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Lost Boys: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Crazy Vicious Love Book 1)

Page 11

by Eva Ashwood

  I shouldn’t be doing this.

  I shouldn’t be allowing this to happen.

  But Kace moved like a man possessed, and I couldn’t stop him from kissing me—or stop myself from kissing him back. He controlled the movement of my head, taking what he wanted from between my parted lips as our kiss deepened. His tongue plunged into my mouth as his grip on my hair loosened, and then I was letting him push me back against the sink and hoist me up so he could settle between my legs.

  I could feel the hard heat of his cock pressing against my core, and all the layers of fabric that separated us felt like nothing as he ground his hips against mine. It was thrilling in the same way it was frightening, and the tandem feelings beat through me with equal vengeance.

  Without a conscious command from my brain, my legs lifted to wrap around Kace’s waist, bringing him closer and securing him to me as I hooked my heels together. His answering groan filled my mouth, and that sound alone made a flood of wetness dampen my panties. He was controlling every bit of this, taking what he wanted without question or hesitation—but somehow, when he made that sound, I felt like the powerful one. As if I could bring this massive, broad-shouldered boy to his knees with a single touch.

  Wanting more of that incredible feeling, I pressed harder against him, battling his tongue with my own, trying to draw another groan out of him.

  But what I got this time was a sound almost like a growl as Kace grabbed my hair at the roots again, taking back control of our kiss.

  I could feel my lips bruising, banging against my teeth as he kissed me so hard and deep it felt like we were at war. The hand that wasn’t in my hair splayed across my lower back, holding me in place as his hips moved against mine, every thrust hitting a spot that made sparks dance in my vision. I was so close, my body hovering on the precipice of overwhelming pleasure.

  I had touched myself sometimes in the darkness of my bedroom in my family’s old mansion, in the quiet loneliness of the night. And Bishop had found my clit with unerring fingers the night he’d broken into my room, making me come harder than I ever had in my life.

  But I had never come like this.

  From just the feel of a boy’s ravenous lips and the rhythmic press of his cock at the apex of my thighs. From just the sweet promise of what might happen if we weren’t clothed, weren’t separated by anything. My inner muscles clenched as my clit throbbed, and I had never felt so… empty in my life.

  My heart was beating like a hummingbird’s wings, fluttering in my chest, and when I let out a sound halfway between a whimper and a sob, Kace tore his lips away from mine, using his grip on me to hike me even closer to his body. His hips thrust against me hard and slow as he gazed down at me with green eyes that seemed even lighter than usual somehow.

  “Come, Princess. Let me see what you look like when you come.”

  The words were barely out of his mouth when my body followed his command. The desperate ache building inside me released in a torrent, and I squeezed my legs around him as my clit throbbed. A noise I was sure I’d never made before in my life escaped my mouth, and I might’ve been embarrassed by the raw, wanton sound if I hadn’t been distracted by the sensations crashing through me.

  I tried to bury my face in Kace’s neck, too overwhelmed by everything I was feeling, not wanting him to see it on my face, but he used his grip on my hair to stop me, watching me with glittering eyes as I trembled and shook in his grasp.

  When the orgasm finally subsided, I sucked in a deep breath. My heartbeat had slowed from a rapid flutter to a heavy, dull thud against my ribs. I blinked at Kace, shocked and embarrassed that he’d made me come in the men’s bathroom at school just from grinding against me like that. I half expected him to laugh at me, to mock me for being so easy, so desperate.

  But there was no humor in his expression as he gazed back at me. Just an intense kind of hunger that made my stomach flip-flop.

  “What’s your favorite color?” he asked, narrowing his eyes.

  The question surprised me so much that I blurted out the answer before I even thought about it.


  He nodded. “If you want this to stop, say ‘blue’.”

  I blinked at him, completely lost. Say ‘blue’? What did that mean?

  Before I could ask, he was sliding his hands under my thighs, lifting me from the sink. I yelped, clinging to his neck as he carried me toward the door. Was he going to take me out into the hall like this? Parade me around in front of everyone?

