Slamming Demon: A Pounding Hearts Novel

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Slamming Demon: A Pounding Hearts Novel Page 8

by Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

  Those first few days of discovering our sexuality with each other were utterly mind-blowing. I mean, seriously, no other guy had ever turned me on like Brett did, the way that Brett did. But when he and I started hooking up, it was like some switch inside me was flipped. I was transformed into some kind of crazy, horny wild animal who just couldn’t get enough of him.

  And he took care of me, god did he take care of me. With his mouth, with his hands. He was truly a fucking awesome boyfriend.

  We were young, and just having fun. Yet as good as it all was, giving each other oral and hand jobs, enjoying the thrill of messing around, it felt like there could still be something better… an orgasm that was more.


  Holy fuck balls, I was really just trying to keep up with that amazing little fairy of a girl. So beautiful and smart. I know she wanted to see if she could get a hold of me when she took my cock between those beautiful lips, and my god she just about did. But with her something inside me just begged to dominate and lead with her.

  I was glad Mandy wasn’t one for playing stupid in front of people. So she sucked at World History, she more than made up for that in math and sciences. She kind of blushed when I asked about how her other studies were going, and she came out to me that she was passing with pretty damn good grades all the way around except for World History. For some reason she just didn’t like it and I could understand that.

  I felt the exact same way about English. I hated that shit. I didn’t mind the writing as much as the reading something and then having to figure out what the teacher wanted you to think it was about, not what it actually meant to you. Biology and History were my favorites though. History was my first love, and I wanted to try to major in something to do with history and the study of ancient civilizations when I went to college.

  And college was a must, according to my parents. If only they knew how much I wanted to be a professional fighter. They attended a couple of my meets and were very supportive but my mom thought I was crazy to even consider trying to turn pro in MMA.

  Maybe I was, but I sure as hell loved to fight and the guys in the gym started calling me the Demon. They said I was pure aggression when I fought, and they were right. I liked to overpower and get right into the mix of things. Fuck the whole circling around for half the fight. Shit like that does have its place, but I wanted to engage if I could, sooner rather than later.

  Over the last month and a half, Mandy and I had only grown closer. If I was not at the gym, I was trying to spend time with her. Our dates didn’t always end up with us reaching some type of sexual gratification, but it sure did feature prominently in them. She was such a little mystery of sexiness and innocence that I was starting to feel very grateful that she had chosen me to explore love and intimacy with. It was a very heady thing.

  We were both following the old adage of don’t make a relationship purely about sex and instant gratification, trying to also be supportive with each other’s desires and hobbies. I think she was quite patient and caring to come see me at the gym and the dojo, even if some of the times she got really worried about the thumpings I looked like I was taking. She was right there though, cheering me on and consoling me when I didn’t get past the second bracket in a BJJ tournament I was in last month. She didn’t let me focus too much on losing, but told me that I should look at how I was beat and make sure I figured out how to not let that happen again. She was so fucking awesome like that.

  I can still see how wide her eyes were when she went with me for my Saturday and Sunday routines. She thought I was crazy for how hard I pushed myself on Saturday, doing my conditioning, but I talked her into letting me pick her up and swing her around like a rag doll as part of my training. Not only was it fun, but it also kept me from getting beat up too bad on Sundays.

  Sundays were always a brutal learning experience, though I had to admit it was slowly getting better.

  This was a bad day, however. I was wrestling with Chase again, and he was trying to get me to understand how to apply a certain chokehold when I did something stupid and pulled too hard back.

  Choked myself right the fuck out.

  And the big fucker was laughing so damn hard he accidently dropped me on my beautiful face.

  I remember waking up to a big giant face staring down at me, and he was laughing at me so damn hard he had tears in his eyes. I hadn’t really been choked out until then, and the weird sounds and the way everything was fucked up and wonky for a moment was not a feeling I ever wanted to feel again.

  “W-wha-what the fuck?” I asked with a slight stutter. Damn, my mind was as slow as my mouth.

  “Ya choked yourself out, you little fucker.” Chase was full of mirth, laughing his ass off, but he pulled back and then a beautiful angel bent over me with deep worry lines etched on her face.

  “Brett? Are you okay?” the beautiful woman asked me and I couldn’t help but give her a silly grin.

  “You betcha, sexy britches. What’s your name?” And then I remembered she was my girlfriend and her worry was turning into a frown.

  “Are you trying to pick me up, you silly fucker? You know I’m your girlfriend, right?” she asked, starting to forgive me I hoped.

  “Yeah, you’re the one who gives really good bl…” her little hand covered my mouth as she turned beat red.

  Thankfully, only Chase heard me. His snickers grew annoyingly louder. I reached up for Mandy’s hand and turned as I sat up.

  “Sorry, Brett. What were you saying she does?” Chase asked me, his body shaking from the force of his laughter.

  Mandy poked me hard in the shoulder with her finger. “You finish that sentence and I will choke you out too.”

  Vengeance was mine about ten minutes later when Chase wanted to see the power of my kicks. Yeah, I didn’t skip arm or leg day. I must have really kicked hard because even through the leg protector he was wearing I connected hard enough that he limped around for a while.

