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Slamming Demon: A Pounding Hearts Novel

Page 5

by Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Mandy looked back at me and giggled. Grabbing my hand, she pulled me along with them both. She giggled even louder when we reached the bathroom and she started trying to pull me in with them. She leaned all the way back, tugging on me, but to be truthful I barely had to balance myself. Ever since I took up Brazilian Jujitsu I found my balance was amazing and my muscles had started to form in places that helped prevent me from being easily overpowered.

  Finally giving up, she gave me a playful push and said, “Be right back, sexy man.” She blew me a kiss and then the door shut.

  I stood there for more than three minutes, trying to figure out what exactly women do together in a bathroom that would take that fucking long, before I heard some banging on a door at the end of the hallway. From what I could hear in the bathroom, there was a lot of giggling going on so I figured I had enough time to go and investigate what was happening down the hallway.

  The damn house was huge. I knew Eric from school somewhat, and from what I knew he was a rich wannabe bad boy who thought he was god’s gift to women. Heh, he thought he was. I know I am.

  Fuck, I am full of shit.

  I reached the end of the hall and there were bedrooms to the left and right. I listened for a moment and heard very loud and boisterous sex noises coming from the right. The banging though was coming from the left. The more I listened, the more the banging sounded like a really pissed off girl. But because of the loud music coming from down the hall and the sex across the way, I couldn’t quite make out what was being said.

  I first tried knocking on the door but only heard desperate pounding back. I tried the knob but wasn’t able to get it open. Big fancy house but the doors looked cheap. I put my shoulder up against the door a couple of times before I felt the metal and wood giving way. I had no fucking clue what I was about to see, but I didn’t like the feeling of someone being trapped in one of those rooms.

  Inside, I got an eyeful of a drunk guy passed out on the bed, and a girl from my Chem class was standing to the side, looking more than a little mad and upset. She brushed past me, saying something about the door being stuck, then ran across the short way and barged into the room across from that one. I tried to tell her she might not want to go in, and I waited a minute to see if she came back out blushing. But when I didn’t see her, I snickered. Well, good for her. And headed back down the hall to see Mandy being dragged into a room close to the bedroom.

  “Brett!” she yelled when she saw me, a look of relief forming on her face.

  I jogged the short way to her and pulled her away from the guy who was dragging her into the bedroom.

  “Hey, hands off my girlfriend, bud.” I said as I yanked her back and pushed her behind me.

  Wouldn’t you fucking know it? It was the man of the hour, Eric, and he looked drunk and really pissed at me. Fucker was shorter than me by two inches and I had probably twenty pounds on his pudgy fucking ass. He tried to reach around me and get to her. I pushed against his chest and he took a large, stumbling step back.

  “When did she become yours?” he drunkenly sneered at me.

  I didn’t even have the time to answer before Mandy yelled from behind me, “When he fucked me so damn hard I swore off all other men!”

  His eyes went wide and then he growled. “He’s a fucking nobody, bitch. I can give you whatever he can and more.”

  He lunged at me in a drunken stumble, and I moved to the left while shoving him towards the wall. My hand grabbed the back of his neck, then I shoved him up against the wall, hard.

  Moving up behind him, I put my lips up against his ear all nice and cozy like.

  “I think my girl said no, fuckhead. And no means fucking no. Got it?” I said loudly, making sure lots of people heard me.

  Pulling his head back, I shoved it hard forward and slapped him against the wall. I heard a small crunch and hoped his nose might have just broken.

  I whispered this time. “Next time we gotta talk, I will break your right arm and I will shatter your fucking ankle. No more football for you, fuckface. Got it?”

  Eric groaned so I took that as a yes.

  “Eric, have a good night.” I said, smiling wide and letting him slump down to the floor.

  Pulling Mandy in front of me, I helped her walk towards the living room. I could hear Eric starting to talk shit but I ignored him as I looked around for Grace.

