or speed up an object 1/4 the mass of the Moon so that it could enter or leave Earth orbit? The amount is almost unfathomable. I have tried hard to think of something that would adequately represent what would be required, and I hope this works: If it took the Mother Ship’s engines an hour to slow the craft down, the energy radiated by these engines would be almost 10 times the entire luminosity of the Sun during this period! Imagine a Sun shining on us not
from 93 million miles away but from a mere 22,500 miles away. The intensity of the radiation would be about 25 million times stronger.

  Toast? You better believe it!



  The infinite quietness frightens me.

  —Blaise Pascal

  Our first contact with aliens need not be quite this menacing. One of the reasons I have enjoyed watching Star Trek in its various manifestations is that it presents a hopeful view of the future. Zefram Cochrane’s fanciful first romp in warp drive, chronicled in Star Trek VIII: First Contact, was followed almost immediately by a benign encounter with Vulcans and an invitation to join the Federation. Given that the resources required to make the kind of interstellar voyage chronicled in Independence Day are so much greater than whatever one might immediately gain by plundering our planet, I doubt that anyone making the trip would initially be bent on conquering us. That might come much later… after they got to know us.

  Aliens are cropping up all over, witness the recent successful release of Independence Day and First Contact, and the rerelease of George Lucas’s Star Wars trilogy; by the time this book appears, the lineup of alien-visitation films will also have included at least four big-budget epics, including one based on Contact, a bestselling novel by the late astronomer and science popularizer Carl Sagan. In a distressing demonstration that life imitates art, religious cults based on the existence of aliens have sprouted up. Comet Hale-Bopp has claimed the lives of thirty-nine believers, who saw salvation in the supposed advent of an alien spacecraft. Earlier, science fiction writer turned religious prophet L. Ron Hubbard built a large religious empire based on his notions of long-dead extraterrestrial civilizations. It seems you can take out an insurance policy against abduction by aliens, and at least 4,000 people have so far put their money down, although no abandoned loved ones have yet collected. But I must admit to seeing little difference between the fanciful myths of true believers of the Heaven’s Gate variety and those of more orthodox fundamentalists. (For example, it seems just as likely to me that there was a spacecraft hidden behind Hale-Bopp as that an ancient patriarch named Noah sheltered all known species of animals from a globe-girdling Flood in a giant ark.) The solace that people appear to obtain from the idea that we are not alone in the universe is powerful. As far as I can tell, Fox Mulder’s X-Files mantra “I want to believe!” is widely shared.


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