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Knowing You (The Jersey Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Sienna Skye

  About a half hour later, Hunter and Morgan entered the room with Sarah and Julia. Another rapid fire of camera flash went through the room. Hunter and Morgan walked their wives to the table and then went up front to speak.

  “Do they emcee the entire event?” I asked Jace.

  “No, they have someone who will do a lot of it. But, they do the opening and will make a few presentations throughout the evening.”

  The Stone brothers were certainly eloquent speakers. They spoke of their mother with great love and fondness. I was getting choked up by their tribute to her. A series of photos of her were shown up on screen. There was no doubt that Morgan got his coloring and looks from his mother. It made me curious.

  “Morgan is the spitting image of their mother. Does Hunter look like their father?” I asked Jace.

  “Yes, very much so. But, that is where the similarity begins and ends.”

  Obviously, Jace had the same opinion of their father as so many other people did.

  After they thanked everyone for their generosity and spoke about the many wonderful things the fund had done for people and their contribution to research, they returned to the table for dinner.

  After a series of presentations, they started playing music. People found their way out onto the dance floor. Sarah pulled us all onto the dance floor when some faster music came on and kept us out there for a couple of line dances.

  When I went back to the table to drink some water, I noticed that I had a text message from Ralph. He told me he needed to go somewhere and needed to bring the kids back early.

  I texted him back and told him I was not home for the night and if he would need to change his plans. Damn, it felt so good to do that. Freeing. Empowering.

  Jace stepped up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Everything okay?”


  I handed my phone to him so he could read the message exchange.

  “He’ll learn to live with it.” He kissed me on the cheek. “Come dance with me.”

  My feet were starting to hurt a little, but there was no chance I was missing the opportunity to slow dance with Jace. Dancing with him was unlike dancing with anyone else. There was a certain sensuality in the way our bodies moved together. The energy between us was electric.

  We danced for two songs, then the music switched up into something faster. We left the dance floor and joined the others at the table. There was a constant flow of people coming and going from the table. I was introduced to so many people, there was no way I was going to be able to remember all their names.

  Jace and I were sitting at the table with Julia and Kyle when an older song came on. It was a love song by one of the popular boy bands.

  Julia’s eyes lit up when she heard it and she pointed her finger in the air.

  “Do you guys remember this?”

  “Was this the song?” Kyle asked.

  “Yes,” Julia laughed.

  Jace nodded. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure, she’s right.”

  Julia turned her attention to me. “Back when I was a freshman in high school, I had a huge crush on this boy. He was cute and popular. I was neither of those things.”

  “I don’t think you are being fair to yourself,” Kyle said.

  “Well then, let’s just say I was really skinny and all arms and long legs. I’d kind of trip over my own feet. I had my friends, but they weren’t from the ‘popular crowd’.” Julia did air quotes and shrugged her shoulders. “The only reason I really knew any of the popular kids, like these guys, was because of Hunter and Morgan. Anyway, this kid started paying me attention and of course I ate it up. There was this dance at school. I thought he would ask me, but he didn’t. Then I convinced myself that he would ask me to dance and be his girlfriend while we were there. Turns out that he was only kissing up to me because he wanted to hang out with Hunter and Morgan. He showed up at the dance with one of the popular girls. She was all primped and perfect.”

  “Ouch. That must have been devastating,” I said.

  “You should have seen her face. It was heartbreaking. And she was trying so hard not to cry and let him see it got to her. Hunter and Morgan were trying to make her feel better, but it wasn’t really working. You know, her brothers trying to help was one thing, but she needed some outside help.” Kyle stopped to jerk both thumbs in his own direction as if to say, “this guy”.

  I laughed. “What did you come up with?”

  “He convinced me to have a fake fight with him over Julia.” Jace shook his head.

  “And he insisted that he had to be the winner,” Kyle added.

  “Well, if you were dragging me into it, I might as well be the victor.”

  “So, they staged this ‘fight’ over me. It certainly got the attention of that kid. He really looked up to these guys and I think he was a little shocked to see it.” Julia laughed at the memory.

  “What about the song?” I asked.

  “Oh, this song came on right after the pretend fight and Jace and I danced to it.”

  “But Kyle, never one to be outdone, came over and cut in for the next song.” Jace laughed at the memory.

  “I only agreed to let you pretend win. I never said I wouldn’t try to redeem myself.” Kyle burst out into a fit of laughter. The song went off and another slow song played. “Well we missed that opportunity. Why don’t you take Julia out on the floor for a dance and I will cut in on the next song. For old times’ sake.”

  “What do you say, Julia?” Jace asked her.

  “Let’s do it.”

  Jace took Julia by the hand and led her out onto the dance floor. They fell into an effortless rhythm this obviously being one of many times they danced together. She shook her head and laughed at something he said. He laughed back in return, that twinkle in his eyes that he wore whenever he was teasing someone. After a few more seconds, she leaned into him and they danced slowly with the music. My insecurities were bubbling up to the surface. A couple had chosen that time to come and speak to Kyle about an architectural project, so he was immersed in conversation. He wouldn’t be able to entertain me with stories and keep my mind from overthinking.

