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Catch Me in Castile

Page 18

by Kimberley Troutte

  The inside of my mouth had turned to paper. I wiped the line of sweat from the top of my lip and drained the final swallow of tea from the cup. I ripped off the Tommy T-shirt plastered to my clammy skin and dropped it on the floor. My insides were cooking.

  I sat on the end of the bed in my underwear. My ears rang. I planned to get up and splash water on my face when the room stopped behaving like a theme park ride.

  I kicked off my shoes, lost my balance and nearly fell off the bed. “Whoa.”

  My bare foot stepped on something poking out from under the bed. It was Mrs. Botello’s grisly doll in all its gruesomeness—missing eyes, nose, hacked-up hair—with one difference. The doll had a note pinned to her dress. I read it through the dancing spots projecting behind my eyes.

  “What the—?”

  My head felt like one of those snow-domes you shake up so that all the stuff flies around inside. Trying to ignore the horrible spinning, I concentrated on the note and whatever in the world it meant. I could almost picture the crazy lady, eyes ablaze, bending over the page and scrawling the big letters before me.

  Leave or die! Leave or die! Leave or die! was scrawled in red crayon across the page.

  Why was everyone trying to get rid of me? Rosa and Santiago had warned me. Serena told me to run, and now Mrs. Botello? The dangerous Mrs. Botello.

  “Carters don’t scare that easy,” I said to whomever might have been listening. I threw the battered doll across the room, where it hit the door with a thud. “Good, I hope I knocked your ugly head off.”

  Later I would talk to Maria about her brother, her mother, and whatever else needed clearing up. Now, I needed to cool my overheated body and rest. I lay back down and was immediately sucked into sleep.


  Spring, 1498, Segovia

  Sneaking away from watchful eyes, Andrés has come like a thief in the night and stolen Serena away from her room.

  Ah, but this thief I would gladly hand my heart and soul to, for he owns them anyway. How I long for him to lay claim to my body as well.

  With her hand in his, Serena quietly follows him down the narrow stairway, out the kitchen and into the dark night. She barely breathes, knowing how dangerous it is to be together. The marquesa forbade them to see one another.

  “Serena is a poor woman with no family. No dowry,” the marquesa told Andrés months earlier. “I shall begin the search immediately for a suitable lady from a great noble family. It is high time you wed.”

  His mother refused to listen to his protests. Falling in love with Serena was silliness, or madness, whatever the case, it would not be tolerated.

  Serena suspects the marquesa had a hand in King Fernando’s decision to send Andrés away from the castle on one royal whim after another in an effort to clear Andrés’s head. Of her.

  In truth, he should have forgotten about a poor woman by now. And one with a scarred face?

  He should never have loved me at all.

  So many long months he was away. Imagining what he was doing during his absence tortured her. She dreamt of the beauties in Andrés’s bed and fell into despair so deep there was no light, no life, and no hope. Her heart dried up, just as the rose he left months ago by her chamber door, the one she kept hidden in her drawer under the nightclothes. Serena longed for death to take away the never-ending grief.

  And yet, miraculously, he is here now, stealing her away from her room and leading her into the rose garden.

  His eyes are full of hurt. “I do not believe my ears.”

  “Shhh. Your mother might be looking for us.”

  “You believe I forgot you?”

  “Why would you think about me?”

  “Serena.” He gently lifts her chin. “You were the one who kept me alive. When my enemies’ swords measured four to my one, you gave me strength.”

  She shudders and he wraps his arms around her shoulders.

  “Forget you? You are the very air I breathe.”

  The breath catches in her throat. He tosses his hair out of his face and she is swimming in those deep brown eyes.

  Does he know my thoughts?

  Darkness of night hides the blush on her cheeks, the parting of her lips. The gentle breeze caresses their skin like a thousand tiny fingers and strings a song of love across the tall grass.

  She trembles with a startling need more urgent than hunger or thirst. Will she die from it? His hand is warm and strong in hers. His touch sears her blood. A feeling of wantonness swells from her belly, settling like an itch between her legs.

