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Knowing You (The Jersey Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Sienna Skye

  “Do you think he knows about Ralph?” I asked as I paced back and forth across the floor.

  “Madison, you have my word that I haven’t told him a thing. And I know Hunter hasn’t either. But I’ve never met anyone able to read people like Jace does. His instincts are incredible. That man just knows things. Hunter once said that to me a long time ago and I didn’t take him all that seriously. Then I met Jace and I realized Hunter was spot on. Jace is a good guy, Madison. A really good guy.”

  “Yeah, I’m beginning to get that.” I flopped back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling fan spinning overhead.

  “Enough with all that. Let’s get to the details. Did you have a good time?”

  “I had an incredible time.”

  “Woo hoo! And that was just a coffee date, girlie. So, what did you guys talk about?”

  “Everything. Nothing. All sorts of things. We were there for hours.”

  “That man has it bad for you.”

  “You think so?”

  “Madison. He sat for hours in a coffee shop just talking to you. If he wasn’t interested, he would have found a way to end the date sooner. Trust me, Jace is no pushover. Did he ask you out again?”

  “Yes, for dinner. We are going on Wednesday. That’s if Ralph doesn’t dump the kids again.”

  “Oh no! You are going on that date. If Ralph doesn’t take them, I will watch them.”

  “I’m happy to have a backup plan. There’s no way I would want to miss out on that man kissing me again like he did tonight.”

  “Haha! I knew you were holding back on me! Spill.”

  “He kissed me like I have never been kissed before. Right there on my front porch.”

  “A little public action. Very hot.”

  “Sarah! You sound overly excited about that. Does public sex get you off?”

  “The thrill of getting caught can be very exciting. Hunter has indulged me a few times. But, that’s for another time. Go on.”

  “Okay, but for the record, we are definitely getting back to that one. When we got back to my place, he put my face in his hands and then he kissed me. At first it was almost like he was afraid to move his hands from my face. The kiss was soft. Incredible, but…I don’t want to say sweet…It was more than that. But then it was like he lost control. He had me pushed up against the door. His hand was tangled in my hair. How can such a simple thing like that make you feel so desired?”

  “Because he does desire you. You can’t fake chemistry like that.”

  “Sarah, that’s the thing. I’ve never felt particularly sexual. Don’t get me wrong, I like sex. I’ve just never felt that intense passion before. I mean, while he was kissing me, I thought about three ways I wanted to have sex with him. Right there between the hydrangea bushes and the mailbox.”

  I heard her laugh on the other end of the phone.

  “Part of it is chemistry, like I said. Part of it is having a man who wants your pleasure more than he wants his own. Can you imagine how phenomenal the sex will be?” She sounded awfully excited about that prospect.

  “You’re jumping the gun a bit, Sarah. Don’t you think?”

  “No, I do not. Madison, the man kissed you into the middle of next week right on your front porch. He definitely is thinking about getting you in his bed.”

  “I’m older than him.”

  “Has there been some kind of age clause set on sex between adults that I am unaware of? He’s your trainer. He knows your age. He obviously doesn’t care. Neither should you.” When I was quiet for a moment, she continued. “Jace is not some naïve kid. All the worries I can hear you creating in your mind are non-issues. Think about what you are feeling right now. How your body is reacting to just his kiss alone. Do you really want to find reason to deny yourself more with him?”

  I sighed. “It would be criminal not to allow myself to feel this way again.”


  “Hold on a second, a text just buzzed through.”

  I looked at the text, thinking maybe it was Jace. I deflated when I saw Ralph’s name.

  Ralph: I need to bring the kids back first thing in the a.m. And I can’t pick them up from school on Wednesday. I’ll get them from your place.

  Seriously? The man was nothing if not predictable. But, I could use it to my advantage.

  Madison: I’ll be here, but they are going to be disappointed. Why don’t you take them overnight on Wednesday to make it up to them?

  I switched back over to Sarah.

  “That was Ralph. He is bringing the kids back early tomorrow.”

