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Divided (Book Five) (Fated Saga Fantasy Series)

Page 7

by Humphrey - D'aigle, Rachel

  The eyes reminded Meghan of the boy, Colby.

  The crowd sucked in a simultaneous breath as their stupor ended abruptly, but most were too frightened to speak, move or take any action at all.

  Eyes shouted fear. Faces turned pale and sickly. People clung to their loved ones as if afraid to let go.

  Ivan stepped closer to Meghan's side, looking oddly at her as if worried about something. He glided in front of her, as if to hide her from view. She did not understand what was happening, except for one thing: this being was malevolent.

  Of this, there was no doubt.

  Its very presence resonated fear and she could feel it pouring out of everyone like water raging down an overflowing river.

  Juliska, now in the midst of her people, called out a name that even Meghan recognized. “Jurekai Fazendiin.”

  “Grosvenor,” Meghan breathed out, now understanding.

  Ivan raised his arm without turning, grasping the side of her arm, motioning for her to be silent and still. He stepped backwards, pushing her gently to do the same. She nervously took cautious steps, and then stopped as Ivan pulled on her arm, stopping her.

  The Grosvenor looked over the crowd, his evil gaze spreading across them, shooting out waves of fear. He had no need to speak.

  They could hear his silent warning: I know you're back...

  With a simultaneous exhale, the Svoda watched as his body once again transfigured into streaming swirls of blackness, his figure dissolving back into dark fog. Suddenly, instead of vanishing and leaving them to their fear, he swooped back down to the ground, becoming whole once again. His eyes narrowed in blazing fury as he sniffed the air.

  Ivan turned his head just enough to take a side glance at Meghan, and she in return watched as Ivan took his gaze from her to Jurekai Fazendiin as if trying to force some unspoken message into her head. But she had no idea what he was trying to tell her.

  He forced her backwards again, until they were standing at the edge of the tree line and could go no further. Meghan looked up, hearing Bird chirping away above her. Even in his non-human form, she sensed his chirping was a warning, one that Ivan seemed to understand as he also shot a glance at Bird, his eyes shouting I have no idea what to do.

  Jurekai turned to face Juliska, and as if he had simply willed it, transported himself to her, facing her as if his mind was penetrating hers, asking some silent question.

  Juliska’s eyes opened wide with fright and confusion by this confrontation, but she stood her ground, never taking them off him. He mumbled darkly, “I see no deception…” and then departed her side, standing once again in the center of the crowd, searching every person as if searching for something. He sniffed the air again and stepped forward, causing a conjunctive gasp from the crowd, as they watched his every move.

  Then, they found, they could not look away and watched his movements as if mesmerized by them, suddenly and blissfully unaware that they were in any danger. The same thing spread throughout the crowd and soon, everyone just stood, staring, as if in some kind of trance. Even Juliska Blackwell stared blankly into nothing.

  But the trance had not hit everyone. Ivan Crane still stood his ground, although now rather shakily, hiding Meghan from view as Jurekai Fazendiin approached them. His eyes bore into Ivan’s as if trying to see through him, and he took long strides toward him, sniffing the air as he did so.

  Meghan felt Ivan’s arms shaking as he had now stretched both of his arms back, in attempts to keep her hidden behind him. She could not see what was happening but heard footsteps shuffling through the sand. And the silence surrounding her was eerie, as if no one was even breathing. It even seemed like the air had stopped moving.

  Ivan took in a quick, ragged breath while up above, Bird had stopped chirping and was now watching Jurekai step closer to Ivan and Meghan.

  Meghan couldn’t stand it anymore. She needed to see what was happening. What was Ivan blocking her from seeing? She leaned, peering around the side of his shoulder. She froze when her eyes met Fazendiin’s. He was staring directly at her from about fifteen feet away.

  “I smell your blood,” Fazendiin revealed intently.

  Meghan had no idea what he meant, but it appeared to her that Ivan did, as he took another quick side-glance, his color draining, as he saw her looking at Fazendiin.

  Ivan struggled to keep his breathing even.