  Leaning down, I talked softly into Mandy’s ear and smelled how delicious her skin was. “Where’s Grace?”

  Mandy leaned back in my arms and groaned. “You feel so safe and big… My hero.”

  I chuckled. “Well, I am glad you think so. But where did your friend run off to?”

  “Oh, she took off with Carson. Down to the basement, I think.”

  “You think she’s safe?” I asked, wrapping my arms tightly around Mandy’s warm little body.

  “Yeah. Carson is a big sweety.”

  “Will she need a ride home with us?”

  “Nope. Carson said he would take her home.”

  “We done here?”

  “I think so, sexy butt,” she said then giggled.

  “Sexy butt?”

  “Yep, I saw it earlier and you’ve got a great ass, mister. I give it a twelve out of ten.”

  I shook my head and led us out the front door.

  Once we were safely in the Volvo, I had to help her put her seatbelt on. As soon as she was safely secured, she started to slump to the left, her eyes closing. A soft snore escaped her mouth just as I started the car.

  Well shit, there went my good night kiss.

  Pulling up in front of her house, I tried to wake her but she just moaned something about Brett, me, having a really good smile. I smiled and then walked around the car and opened the door.

  She was out like a light, and it was going to look really bad no matter what I did.

  I unbuckled her belt and lifted her up in my arms. God, she really was a small little fairy. I easily carried her up her drive and then lightly knocked on the door with one hand.

  Her father was about as tall as I was but set with more muscle gone to fat than anything else. He opened the door and looked a bit mad until he realized I was holding his daughter in my arms. He frowned at me but ushered me in.

  “What in the world is going on, Brett?” he asked, going from a little mad to straight up pissed.

  “Truthfully?” I asked.


  “She did about three jello shots before I had a chance to warn her off. But she had a good night with her friend, and I made sure to watch over Mandy so nothing bad happened.”

  “Did you drink anything?”

  “No, sir.”


  “Because I was driving, sir. I would have probably drunk something if I hadn’t been driving, but I wouldn’t have allowed myself to get as drunk as Mandy. I don’t like that feeling at all. Sir?”

  “Yes, Brett?”

  “Can I put her down? She’s getting a bit heavy.”

  He frowned deeply at me but I think it was more to himself, really. Nodding, he said, “Let’s put her up in her room. Kitty will get her ready for bed.”

  He led me up the stairs before loudly calling for Mandy’s mom. “Kitty, I need your help.”

  It was a bit surreal walking behind her father, especially when she opened her eyes for a moment and looked at me. “You’re so hot!” she exclaimed then fell back to snoring.

  I couldn’t help the loud snort of laughter I let out, and as we walked into her room I could see her father’s shoulders shaking slightly and his head appeared to be shaking. Gently laying her down, I risked a quick kiss to her forehead before standing up and following her dad out of the bedroom, passing her mom on the way down the stairs.

  Her dad reached out, and I shook his firm hand. Maybe he was stronger than I originally thought, but he didn’t do any of that high school bullshit, trying to break my hand or anything like that. He just firmly grasped my hand and nodded his head. “Thank you for looking after
my daughter, Brett.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  I turned towards the door to leave but turned back around at the last second. “Sir, may I take her out next weekend?”

  He just stood there, staring me down. I thought for sure he might tell me to fuck off but then he smiled a little and said, “Yeah, I think that will be fine.”

  As I heard the door shut behind me, I took a leap off the stairs leading up to their front door and punched the air. She fucking liked me. Mandy liked me. Fuck yeah.

  Chapter Six


  Oh god, what the fuck did I do?

  I groaned and it took way too much effort to open my eyes. As soon as I did though I immediately slammed them shut against the bright sunshine.

  “Good morning, Amanda,” my mother said coldly from near my window. “I hope you enjoyed yourself last night.”

  All I could do was groan in response.

  “Your father is expecting you for breakfast.”

  My stomach lurched a bit at the thought of food. I didn’t want to but I could smell the bacon.

