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Twisted: Brides of the Kindred 23

Page 30

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Would anyone like some stew?” she asked, looking at Malik.

  “I’ll have some, thank you,” he said, holding out his bowl.

  “I’ll have some, thank you,” echoed the male Replicant, also holding out his bowl and speaking with the exact same inflection Malik had used.

  “Oh, um—you guys eat?” Nikki asked, before she realized it might be a rude question.

  “We do all that Organics can do—and we are always capable of learning new behaviors,” the female Replicant said. She held out her bowl. “I’ll have some, thank you.” Her tone was also a perfect copy of Malik’s.

  This display was disturbing but Nikki tried not to think about it. Instead, she hastily filled all the bowls with stew and cut everyone a slice of bread. Then she sat back down and she and Malik began to eat. After a moment of watching them, the Replicants did as well, copying their gestures exactly.

  Again, Nikki was creeped out but she had other things on her mind than the androids mirroring her every move. After the first bite she realized the stew was incredibly bland. It didn’t just need salt, either—none of the colorful chunks of vegetable—red, purple, blue, and yellow—had any flavor at all and the pale green broth tasted like hot water.

  Might as well be eating chunks of meh in blah juice, Nikki thought, putting down her spoon, which looked a little like a miniature shovel. She picked up her bread and tore off a piece—noticing as she did that the female Replicant was doing the exact same thing. The male Replicant was copying Malik. Experimentally, Nikki dunked the little piece of bread in the steaming broth but when she put it in her mouth, it was like chewing a lump of soggy paper.

  Great—so the bread doesn’t have any taste either. Gross. Maybe it has something to do with being made by creepy doll robots, she thought, looking across the table to where the female Replicant was still copying her.

  “Where did you learn to cook?” Nikki asked the female Replicant.

  “Cook?” The girl raised her blond eyebrows delicately in apparent confusion.

  “Where did you learn to prepare food?” Malik asked, restating the question for her.

  “I do not prepare food,” the female Replicant said. “Nor does Chad.” She nodded to the male Replicant. “It comes from the Knower—all good things come from the Knower.” She took a mechanical bite of her stew and then dunked another piece of bread, again copying Nikki’s earlier motion.

  “So did someone bring it down here?” Nikki asked. How else could they have gotten hot stew and warm bread—well, stuff that looked like stew and bread, anyway—with a non-functioning stove?

  “The meal arrived in the supply tray of the meal prep area,” the female Replicant told her. “Will you not eat some more? Chad and I wish to learn more of your mannerisms that we might become more like the Organic.”

  “Why do you wish to be like us? Like the Organic?” Malik asked, frowning. He had given up on eating as well and had put down his shovel-spoon.

  “Because such behaviors are optimal in pleasing Organics,” Chad explained, answering the question. “It has been seen by the Knower that Organics feel easier and more comfortable with Replicants who can act and speak as they do. This is why we wish to learn from you.”

  “Excuse me.” Nikki rose from the table. “I need to, um, powder my nose.”

  She left the table and went down the hall at a brisk pace, noticing as she did that the hallway lit up for her again. When she reached the bedroom at the end of the hallway, she went inside and went straight to the bathroom.

  Going to the sink, she ran some cool water and blotted her face with a towel. God, this was so weird. Despite all the other things she’d been through since switching lives with Mistress Hellenix, she thought that eating the bland food and being copied by the weird naked Replicants in the underground living space on a dead planet was somehow the most strange and unsettling.

  Looking in the mirror, she noticed that her hair was a mess. Taking one of the brushes from the display on the counter, she began to run it through her hair, counting the strokes as her mother used to do when she brushed her hair as a little girl. The ritual soothed Nikki, who was badly in need of soothing after the weird display at the table. Under her breath, she murmured to herself, “One…two…three…”

  “Four…five…six…” a voice said beside her.

  Nikki opened her eyes and nearly screamed.

  The female Replicant was standing beside her at the mirror, holding an identical brush in her hand and brushing her long blonde hair in exact rhythm with her, pulling the bristles though her golden strands as she watched Nikki without blinking.