  Meghan just stared, wide-eyed, at the Grosvenor. Why was he showing so much interest in her? Did he somehow know she was a newcomer to the Svoda? Or that she was a Firemancer? What would he care about these things?

  Fazendiin unexpectedly took a few steps backwards, his facial features insinuating some sort of understanding or acceptance. His mouth turned into a cruel grin as if he had suddenly just discovered something that pleased him.

  The crowd started awakening from their trance-like state, and just in time to see Jurekai Fazendiin once again transforming into swirling blackness, which then vanished, leaving just the overcast sky stretching overhead.

  For a long minute no one spoke, as they feared he somehow might return, however, the doorway was sealed shut, and the magical protections put back in place.

  “Please, everyone,” spoke Banon Blackwell, her voice strong. “We are safe again. Let us welcome our family home.” She motioned for everyone to greet the new arrivals, but she could not hide completely that the unexpected visit had shaken her. Juliska’s eyes sought out Meghan, and upon seeing her, looked a bit more relieved. She nodded gratefully to Ivan, whom she saw standing in front of Meghan. Only Juliska Blackwell had no idea why Ivan had truly done this, as neither the crowd or Juliska had seen Jurekai’s confrontation. Juliska joined the new arrivals, welcoming each of the shaken members home.

  Ivan turned to Meghan, staring at her, the look of shock and horror painted on his face. He shot a glance up to Bird and mustered out the words, “You were right.” He then grasped Meghan's arm and dashed away from the beach, away from all the people.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded. “Let go of me!”

  “No! We have to …” Ivan shook his head. “There isn't any place to go,” he said to himself.

  “Ivan, would you please tell me what is going on!” Meghan stopped, stubbornly refusing to move. Bird fluttered overhead, trying to look like he fit in.

  Ivan opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Finally, he said, “We cannot do this out in the open, it’s too dangerous.”

  “Dangerous?” she questioned. “Ivan!”

  Ivan just looked at her with a look that declared her sudden death sentence. Ivan motioned for her to follow him and she obeyed, in silence, with bird flying close by until they stopped close to her home.

  “No!” she argued at once, refusing to go inside. “You are not doing this to me again, Ivan Crane!”

  “Meghan, I swear to you, I will explain everything. But right now you need to go home, stay home and pretend that nothing … NOTHING … out of the ordinary just happened.”

  Meghan swallowed hard, her heart racing harder with each panicked word that Ivan spoke. “You're really scaring the crap out of me right now, Ivan,” she whispered shakily.

  “I'm sorry,” he replied evenly, adding, much to her dismay, “You’re not alone in that sentiment.” He then turned and walked away, nodding curtly at Bird, who flew up to Meghan's window. He perched onto the sill as if keeping watch.

  Nona came running out from around the backside of the house, having been out scavenging for food. She already knew what had happened, having heard it all through Meghan's thoughts. Equally infuriating, was that she did not understand Ivan’s and Bird’s behavior, anymore than Meghan had.

  “Come, Meghan,” pleaded her catawitch. “I feel we should heed Ivan’s wishes. You must go inside.” Meghan nodded and they went into the house. She suddenly felt dried out and in need of water. She poured a glass from a pitcher sitting on the kitchen table. It was ice cold and stung her insides as it went down her throat. She sucked the gl
ass dry and then slammed it onto the table, grasping the table’s edge to steady herself. She could make no sense out of what had just happened.

  She closed her eyes and calmed her breath. She wanted to storm out of the kitchen and out of the house, locate Ivan and force him to spill everything he knew.

  She heard footsteps entering the house.

  “Meghan,” a concerned voice called out.

  Juliska, realized Meghan. She poured another glass of water, feeling the need to keep her hands busy, and exited the kitchen. The water had not done much to calm her nerves but holding onto the cold glass felt better than having nothing to hold onto at all.

  “I'm so sorry I could not get here sooner,” apologized Juliska, adding, “and I'm afraid I will be in meetings all night. Are you okay? I'm sure that had to be a very frightening experience for you, to see one of our ancient enemies for the first time. Even for me, it is still no easy thing to witness. But you don't have to worry, the doorway is closed and all access to the island is once again sealed off, even to Grosvenor. He won't be returning.”