  “Of course, he is,” she grumbled.

  “He also said he couldn’t pick them up from school on Wednesday. He has to pick them up here.”

  “That’s not going to mess up your plans, is it?”

  “Waiting to see. I suggested he make it up to them by keeping them overnight on Wednesday because they will be disappointed. Which, they will be.”

  “If he doesn’t say yes, I will come to your house and wait for them, so you don’t have to come back early,” Sarah offered.

  The words no sooner left her mouth when another message came through.

  “Hold on.”

  Ralph: Fine. I’ll pick them up at 5:30.

  “I’m back.”

  “Well? Is Aunt Sarah on babysitting duty?”

  “Nope, he’ll take them overnight.”

  “One thing down. Now, do you think the kids are up for a little shopping tomorrow?”


  “Oh yeah, we are getting you some new things to wear.”

  “I’ll call you when he drops the kids off.”

  “I’ll be waiting. I am all yours tomorrow.”

  It was still early, but I decided to relax in a hot bath. I ran the water, threw in a bath bomb, and then slipped out of my clothes and into my robe. I tied my hair back in a messy bun. I thought about it for a moment. Why not really enjoy this? I grabbed some candles, placed them around the tub and lit them. Then I put on some music. After I poured myself a glass of wine, I headed back to the bathroom and started to untie my robe. That’s when I heard a text message.

  “So help me God, if you are trying to bring them back tonight, I am going to lose my shit.”

  I looked at my phone and my breath hitched when I saw Jace’s name.

  Jace: I can’t stop thinking about you

  Before I had a chance to respond, a second message came through and then a third.

  Jace: I know I will see you on Monday. But I wanted to ask what time

  I should pick you up for dinner.

  If the kids were getting picked up a 5:30 then I could finish getting ready in an hour…

  Madison: How does 6:30 work?

  I hung my robe on the hook while I waited for his reply. It came immediately.

  Jace: Perfect. Oh…And Madison… I can still taste you on my lips

  Holy! I looked in the mirror and could clearly see the effect his words had on my body. I read them in his voice. In that deep whisper of his. With only a second of hesitation, I answered.

  Madison: I can still feel your touch on my body...Your hand tangled in my hair…

  I hit send. It was probably only seconds, but it seemed to take forever before the bubbles appeared.

  Jace: That was just the beginning… That’s a promise…

  I was standing naked in my bathroom, holding a glass of wine, about to hyperventilate over a text message, while my bath water was getting ready to overflow. Shit! My bath water was getting ready to overflow! I started to jump to turn off the water, when he messaged again. Well hell, that was what towels were for.

  Jace: I always keep my promises…See you Monday…

  I turned the water off and flipped the drain for a minute. I wanted to respond with something sexy. Enticing. This was all new to me. He was obviously much better at this. I didn’t even want to think about that. I bounced up and down for a second while I tried to force myself to think sexy. I gulped bac
k some wine. Bounce. Bounce. Think, Madison. Think. Tell him you are going to hold him to his promise. Yes, that was good. Crap, too much water drained. I closed the drain again and started the water. I jumped when another message came through. Two kissy face emojis. I responded in kind.

  I put my glass on the side of the tub and stepped into the bath. I sunk down and let the hot water envelop me. I rested my head back and closed my eyes. I replayed the kiss over and over again in my mind. There was no doubt in my mind that if he initiated it, I would end up in bed with him. I didn’t think I had it in me to make the suggestion myself. Jace was an alpha male. Strong, confident, commanding. I knew, without a doubt, he would take control in the bedroom. Bring me pleasure I’ve never known before. The image that played through my mind excited me more than I would have thought possible.