  Mandy just groaned out loud and spoke to Old Man, the owner of the Striking Tree Gym. “What did I agree to when I said yes to this guy asking me out?”

  Mandy had become a bit of a fixture with me at the gym and the dojo, studying the world history that I had outlined for her while I trained. She worked out with me a bit every time I went to the gym and it was starting to show just a little. She was all about flexing her “pythons” for her dad like an old wrestler called Hulk Hogan. I think we were both good for each other though because her dad was really supportive of us both, and my parents absolutely adored her. Her mom was a bit of a mystery. She was really polite and nice but it felt like a mask, a front. She just… I don’t know, she was like a wolf dressed up as sheep. It was odd. But things were going good for us. Seriously good. It felt like life was just falling into place. Mandy was a piece that just fit.

  * * *

  “Hey Brett, can you come to the kitchen when you’re done showering?” my dad asked as I headed up the stairs to get cleaned up after a particularly sweaty day at the dojo.


  The shower didn’t take too long as I had already gotten to spend time with Mandy before I went for my workout. Yeah, it was that kind of time. She told me she wanted to see if I could hold out. And yeah, that didn’t work out for me. I blew my load down her throat as soon as she was ready for me to. When it came to blow jobs she had me wrapped around her finger.

  Heading into the kitchen, I asked, “What’s going on, pops?”

  “How’s things going? Mandy not here for dinner?”

  “No, she wanted a bit of quiet time to study for her AP English test.”

  “Ah, okay. Well, how’s things going with you guys?”

  “Really good, peachy keen as Mandy likes to say.”

  “What is she, fifty?” he asked with a smirk. He might have been right, but it was more that she loved watching Grease and Grease 2.


  “Well, your mom and I are going out of town for our twentieth anniversary
this weekend, and we wanted to make sure you remembered. We are going to leave you some money and one of our cards for the weekend.”

  “Already? I thought that was next month.”

  “Yep, years fly by when you get older. I remember our tenth like it was yesterday. We went as a family to the cabins down at the lake and had a really good long weekend”

  “That sounds fun for you guys, what time are you leaving Friday?”

  “Going to leave Thursday evening this time, we want a long weekend. We will come back on Sunday night.”

  I wasn’t too surprised about it, they liked to go out of town alone at least every other month. It was their time to unwind and “renew their marriage” as they were fond of saying.

  My cell phone started ringing right as Dad and I were finishing up making dinner for the three of us. Grabbing it, I saw it was Mandy.

  “Hey beautiful, what’s up?” I asked.

  Chapter Ten


  I was ready to punch my V-card, and I was certain I wanted to do it with Brett. The situation couldn’t have set up more perfectly for me. Brett’s parents were heading out of town for their wedding anniversary so Brett asked me to stay the weekend with him. I told my parents I was going to spend the weekend with Grace, and like a good friend she was covering for me. The only thing I didn’t account for, because there was no way I could have seen it coming, was my parents deciding to end their own marriage.

  I knew something was up while I was packing up a few things in an overnight bag. I was upstairs in my room and all of a sudden I heard my mother screaming.

  “This is all your fault! You made me do this.”

  Thinking something was wrong, that perhaps someone had broken in or something, I dropped my bag and ran out into the hall. I stopped at the top of the staircase, however, when I heard my father bellow out.

  “My fault? It’s my fault you’re sleeping with my best friend?”

  I gasped and grabbed onto the railing for dear life. My mother slept with my father’s best friend, Grant? What was going on?

  “Yes,” my mother screamed back. “It’s your fault. All of this is. You ruined my fucking life.”

  “I didn’t ruin your life! I gave you everything. Everything! I married you. I gave you a house. I’ve given you the best life I can give. I never asked you to work. Anything you’ve asked for I’ve given without question. How is this my fault?”

  “What you’ve given me has all been done out of guilt.”

  “I have nothing to feel guilty about.”

  “And that’s why I can no longer do this. That’s why I’ve decided I’m done with this fucking sham.”

  “What sham?” my father asked more quietly.

  I felt guilty for listening in. There was so much pain in my father’s voice.

  “Our marriage. It’s all been a sham. Just a means to alleviate your shame.”

  “I have no shame,” my father said with quiet conviction.

  “You should!” my mother screamed and a moment later something crashed into the wall and I slapped my hands over my mouth to keep from screaming in surprise. “You ruined my life. You ruined me.”

  “How did I ruin you, Kitty? I didn’t push you into Grant’s arms. I didn’t spread your fucking legs for him!”

  “You might as well have when you fucked me in the back of your car.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  My father may have not realized it at first but I knew instantly. It was like my mother just took a stake to my heart. She was blaming it on my father because of me. Me. Her mistake. In her mind I was her ruin, and even though logically I knew I didn’t ask to be born, it still fucking hurt. Like a motherfucker.

  The tears came unbidden, unwanted, but still they came. I ran back to my room, grabbed my bag and my phone. I wasn’t sure if I had packed everything I needed but it didn’t matter. I just had to get out of there before another bombshell dropped.

