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Knowing You (The Jersey Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Sienna Skye

  “Why does Sophia’s Mom look so familiar to me?” He tilted his head as he asked the question out loud.

  “Sophia told me and Alexis that she’s on TV sometimes, Daddy. Maybe you saw her there.”

  A few beats later, it hit him.

  “Oh yeah. Now, I know who it is. Sure, why don’t you go say hello to Jace and Sophia’s very beautiful mom.”

  Ryan grabbed Alexis’s hand, dragged her up on the sidewalk and ran over to Jace and Julia.

  “Ask Nikki is even hotter in person than she is on TV. Looks like Jace thinks so too.”

  I shouldn’t have even answered. I was giving him satisfaction. I was reacting to the game he was playing. Even though I knew better, I still responded.

  “Jace is best friends with her husband. They have all known each other since they were kids.”

  “I’m sure they are extremely close.”

  I felt myself starting to get nervous wanting to come up with a retort. Ryan and Alexis had reached Jace and Julia. Jace greeted them and while Julia was fawning over the kids, I saw Jace look up in search of me. He smiled at me but then he caught Ralph standing there and something in his expression changed. Jace motioned to the kids and said something to Julia. She nodded her head and Jace started to walk over in our direction.

  Jace always walked with confidence. It was just one of the things I found attractive about him. But his walk was more intense, purposeful, as he came toward us. I had only ever seen him walk that way once before. The night he came to pick me up for our dinner date. The common denominator was Ralph.

  A broad smile spread across Jace’s face as he walked up to me and then he reached out and grabbed my hand.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  “Hey yourself.”

  Jace made eye contact with Ralph and nodded. Ralph didn’t respond and no words were spoken between them.

  Jace tugged on my hand. “You ready to start your workout?”

  “I am.”

  “Good to hear. Let’s go.” He pulled me in the direction of Julia and the kids.

  Julia greeted me and said her goodbyes at the same time. Then she headed off to her car. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and noticed that Ralph was taking his time by his car.

  Alexis was bouncing up and down on her toes.

  “Jace! Will you put me on your shoulders?”

  “I’ll tell you what, kiddo. Your mom needs to drop you off at Pebbles so she can start her training session. How about later? I’ll carry you out on my shoulders while I walk you guys back to your car. Deal?”


  We went inside and the kids started trotting off to the day care. When they were safely out of earshot, Jace spoke.

  “I don’t trust him and I for damn sure don’t like the way he treats you, but he is their father and I have to respect that. I am not looking to antagonize him, or do anything he may perceive as me trying to antagonize him, when it comes to the kids.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  I didn’t have the confidence though that their father would be as sensible. The kids had no clue Jace and I were seeing each other. To them he was the nice guy they saw at the gym and maybe at Sophia’s house. If Jace and I made a go of this, then I would find a way to explain it to them.

  After my session, we headed over to pick up the kids and as promised, Jace carried Alexis out on his shoulders. She giggled with glee the entire way and groaned in protest when we reached the car and he put her down on the ground.

  I got the kids settled in the backseat and closed the door.

  “Thanks for walking us out to the car. And for carrying Alexis out on your shoulders. You absolutely made her day.”

  He chuckled. “Ahh the years when females are still easy to please.”

  I should have come up with a witty retort, but I couldn’t help but to chuckle back at him.

  “I guess I need to get these guys home.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “I’m looking forward to tomorrow night,” I said in a low voice.

  “Me too.”

  I sighed. “Good night, Jace.”

  “Good night, babe.”

  I almost had to laugh at how awkward it was for us to stand there trying to avoid touching each other.

  Jace bent over, looked in the car, and then waved goodbye to the kids. When he stood up, he brought his hand to my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb.

  “Text me when you get home so that I know you got there safely.”

  I stood there grinning like a school girl. I felt about as giddy as Alexis did when she was sitting on Jace’s shoulders.

  “I will.”

  I got in my car and headed out. Jace walked back to the gym but stood outside until I was leaving the parking lot. He waved goodbye as I left and then he headed back inside the gym as I drove down the street.

  Chapter Eight


  The following day, Madison’s ex was true to form. He told her during the day that he wasn’t going to be able to take the kids. Sarah insisted to Madison that she was still available to babysit. She had planned a bunch of fun stuff to do with Ryan and Alexis. Madison said the kids were excited about the idea of hanging out with Hunter and Sarah. Later on in the day, Madison’s ex reached out to her again and told her his situation changed and he was able to take them. She told him that she already made plans the kids were excited about. It was the kids who opted to stay with Hunter and Sarah. Hunter was the one who filled me in on everything. Her ex was doing his best to make it difficult for Madison to make plans. More specifically, to make plans with me. He was either too much of a dumb ass to see he was dragging his kids into it or he just didn’t care. Either way, I had no respect for the man.