  I allowed my hands to roam my body. Following my curves, exploring my own skin. Trying to envision what Jace would feel…see…smell. How my skin would feel under his hands as he caressed me. Under his lips as he kissed his way down my body. My fingertips trailed lightly down my neck, over my collar bone, to my breast. I imagined what it would feel like to have the weight of his body on mine. I had never felt so relaxed yet so aroused at once. This heightened state of arousal was novel to me. My finger touched my clit. Ever so lightly at first, like a tease, and then a little harder. My breath caught and my heart rate quickened. I increased the pressure again and moved my finger faster. Warmth spread across my body and I could feel my nipples tighten. I opened my eyes and watched my body respond to my touch. I pictured Jace watching me. Those beautiful blue eyes. I just needed a tiny bit more pressure…and there…I went over the edge. I moaned Jace’s name as I came. My orgasm was short but intense.

  I would have thought that would have satisfied me. But, I still felt I needed something more. The urge to call Jace and hear his voice prompted me to climb out of the tub.

  Just as I tapped on his name I felt a sense of sudden apprehension. The phone had not yet rung. I was in the clear. I quickly ended the call and put the phone on the sink vanity while I reached for my robe. I had barely raised my arm when I heard my phone ring. My heart beating fast, I looked to see who was calling. In reality, that unnecessary, because I knew it was going to be Jace.

  “Hi Jace.”

  “Hello to you. Why did you hang up before I could answer?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought I ended the call before it rang. It was a pocket dial.”

  “Madison, it was not a pocket dial. What did you need?”

  “Nothing. I mean I didn’t really need anything. I guess that’s not true. I did need something. Which surprised me. I’m not used to that. But, then you know, I changed my mind. It was a ridiculous reason to call.”

  “First, take a breath. Now, tell me why you called.”

  “You probably already know.” I stalled hoping he would say it so I wouldn’t have to.

  “Tell me, Madison.”

  “I can’t stop thinking about you. About that kiss. About what it would be like…” I couldn’t quite bring myself to admit more.

  “I can’t stop thinking about it either. That’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I love knowing it affected you like it affected me.”

  “It’s just that I’ve never been ‘affected’ this way before,” I admitted.

  “Now I really like hearing that.”

  “Would you like to hear more?” Where did that come from?

  “Baby, I would love to hear more.” His voice had dropped to that whisper that always made me melt.

  “I took a hot bath after you left. And while I was soaking, I kept reliving our kiss. “Remembering how badly you wanted me. Or it seemed that way.”

  “I did want you badly. I still do, very much so. Tell me more.” When I paused for a beat too long, he continued. “Please.”

  “I ran my hands down my body so I would know what it was that you felt. What you would feel. I wanted to know if it would be pleasing to you.”

  “It was fucking amazing. The only thing that would have made it better is if I could have had more.” The intensity in his voice gave me goosebumps.

  “I want you to have more.” Oh. My. God. I couldn’t believe the words left my mouth.

  I swear I could hear his smile through the phone. I, on the hand, needed to sit down before I fell down. I was so nervous, everything was swimming. I put my head between my knees. I was pretty sure he knew it, too. When he spoke again, I was positive of it. There was an ever so slight change in the tone of his voice and a segue to change the subject.

  “I want that too. More than you know. That thought will be the last thing I think about as I go to sleep tonight. I was thinking about dinner. There is this place that opened up a few months ago. It’s a speakeasy and restaurant.”

  “Oh, I heard about that!” Okay, I was feeling better already.

  “The reviews are great. I was thinking about making a reservation for us.”

  “I would love that, Jace!”

  “Then that’s where we will go. Sweet dreams, Madison.”

  “Sweet dreams.”

  “Oh, and you can call me whenever you want. For whatever you want. Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  The next morning, I started getting ready. The kids were going to be on their way back and Sarah and I were heading off to the mall, kids in tow. When I put on my jeans, I realized they were too big. I went to my closet and dug out a pair I had buried. They were brand new. And a size smaller. I bought them because they were cute, and I figured I would lose enough weight to get into them. But, that never happened. Until now. Well maybe. I still needed to try them on. I exhaled a breath as if I was preparing for major battle. One leg in and then the other. I zipped them up and buttoned them. They were on! And I could breathe. Easily. I wasn’t being strangled like an anaconda was about to have me over for dinner. I still had more work ahead of me to hit my goal, but the progress I had made was undeniable. I checked myself out in the mirror, slowly turning until I checked out every last angle. A big stupid grin spread across my face. Progress. Now a shirt. I dove back into my closet until I found a form fitting scoop neck tee shirt and then pulled it over my head.