  “What are you doing in here? Why did you follow me?” Nikki exclaimed.

  “Please be at ease—Chandra wishes only to learn from you,” the female Replicant said—but the voice she used was different. Different and familiar. It was the same soft, gender-neutral voice that had greeted them when they first came to this weird planet.

  “Knower?” Nikki asked, taking a step back. Was the AI who ran this place talking out of the Replicant? Or was it just her imagination?

  “Yes, it is I—the Knower,” the female Replicant said. “I have the ability to see and speak through any of my SORs at any time. I perceived an elevated heart rate coming from this chamber and decided to check it out. Please tell me why it bothers you to let Chandra learn from you?”

  “I…I…” Nikki licked her lips, not sure how to answer.

  “What’s wrong? What’s happening?” Malik was suddenly there. He frowned when he saw the female Replicant standing there, so close to Nikki. “I was worried she might have followed you when she left the table after you did. What is she doing?”

  “Chandra is only trying to learn from your Mistress, as Chad is trying to learn from you.” The Knower’s voice came from the male Replicant, who was suddenly standing right behind Malik in the bathroom doorway. Even for a fairly large bathroom, the space was getting pretty crowded, Nikki thought faintly.

  Malik frowned at the male Replicant.

  “Your voice has changed. Who is speaking?”

  “It’s the Knower,” Nikki told him quickly. “It can, uh, apparently inhabit any of its Replicants at any time.”

  “Is everything well here?” the Knower asked, through the male Replicant. “Do you have any complaints about your accommodations?”

  “No, no,” Nikki said quickly. “But, um, we will need some privacy in order to get to sleep. I’m assuming that the Replicants don’t need to learn how to do that?”

  “They can replicate sleep without problems since it mainly consists of lying still in the sleeping platform,” the Knower said.

  Once again, Nikki was reminded of her earlier thought of the two soulless creatures lying flat on their backs in bed and staring into the darkness with unblinking eyes. Ugh!

  “Then we must bid you goodnight,” Malik said firmly. “Otherwise, how can my Mistress be fresh and rested and ready to deal with you when the sun rises again?”

  “True,” the Knower said. “Very well—I bid you both good night.”

  This time it spoke through both of the Replicants at once, which gave an odd stereo effect since they were on either side of Nikki. She tried not to shiver as they both turned at the same time and left the bathroom and bedroom with the same, measured tread.

  When they were gone, Malik shut the bedroom door firmly behind them and then came back to Nikki.

  “Come, Mistress, I think it’s time we gave you that bath to help you relax for bed,” he said and went to run the water in the tub.

  Nikki understood what he was doing. The sound of the running water would hopefully mask the sound of their voices, providing a double layer of security in case the Knower was somehow able to detect what they were saying through the privacy bubble.

  “Thank you, Malik,” she said gratefully and came to sit on the edge of the wide oval tub. It was extremely wide and deep—big enough, really, for two people.

  Malik must have t
hought the same thing because as the water level rose, he came and knelt before her.

  “Mistress,” he said meaningfully, leaning in close. “It would be my pleasure to enter this bath with you—the better to bathe you.”

  “Oh, um…” Nikki could feel herself blushing. Of course she told herself he was only doing this for extra privacy but still she couldn’t help getting hot at the thought of being naked with him in the tub. “Yes, that would be fine, Malik,” she murmured. “In fact I…I’d like it a lot.”

  His silver eyes blazed at her.

  “Thank you, Mistress. Now, let us get you undressed.”

  He reached for her gown first. Slipping it off her shoulders, he let it pool at her waist, revealing her bare breasts.

  Blushing, Nikki started to cover her breasts with her arms. Despite everything they had done together, modesty was still her go-to reaction when faced with her own nudity.

  “No, Mistress—let me see you,” Malik rumbled, gently moving her arms away. “Your breasts are so beautiful. Let me pay obeisance to them.” Leaning forward, he kissed her gently—first on one nipple and then the other.