  In a way, Sarah watching the kids was better. At least it made it easier to keep control of myself. I had been thinking about the conversation when Madison told me that Ralph said I was using her as a sexual distraction. It’s not that I gave a flying fuck what Ralph thought. But I very much did care about what Madison thought. I’ll admit I had a hard time keeping my hands off her. Her having to pick up the kids from Hunter and Sarah’s and having the kids at home with her that night helped me take the prospect of sex off the table. I wanted to push away any thoughts she was brewing up in her mind that this was a purely sexual thing.

  We decided on a dine-in movie theater. We ordered drinks and dinner and lounged in the reclining seats. We held hands like teenagers. I drew random shapes on the back of her hand with my thumb. I felt like I was in high school. The movie had a lot of funny moments and while I sat there listening to her laugh, I realized she needed to do that more. Her laugh was genuine and full of joy. I wanted to hear that sound over and over again.

  When the movie ended, I held her hand as we left the theater and walked through the parking lot. She was relaxed. Happy. Her body language said she was comfortable and secure being with me. I wished she would keep that feeling. It was like two steps forward and one step back when it came to Madison.

  We got to the car and I asked her if she wanted to go out and get ice cream.

  “I’d love to, but I think I should get back to get the kids. Can I take a rain check?”

  “Sure can.”

  “Are you upset?” she asked with concern in her voice.

  “No. Why would you think that?”

  “I just thought you might be disappointed.”

  “Madison, of course I am disappointed not being able to spend more time with you. I enjoy being with you. But that is not the same as being upset. There will be many more opportunities for ice cream.” I wanted to add that we could take the kids some time for ice cream, but I knew she wasn’t ready for that and didn’t want her putting her guard up.

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  “There’s nothing to understand, Madison. It’s all good. I promise.”

  I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. Then I opened the car door for her. Once
I saw she was buckled, I closed her door and walked around to my side and got in.

  There was an ever so slight change in her. I could tell she wasn’t completely convinced I wasn’t upset. I reached over and put my hand on the side of her face. She leaned in to the gesture as I stroked her cheek. I looked her in the eye and smiled at her. I could feel that lingering tension dissipate.

  “Did you have a good time tonight?” I asked her.

  “Yes. I had a wonderful time. Thank you, Jace.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  I started driving to Hunter and Sarah’s place. A few minutes after we were on the road, she asked where we were going.

  “To get the kids.”

  “I thought you would just drop me off at my car and I would go get them.”

  “Why should you have to do that? That’s going in the opposite direction. Let’s just get them together and I will drop you all off at your house.”

  “I’m just not sure about the kids knowing.”

  “You don’t have to tell them we are dating, Madison. Aren’t they kind of young to put all the pieces together? They have seen us together before. You know better than I do, of course.”

  She chewed on her lip for a minute as she thought about what I said.

  “I’m pretty sure Alexis wouldn’t put it together.”

  “But you think Ryan might,” I spoke the words she hadn’t.

  “It’s a possibility.”

  “Okay. Worst case scenario. He asks what I am doing there. Can’t you say we are friends and we went to the movies? It’s the truth and it doesn’t give him more information than he needs.” I started to slow the car down in case she wanted me to bring her back to her place.

  “Yeah. You’re right. I mean if we weren’t dating, I wouldn’t think twice about you taking me to pick them up.”

  “Then we’re good?” I asked, while still driving slowly.

  “Yes. Let’s go to Sarah’s.”

  I thought she’d still be nervous, but I was wrong. She would have been quiet if she was overthinking. Instead we chatted about the movie. I asked her where she would like to go on our next date. We tossed some ideas around and came up with the plan to go to a local winery. By the time we made our plans, we were at Hunter and Sarah’s.

  We rang the doorbell and Sarah answered the door. She had a big goofy smile on her face. She also had a plastic headband across her forehead with a card with a picture of a lady bug sticking out of it.

  “Hey! You guys are earlier than I expected. Come on in.”

  Ryan and Alexis came running in the room. They were wearing pajamas and their own headbands. They greeted us and then chatted on excitedly about all the fun things they did.

  There was a couple of empty pizza boxes in the living room. Glasses half full of chocolate milk sat on the coffee table. There was a plate of cheese cubes and fruit sitting out as snacks.

  I was just about to comment on the food spread when Hunter walked in. I doubled over in laughter at the sight of a six foot four, broad shouldered man wearing a flower card on a plastic headband. I watched Madison try to keep it together, but then she busted out laughing, too.

  “Now you both know how hard it was for me to keep a straight face.” Sarah barely got the words out before she started to laugh.

  Madison let the kids finish the round of the game they were playing and then helped Sarah clean up the food while the kids cleaned up the game.

  Hunter moved some furniture back into position then looked around at the assortment of crumbs on the floor.

  “I’ll vacuum this all up after you guys leave.”

  “I remember the days of you and Morgan cleaning up your father’s place after throwing a party. It’s a little different now, isn’t it?”

  “Just a bit.”

  We both laughed at the contrast in situations.

  “Looks like things are going well with you and Madison.”

  I nodded my head. “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Sarah filled me in on the shit going on with her ex-husband.”

  I rubbed my hand over my face. “It’s frustrating. To a certain extent, I feel like my hands are tied.”

