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Page 14

by Danielle Bourdon

  “Don’t you get any ideas, Lark.” Camryn sat upright. She knew she could trust Lark not to write an article that would jeopardize her personal secrets, but she felt better putting it out in the open. Lark lived for scandal. It was better to be safe than sorry.

  “No, no. I’m not. I mean, I think you’re sitting on a powder keg myself, but this is your dirty laundry, not mine. It is tempting, though, I admit it.”

  “Nothing might happen from here on out. I don’t know. It’s not like we planned this, you know?” Cam said.

  “I know. Hey, did you ever find the recorder?”

  “No. I’m stressing about it, but all I can hope is that the contents never get into the open.” Camryn shuddered at the very thought. “What about those shopped pictures? No more threats or anything?”

  “Nothing. It was probably a start-up, someone about to compete with Integrity for stories and whatever. Trying to scare us out of the game. I’m keeping an eye on it, though, just in case. Every few hours I scan the Internet. I think if it had been Denny, he would have released the pictures by now,” Lark said.

  “Okay, good. That makes me feel a little better. I have to go. I’m having dinner with the crew.”

  “Try to get interviews!”

  “I actually have a small one with some of them from earlier today. I’ll do a write-up and send it later.” Camryn hung up. She stared at the ceiling for a second, sending up a little prayer that her own personal scandal stayed under wraps. She had her doubts about Denny, but maybe Lark was right.

  She hoped Lark was right.

  Then she bounced off the bed and hurried to her closet. She needed something special for dinner, something different than jeans and T-shirts or her business suits.

  She thought she had just the outfit.

  Choosing the mid-thigh length baby blue chiffon sheath dress was the best decision of the day—besides deciding to have an early morning romp with Maximo. The way Max looked at her when she entered the dining room brought a smile to her mouth and heat to her cheeks. He might as well have devoured her with his eyes, hiding his appreciation and interest from no one. Camryn felt the attention of the crew and, after winking at Max, shared a smile with the rest of the room.

  Before she knew it, Max was at her side, one arm sliding around her waist.

  Introductions happened swiftly and pleasantly, and Camryn warmed to the crew as she took her place beside Max at the table.

  “You wore that for me. Thank you,” Max said near her ear.

  “Maybe I wanted to look nice for everyone,” she teased, keeping her voice low.

  “Bull. I’m going to enjoy stripping you out of it later, too.”

  Camryn coughed at the blunt statement then had a sip of wine. Everything about the evening felt surreal, from the happy-go-lucky crew to Maximo’s attention. Not even Aubrey’s dramatic arrival, fifteen minutes late, put a damper on Cam’s mood. Conversation moved from topic to topic, most of it revolving around the film. The three crew members she’d interviewed earlier in the day happened to suggest that the rest of the crew do interviews, too, until the entire group decided to use Integrity to launch exclusive snippets of text and video before the release.

  Shocked to her core and pleased beyond reason, Camryn readily agreed. Martin also announced that Camryn would be snapping photos on set, and that they would time the release according to the progress in production.

  On cloud nine, Camryn picked at her excellent meal, too excited to do the food justice. This was a break like she’d never dreamed. Exclusive interviews everywhere, on-set pictures, and timely video releases regarding the movie would give her magazine a serious boost.

  Lark was going to do backflips.

  After the meal, Maximo walked her back to her room. Confused, Camryn faced him once they reached her door. “I thought we were doing another interview this evening?”

  “We are. But you need your camera and maybe a light sweater. Get both, and meet me down in the front near the driveway. All right?” Max said.

  “Oh. Sure. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” Camryn didn’t refuse the kiss Maximo put on her mouth. She cupped his whiskered jaw with her hand and lingered in his affection. Although she was full of questions at the mystery, she decided to let him surprise her.

  Inside her room, she snatched up a lightweight white sweater and pulled it on over the dress. Excitement raced through her body while all sorts of ideas about what he had planned rioted around her mind. She packed a small feminine backpack with essentials: her camera, her cell phone, a notepad, and two pens. She also threw in strawberry lip balm, a tiny pen light, and a pack of gum.

