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(Anthology) Forever

Page 19

by Marilyn Lee, Stephanie Burke

  * * * * *

  A warm moist tongue licking her face woke Jemi. Opening one eye, she saw Hunter standing over her.

  Are you awake?

  “I am now,” she grumbled, gave him a quick kiss, and got to her feet. She stretched leisurely and stood admiring the clear, crisp morning. To her left, in the far distance, she could see a beautiful range of towering, blue-capped mountains. With its fresh air, beautiful flowers and exotic birds, Volter was a beautiful place.

  Hunter butted her with his head.

  She turned and squinted at him. “What?”

  Give me a kiss.

  A thrill danced through her at the masculine demand. “I just gave you one,” she pointed out.

  I want another one—a longer one this time. I like kissing you, he confided.

  Incredibly, she liked kissing him too, tickling whiskers and all. She turned and linked her arms around his neck. They shared several long, deep kisses. It was during those blistering, uninhibited kisses, that made her wet that she decided she would let him make love to her the first chance they got.

  He drew his tongue out of her mouth and growling softly with pleasure, backed slowly away from her. He tossed his maned head. I like that. I want another kiss. Kiss me again.

  She grinned at him, but shook her head. “I’m not going to spend all day kissing you. Get over it.” She ran her hands along his flank. “I’m hungry.”

  For my cock? He asked, his voice hopeful.

  She laughed and lightly slapped his right hind quarters. “For food!” She looked around. “And I need to use the facilities.”

  What facilities?

  “Hey, come on. You know.”

  She felt his puzzlement and blushing, she told him what she meant.

  They walked back to the hut stop where Jemi headed for the small crude storage like wooden shed behind the other building. When she emerged, her hair and body damp from her brief wash, she found Hunter pacing back and forth in front of the small building.

  What took you so long?

  “Hey, I had to go and wash. The facilities here leave a lot to be desired. Anyway, what’s the rush? What do you want?”

  A kiss.

  “Hunter, I can’t go around kissing you all day.”

  Why not?

  “Look, this is your last kiss,” she told him, linking her arms around his neck.

  To her surprise, he used his head to push her back against the side of the outhouse. “Hey, what are you doing?”

  Kissing you as much as I want, he said triumphantly and brought his head close to hers.

  Jemi closed her eyes and parted her lips. As his tongue snaked into her mouth, she shuddered and leaned closer. Lord, but he made her so damn hot. When they emerged for air several minutes later, she pressed her face against his neck and caressed his flank. “Hunter, please, no more kissing today.”

  Why not? He sound confused. Don’t you like it?

  “I like it a lot and that’s the problem.” She stepped away from him, her breathing labored. She glanced at his body and saw that the head of his cock was visible. She licked her lips and quickly looked away. God, how could she want this cat so much?

  He’s more than a cat. And you need to remember that you’re inhibiting the body of a female who was designed to breed with his kind.

  She swung around. “Cody! Where have you been?” she demanded. As she asked the question, she suddenly realized that until that moment, she hadn’t felt Jeroni. Her lips parted and she stared at Cody. “Oh, my God! You’ve been with her. You’ve fucked her.”

  She felt a wave of guilt emanating from him and caught an impression of a long night of sweating, thrusting bodies spent in a place with swirling mists. “All night? You fucked her all night?”

  Don’t be angry, Jemi. She has a very sweet, tender pussy and I was so hungry for some.

  “But how...? Hunter and I were here in the bodies. How could you two do anything without us?”

  One of these days, you have to get Hunter to take you into the misty place. Within the mists many things are possible and all things are enjoyable.

  So, she could get Hunter to take her into the mist, could she? She swallowed her jealousy and turned away. “Where’s Hunter?”

  I’m here. He sounded subdued and she wondered if he too were jealous. There’s someone I want you to meet after you feed, he told her.

  “Speaking of feeding? What can I eat?”

  He indicated a large fruit-bearing tree across the narrow trail. That’s your favorite morning feed in the forest.