  “Not today at least,” Meghan mumbled weakly. “I'm okay though, really,” she insisted.

  Juliska walked over, laying her hand on Meghan's shoulder, as if not sure she believed her. “You really are an amazing young woman,” she said.

  Meghan threw her a feeble smile. “I am tired though. I think I'm just going to try and do a bit of homework, and head to bed early tonight.”

  “Yes, the curfew announcement will be going off in a couple hours anyway, and we have to get all the new arrivals back to their homes to get settled in. Are you sure you're okay?”

  Meghan nodded yes, though her hand was shaking terribly as she took a sip of her water. Juliska frowned but Meghan insisted again that she was fine.

  “Okay. Well, I'll see you at breakfast then, although I may be fighting to stay awake myself if these meetings last as long into the night as I expect them to.” She started to turn and leave the house. “Oh, and I am leaving my personal Balaton behind. I don’t want you to think you’re alone in this big old house. They’ll watch over the place, so you can sleep easy.”

  Guess I'm definitely stuck here, she thought. No forcing Ivan into a full confession tonight! Aloud she said, “Thanks, I’m sure I will sleep better knowing they're around. And Nona will keep me company of course,” she added, trying to put on a confident smile.

  “It’s settled then. Good night.” Juliska slipped away.

  Meghan noted Jelen and Jenner Wandrer, standing on the front porch as Juliska passed along her orders to them. Jelen stayed near the front door, and Jenner hiked to the backside of the house, where they often posted themselves when guarding Juliska’s abode. Meghan could not imagine anyone wanting to take on the brothers, who looked like a couple of hefty football players.

  Meghan made her way upstairs and into her room. She closed the door and leaned up against it, trying to catch her breath. She heard tapping against her windowpane.

  “Bird.” She raced over and opened the window. A rush of cool autumn air flooded into her room. She did not mind it though; somehow, it helped her feel like she could breathe again.

  Bird and Nona nodded to each other, saying hello.

  Bird stepped inside, hiding most of his body behind a curtain dangling to the side of the window, but kept his eyes glued to anything happening outside.

  “Don't suppose you'd transform and tell me what the heck is going on?” Meghan asked warily. Bird shook his head no, but then dropped his head as if to say, sorry.

  Meghan had nothing left. She kicked her schoolbag under her desk and crept to her bed. She didn’t even bother to change into her nightgown. Nona used her paws to pull back the covers, allowing Meghan to crawl in, pulling the blankets up to her chin. Nona snuggled up close to her face, but outside of the covers. She kept her own catawitch eyes peeled in Bird’s direction, wishing to help with anything he might suddenly need. Her thoughts leaked into Meghan’s exhausted mind.

  “Whatever is going on, we'll figure it out. We'll force it out of Ivan Crane if we have to!”

  Meghan had a thought just then. Colby had said Jurekai’s name. Could he know more about this Grosvenor? Might she be able to get him to talk to her?

  In her mind, she searched for the connection to his thoughts. She could feel him there, ignoring her as usual. She spoke his name clearly, trying to gain his attention, and this time he answered her attempt by spitting out, “Leave me alone!”

  “At least you're speaking to me now, that's a start I guess,” Meghan sent to him.

  “More like ignoring you, loudly!” he shot back.

  Meghan sighed.

  The type of sigh that shouted, I'm lost, I'm lonely, I'm confused...

  She was surprised when Colby spoke back. “Bad day?” he questioned, in such a manner that she could not tell whether this pleased him or whether he was actually curious.

  She ignored his question. “I know you hate this connection,” she said, “but I wanted to ask you something. Something I can’t get an answer to where I am.”

  “And how am I supposed to know this answer?” Colby retorted.

  “The other day, I heard you say a name, a name I recognized. Jurekai Fazendiin. Why do you know that name? Do you know anything about him?”

  Colby did not answer right away. When he did, his voice was forceful. “Why do you want to know this?”

