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5 Soul of the Fire

Page 58

by Goodkind, Terry

  "Because the underworld is eternal, time has no meaning. There may be beginning when we cross over, but there is no end, so the concept of time unravels there. It is only here in the world of life where time is defined by beginning and end giving it some reference points, that it has significance.

  "The chimes were conjured from that timeless place beyond, and derive their power from there, so time is meaningless to them.

  "Perhaps it's true that without obtaining the soul they


  crossed over to help, they will be pulled back to the underworld. However, to timeless beings, their time here may be viewed by them as but an instant as they wait to see if they, will succeed, or as they enjoy a bit of frolic at bringing death and destruction, except that instant to them could be a millennium to this world. It could be ten millennia and still be but a meaningless twinkle in time to them--especially since they have no souls and can't really experience life."

  She had been hanging on every word, seeming to be starved for conversation of things few but the gifted could comprehend.

  "Yes, I see your point." She raised a finger. "But by the same token, they could be gone today-vanish as we speak-feeling endless frustration in a world with time, once they begin to find they must function within the alien confines of time and a schedule. The soul they seek, after all, has only so much time in this world. They must pursue and capture his soul while he lives."

  "Well put and a worthy consideration, but how long shall we wait? At some point it will be too late for things of magic to recover. Some surely now lie ailing with the fading of magic. How long until they die out forever?

  "I see your stargazers wilting out on the path to your home." Zedd lifted an eyebrow. "But much worse, how long until magic such as that of the gambit moth fails? What if the crops now growing are soon tainted?"

  Her face, creased with concern, turned away.

  Not knowing her well, Zedd didn't bring it up, but without magic, Jagang and the Imperial Order were only that much more powerful. Without magic to aid them, many more would die fighting him, and it very well could be blood spilled to no good end.

  "Franca, as guardians of the veil, protectors of helpless creatures of magic, and as stewards of magic's promise to mankind, we must act with all due haste. We know not where the line lies that makes meaningful aid too late."

  She nodded thoughtfully. "Yes. Yes, you are right, of course. Why do you need to know where the chimes are


  entombed? What will that help you accomplish?"

  "Their ancient banishment, in order to nullify the original conjuring that brought them here, would have by necessity had to again breach the veil. Such a counterspell would itself have had to be balanced with an ancillary spell to allow their return to the world of life. Such a return spell could have been exceedingly narrow in terms-invocation of threes and all that-but it wouldn't matter; the mere existence of a return mechanism was all the balance the banishment spell would have required."

  Zedd slowly ran his finger around the rim of his teacup. "From what I know of the matter, I believe the nature of their existence dictates that the chimes can only return to the world of life, once the narrow requirements of the balancing mechanism are met, through the gateway of their banishment. That's why I've had to come here."

  She stared off in reflection. "Yes, that makes sense. The gateway, wherever it is, would be open."

  "Being as you don't know where the chimes are entombed, perhaps you can be my guide."

  Her gaze came back to him. "Where could we look? Do you have in mind a place to start?"

  After another sip, Zedd set down his cup.

  "My idea was you might be able to help me get into the library."

  "The Library of Culture? At the Minister of Culture's estate?"

  "That's the one. They have ancient texts there. At least they used to. Since the chimes were banished here in Anderith, the library might contain records or other information so I could find where it took place, and thus the gateway. They might even have other information of use."

  "What are the names of the books you seek? Perhaps I know them."

  "I don't know what books might be of help, if such books even exist, or if they do, that they are here. I will just have to start looking through those volumes in the library and see what we can find."


  She leaned forward. "Zedd, there are thousands of books there."

  "I know. I've seen them before."

  "And if you find a book that names this place, then what?"

  Zedd shrugged in a deliberately vague manner. "First step first."

  If he could find no information on the mechanism of their banishment, he had an idea of what he might have to do should he be able to find the location of the entombment. Even if he did find such information and it was a simple matter, without the use of his magic he would be helpless to reverse the problem.

  He might be forced to take desperate measures.

  "So, what about the Library of Culture? Can I get in there?"

  "I think I could help with that much of it. As an Ander, and one known at the Minister's estate, I'm trusted with access. Not everyone is. Those in authority have been altering history to such an extent that those of us who have lived a bit of it don't even recognize our own past, much less trust the rest of what we're told."

  She emerged from her private thoughts and straightened with a brave smile. "When do you wish to go there?"

  "The sooner the better-."

  "Do you think you could pretend to be a visiting scholar?"

  "I think I could manage to look like I have difficulty recalling my own name."