  I opened my mouth, about to scream “blue”, for all the good it would do, when he stopped directly in front of the door. He turned around, putting his back to it, and then set me on my feet. I staggered slightly, my legs still weak and my clit still throbbing from the orgasm that’d torn through me.

  Two large hands came up to grasp my face, and Kace tilted my head up so he could look me in the eyes.

  “I made you come, Princess. Now you’re gonna suck my dick until I come.”

  My eyes flew open wide, and I almost choked on my next breath as I registered what he’d said. Holy… holy shit.

  His words were dirty and crass, no sweetness or gentleness to them at all. So why did they turn me on so much?

  I could say “blue”. I could see if the magic word he’d given me would really stop this in its tracks. But I couldn’t get my mouth to utter that one simple syllable.

  Because I didn’t want this to stop.

  As terrifying as it was, there was something in me that wanted this too. So when Kace gathered my hair in a loose ponytail before wrapping it around his fist, I said nothing. When he used his grip on me to force me to my knees, I said nothing. Only when he moved his free hand to his pants, flipping the button and unzipping the fly, did I finally speak.

  “What if someone comes in—”

  “They won’t.” He shook his head, his half-lidded eyes intense as they gazed down at me. “That’s why we’re standing here. They won’t get inside.”

  I wasn’t nearly as confident about that as he was, but when he reached into his pants and drew out his heavy, hard cock, I forgot all about the door, about other students, about the fact that it was the middle of sixth period. My gaze zeroed in on the thick piece of flesh gripped tightly in his hand, and I couldn’t make myself look away.

  It was almost exactly at my eye-level, and when he took a small step closer to me, my body tensed. I knew he could feel it, but he didn’t stop. The hand in my hair brought my face closer to his cock, so close I could smell the tangy, musky scent of his arousal, and his voice was like sandpaper when he grated out one word.


  I did. My tongue darted out, quick and tentative, as if I was tasting a flavor of lollipop I wasn’t sure I would like.

  The skin at the rounded tip was soft and smooth, and a little bead of liquid had gathered at the small slit. I ran my tongue over that, shivering at the saltiness, the unfamiliar taste. Kace shuddered too, his entire body quivering as he let out a low noise.

  “Good. More. Put your mouth on me.”

  As if he wasn’t sure I’d understand his command, he used the hand wrapped around my hair to guide my movements, bumping my lips against the head of his cock until I opened my mouth. When I did, he thrust his hips forward a little, sliding deeper inside.

  I kept my lips wrapped around him, using my tongue to spread saliva all over his shaft, making sure to avoid scraping him with my teeth. I didn’t have any idea what I was doing, but from conversations I’d overheard in the locker room at Highland Park, I knew that much.

  And whatever I was doing, Kace seemed to approve, because more of those noises I liked so much were falling from his lips. He kept his thrusts shallow, but tears still gathered at the corners of my eyes as arousal clashed with panic every time he filled my mouth. There was just so much of him, and I was so much smaller than he was. Even my mouth felt small compared to the size of his cock, so I brought my hand up to help me, wrapping my fingers around his thick
length and moving my hand as I worked my lips up and down his shaft.

  “Fuck, Princess. Fucking hell.”

  His movements became rougher, his thrusts deeper, until he was hitting the back of my throat. I made a noise and swallowed roughly, fighting down my gag reflex, and he groaned loudly as my throat undulated around his broad head.

  My own arousal was building again as I gave up control entirely and let him use me however he liked, abandoning my grip on his cock and grabbing his thighs with both hands, holding on for balance as his movements became more jerky and erratic.

  Then the door behind him started to open.

  Panic flared inside me, like a shot of ice water injected into my veins.

  But Kace didn’t let me go. He didn’t let me stop.

  He lifted one foot and kicked the door hard, slamming it shut on whoever had been about to enter.

  “Fuck off.”