  Nikki moaned as he placed the hot, open-mouthed kisses on her tight peaks. He wasn’t sucking her nipples—not quite—but he was awfully close and the feeling of his hot, wet mouth on her tender peaks sent shivers of desire through her entire body. Involuntarily, she stuck her chest out, pressing the right nipple, which he was currently kissing, deeper into his mouth.

  In answer, Malik made a low, hungry growl at the back of his throat and began to suck in earnest, drawing her sensitive bud deep into his hot mouth for a long moment before nipping her lightly to make her moan again.

  “Oh, Malik,” she whispered and ran her hands through his shaggy wheat-colored mane. “That feels so good.”

  He released her nipple, letting it slip reluctantly from between his lips.

  “I’m glad, Mistress,” he growled. “I like to make you feel good. But now it’s time to take off the rest of your clothing.”

  Nikki allowed him to take off her ankle-boots and then slip the green gown the rest of the way off her body. Finally, the only thing she had on were the tiny green triangle panties that went with the gown.

  “Now, Mistress,” Malik murmured, lacing his long fingers through the thin side-straps of the panties. “These have to come off too. Otherwise, how can I pay obeisance to your sweet little pussy?”

  “Oh, you don’t have to—” Nikki began but he shook his head.

  “Don’t you know by now that kissing your soft pussy and tasting your juices is my greatest pleasure?” he murmured. “Please, Mistress—don’t deny me this one last time.”

  Nikki felt a lump form in her throat. He was asking to taste her for the last time, she realized—their last time together before he was thrown back to the past and she forgot him completely.

  But how could I ever forget him? she asked herself. I’m sure I couldn’t—no matter what weird things happen with the space-time continuum—I could never forget Malik.

  The big Kindred had made a place for himself in her heart and she couldn’t imagine not remembering all the wonderful, strange, erotic adventures they’d had together.

  “All right,” she whispered, carding her fingers through his hair. “Yes, Malik. You can…can pay obeisance to me there. I want to feel you kissing me…tasting me,” she admitted, feeling her cheeks get hot.

  He growled with approval. “And I want very much to taste you. Very well, Mistress—let’s get you out of these panties.”

  He drew the little green panties down her legs gently, revealing her smooth pussy mound. It reminded Nikki of how he had knelt before her back in Mistress Hellenix’s mansion and used the cream on her to make her all soft and smooth. And the way he’d laid a soft kiss on her there that had made her blush and tremble. God, was it only a few days ago? It seemed a lifetime since she had first met the big Kindred. A lifetime and yet the time they’d had together had been much too short.

  Don’t think about it, she told herself sternly. If you do, you’ll get all weepy. Just try to stay in the moment and enjoy this last night together.

  So she put the future and past both out of her mind and when Malik asked her to stand and prop one foot on the side of the tub so that she would be open enough for his obeisance, she did it without protest.

  It was amazing to Nikki that she could do this—that she could feel comfortable enough with the big Kindred looking at her naked body to be so open for him. But when she looked in his silver eyes, all she saw was desire and admiration for her full-figured body. Maybe what he’d said about her being an “Elite” was true—maybe Kindred really did like plus-sized women. Malik certainly seemed to, anyway.

  Then every other thought was driven from her head as the big Kindred leaned forward eagerly and pressed his face between her legs.

  Nikki bit her lip and held onto his broad shoulders for balance as he rubbed his scratchy cheeks against her mound first. Like a cat marking its territory, whispered a little voice in her head. Malik inhaled deeply and cupped her bare ass in his big, warm hands as he rubbed against her—it was as though he was trying to burn her scent into his memory—as though he was trying to never forget her.

  Nikki wished she could do something similar with him but when his warm, spicy, electrical scent rose around her, she knew she would never forget it. Didn’t they say that the sense of scent evoked the strongest and longest-lasting memories? One whiff of a familiar fragrance and you were right back in the past, remembering where you’d been and what you’d been doing the first time you smelled it.