  She walked across the path and plucked what looked like an apple from the lower branches. She cleaned it on her top and bit into it. The meat inside was sweet and juicy. She smiled at Hunter. “This is delicious.”

  So are you, he told her, flicking his tongue at the juice running down her chin. She ate two more pieces of the fruit and gave Hunter a sticky kiss. “Now. You wanted me to meet someone?”

  “Does My Lady Liege wish me to accompany her?”

  She turned in surprise to see Dioni standing quietly in the door of the hut stop. She smiled at him. “Good morning, Dioni.”

  He bowed his head. “Good Morning, My Lady Liege.”

  She looked at Hunter. “Should Dioni come?”

  No. I want you all to myself.

  “Hog.” She looked at Dioni again. “I’ll be fine with Hunter, Dioni.”

  “I will follow at a distance.”

  “No. There must be something you need to do for yourself.”

  “I live to protect, serve, and attend you, My Lady Liege.”

  She walked across to him, touched his cheek, and leaned up to kiss him softly on his mouth. His lips were warm and gentle against hers. Smiling, she pressed closer for a longer kiss. He surprised her by jerking back.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “My Lady Liege does not kiss her slave on the lips.”

  “No?” Jemi cupped a hand against the back of his neck and moved her body against his, allowing him to feel her breasts hardening against his chest. “That’s her loss. In case no one told you, I am not Jeroni and I quite enjoy kissing you,” she said and kissed him again.

  After a moment of resistance, she felt his lips softening and moving eagerly against hers. As their tongues met, she reached down and fondled him. He hardened against her fingers and she surrendered to lust. Still kissing him, she managed to get her skirt up and moved back against the outhouse. “Attend me.”

  “My Lady Liege.” He brought his cock from his throng and holding it in his hand, he looked at her. “Here?”

  “Right here.” She spread her legs. “Attend me.”

  He went down on his knees in preparation of giving her oral sex. But she was already so hot from kissing Hunter, that she didn’t need anymore foreplay. “Rise, Dioni and fuck me.”

  He looked confused. “Fuck you?”

  Impatient, she grasped his now fully erect dick, directed it at her cunt, and swallowed him in one thrust. “Fuck me,” she urged. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him, sucking gently on his tongue as she slowly tightened her inner muscles around him.

  “My Lady Liege,” he murmured into her mouth and began to make sweet love to her. He was a passionate, yet kind and gentle lover. He caressed her clit, sucked her breasts, and kept a hand cupped over her buns so that she didn’t have to worry about splinters in her rear end. He did everything he could to pleasure her. She came first, sinking her teeth into his shoulder as she exploded around him. When he followed soon after, she held him.

  “Oh, Dioni, you are such a sweet, sweet, lover,” she told him.

  He shuddered and moaned into her neck. “My Lady…My Lady…so sweet and so very good…so good...too good for your servant.”

  Aware of Hunter’s growing impatience, she gave him one last kiss and pushed gently at his shoulders. “You are not my servant, Dioni, and you are very, very sweet.”

  He lifted his head and looked down at her, the warm
th and devotion in his gaze almost bringing tears to her eyes. “My Lady Jemi. I pledge my body and life to you. I would willingly die in your defense, as I would for My Lady Jeroni.”

  Jemi stared up at him in dismay. Oh, Lord. Was it possible to be in love with three males at the same time? Or was she just in lust with Hunter and now Dioni?

  “Like Jeroni, I prefer you alive,” she told him, cupping his cock.

  He hesitated, took a deep breath, and bent to kiss her.

  She linked her arms around his neck and returned his hungry, passionate kiss. She pressed close and felt him hardening against her.

  “I beg your indulgence, My Lady. You have such sweet lips. Forgive my impertinence?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I like kissing you.”

  “Would My Lady like me to atte—fuck her again?” he whispered, trembling against her.

  Although she was tempted to surrender to him again, she didn’t think Hunter would stand and watch them make love again. “Maybe later.” She reluctantly drew away from him. “Do something nice for yourself.”

  He bowed his head. “As you wish, My Lady.”