  One never knew.

  Just as she reached the door, her cell phone chimed with an incoming message. Camryn nearly ignored it. Exhaling in frustration, she paused and fished the phone from her satchel.


  “Camryn, are you sitting down?” Lark sounded exasperated.

  “No. I’m on my way out the door. What’s wrong?” Camryn asked. Uneasiness started to create knots in her stomach. Lark was about to deliver bad news, Cam was sure of it.

  “That person who sent us the ‘fixed’ photos? Well, they released them,” Lark said.

  Camryn’s heart thumped wildly. Distress finished off the knots in her stomach and started tightening the muscles of her shoulders.


  “Oh God. How bad is it? I mean, where did you see the pictures?”

  “Everywhere. Everywhere. They exploded over the Internet and pretty much all the top gossip sites are carrying them. But, Cam, these aren’t the pictures we saw, the ones that the person sent us. They’re worse. The bastards went for broke,” Lark said.

  “What do you mean worse?” Camryn couldn’t imagine much worse than what she’d seen.

  “Trust me. They’re bad. These photos are a lot more explicit, with the private parts pixelated out. And I don’t know how they did it, but the girl really does resemble you. If I didn’t know you as well as I do, I’d think someone caught you doing this. I’d think it was you,” Lark said. “I’m about two seconds from calling Denny to confront him.”

  Camryn had two distinct reactions: horror and fury. She knew she was innocent, but the tabloids would run wild with it, coming up with every scenario imaginable. Whoever wanted Integrity offline was pulling out all the stops.

  “You didn’t pass out, did you?” Lark inquired into the silence.

  “No. I’m thinking. Listen, I don’t have time to explain everything in detail, but I got invited to do even more interviews with the film crew, the director, and also to shoot more photos on set. Martin wants to break hints and clues and videos leading up to the movie exclusively through Integrity. It’s the chance of a lifetime, and I’m not about to let some lowlife screw it up. We’ll find a way to combat these fake pictures. Right now, I’ve got an interview with Max, so I have to run. I’ll call you when I get back, okay?”

  “I don’t know how you managed that one, but damn! Here I was expecting tears and fury. That’s crazy cool, Camryn. I’ll start doing some research into the pictures myself, and see if I come up with anything. Later!”

  Camryn ended the call. She leaned against the doorframe, taking a moment to let the news really sink in. Although she’d put on a good front for Lark, she was more upset about the development than she let on. Still furious, but distressed. She couldn’t imagine what Maximo would say.

  Taking a deep breath, she centered herself, then closed and locked her door. In minutes she exited the chalet, searching the front drive for Maximo.

  He was nowhere to be seen.

  Her heart dropped to her stomach.

  Oh no.

  Lenni had probably called him with the news.

  “Ms. Castillo? Hello,” a man’s voice said behind her.

  Camryn glanced back along the porch, picking a crew member out of the shadows. She remembered him easily. “Hi, Nolan. Have you seen Maximo around? I was supposed to meet him out here.”r />
  “Actually, you’re meeting me. I’m going to take you to him,” Nolan said with a smile. He gestured to the modified golf cart waiting on the driveway.

  “Oh. He didn’t mention it.” Camryn had spoken long enough with Nolan during their interview earlier that she had no reservations climbing into the golf cart.

  “He can be tricky like that,” Nolan said with a laugh. He sat in the driver’s seat and pulled the cart around, heading down the drive. Instead of hitting the main road, he turned off on a dirt pathway cutting through the green landscape below the chalet.

  Camryn took a few deep breaths of the crisp evening air in an attempt to calm her nerves. She would not let this situation get the best of her. Whoever was posting the photos failed to realize that she wouldn’t play the victim. She hadn’t done so when Denny stole the pictures, and she wasn’t about to start now.