  “I left some water and Advil for you on your nightstand. We expect you downstairs in five.”

  I listened to my mom’s heels click out of my room. She slammed the door behind her and the loud bang cut like a knife through my head.

  My parents were pretty cool about me going out and having fun, but whatever I did last night must have pissed them off.

  Ugh, I tried to sit up. It felt like I gained two-hundred pounds overnight. Fumbling for the glass of water, I threw back the Advil, winced as my brain screamed out against the sudden movement, then gulped down the entire glass of water. I knew I was dehydrated and that’s why I felt so shitty. Grace and I figured out last year that if we drank a glass of water after a night of drinking before we fell asleep we usually woke up not feeling so shitty.

  I guess I didn’t get around to drinking that glass.

  I looked down at myself. At least I was still dressed. I lifted my skirt and yep, still had my panties on. But fuck if I could remember anything after dancing on the table. How did I get home? Brett? Oh fuck, Brett… I still couldn’t remember what happened, but I had a sinking feeling that I did something embarrassing.

  What did I do? I searched for my phone. It wasn’t on my nightstand. I ended up finding the thing tucked beneath the covers at the foot of my bed.

  I shot off a quick text to Grace.

  Me: What happened last night????

  I waited, hoping she’d answer. Hoping I’d get some clue of what my parents were so upset about, but no response was forthcoming. Dragging myself to my bathroom, I brushed my teeth and wiped the mascara off my cheeks. Once I was mostly presentable, I dragged my butt downstairs.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” my father said from the table.

  I felt like a freaking zombie as I groaned and nodded my head back at him. I managed to get my butt to the chair across from him and sat down.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked and I swear there was a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He knew damn well how I was feeling.

  I moaned at him and rubbed my temples. “I feel like crap.”

  “Well, can’t say I’m surprised,” he said and looked back down to his paper. He was old-school, he still liked to read his news in print. My dad scooped up a forkful of eggs and took his time swallowing them down before going on. “I’m glad you had that nice boy with you. Do you know how you got home?”

  “Brett?” I asked, so not sure but hoping it was him.

  My father looked back up at me and slowly nodded his head. “Yes, Brett brought you home. In fact, he had to carry you in.”

  “Ugh,” I groaned and slumped back in my chair. I knew I did something embarrassing. That must have been it. I made a complete ass of myself, didn’t I?

  “Amanda, you know your mother and I understand that you are young and want to have fun…”

  And there started the lecture. I snatched up a piece of toast and nibbled on it while my father lectured me about being safe. About not getting too drunk and putting myself in dangerous situations. I nodded my head at the right moments, agreeing with him. When he finally finished, I knew he knew I just wasn’t getting it.

  “I like Brett. I think I may even trust him.”

  That was nice. Honestly, at the time I didn’t really care if my dad liked him.

  “He even asked my permission to take you out next weekend.”

  I sat up a little straighter in my chair. “He did?” He still wanted to go out with me after seeing me as a drunk ass? I didn’t blow it?

  My father looked back down to his paper and slowly, purposely took his time scooping up another forkful of eggs before he answered, “Yes.”

  I squirmed, waiting for my dad to elaborate but he was messing with me. He couldn’t keep his lips from curling into a grin as he looked back down to his paper.

  “Well?” I pressed then took a huge bite out of my toast. My phone buzzed and dinged at the same time.

  “I gave my permission.”

  I jumped up and rushed around the table, momentarily forgetting about my horrible hangover. I gave my dad a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. He rumbled but I knew it pleased him when I showed him affection. To him I would always be daddy’s little girl. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  I returned to my chair to finish off my toast and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I nearly choked to death after reading Grace’s message.

  Grace: I punched my v-card last night!

  * * *

  “Oh my god, tell me everything,” I implored Grace and accidently slammed my bedroom door shut in a rush to get her into my room.

  We both winced.

  Jello shots, never again.