  “Please Kitty, we can work this out,” I heard my father say desperately as I raced out of my room.

  “I don’t think so, John. I’ve let you hold me back for long enough.”

  I rushed down the stairs like a bat out of hell, slamming the front door behind me. I couldn’t listen anymore. I couldn’t hear my mother screech and cry about being forced into early motherhood. And I couldn’t listen to my father ask her to stay as if he was a sucker for punishment.

  I started to walk down the sidewalk of my street. It was still early; I don’t think it was even four o’clock yet. The street was still mostly quiet. I was grateful there was no one around to see me. I had to wipe my eyes several times to read the letters on my phone. Damn tears kept blurring my vision.

  Before I could dial Brett’s number, I heard my father calling out to me. I wiped my eyes and spun on my heel, dropping my bag to the ground. I had just reached the corner.

  “Amanda, please come back,” my father called out to me. “Where are you going?”

  I shook my head back at him. “I’m heading to Grace’s for the weekend. Remember?”

  My mother stepped out onto the front step beside my father and even from the corner I could tell she glared at me. My father grumbled something at her and motioned for her to go back inside. It looked like she said something back at him then she disappeared into the house.

  “Call me if you need me, honey,” my father called out and my chest tightened.

  I was going to leave him to deal with my mother, alone, but I just couldn’t hear anymore. I knew there was more to what was going on, and for the love of everything, I didn’t want to know. It was their business. What I had already overheard was enough.

  I nodded and waved my hand at him. Then I picked up my overnight bag and slung it over my shoulder. Turning back around, I dialed Brett.

  “Hey beautiful, what’s up?” his cheery voice greeted me.

  Holding the tears at bay but just barely, I asked him to, “Please come get me.”

  I need you.


  Hearing Mandy’s voice have that small shake to it unnerved me. I jumped into my mom’s Volvo and tried to get there as fast, and as safely, as I could. I didn’t know why that small waver in her voice was there, but I couldn’t imagine it was anything good.

  I saw her hand waving to me at the corner of her street, she was standing there with a small bag between her feet. That was even more strange. I felt like her not being at her house when I was picking her up was like she is running away from home. Then again if she was doing that I imagine she would have had a much bigger bag than the overnight one she had.

  Pulling up to the corner, I put the car in park and opened my door to get out and help her in. I didn’t make it past my backseat door before she plowed into me, burying her face into my chest. Her entire body began to shake with huge, heaving sobs. I looked all around me to see if I could at least understand what she was hurting so badly from, but the street was silent and even her home was quiet from what I could see.

  Holding her tight in my arms, I wished I could do something. “Fairy girl, whatever it is, it will be okay.”

  I mean seriously what could be so damn bad, I didn’t know, but it was starting to scare me.

  She only sobbed harder before pushing me slowly away. “Can we go to your house now? I need to get away from here right now.”

  Nodding my head, I led her around the car and opened her door for her. “You bet, I will get us there as fast as possible.”

  We barely made it out of the subdivision before Mandy began to talk in quiet tones. “My mom and dad are getting a divorce.”


  “Yeah, I know it will happen. My mom wants it, and she always gets what she wants.”

  “Wow, I am so sorry Mandy.”

  “Me too. I’m so sorry for hearing everything they said to each other… for what mom has done to my dad and for me even being born.”

  I was at a stoplight thankfully when she said that beca
use I know for a fact my shock of hearing someone say that would have caused me to wreck. I stared at her open-mouthed as she stared down at her hands, and it was only the honking of a horn behind us that got me to focus back on the road and moving again.

  “What the fuck?” I asked, disturbed as fuck by it. “I mean how the fuck could you be sorry you were born? It’s not exactly like you had a choice in the matter.” I reached over and grabbed a hand tightly, holding hers in mine. I wished I could push my physical strength into her and make her better. But what the fuck? How the hell could anyone even have that thought?

  “I know, Brett, it’s a fucked up thought, but all my life I have felt like my mother blamed me for not being able to achieve all of her goals, and it was me who held her back from becoming a famous model or something.”

  “Yeah, but that’s fucking stupid. You can’t blame someone for existing,” I said, unable to wrap my mind around such self-important selfishness.

  “I know, and I know logically it isn’t my fault. But right now it sure feels like it. I just…” She shakes her head and buries her face into her hands.

  Fuck. Me.

  “Just hold on, baby, we will be to my house soon.”

  I didn’t really know what to say to her. Divorce is a fucked up thing and never easy, and cheating… Well, wow, that was just fucking horrendous. My parents had never gone through anything like it and I didn’t really know what to say. We pulled into my garage and just sat there for a moment, me pulling her over the console to me as I tried to hug all of my love into her.

  Chapter Eleven


  Up until Brett showed up in his mom’s Volvo, I managed to hold it all in while I stood on the corner. I kept myself together. I kept myself from breaking into pieces. But as soon as he came for me, frowning with concern and looking ready to kick whoever’s or whatever’s ass that was making me upset, I just needed him. I needed to touch him, to be held by him. To feel safe and protected in his strong arms.


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