  Long minutes later, the golf cart cruised up to another chalet nestled into the side of the foothills. Even in the dark, Cam made out the pretty brown-on-white theme, pitched roof, and planters of flowers sitting below all the windows. The picturesque home had clearly been worked on to maximize its charm for the movie, and Camryn couldn’t wait to return during daylight to snap a few photos.

  “He’s waiting inside,” Nolan said.

  “Thanks for the ride over.” Camryn disembarked the cart with her bag in tow, gave Nolan another smile, and followed the footpath toward the front door. Another cart sat near the entrance, indicating that Maximo had driven himself over earlier.

  Camryn stepped onto the porch and knocked on the door.

  “Come on in, Camryn,” Max called from inside.

  Whatever she’d been expecting, it wasn’t the quaint scenario that opened up before her. If she’d thought the exterior of the chalet was traditionally beautiful, the interior blew her away. Authentic rugs dotted the wooden floor beneath sturdy pieces of furniture, and stunning Swiss folk art had been carved into the mantle across a stone fireplace as well as painted onto baskets and pots. She was able to see all the detail thanks to a professional lighting setup that appeared to be in place for filming.

  None of that prepared her for the sight of Maximo lounging on one of the sofas. He was shirtless, hair rakishly falling across his forehead. Distressed jeans covered his thighs, tapering to a pair of unlaced boots.

  Camryn wasn’t quite sure what to think, other than that she wanted to jump his bones where he sat. Once again, she intimately understood his appeal to the masses. Maximo was unbelievably gorgeous in a laid-back yet somehow primal way.

  “Here’s what I thought. Lenni is always trying to get me to give more of myself to the public, so I had the idea that you could take a few photos of me on set before the filming begins. I’ve never posed without my shirt on, and certainly never played up for the camera in the way I plan to do for you tonight. What do you think?” Max asked.

  A hundred inappropriate answers rushed to the end of Camryn’s tongue. What did she think? She thought it was the cure for what ailed her.

  “Your fans are going to freak out.” Those were the first words out of her mouth.

  Maximo rumbled a laugh. “I guess that means you approve.”

  Camryn dug out her camera then slid her satchel to the ground. “You bet your butt. Stay just like that. I want to get you and the lighting fixtures, too.”

  Although she was far from a professional photographer, Camryn enjoyed dabbling in the art. She engaged in a photo session with Max that ranged from casual lounging on the sofa to leaning an elbow on the mantle. He indulged her experiments with different angles and lighting. The come-hither expression he wore in almost every shot was guaranteed to set the Internet on fire.

  Once done with every shot possible, she set her camera aside and took out her notepad and pen. Curling up in a chair opposite the sofa, she started the interview. She focused on his craft and the on-set minutiae which always captivated the fans. Several times, Camryn found her gaze locked with Maximo’s. The looks they shared had nothing to do with interviews or photographs or movies.

  Soon, she knew, he would get to the part he’d promised earlier about stripping her out of her dress.

  “There are naked pictures of me on the Internet, but it’s not really me.” Sometimes her mouth runneth over. She hadn’t planned to confess, at least not here, not now.

  Maximo frowned. He sat forward on the couch, bracing his elbows on his knees. “What?”

  She brushed a lock of hair away from her temple. “Someone’s blackmailing me. They threatened to release manipulated photographs of me and a ‘lover’ if I didn’t take my magazine down. I just got the call before I came here that the photos had been released. I wanted to tell you myself because I’m sure Lenni will let you know sooner than later.”

  “When did you get the threats?” he asked.

  “Last week. The deadline came and went and nothing happened, so my roommate and I figured it was a bluff. Probably someone in competition with us. I thought it could be Denny, the same guy we were friends with who stole those photos off Lark’s computer.” Although Camryn figured she’d just nixed any hot, sexy end to the interview, she felt worlds better after the confession. The last thing she wanted was for Max to see the pictures by accident or hear about it through the grapevine.

  “I wish you would have told me earlier, but I can see why you didn’t.” He stood from the sofa and pushed his hands into his pockets. The action made the jeans slide an inch lower on his naked hips.