  Chapter Six

  She expected Hunter to be angry, but if he were, she could feel no signs of it as they left the hut stop.

  Why should I be angry? He asked. Dioni is a fearless, loyal servant. He has no lover but Jeroni. He deserves his pleasure. Did you find him pleasing?

  “Yes,” she said, averting her gaze. She longed to be able to blame her sudden shamelessly on being in Jeroni’s body, but part of her had always longed to be wild and uninhibited sexually. She’d just never had the nerve to do it—until now. She had wanted Dioni and she still wanted Hunter. What was more, she was going to have him.

  As they walked along the trail, the forest began to thin and the landscape flattened. She saw a water hole around which many animals, lay. Several lions and tigers rested in the shade of the trees to one side of the water. Seeing the big cats made her realize just how huge Hunter was by comparison.

  Never having seen any big cat outside of a zoo, she jerked to a halt, and pressed back against Hunter’s big body.

  “Hunter, I don’t think this is a good idea. Those are…lions, tigers, and God only knows what else.”

  They won’t harm you.

  “Says you. I’m not going a step further.”

  Okay, I’ll call them to us.


  Jemi, I want you to meet Slayer.

  She felt a warmth and deep affection emanating from him and turned to look at him. “Who is Slayer?”

  He is my elder offspring.

  Jemi was aware of a particular breathlessness at the revelation. “Your offspring? You have a son?”

  Slayer is my elder offspring.

  Great. So he had more than one kid. She looked back at the watering hole. Most of the lions and other cats were dozing. There were several cubs who squatted and growled playfully at each other. One cub, with a sleek tan coat and a striking dark mane, caught her attention. Nearly the size of a pony, she knew immediately that this frisky cub was Hunter’s offspring.

  “He’s beautiful, Hunter,” she told him in a soft voice.

  He is an offspring worthy of his grandsire, Seeker. I want you to know him. I’ll call him.

  “Wait a minute. What about his mother?”

  Meka is his mother.

  She had a brief impression of Hunter sliding his cock into a beautiful brown feline and turned back to look towards the watering hole. The cat in question sniffed the air, stood up, and began padding towards them.

  Jemi gasped and ran around Hunter’s body.

  Hunter made a series of low grunts in his throat. The lioness stopped and reluctantly went back to the watering hole. Slayer broke away from the other cubs and came charging across the ground. Hunter turned and trotted to meet his cub. When the two cats met, Hunter butted the smaller cat with his head several times, then stood still while his cub jumped at him, licking his face.

  Jemi watched, then turned her attention to the lioness looking on, making low growling noises. The streak of jealousy she felt caught her by surprise. Why should his having a mate surprise her? With his sexual appetite, he probably had several mates.

  After allowing the cub to swat at him several times, Hunter growled and started back towards Jemi, who had retreated to stand with her back against a tree with a bow low enough for her to leap up into should the need arise.

  Jemi, don’t be afraid, he told her. Slayer won’t harm you. I’ve told him you are my mate.

  “In your dreams,” she told him in a teasing voice, but kept her tense gaze on the approaching cub.

  Slayer bounded up to her and put his head under her short skirt.

  “Hey,” she protested, drawing back. “Stop that.”

  It’s almost time for his first mating, Hunter informed her. He wants some pussy.

  “Well, he’s not getting any off of from me,” she said, pushing at the cub’s head.

  Making a plaintive growl low in his throat, Slayer cast a pair of green eyes up at her.

  She stared down at the cub. His coat was sleek, his mane luxurious. Like his father, he was beautiful. She hesitated before extending a tentative hand. Slayer butted her hand with his head, gave her cunt another sniff, and lay down at her feet.

  They spent half an hour there by the watering hole, during which time Slayer jumped and growled at them both with youthful glee. After a time, Jemi got up enough courage to allow Slayer to sprawl across her legs. He looked at her with green eyes full of wonder.

  When she and Hunter left the water hole, Slayer followed, until Hunter turned and grunted at him. Giving a mournful growl of his own, Slayer turned, head down, and slowly padded back to the watering hole.