  He tips his hat and places a slow kiss on her knuckles. “My rose of Avila,” he whispers. “Please stop stalling and answer the question.”

  He kisses the tips of her fingers one by one.

  Serena is afraid to blink. Is this a dream? She cannot seem to catch her breath. And his lips on her skin? I would blissfully die for those.

  Even as joy races through her body, fear explodes in her chest. “It is no use. King Fernando wants you to marry another. You are the King’s Chamberlain. How can you disobey him in this?”

  “I shall speak with him again.”

  “No, my darling, it is madness. You must forget about me.”

  “How can I forget the fiber of my skin?” He cups my cheeks in his hands. “You are a part of me. All of me. I love you, Serena. Only you. Always have. Come with me.”

  “Flee into the night? The king’s army will find us. And when they do…” A sob escapes. “It will mean your life.”

  “I led most of those men in battle. I know their weaknesses. Besides—” he smiles winningly, “—I am the best swordsman in Castile.”


  “Hush. Do you wish to marry me, or not?” His finger traces my cheek, down my chin.

  “My darling, it is the only thing I have ever wanted.”

  “Then your answer is—?”


  He lets out a joyful cry that she stifles with her hand.

  “Do you want someone to hear? By now your mother has organized a search party to kill us both.”

  He lifts her into his arms and swings her around and around as the fragrance of rosebuds rise into the air. “I shall love you for all eternity.” His deep voice promises. “No one can keep us apart.”

  In the tower window high above them a shadow moves.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Waking up was like trying to pull my dead body from the depths of the ocean to the surface. Prickly danger tugged at my innards. I was in trouble.

  I swallowed hard and sputtered. Who put the sandy pebbles in my mouth? I coughed and choked myself awake.

  “Erin, you’re okay,” a soothing voice said. The blinds were lifted and the morning sun rushed into my room. Santiago smiled down at me. “Here take a sip before you say anything.”

  I sat up and promptly threw up in a wastebasket beside the nightstand.

  “Oh,” I flopped back against the pillow, grabbing my pounding head.

  “Maria! Rosa! Bring cool water and saltines. Quickly.” He propped the pillows behind my back. “Sit up slowly.”

  “My head is killing me.”

  “Here, take these, they’ll help.” He handed me two large pills with the glass of water. “If you can keep them down, I’ll remove the IV.”

  For the first time I noticed I was hooked up to a hanging bag.

  “You needed to be hydrated.”

  I smiled weakly. “How long have I been out of it?”

  He glanced at his watch. “Twenty-two hours.”

  “Are you serious? What’s wrong with me?” My dry voice croaked.

  He shook his head. “Not sure. I want to do some tests—” He was interrupted when Maria and Rosa appeared carrying crackers, cloths and a fresh pitcher of water.

  “Dios mío, she’s awake. Me Ereen is awake,” Rosa lightly placed a cool cloth on my forehead.

  “Thank God.” Maria poured me another glass of water. “I am sorry, Erin, I can’t help but feel thi
s is my fault.”

  “Your fault?” I winced as another shooting pain tried to blow out my left temple.

  “What do you mean?” Santiago frowned at Maria.

  “I should have warned her about the Spanish heat. She’s not used to these temperatures. It was much too hot to go walking. Poor thing had heatstroke.”

  “Heatstroke?” Santiago asked. “I’m not sure that’s what it was.”

  “Of course it was.” Maria nodded, her face serious.

  “She’s probably right. I’ve never been good in the heat.” I was having trouble looking him in the eye. My mind was fuzzy, but I hadn’t forgotten about Helena. When I had the chance I was going to ask him about the saucy hospital volunteer living in his flat.

  “I am not convinced. First, the fainting and now this—”

  “Wait. What fainting?” Maria asked.

  “In the tower in Segovia. She was out for only a few seconds, but maybe it was symptomatic of an illness. I’d like to work up a blood panel to find out for sure.”