  The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I could hear the sound of my kids’ happy chatter on the other side of the door. I opened the door and they swamped me, wrapping their arms around my waist while they chanted how much they missed me. Just as suddenly, they darted off, tossing their backpacks on a dining room chair and then scurried off to their rooms.

  Then Ralph thanked me for being so understanding and agreeing to him bringing the kids back a whole day early while he ran off and did who knows what. Just kidding.

  I saw him look at me and then the expression on his face was even more sour than usual. Oh no, I knew what was coming next. Not today. I got kissed last night. My jeans fit. He was not spoiling my great mood.

  “Okay…so you will pick them up at 5:30 on Wednesday…” I said in an attempt to deflect him.

  “What do you think you are doing?”

  “I think I am confirming that you’ll be coming to pick up the kids at 5:30 on Wednesday.”

  “Look at you. Are you trying to pretend you are some kid?” He took on that condescending tone that he liked to use with me.

  I couldn’t help it. I busted out laughing.

  “I don’t like your attitude,” he snapped.

  “Guess what? I don’t really care if you like my attitude or not. What I do is my business.” I got nervous for a second. I didn’t want him to put two and two together and figure out I had plans on Wednesday. Then again, I had Sarah as a backup plan. I was really getting tired of him walking all over me. I had been putting up with it for years. I wasn’t going to back down. “Goodbye, Ralph.”

  I held the door open and gestured for him to walk through. He hesitated and I braced myself for round two, but that is when Ryan came running back in the room and called out a bubbly “Bye, Dad” befor
e bouncing onto the couch and turning on the TV. Ralph’s gaze darted to Ryan. He said goodbye to him and then hesitated for a brief moment before looking back at me with narrowed eyes. Then he turned and left. I closed the door behind him and locked it. I leaned back against the door, closed my eyes, and rubbed my forehead. No, I was not letting him spoil my day. I pulled away from the door and called Alexis into the room.

  “Everybody have a good time with your Dad?”

  A chorus of “yeps” followed.

  “Did you eat breakfast?”

  “Just a snack. Dad said you’d make us breakfast,” Ryan said.

  I took a breath and smiled. “Alright, let’s head into the kitchen for breakfast.”

  “I want pancakes!” Alexis called out.

  “Yeah! Pancakes. Or waffles!”

  “It’s going to be eggs today, guys. Sarah is coming over and we are heading out to the mall.”

  “Yuck. Shopping.” Ryan stuck out his tongue.

  “Sorry, Ryan. I will try to make it as painless for you as possible.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Girl stuff. Dad is getting to go on a boat. That is boy stuff.”

  “But Dad is going on the boat with Miss Shelly, so he will be with a girl too,” Alexis told him.

  Well that answered that question.

  “Eggs for breakfast. Then shopping. We can find someplace fun for lunch. Now you two start setting the table.”

  We ate breakfast, Ryan tossing in an eye roll here and there for good measure, and then I had them clear their plates.

  The doorbell rang.

  “Crap. That must be Sarah. Alright guys, time to mobilize.”

  I opened the front door and found Sarah on the other side. With Hunter. Who was holding a tool box.

  “Hey guys. Come on in.” I’m pretty sure confusion was written all over my face.

  “Hey sweetheart. How are you?” Hunter paused to kiss me on the cheek before heading into the living room. “I was told that the deck door has been giving you some trouble. I thought I might try a hand at fixing it. I was also wondering if anyone would maybe want to help me.”

  “I do! I do!” Ryan jumped up and down with his hand up high in the air. “They are going to the mall. To do shopping stuff. I don’t want to do shopping stuff. Alexis can go with them.”


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