  "OH, HOW KIND!" ZEDD exclaimed in mock delight as the woman set down the heavy volume in the glow from the tall lamp. "I'm sure of it now. I've no doubt. You can be nothing other than a good spirit come to assist me, Mistress Firkin."

  The woman abruptly turned as shy as a teenage girl. Her cheeks reddened as she smiled.

  "It's my job, Master Rybnik."

  He leaned closer to her and lowered his voice to a playful whisper. "I prefer beautiful women call me Ruben."

  Zedd, when circumstances required the use of an assumed name, favored the name Ruben Rybnik. He thought it a dashing name. Leading a simple life fostered the urge for occasional flamboyance. Zedd considered lighthearted diversion essential to balance. Something as simple as using the name Ruben Rybnik satisfied that need.

  The woman blinked, not catching on to the flirtation- surprising, he thought, considering she was nice enough looking that she would have to have had ardent suitors throughout her long life. Zedd was forced to clarify himself.

  "Therefore, Mistress Firkin, I prefer you call me Ruben."

  She stared blankly, and then, as he saw in her dark brown eyes realizations making connections, a sudden giggle burst


  forth to echo through the long room. A few people down at other tables glanced up. He noticed the eyes of one of the guards turn their way. Mistress Firkin put the back of her hand to her grin as her face went scarlet.

  "Ruben." She giggled again with the mischievousness of using his first name. She glanced around before leaning toward him. "Vedetta."

  "Ah," Zedd cooed. ."Vedetta. What a lovely name."

  She tittered as she scurried off, her shuffling steps echoing softly through the huge room-the lower of two floors of the elegant Anderith Library. From his place at a table, Zedd had long since watched through the windows as the sun set. The array of lamps lit with a warm glow the honey-colored oak of the room and provided illumination for those still more interested in devouring words than dinner.

  Zedd dragged in front of himself the heavy volume Vedetta Firkin had found. A quick glance told him it was of no value. He opened it anyway so as to appear he was reading it with earnest interest.

  He was not. The book he was really reading was to the upper right, but even wi
th his head lowered, he could still turn his eyes up to the right and read the other, and any nosy person wandering past would be fooled. There were a few such people about.

  He had already created a sensation with his grand entrance when he stood at the head of the library and made sweeping proclamations of having a hypothesis of law involving the accountability of secondary suppliers of goods to the signatories in trade agreements nullified by clauses involving acts of Creation not specifically specified in the subtext but implied by common law of ancient trading principles, and he knew he would be able to prove them out with the fine examples of rational law set forth in the examples found in the history of Anderith law.

  No one had been bold enough to dispute his claims. Everyone in the library was perfectly happy to let him do his research. It helped to have Franca escorting him, since she was known in the library.


  It was late, and the people running the library wanted to go home, but they feared incurring the wrath of anyone having such extraordinary command of law. Because he lingered, a few others did, too. Zedd didn't know if it was to take advantage of the extra time the library was open, or to keep him under observation.

  Franca sat across the table but down a ways to provide room for all the books spread, out in front of the two of them. She pored through books and occasionally brought to his attention items she thought he might need to see. Franca was smart, and pointed out things few others would grasp, things that could conceivably be significant, but so far he had seen nothing of any practical use. He wasn't sure exactly what it was he was searching for, but he was sure he hadn't seen it yet.

  Deep in concentration, Zedd started when someone touched his shoulder.

  "Sorry," Vedetta whispered.

  Zedd smiled at the shy lady. "Quite all right, my dear Vedetta." He lifted his eyebrows in question.

  "Oh." She reached into the pocket of her apron. She turned red again as her hand fished around.

  The hand paused. "Found it."

  "Found what?" Zedd whispered.

  She leaned closer, lowered her voice yet more. Zedd noticed Franca watching from across the table as her head was bowed to a book.

  "We aren't supposed to let just anyone see this. It's very precious and rare." Her face flushed red again. "But you are a special man, Ruben, so brilliant and all, that I brought it out of the vault for you to see for just a minute."

  "Really, Vedetta? How extraordinarily kind of you. What is it, then?"

  "I don't rightly know. Exactly. But it belonged to Joseph Ander himself."

  "Realllly," Zedd drawled.

  She nodded in earnest. "The Mountain."



  "The Mountain. That's what some of that time called him. When I don't have anything to do, I sometimes read the ancient texts of the time-to learn more about our revered ancestor, Joseph Ander. Back then, as I gather, some called him the Mountain."

  Zedd was at full attention as he watched her draw the hand from her apron. She had something small. His heart sank because he thought it too small to be a book.