  The words were harsh and ragged, and when the person on the other side tried again, Kace gave it another kick.

  “I said fuck off!”

  The reality of what we were doing hit me like a truck as I felt his cock thicken and swell inside my mouth. Another boy was on the other side of that door. Maybe even a teacher. Who knew how many other students were out in the hall, having stepped out of class or skipped it entirely.

  And inside the bathroom, separated from them all only by the heavy metal door, I was giving Kace a blowjob.

  That thought made me moan involuntarily, and Kace glanced down at me, his eyes flashing. His face contorted with something almost like determination, his nostrils flaring as he breathed heavily.

  “Oh, shit. I’m gonna come,” he grunted. “I’m gonna come in your pretty pink mouth. Paint your fuckin’ lips with my cum.”

  My cheeks flushed hotly as embarrassment and arousal surged inside me. Those words shouldn’t turn me on so much, shouldn’t make me ache to move my hand between my own legs and come again when he did.

  This was dirty and wrong.

  So why did I like it so much?

  Kace thrust into my mouth three more times, cursing softly under his breath, and then his cock jerked between my lips as he groaned out his release. Tangy, salty liquid exploded on my tongue, and I swallowed quickly, my throat working over and over as I tried to catch it all. When he pulled away, a bit of it escaped my lips, trailing down my chin.

  Not wanting to risk getting it on my shirt, I quickly used my finger to gather it and slip it back inside my mouth, and when I looked up, I caught Kace staring down at me like he couldn’t quite believe I was real.

  His cock had hardly softened at all, and it glistened in the harsh florescent light, still wet with saliva.

  “Jesus fuck, Princess,” he muttered. “Your mouth is—” He broke off suddenly, his face growing still. “You ever done that before?”

  I shook my head, craning my neck to look up at him. The hard floor dug into my knees painfully, but I was only just now starting to notice it. And before I could really register the discomfort, Kace was hauling me to my feet, his large hand grasping my chin as he pulled me in for a kiss that nearly stopped my heart.

  It started off bruising and intense, but by the time his lips broke away from mine, it had softened, becoming something else entirely.

  Something sweeter and even more terrifying.

  Moss-green eyes gazed back at me, and Kace gifted me with a rare smile as he released me, nodding in satisfaction.



  My entire body was still buzzing, wound up, and on edge when the boys dropped me off at home. Kace said nothing about our encounter, and I was beginning to think this tendency toward silence, toward ignoring complicated feelings, was a trait all three of them shared despite being so different. All things considered, maybe it was a good thing. I didn’t know how to begin to process the fact that all three of them were attracted to me on some level, or that I was attracted to them.

  When I stepped inside and poked around the house, I realized Mom was gone. For a split second, panic fluttered in my chest, beating against my ribs like a trapped bird. Then I put a hand over my heart when I spotted the note on the fridge.

  Your father’s attorney got us a replacement car.

  Went out.

  Be back later.

  I frowned. I hadn’t realized Dad’s attorney had that kind of pull, or that he would be interested in helping us by getting us a car. I almost felt a little worried that Mom was out on her own—it was the first time that’d happened in weeks. But this could only be a good thing, right? If she was leaving the house, then that meant she was doing something other than sitting in her room watching daytime television and getting no sun or human interaction.

  Setting my backpack down, I decided to try my hand at cooking again. I couldn’t live off Burger King all the time—though it was tempting—and rather than trying to sort through my feelings about the Lost Boys, I rummaged through the cabinets.

  Spaghetti. That shouldn’t be too hard to make.

  We had frozen ground beef, a few cans of sauce, and packages of noodles. Water needed to be boiled to cook the noodles—but then I also needed to brown the beef. Should I put spices in the beef while it was cooking or after? Or when I put the sauce together after all of it was completely cooked?