  I’ll remember, she told herself. If I ever see him again, I won’t be able to help it.

  Then he was kissing her—long, slow, hot kisses on her outer pussy lips that made Nikki breathless with desire. She could feel the same, warm, electrical vibration coming from his mouth that she’d felt from his big hand and long fingers when he had first massaged her. It was driving her crazy with need but since he was only kissing her outer pussy, she wasn’t getting enough direct contact to get anywhere near coming.

  “Oh,” she whispered, twitching her hips helplessly as his hot breath bathed her bare pussy and the tingling vibration continued. “Oh, Malik…”

  The big Kindred looked up, his silver eyes half-lidded with need.

  “Mistress,” he growled softly. “May I pay obeisance to your open pussy? I need to spread your outer lips in order to truly show you the respect that you deserve.”

  “Mmmm…” Nikki could feel her heart pounding in every part of her body at once and her breath was coming in short, excited pants. “Y-yes,” she whispered at last, finding the words. “Yes, Malik, I…I’d like that.”

  “As would I, Mistress. Very well, I’m going to part your pussy now.”

  Leaning forward again, he spread her open with his thumbs, revealing her slick inner folds and the little pink button of her clit, throbbing with need.

  “Gods, Mistress—your pussy is so beautiful,” he murmured hoarsely. “Love to taste you—love to pay obeisance to your soft, open pussy and make your honey come down.”

  Before she could reply, he was leaning forward again to place a soft, sucking kiss over her aching clit.

  “Oh!” Nikki gasped and threw back her head, her nails biting into the big Kindred’s broad shoulders.

  Malik didn’t seem to mind a bit—in fact, if anything, he seemed to like it. Growling deep in his throat, he pressed forward, sucking harder and laving the hot little bud with the flat of his tongue.

  Nikki moaned and bucked her hips towards him shamelessly. Raising her head, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and bit her lip.

  God, was that really her? The woman standing with one wobbly leg on the floor and the other propped on the side of the bathtub, her thigh cocked to the side to give the huge man kneeling at her feet room to work on her—room to kiss and lick and suck her naked, open pussy?

  Can’t believe I’m doing thi
s, she thought hazily and yet it felt incredibly right. And she had to admit the scene in the mirror was a hot one. Her head was thrown back, her long, black hair trailing down her back and her cheeks were flushed and rosy. There was a sexual blush on the tops of her breasts and her nipples were tight and dark from the sweet, sucking kisses Malik had given them. She was panting and somehow her hands had found their way into his hair, pulling him forward as she pressed her hips out, feeding him her pussy as he so obviously wanted her to.

  “Oh,” she moaned softly as his tongue circled the aching button of her clit. “Oh, Malik, don’t stop—I’m close…so close!”

  In response, he doubled his licking, pressing even harder into her, his long fingers tightening on her ass until Nikki was sure she would have ten finger shaped marks there the next day. But she didn’t care—all that mattered now was the warrior between her legs—the feeling of his hot mouth covering her, tasting her, owning her—and the waves of pleasure coursing through her in response.

  And then her pleasure crested and she felt her whole body tighten as her orgasm rolled her over, like a warm, wet wave at the beach.

  “Oh!” Nikki gasped again, her hands tightening in his hair in a way that had to be painful. But if that was true, it was obviously a pain Malik welcomed. Growling hungrily, he lapped her even harder, riding out her orgasm and pressing hard against her as his long tongue sought to catch every last drop of her honey.

  At last the pleasure ebbed and Nikki could catch her breath. She felt suddenly boneless and she sagged and would have fallen if Malik hadn’t caught her.

  “Come, Mistress,” he murmured, rising and swinging her into his arms effortlessly. “Let’s take that bath, now that I have paid you my respects.”

  He stepped into the bath with her and then lowered them both down so that he was lying against the back of the tub and Nikki was resting against his broad chest. Cradled by his big body with the warm water lapping all around them, she felt completely cared for—completely loved.

  “Mmm, Malik,” she whispered, snuggling back against him. “This feels so nice.”


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