  The way he spoke, Meghan knew that Colby knew something.

  “Please, Colby, can you tell me what you know about this... man?” She wasn't sure man was the right word to use.

  “I knew actually talking back to you would be a mistake,” replied Colby hatefully, at the same time, severing the connection between their minds.

  Meghan let out an aggravated sound that grabbed Bird's attention. He chirped for a moment, to which Meghan replied tiredly, “Yeah, yeah, whatever, all in good time, now is not the right time …. blah blah blah.”

  Suddenly the smell of something burning filled her nostrils. Puffs of smoke floated up over her body. She jumped up, shouting, “Oh, perfect!”

  Nona rolled over the bed sheets easily extinguishing the flames that were catching.

  “Singeing the sheets again. Just what I need,” Meghan chided herself.

  “Its okay,” insisted Nona. “It’s not like they can hurt either of us.”

  “I know. I know. I just cannot go back to losing control like this. Not again. Not now!”

  Meghan heard a strange sound in her mind. “Are you laughing at me?” she shouted. Apparently, Colby was still listening, just not replying, and had let his guard down, laughing heartily at her.

  “Not funny!” she spat out grumpily. Bird threw her a questioning look, which she ignored. “Humpf!” she rattled, sliding down next to her bed to the floor.

  She folded her arms defiantly. This was going to be a long night.


  Colby sat at a table, eating a dinner of chicken stew.

  “What a dumb girl,” he laughed in between bites, enjoying the distraction she was currently providing. It seemed the worst her temper was, the clumsier she got, which for some reason he found funny. Colby could not remember the last time he had laughed.

  “Your father isn’t one for humor,” his catawitch, Elisha, purred from a seat nearby.

  “No. Definitely not. But he doesn’t have time for humor. He has a world to take over,” he replied, grinning. Elisha replied by snarling in approval.

  “Why do you think the girl wanted to know about my father?” he asked, after another bite of stew.

  “Search her thoughts,” purred Elisha, equally eager to know.

  “Can I do that?” Colby asked. “Force my way into her thoughts, without her knowing?”

  “Why not,” egged Elisha. “She tries to get into your head all the time.”

  “Yeah, and I’m not keen on that,” he reminded her.

  “Fine. Then sit here and keep wondering. Not like we’ve got an
ything else to do right now.”

  “Yeah, this sitting around and waiting is driving me crazy. I might as well be bored and in school!”

  “It’s not that bad,” exclaimed Elisha. She hated school as much, if not more so, than Colby.

  Colby let down his guard, allowing the girl’s thoughts into his mind again. Meghan caught onto his thoughts about school. “Sounds like you love school just as much as I do,” she told him haughtily.

  Colby frowned. He really needed to find a permanent block to keep this girl from his mind, no matter that now and then she made him laugh. Before Colby could reply, or ask why she wanted to know about his father, he slipped the block back in place, as there was a hefty knock at his door. He did not want her to overhear any of his business conversations. He put down his spoon before saying, “You may enter.”

  It was KarNavan, leader of the Stripers… the treasure hunters.

  “Any news?” asked Colby in complete seriousness.

  “None. We still wait young master.”

  “We could be waiting for months at this rate!” shouted Colby impatiently, standing up from the table.

  “We have no choice. The Projector must out himself, use magic in public before we can track him. Once he does, young sir, I guarantee, we can be there in mere moments.”

  Colby frowned again. And KarNavan knew why.

  “My apologies, Master Colby. I did not mean…” he was cut off by Colby.

  “I’m getting tired of your apologies, KarNavan. I’m only working alongside you because my father asked it of me. Do not call me young again, or I will find a way to sever this trust he seems to have in you.”

  KarNavan stepped back throwing up his hands in surrender. “There is no need. It will not happen again… I will report again tomorrow, unless anything new develops.” He turned to leave, the look of malevolence on his face. Spiny brat his thoughts screamed.

  Once out of the room, he shut the door, his body dissolving and blending into the background of the crumbling quartz wall he was walking past.


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