  I tried to keep my insecurities at bay by scanning the room to distract myself. I saw Morgan sitting at the bar. It seemed like the obvious choice to go and sit with him.

  I sat on the stool next to his and he looked up at me and smiled. Those green eyes were as mesmerizing as people said. He greeted me then asked me what I was drinking. He signaled the bartender to get me my drink.

  I fought asking the question that was on my mind. I fought hard. For about five whole seconds. Then it just came tumbling out of my mouth.

  “That doesn’t bother you at all?” I nodded in the direction of Jace and Julia on the dance floor.

  He looked up at them, a content smile appearing on his face. Then he turned and looked at me, cocking his head, his eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he studied me. He glanced back to the dance floor before turning back again to me.

  “Do you know the story of how Jules and I got together?”

  “Not really. I mean, just you know, what everyone knows.”

  He chuckled. “You mean the part about me falling in love with and marrying my stepsister?”

  I grinned. “Yeah, that.”

  “There is so much more to us than that.” He looked in their direction again and then focused his attention back on me. He was studying me, but he also looked like he was weighing a decision in his mind. After a few beats, he spoke again. “Do you have a few moments?”

  “I do.”

  He picked up his drink, looked at it, then took another mouthful.

  “Hunter and I met Jules when our father and her mother got together. We were all teenagers at the time. We meant what we said in our speech earlier. Our mother was an incredible woman. Smart, kind, loving, and beautiful. I’m sure you figured out that Sophia is named after her. From what Jules has told us, her father was a wonderful man. They each
died way before their time. It left us each with a parent who was cold…greedy…ruthless. And somehow they managed to find each other. Their ambition meant more to them than their kids.” He stopped for a moment and broke eye contact. He rubbed the back of his neck and took another drink from his glass. It was obvious he was remembering some unpleasant memories. “Anyway, the three of us bonded almost immediately. We kind of made the best out of the lousy hand we were dealt, you know?”

  I didn’t answer because I was afraid he might stop. And it wasn’t just because I was intrigued by the story. It looked like he needed to get it out. I simply looked him in the eye and nodded.

  “Hunter took on the responsibility of looking out for me when our mother died. When Jules came along, he took her under his wing, too. He was always very protective of her. He took on the role of her older brother right from the start. But for me and Jules, it was different. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to protect her too, but we were more like best friends. And then one day I realized I was in love with my best friend.”

  “That must have been rough.”

  Morgan nodded. “Yeah, it was. But, loving her…being loved by her…has always been worth it. There’s a lot more to the story. More than the time we have right now. So, I will skip over some of those details. What it comes down to is that I made a decision. I thought it was the right one at the time, but looking back, there were better options. I did something that tore out her heart and it drove her away.”

  I could see the lump in his throat as he swallowed. There was unmistakable pain in his eyes. I felt tears welling up in my own eyes as I looked at him.

  “When Jules ran off, she turned to Jace. That was when she moved to Virginia to stay with her aunt. Jace was a big reason Jules was able to move on. He helped her. Looked out for her. I will always be indebted to him for that. They had always been friends, but they became even closer. I would never want to break that bond. That’s why I am not bothered by things like them dancing.”

  “You never wondered whether they had any kind of relationship while they were both in Virginia?” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I wished I could take them back.

  “Sure, when Jules first came back home. I wondered about it. I don’t think they did. They might have thought about it, though. My wife is a beautiful woman. I am not unaccustomed to men finding her attractive. But she loves me. And I love her. We have built this incredible life together. And not only is Jace my best friend, he is an honorable man. That is what you need to remember, Madison. He will always be honest. Even if at times it’s not what you want to hear. Jace told me on more than one occasion to get my head out of my ass when Jules and I were apart. Jace could have come with anyone else tonight, he could have chosen to be with anyone else, but he has chosen you.”

  I didn’t usually open up to people, but Morgan had been so candid with me, I felt compelled to say what was on my mind.

  “I guess I wonder sometimes why he wants to be with me. The man could have his pick of women. Did he start this out of fun and now he just stays out of some sense of obligation? Because my kids are involved and all.” I didn’t even realize I was feeling that way until the words left my mouth.

  “Jace doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to do. He wouldn’t stay with you out of some sort of obligation, so get that out of your head. And yes, Madison. Jace could have his pick of women, but he picked you. He wanted you here with him. Have some faith in that. Has he told you how he feels about you?”

  “Yes, he’s told me that he loves me.”

  “Then he does. He wouldn’t say that if he didn’t mean it. I promise you that. I know that he loves you. He’s different with you than he has been with any other woman.”

  He took another sip of his drink and I watched a huge smile spread across his face as Jace and Julia walked toward us. Kyle was still talking to that couple, so he never made it out on the dance floor.

  “Thank you, Morgan.”

  “Don’t mention it. Besides, I owe him one.” He winked at me before grabbing Julia by the arm and pulling her in for a kiss. “If you two will excuse us, I’d like to take my girl for a spin on the dance floor.”