  I decided, as I’d done in most of my cooking endeavors, to wing it. Working quickly, I defrosted and started browning the beef while bringing water to a boil. While I was waiting on those two things, I pulled down a few of the spices Ava had left for us. I kept an ear out for Mom in the driveway, hoping she’d be back by the time I was done. It would be nice to have a sit down dinner with just the two of us. It wouldn’t be a multi-course meal, we wouldn’t be served and waited on, but it would be better than cold cereal.

  I actually managed to brown the beef instead of burning it and got noodles in the water to cook without a single hitch—a feat that I would write on a calendar to celebrate later. I’d started adding the cans of sauce to the meat when there was a knock on the door.

  My brows furrowed. Mom and I didn’t have visitors here. Ever.

  Foolishly, my heart leapt. Maybe it was Dad, or his lawyer with news about his trial. Maybe they’d finally found proof that Dad was innocent, and this whole mess was about to be over.

  I raced to the front door and yanked it open—only to find Bishop standing on the other side. I stopped dead, mentally berating myself for still having such wild surges of hope. I needed to cut that shit out; my heart couldn’t take it.

  My face must have showed my stark disappointment, because Bishop smirked.

  “Well, I didn’t realize you hated me that much.” There was humor in his voice, and even if he believed his own words, it didn’t stop him from stepping into the house past me, looking around. He lifted his chin, sniffing experimentally. “Smells like food in here. I didn’t know you cooked.”

  “I don’t,” I muttered, still holding onto the doorknob as I watched him walk deeper into the house. “I was trying my hand at spaghetti.”


  He walked into the kitchen without asking if he could stay, but considering this was the same boy who’d broken into my room in the middle of the night, the fact that he had bothered to knock and use the front door was monumental in and of itself.

  I followed him into the tiny kitchen, watching as he strode over to the stove, poking around the pots and breathing in.

  “Actually smells good,” he commented, lifting his eyebrows.

  I frowned. “I don’t know if I’m supposed to take that as a compliment or not.”

  “Take it however you want. It at least looks edible.” He glanced over to me, and the glint in his hazel eyes told me he was teasing. I rolled my eyes.

  “Whatever. What are you doing here?” I stepped forward, nudging him away from the pots so I could stir them myself. He leaned against the counter, the small space forcing us to stand way too close, and watched me as he answered.
/>   “We’re going to a party later tonight. Me and the guys. You’re coming with us.”

  Not a question. A statement. I was starting to learn the difference between the times when Bish meant to give me a choice and when he didn’t, and this was definitely the latter.

  I glanced over to him. “It’s a school night.”

  “Yeah. What’s your point?”

  “Well, I mean—isn’t this a bit different than going to a random warehouse on a Friday after school? I don’t even know what kind of parties people throw… here.”

  His brow quirked. “Well, they’re usually lively as fuck, so I bet they’re different than you’re used to. There’s booze, pot, gambling, sex.” He shrugged. “We always go. Means things stay chill, and that’s a good thing for the Slateview kids.”

  “Well, if you’re just going to chaperone, then why do I need to come?”

  “Because we want you to.”

  I stopped stirring the sauce for a moment, letting that statement linger in the air. Because we want you to. What a strange thought. Nothing about this arrangement the four of us were in really made sense to me, and every time I thought I’d found my footing, something came along to knock me off my axis again.

  Going to a party actually sounded kind of fun. A little thrill of nerves and excitement skittered up my spine as I thought about it—about seeing what these kinds of parties were really like. Still, I hesitated. My thoughts went once more to the bathroom incident with Kace, dancing with Misael, and then the other night with Bishop.

  Hadn’t things gone far enough, gotten confusing enough, already? Wouldn’t going to a party with all of them just be asking for trouble?

  That’s when it hit me.

  Bishop and I were totally alone here.

  My mom was out of the house and wouldn’t be back till God only knew when. I was standing in my kitchen with one of the Lost Boys, and he was so close to me that his arm brushed against mine as I worked. I could feel the heat from his body, smell the woodsy scent of his cologne as it mixed with the aroma of the pasta sauce.


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