  “He’s a delight,” she told Hunter when they were back in the vicinity of the hut stop.

  He is an offspring worthy to bear the blood of Seeker, Sire of Tern Terra.

  She sensed the quiet pride behind the words. “And his mother? Is she a mate worthy of Hunter?”

  She sensed his confusion at her strident question. She paused and took a deep, calming breath. “Does she have good pussy?”

  Yes. Very good.

  She turned and stared at him. “Really? Well, why don’t you go back there and get some because you’re sure as hell not getting any of mine after that remark.”

  Why are you angry?

  “Because you’ve just told me what good pussy she has!”

  I should have lied?

  “No.” She ran a hand through her hair. “No. I don’t want you to lie to me.”

  He butted her with his head. Kiss me.

  “No. No more kisses, Hunter. Where is Cody?”

  He is with Jeroni in the misty place.

  He maneuvered her to this God forsaken place and then he abandoned her and went off to mate with some over privileged teenager in a place he’d told her was not healthy? Great.

  He didn’t maneuver you here. I did.


  When I met Cody in the misty place, I saw you in his mind and I wanted you. At first he did too, then he started to want Jeroni more. I still wanted you. You’re here because I willed it. Don’t be too hard on Cody. He’s spent too much time in the misty place. He’s not the same man you knew.

  “What are Cody and Jeroni doing in the misty place?”

  They are mating. Kiss me?

  Well, Cody wasn’t the only one who could go fuck someone else. She looked at Hunter. “I’ll do more than kiss you. I’ll fuck you.”

  She felt the absolute joy washing over him and felt her anger subside. She was going to mate with Hunter. Not out of anger, jealously or revenge. She was going to do it because they both wanted it so badly. She looked around. “So. Where do we do it?”

  At the mating tree, he told her in a quiet, awed voice. I want to mate with you at the mating tree where my great grandsire first mated with his human mate.

  Knowing there was no
turning back, Jemi’s breath came in deep, aching gasps as she followed Hunter along the trail and deep into the woods. Finally he paused by a large tree with a moss covered trunk and a low bow. This is the mating tree.

  She put a hand on his flank and got a vivid flash of another human and feline couple mating there many seasons earlier—Hunter’s parents. He was part human.

  Does that matter?

  “No,” she admitted. She suddenly knew that the only thing that mattered to her at that moment was mating with this big beautiful male. She’d worry about the consequences later.

  Heart thumping, she looked around. She couldn’t see anyone else. “Are we likely to be interrupted?”

  No. It will be just you and me, my Jemi.

  Her hands shook as she quickly removed the skimpy leather outfit and her calf length boots. She stood in front of him naked, her pussy pulsing as she noted the head of his big cock peeking out of his sheath as he slowly panted.

  He padded towards her. She took several steps back until she came up against the tree. To her relief, the moss felt soft and yielding. Good. It would act as a cushion against her buns. He moved in and extended his head. She linked her arms around his neck and they began kissing. There was a different quality in their kisses now, an awareness that these sweet, numbing kisses were a prelude to their first fuck. As they kissed, she stroked her fingers through his mane and caressed his throat. Then leaning back against the tree for leverage, she lifted a foot and began running it lightly back and forth against his belly, near his sheath. Within moments, his cock, hot, hard, and fully erect popped out.

  Growling softly, he broke their heated kiss. Bending his head, he began lapping gently, leisurely at her cunt. He kept it up until she was soaked and moaning with anticipation of a greater joy awaiting her at the end of his big dick.

  I’m going to fuck you now, Jemi darling, he told her. For real, finally.

  “Oh, God, yes! Please!” she moaned and parted her legs.

  He growled softly, rose on his hind legs and approached her. She got her first daylight view of his fully erect cock. She could actually see the veins pulsing under the thin bronze skin covering his shaft. It was huge and beautiful, like the rest of his body. An uncontrollable rush of fresh moisture filled her cunt and she knew she was in for the most incredible fuck of her life.


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