  Julia smiled at us as Morgan took her by the hand and led her away. I watched as she settled against him, her eyes closed, a smile on her face. Morgan leaned in and rested his cheek on the top of her head. Morgan’s words replayed in my head as I watched them dance.

  Jace put a finger under my chin and turned my face in his direction.

  “Hey you. Where is your mind traveling off to?”

  “Morgan and I were talking while you were dancing with Julia. You know before I started at the gym, I never knew all that much about him. I mean there were articles written about him. The handsome billionaire software genius. One of the world’s most eligible bachelors. And then of course when it came out that he married his stepsister who just so happened to be Ask Nikki.”

  “That’s all tabloid type crap.” Jace’s eyebrows were drawn down low in obvious distaste.

  I nodded in agreement. “Of course, I would hear about him from Sarah from time to time, but that was it. I guess I got a little more of a feel for who he is lately.” I hesitated for a moment unsure of how much I wanted to reveal about the conversation Morgan and I had. “But listening to him just now, I saw a different side of him. He’s a good guy.”

  “He is. One of the best. What were you two talking about that made you come to that revelation?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not really important. I can tell he has been through a lot and is grateful for what he has. For who he has.”

  Jace looked at me in that way that you just knew he was reading between the lines of your words. He looked over at Morgan and Julia and watched them for a few seconds. His eyes still on them, he nodded. Then he turned back and looked me in the eye.

  “A smart man knows when he has something worth holding on to.”

  I was sure that there was an underlying meaning to his words. That he knew what I revealed to Morgan. I refused to let my mind go there. I struggled to quickly come up with a response. If I took too long, Jace would undoubtedly read my mind. I was given a reprieve when one of the other trainers from the gym came up to talk to Jace. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Little by little people drifted over to where we were standing. It was what I came to realize was the usual crew. Hunter and Sarah, Trey, Kyle, and Callie. Eventually, Kyle had a woman in his sights and went to ask her to dance. Hunter and Sarah were next on the floor. That left Jace, me, Trey, and Callie.

  I started hatching a plan and looked over at Jace. Once I had his attention, I let my eyes dart over to Callie. Jace gave an ever so slight nod, took another sip of his drink, and then asked Callie if she wanted to dance. She accepted with a beaming smile. Okay. Down to me and Trey.

  “Well Trey, since everyone else has abandoned us, would you like to dance?”

  A bright smile spread across his beautiful face. “Absolutely. Let’s show them how it’s done.”

  One dance later, they changed it up a bit and played a slow song. Perfect. It was all working out quite nicely. Okay Jace, let’s see just how good those instincts of yours are. I looked over at him, trying to let my eyes do the talking. I saw a brief smirk cross his face and I knew he got it.

  “Trey, would you mind if I stole my girl for this dance? Callie, I will leave you in Trey’s very capable hands.”

  Trey made a show of spinning me into Jace. I was feeling pretty damn proud of myself as I watched Trey take Callie in his arms. Jace saw my smile and chuckled.

  “Playing matchmaker, huh?”

  “It was my good deed for the day.”

  “It’s like watching a lion with a lamb,” Jace laughed.

  “But look how happy the lamb is.”

  He laughed louder now. “I’ll give you that.”

  “I like to make other people happy. Especially when I am feeling happy myself.”

  He pulled me in and held me a l
ittle tighter and then he kissed the top of my head.

  “I can’t tell you what a wonderful feeling it is to hear you say you are happy. I hope I am at least part of the reason for that.”

  “A big part.”

  “Yeah?” The grin on his face made him look like such a little boy.


  “Do you want to tell me what you were talking to Morgan about?”

  “Not particularly,” I chuckled.

  “Have it your way. But, I hope he made you feel better.”

  “It’s all sorts of frustrating how you do that.” I shook my head.

  “Aww come on. It’s part of my charm.”

  “Is it really, now?” I laughed.

  “Yup. Come on, let me buy you a drink.”

  “It’s an open bar,” I countered.

  “Come on, let me order you a drink.”

  “Can’t turn down someone with that much charm now, can I?”

  “It’s not advisable.”

  We found some empty seats and sat down with our drinks. We chatted a little, but mostly we sat and took in the crowd, commenting here and there on different things we saw. That’s when I caught sight of Morgan and Julia walking back into the room. How long had they been gone? I didn’t remember seeing them leave, but when I thought about it, I hadn’t seen them since before Kyle had asked that woman to dance. They were walking arm in arm, their stride relaxed. Julia looked content, her cheeks rosy. And...her hair seemed different? I looked over at Morgan whose expression looked satisfied and more than a little smug. Wait a minute!

  “Hold on. Do you think Morgan and Julia went off to have sex?”

  He hadn’t even looked in their direction yet when he answered. “Probably.” When he did look, he laughed. “Oh yeah, I’d say so.”

  “You answered without even looking.”

  “I know those two. They can’t keep their hands off each other and they have a reputation for sneaking off and getting it on.”


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