  “To be honest, we were really shocked at first. Though I’m not sure why, in hindsight. You can’t believe the things that went on at Rocket, the tabloid I used to work for. There was always some sort of manipulation or misrepresentation going on. Entertainment journalism is a dog-eat-dog world and there are those who think nothing of stepping on others to get where they’re going.” She studied Maximo’s features, trying to get a bead on his mood.

  “Yes, that much I know is true. I’ve seen it firsthand since my first movie went big.” He arched a brow and continued pacing. “What do you plan to do?”

  “Try and prove the photos are fake. My best defense, I think, is to negate the authenticity and go on like nothing happened. I had to stand up to Denny, too, after he stole those pictures, and let the public know the truth of the matter.”

  “From what you said about this Denny character, it appears he may be your best lead. You should be careful, Camryn. Outing him might have pissed him off more than you realize.”

  Camryn knew Maximo was right, but Denny had put himself in this position, not her. No one had made him steal pictures and then post them on the Internet. “I’m not sure he can do any more damage than he already has. I just need to quickly deny those photos are me before my parents get word.”

  “Do you want me to fly you back to the States?” Max asked.

  “No! Not at all. I can do it from here. I will the moment I return to the other house.”

  “Then let’s go. There’ll be other nights for me to peel you out of that dress.” He swerved her way and helped usher her up off the couch.

  If Denny really was behind the mayhem, he had a lot to answer for. He was risking her career and now he was interfering in her personal life. Camryn stuffed her belongings into the satchel and followed Maximo out of the house.

  Denny the alleged thief had not seen the last of her yet.


  The remainder of her stay in Switzerland passed like a dream. Camryn conducted many interviews, took hundreds of pictures, and explored Engelberg with Max. He was an excellent host and an enthusiastic outdoorsman. They went on two long hikes, pausing to snap pictures of the town from higher angles. Being on set with the crew was more fun than she could have ever imagined. Maximo’s feigned fight with Aubrey, of which she only saw a few minutes, was nonetheless impressively realistic.

  In her downtime between interviews and spending time with Max, Camryn worked hard to write the best articles she could for Integrity. Maki
ng the online site a success was more important to her than ever.

  If anything, the tabloid firestorm of her ‘indecent photos’ worked in the magazine’s favor. Hundreds of thousands of new subscribers flocked to the site, both to learn firsthand what had really happened, and to glean news about Maximo Payne. Lark was beside herself with glee, texting updates every few minutes.

  Then came the morning of her departure. Camryn reluctantly packed her suitcase after sending a final article to Lark that she’d spent half the night writing. The little mementos she’d acquired—a Switzerland T-shirt, a cowbell, and a small cuckoo clock—had all been gifts from Max. She packed each one carefully between layers of shirts and pajamas.

  Having dragged her suitcase to the door, she paused once more to look back at her room before stepping into the hallway.

  Maximo leaned against the wall, looking spectacular in faded denim and a white button-down with the sleeves folded back to his elbows.

  “Hey,” Camryn said, closing her door. They hadn’t talked at all about what would happen from here, or whether or not they’d see each other again anytime soon. She couldn’t put a label on what they were together, but she’d grown intensely fond of the superstar.

  It’s just a fling and it’ll be over once you leave Switzerland. The old thoughts resurfaced but Camryn pushed them away.

  “Hey. I won’t be accompanying you and Nolan to the airport thanks to the shooting schedule this morning. But I wanted to come see you off and let you know that Lenni and I have enjoyed your articles. You did a really great job,” he said.

  “Thanks, Maximo. You made it pretty easy. So did the crew.” She smiled and tugged her luggage a few feet closer. “The news about you and Raquel should go live later on tonight.”

  “Excellent. I look forward to it,” he said.

  Camryn suddenly felt awkward, like she wasn’t sure whether to hug him, kiss him, or wait for him to make the first move. She fidgeted with the handle of her suitcase and adjusted the purse hanging over her shoulder.

  “How much longer did you say you’ll be in Switzerland filming?” she finally asked.


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