  Grace, like me, was still wearing the outfit she was wearing last night. We were both hungover hot messes. I led her over to my bed and we sat down on the edge.

  “Was it with Carson?” I asked.

  I still couldn’t remember what the hell happened last night.

  There were just flashes of things, like the two of us fucking with the toilet paper in the bathroom. I think we decided it would be funny to load up the bathtub with piles of unrolled toilet paper then we left the water running…

  She rolled her eyes at me as if I was stupid. “Who else would it have been with?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and smirked at her. “Never knowing with you. Could have been some random.”

  “Oh my god, shut up!” she slapped me on the arm but we were both snickering. “It was with Carson,” she said, her smile fading only to be replaced by a look that was more serious. Then she bit her lip.

  “Well?” I poked her arm. “You rushed all the way over here to tell me and now you’re not talking. How was it?”

  “It was great,” she said but in a way that said it so wasn’t.

  A gave her a moment to elaborate but when she just bit her lip I asked, “That’s it? Just great?”

  Grace nodded and she was just being too damn quiet. “Are you alright? He didn’t pressure you did he?” I’d kick his pretty blonde ass if he did. No one messes with my best friend.

  She quickly shook her head. “No, he didn’t pressure me.” I was still dubious. “Seriously,” she went on, “I wanted to do it. It just wasn’t what I expected.”

  Grace looked like she needed a hug so I scooted close and wrapped my arms around her. “You don’t have to talk about it.” I said when we separated. She looked like she felt a little better and I didn’t want to pressure her into talking about it if she wasn’t ready. I knew the horror stories all too well. I’d heard girls talking about how much their first time hurt and how much they’d bled.

  “It wasn’t that bad,” Grace forced a smile and tucked a wavy lock behind her ear. “Seriously, it only hurt for like a second. It just wasn’t as magical as I expected, I guess.”

  “Do you love Carson?” I asked, and she laughed at that.

  “Hell no.”

  “Then why did you do it?” Maybe Grace and I were prudes but we’d both been holding off on punching our cards until we found a guy who was worth it. Most of the guys at school were just pathetic losers not worth the privilege. I think we both wanted our first time to be magical, and it made me sad that Grace’s wasn’t.

  Grace shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I was just tired of waiting and wanted to know what all the hype was about. And Carson doesn’t go to our school, so I don’t have to worry about him bragging about it to everyone.”

  I gave her another hug and she happily accepted it.

  “It wasn’t that bad,” she said as she pulled away. “It was just really, really quick.”

  She smirked and I burst out laughing. “What?” Was she being serious?

  “Yeah, it hurt but then it stopped. And then it started to actually feel good but then…” She started laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh with her.

  “Oh my god, Grace,” I blushed and wiped tears from my eyes. We both needed that laugh.

  “Maybe next time he won’t be a minuteman.”

  I gasped and she burst into another fit.

  “Next time?” I squealed.

  Grace enthusiastically nodded her head. “Yeah, now that I’m remembering it, I think I’d like to try it again.”

  Holy shit. Well, if that’s what she wanted to do more power to her. I was just glad she seemed happy now. I hated to see her sad.

  “Shit, that reminds me!” I pulled out my phone and quickly swiped through my favorite bookmarks.

  “Yeah?” Grace asked, tilting her head.

  “I read this article… Here.”

  Grace leaned close to look at my phone and she gasped.

  It was all I could do to keep from bursting into another fit of laughter. “Yeah, according to this it makes them last longer if you tug on them…”


  I made it home earlier than I had hoped, but considering how my evening went I wasn’t too surprised. At first my parents were concerned that the date had ended awfully early until I gave them the full story. I’m not sure who was laughing harder, me or them when I told them what Mandy had yelled at Eric when I confronted him. I was really proud of how Mandy told him off. I guess it was a bit odd to tell my parents everything like I usually did, but that’s how it was in my family. We were very open, and I considered my parents’ excellent judges of problems.


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