  But then his heart felt as if it skipped a beat when he saw it was indeed a small black book.

  A journey book.

  It even had the stylus still in the spine.

  Zedd wet his lips as she held it out in both hands before him. Zedd put a finger to his lower lip. She had no intention of letting such a valuable piece out of her possession, even if he was a fancy scholar. Over near the vault door two armed .guards scanned the patrons, but paid Zedd no particular attention.

  "May I see inside, Vedetta?" he asked in a strained whisper.

  "Well... well, I guess it can't hurt."

  The woman carefully opened the cover. The journey book was in pristine condition, but then, the one Ann had carried was just as old, and in just such good condition. Journey books were things possessed of magic, so that probably explained their being nearly as good as new despite their thousands of years of use. That, and the care with which the Sisters handled the valuable books. The people here used no less care. Zedd froze in midbreath.


  He understood. Mountain's Twin was the mate to this journey book. It all fell into place in his head. Mountain's Twin had been destroyed, and, along with it, possibly the disposition of the chimes.

  But this book, Joseph Ander's journey book, would have the same words-if they hadn't been wiped away with the stylus.


  He watched, spellbound, as Vedetta Firkin turned the first blank page over. A three-thousand-year-dead wizard was about to speak to him.

  Zedd stared at the words there on the next page. He stared as hard as he could. They made no sense. A spell, he feared, to keep anyone from reading it.

  No, that wasn't it. Besides, magic had failed; such a spell wouldn't still work. As he studied the writing, he realized it was a language he didn't know.

  Then it came to him. It was in High D'Haran.

  Zedd's heart sank. Virtually no one knew High D'Haran anymore. Richard had told him he'd learned it. Zedd didn't doubt him, but Richard was off on his way to Aydindril. Zedd would never be able to find, much less catch, him.

  Besides, the people in the library were not going to let him take this book, and Zedd had no magic to do anything about it.

  "What a glorious thing to see," Zedd whispered as he watched the woman slowly turn the pages before his eyes.

  "Yes, isn't it," she said with deep reverence. "I sometimes go in the vault and just sit and look at the things written by Joseph Ander, and imagine his fingers turning the pages. It gives me shivers," she confided.

  "Me, too," Zedd said.

  She seemed pleased to hear it. "It's too bad no one has ever been able to translate it. We don't even know what language it might be. Some of our scholars here suspect it to be an ancient code used by wizards.

  "Joseph Ander was a wizard," she confided in a hushed tone. "Not everyone knows it, but he was. He was such a great man."

  Zedd wondered how they could possibly know he was great if they had no idea what he said. But then he realized that was precisely why they thought he was so great.

  "A wizard," Zedd repeated. "One would think a wizard would want his words known."

  Vedetta giggled. "Oh, you don't know anything about wizards, Ruben. They're like that. Mysterious and all."


  "I suppose," he said absently as he tried to pick out a word he might possibly make sense of as they flipped past his eyes.

  None did.

  "Except," Vedetta confided in a very low whisper as her eyes shifted to each side for a quick look, "this here." She tapped a page very near the end. "These words here I managed, by an accident of coincidence, to decipher. Just these two."

  "You did?" Zedd squinted at the words. " 'Fuer Owbens.' " He looked up into her excited eyes. "Vedetta, do you really know what 'Fuer Owbens' means, or do you just think you might?"

  She frowned with seriousness. "I really know. I quite by chance came across a place in another book, called Tinder Dominion, where it mentions the same words and uses both versions. It was about some-"

  "So, you deciphered the words. What do they mean?"

  She put her mouth close to his ear. "The Ovens."

  Zedd turned his head and looked into her dark eyes. "The Ovens?"

  She nodded. "The Ovens."

  He frowned. "Any idea what that means?"

  Vedetta snapped closed the little black journey book.

  "Sorry, but I don't." She straightened. "It's getting late, Ruben. The guards said that after I showed you this, they want to close the library."

  Zedd didn't try to hide his disappointment. "Of course. Everyone will want to go home and get some dinner and sleep."

  "But you can come back tomorrow, Ruben. I'd love to help you some more tomorrow."

  Zedd was stroking his lip as his mind raced, going over every scrap of information he had learned and trying to think if any of it
would be of any use at all. It didn't seem so.

  "What?" He looked up at her. "What was that?"

  "I said I hope you will come back tomorrow. I'd love to help you again." She smiled in her shy way. "You're more


  of a challenge than most who come in here. Few people care to research such ancient books as do you. I think that's a shame. People nowadays don't respect the knowledge of the past."


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