  “She’s been complaining of stomach pains too. In Los Angeles. And actually you had cramps the night before last. Remember, Erin?”

  Of course I remembered. I had just been caught lying about my date with Santiago. Those were guilt pains. Weren’t they?

  “Maybe she’s got an ulcer.” Maria’s eyes were full of concern. “Can’t you give her medication, Santiago?”

  “Come on guys, I’m fine.” All the worried faces in the room were staring at me. “Really.”

  Santiago and Maria exchanged glances I had trouble reading.

  “I think I should take you to the hospital for tests,” Santiago said again.

  “No!” Maria and I both blurted at the same time.

  I caught Maria’s eye and sent her a silent message of “Help.” She knew hospitals completely freaked me out. Uncle Harry, the only uncle I have who isn’t crazy, went to a hospital for a routine procedure and nearly died from staph infection. My other relatives fear all medical institutions, for obvious reasons. Many go in and don’t come back out.

  “I’ll take care of her.” Maria put another cool cloth on my forehead. “You’ve got to stop the streetwalking.”

  “If my madam says so.” I shrugged. “She runs this joint.”

  Santiago studied both of us quizzically. “Why can’t I say ‘no’ to either one of you? Okay, one more day in bed. Get better, or it’s the hospital, understand?”

  “Understood,” I said.

  “Good.” Gently he removed the IV. “Later tonight I’ll return to check on you. Rest.”

  I was disappointed he was leaving before I had a chance to really talk to him. About us. About Helena. I sighed. It would all have to wait until tonight.

  “I go make the té I promised. Sorry I no make it before,” Rosa said.

  “That’s okay. I’d love some now.”

  “I will also make special dinner for all of you esta noche,” she said as both she and Maria left the room.

  I tried to remember what had happened before I had succumbed to heatstroke a whole day earlier. Everything was a bit disjointed, but something nipped at my craw. Something…something. I had to remember.

  Whatever it was seemed important.


  That evening Santiago stopped in to see me just as he’d promised. I was feeling better. The vertigo was gone and the headache had diminished to a dull thumping against my brain—a vast improvement.

  Softly, he closed the door and sat on the edge of my bed. “I was worried about you.”

  Holy hot tamales, his deep voice full of concern stirred the emotion in my belly. I reached for him. The bunching of his bicep under my fingertips surprised me. Did he flinch?

  “Erin, I have to ask you something.”

  “Sure, anything, querido.”

  His smile flashed and fell off.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about the man in LA?”

  “Who?” Jack? What had Maria told him?

  “You told me you weren’t seeing anyone.” A hot current surged through his words.

  He was mad at me? “I’m not. I was dating someone, but it ended before I left. Actually, it was over long before that. You’re one to talk, living with a woman who you claim is only your friend.”

  His eyes flew open in surprise.

  “You didn’t think I’d find out? I went to your apartment, Santiago. Helena was there.” I jabbed my finger at his sternum.

  His smile spread. “I wonder why she didn’t tell me you stopped by?”

  “Are you serious? Why would she tell you? Wait. Why are you grinning?”

  “You’re gorgeous when you glare at me.”

  “What is the matter with you?” I exploded.

  “Calm down, querida, and listen to my words. I. Live. Alone.”

  “I saw her. Eleventh floor, apartment on the end.”

  He put a finger to my lips. “I’d forgotten a couple of medical files at home. Sometimes I go over the troubling cases at night. An old habit. I’ve never left them at home before. My mind seems to be on other things of late.” He gave me a wicked look. “Helena volunteered to go to my apartment and pick them up for me. That’s all.”


  “I told you. She’s a friend.”

  I lifted his chin. “And what are we?”

  “Much—” he kissed the tip of my nose, “—more.”

  Pressing my palms on his chest, I relished the heat radiating from his skin through the cotton of his shirt. I ran my hands along his collarbones and slowly outward over his shoulders and down his arms. A girl could lose herself in so much muscle and manliness. I splayed my fingertips to feel more all at once. I nibbled along his square jaw, wanting to gobble him up.