  “I’d feel the same way. I remember what it was like when she was trying to get up the courage to leave him. He didn’t do right by her. I told Sarah we’d do anything we could to help her get out of there. I would have moved them all in here or bought her a house if I had to. Whatever it took for her to be free of him. Except I guess she still has to put up with him.”

  “He takes advantage of the fact that she will always put the kids first. He knows the doubt he created in her. I’m sure he got great pleasure watching it fester over the years.” There was no hiding the disgust in my voice.

  “She’s come a long way, Jace. I’ve even seen more of a change since she started dating you. Actually, it started before that. She started to gain even more confidence when she started training with you.”

  “When you introduced her that day, she was so nervous and unsure. She’s much more open and relaxed now.”

  He studied me before he spoke. “You are in this for the long haul.”

  It was an observation, not a question. An accurate one at that.

  “If she lets me, I would love to be.”

  “No, there is no ‘if she lets me’. There is no doubt in my mind that she cares about you too. There is no way I am going to let you let something this good slip from the two of you because of that jackass.”

  “Tough words for a man wearing a daisy on his forehead.”

  He chuckled as he pulled off the headband.

  “I’m serious, Jace. You can’t let something wonderful slip away from you. Take it from someone who knows. Or think about Morgan and Julia. They had a lot more going up against them than some asshat ex-husband.”

  “It’s not him I’m concerned about,” I admitted.

  “You just need to show Madison that what you guys have is too special to let it get away. I have total confidence you can accomplish that.”

  Sarah and Madison returned to the living room at that moment.

  “Ryan. Alexis. Are you guys all packed up and ready to go?” Madison called out.

  They answered in unison and held up their backpacks.

  “Thank Hunter and Sarah…Oh sugar.”

  “What’s wrong?” Hunter asked.

  “I wasn’t even thinking. I need a booster for Alexis.”

  I hadn’t thought about that either. I’d been out with Morgan and Julia enough to know that the kids needed car seats.

  “This is a problem we can easily solve. Hold on.” Hunter left the room and headed out to the attached garage. He came back a moment later, booster seat in hand. “This is Sophia’s. We keep seats for each of the kids in the garage for when they come over. You can bring it to the gym tomorrow. I’m at the TechStone all day, but I will be coming in for a workout.”

  “Will do. Thanks. Alright guys, let’s head out.” I shook Hunter’s hand and gave Sarah a hug.

  I set the booster seat up in the car and settled Alexis in. Madison made sure Ryan was buckled up.

  “I can see better in Jace’s car, Mommy. It’s taller than yours.” Alexis made a show of looking around.

  “Yeah, this is cool,” Ryan agreed. “Jace were you and my mom in the same place that you get to take us home?”

  “We were,” I answered. Keep it simple and short and don’t offer up any information he wasn’t asking for.

  “I’m glad. I like your car. Hey! You have a window in the ceiling.” Ryan tilted his head back and looked out the moonroof.

  “I do. Maybe someday we can take a ride and I will let you open the window. You just need to promise to stay strapped in your seat. Would you like that?”


  “Okay then. We’ve got ourselves a deal.”

  That was it. Excitement over a moonroof. No questions about why Madison and I were together. Or where we had gone. I was happy I didn’t
have to answer any tricky questions. I was happier that Madison would be relieved. I cast a sideways glance in her direction and saw her looking back at me. Her lips were curled into a smile and I knew she was thinking the same thing I was.

  When we arrived at her house, I put the car in park and helped her get the kids out of the car.

  “Thank you for bringing us home. We’re good from here.”

  I didn’t answer her, I let my facial expression say it all.

  She laughed. “You’re not going to be happy unless you know we are safely inside.”

  I flashed a grin at her and took Alexis by the hand and grabbed her backpack. Madison unlocked the door, turned on the light and stepped back.

  “Do you need to do reconnaissance?”

  I absolutely loved the wiseass expression on her face.

  “Just walking my friend here inside and helping her carry her backpack.”

  “Ah huh.”

  I walked down the hall to the kids’ bedrooms, turning lights on along the way. Once they were in their rooms and Madison was getting them settled, I headed back out to the living room. I knew there wasn’t anything to be concerned about. I could feel it as soon as we opened the door. But, I felt protective of the three of them. Liked taking care of them. This felt different than the way I felt for Morgan’s kids. I’d lay my life on the line for his kids. For him and Julia, too. There was a different pull here. I was standing there contemplating what all that meant when Madison came back.

  “They are all settled in. Your car was a big hit. Ryan wanted to make sure you were serious about your offer.”

  “They’re great kids.”

  “I’m kind of fond of them.”

  “Come here.” I lowered my voice to something deep and commanding.

  I pulled her in for a kiss. My ears trained to listen for the opening of a bedroom door and the sound of little feet running down the hallway. The way she melted into my kiss set my body on fire. One of my hands tangled into her hair and the other grabbed her ass and pulled her against me. She rubbed herself against my hard-on and I thought I might just lose it right there in my pants. I got carried away and pulled her hair before I could think about it. The sound of her moans told me it wasn’t too much for her. Her kiss became more rushed. More desperate.


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