  Being wrapped up in his glorious arms was heaven. His gentle kisses were like raindrops, rose petals, and chocolate syrup, all those things I adore.

  I moaned. My body trembled. We were both breathing like marathon runners on the last mile. The room was flying around us, but I didn’t mind this kind of vertigo. I held him as the great tide of emotion washed over me.

  He ran his hands up my back and lifted my hair off my shoulders. “You are so beautiful. I have no right to keep you in my life. God help me, I want you.”

  “I want you too. Now, please.”

  Cupping my cheek with his gentle hands, he whispered, “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Love me?”

  He groaned. “I do, Erin. That’s why this is so hard.”

  “Wait, you love me?”

  His emerald eyes bored into my soul. “With all my heart.”

  He loves me? My head was going to either explode or implode at any second, yet it was still the happiest moment in my life.

  “Erin,” he murmured into my neck. “Mi amor.” He nibbled my earlobe. “Corazón.”

  My scalp tingled, my blood boiled, my heart raced and his beeper went off.

  Dang it, when were we going to catch a break? “I say we lose all cells and beepers.” I hooked my finger through his belt loop and tugged him closer.

  He gave me a lopsided grin while unsnapping the beeper from his waistband anyway. “Sorry, I’m on-call at the hospital.”

  “But I’m the one dying of kiss withdrawal.” I pouted. “If I don’t have your lips all over me in about two seconds I will shrivel up and…what’s wrong?”

  All the color drained from his face. He stared at the beeper as if he couldn’t believe what he was reading on the miniature screen.


  He glanced at me with features made of stone. His emotions were stuffed back inside, deep down where I couldn’t see them. “In the mountains you made a promise to me. Do you remember it?”

  My heart sank. He was shutting me out. Again.

  His gaze lingered on the bottom lip I was stress-biting. “If I determined it’s not safe for you to be with me, you promised you would go home. Immediately.”
br />   “I remember.” It was a promise I had no intentions of keeping. Ever.

  He exhaled deeply. Suddenly, he was very tired. “I should have put you on a plane days ago. Damn it!”

  “What’s it say?” I motioned toward the beeper.

  “Call it a 911.”

  “Danger’s coming?” I squeaked.

  “I am afraid it’s already here. I need to get you to safety. Quickly.”

  I scrambled to find a way out of this. “Uh, no way. I’m sick, remember? I can’t fly home now. Besides, whatever it is, we can deal with it together.”

  “No. It’s my problem.”

  Marveling at how his face had become so serious and hard, I rubbed his arm. How I longed to see the softness in his eyes again.

  “Let me help you,” I begged.

  “Listen to me, go to the hospital. You can rest safely and get better while I am gone. When you’re strong enough to travel, you will go home.”

  “That’s ridiculous, I’m not going… Wait, where are you going?”

  His gaze penetrated my soul. “We can’t be together.”

  “What’s happened?” I was more terrified of whatever was scaring him than any macho pronouncements.

  “I can’t explain, yet. Give me a few days to sort this out. Maybe a week.”

  My stomach flopped. “Are you in trouble?”

  “Me? No.” His eyes wouldn’t meet mine. He was lying. “Please, trust me, this is the only way.”

  “If this is one of your top secret adventures, I have to say I’m not liking it. Can’t you give me a clue?” I kneaded his shoulder. “A teensy-tiny one?”

  “You’ll be in my every thought. Always.”

  His words sounded like good-bye. “Will you call me tonight?”

  “No. I won’t involve you anymore.”

  I was stunned. What the heck is going on?

  “Get ready. I’m taking you to the hospital now.”

  “No, Santiago. I’m going to rest here and wait for you to come back from wherever you’re going.”

  “I can’t protect you, Erin.”

  “We’ve been through this. I’m a big girl who doesn’t need a man’s protection.”


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