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The Royals of Monterra: A Design for Love (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Madge H. Gressley

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Sariah Wilson. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original The Royals of Monterra remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Sariah Wilson, or their affiliates or licensors.

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  A Design for Love

  Chapter 1

  Cold, crisp raindrops splatted against the windowpanes in Maddy Whitcomb’s Manhattan apartment. Rivulets of dirty snow melting along the curb flowed down the street and disappeared into the storm drain at the end of the block. Maddy sighed, her warm breath fogging the chilled pane. Slowly, she turned away and walked over to her bed, where a half-full suitcase lay open. Starring down at the neatly folded items inside, she wondered why her life couldn’t be that way … all neat and organized, nothing out of place? No disappointments. A tear slipped down her cheek. Angrily, she wiped it away, resisting the strong urge to grab the neatly stacked piles and toss them in the air.

  The suitcase and its contents, the immediate object of her frustration, received a none too gentle shove scooting it out of her way as she plopped down beside it. The sad, dreary afternoon weighed on her. The thrill she should be feeling of sunshine and roses about snagging the biggest contract of her career, and traveling first-class in a jetliner headed for Sydney, Australia, eluded her. Instead, she felt angry and betrayed. Closing her eyes, the miserable turn of events that started yesterday filled her mind. She wondered how everything could have gotten so screwed up…

  …This job should have been her moment in the spotlight. Her chance at showing her male counterparts at Bleeker Architectural Firm that she was just as good an architect as they were—maybe even better. After all, it had been her proposal that had been selected by none other than Jason Cornish, owner of Cornish International, for his new office complex in Sydney. Jason had robustly praised her forward-thinking design during the meeting, noting that it would give him the kind of complex he wanted and still stay within the project’s budget. Blushing uncontrollably, not used to receiving such high praise, even though well deserved, in front of her peers, she failed to notice the surly look on Martin’s face.

  So, it was like a stab to her heart when her boss Martin Bleeker, owner of Bleeker Architectural Firm, openly scoffed at Jason’s choice and tried to steer him to Derek Nichols’s proposal. His attempts received knowing nods from her male counterparts seated around the table. However, Jason shook his head and steadfastly stood by his decision that it was Maddy’s design he wanted.

  After the meeting, Jason had sought her out and assured her she had nothing to worry about; she had the job. Secretly, it had thrilled her that he had held her hand just a little longer than necessary as he told her he was looking forward to working with her during the coming months.

  That was yesterday.

  This morning was a different story. She thought it strange that Jason never looked in her direction when she entered the conference room and took her seat at the table, especially considering how their conversation had ended yesterday after the meeting. However, he remained deep in conversation with Tony Bleeker, Martin’s nephew, until Martin called the meeting to order. Observing him discretely out of the corner of her eye, she thought it odd that he seemed extremely uncomfortable as he talked with Tony.

  Something has changed. I can feel it, she thought.

  And…she was right. As soon as the meeting opened, Jason stood and announced that he had changed his mind, never once looking in Maddy’s direction as he spoke. Now, he wanted both Maddy and Derek to accompany him to Sydney and present their proposals to the Cornish Board in person. She sat dumbfounded at his announcement. She felt as though she had been kicked in the gut. Her eyes found Derek sitting with his arms folded across his solid chest and a self-satisfied ‘Cheshire Cat’ grin on his face. He stared back at her and winked.

  Of all the nerve! She fumed, her eyes narrowing as she shot daggers at him.

  Gritting her teeth, she snapped her head around to get his obnoxious face out of her sight. Oh, how she wanted ever so badly to slap that stupid grin right off his face, but that was not who she was. Her grandmother Lady Lydia Montague, aunt to the royal princes of Monterra, believed in courtly manners at all times, something her son-in-law, Michael Whitcomb, sneered at. He vehemently disapproved of Lady Lydia whisking Maddy and her mother Marcella, off to Monterra every summer, but that had never stopped Lady Lydia. She took great pleasure at every chance afforded her to thwart Michael’s totalitarian hold over her daughter Marcella and her granddaughter Maddy. Therefore, Lady Lydia had seen to it that Maddy and her mother had spent every summer with her in Monterra since Maddy was five.

  One of Grandmother’s favorite sayings was, ‘Everyone in your life may not treat you fairly, but you must treat everyone fairly regardless of the situation.’ Therefore, Maddy believed in playing fair, but apparently, Mr. High-and-Mighty Derek Nichols didn’t. The only conclusion she could come to was that Martin and Derek had cornered Jason last night and bullied him into changing his mind.

  Martin Bleeker stood, beaming from ear to ear, and shook Jason’s hand, slapping him on the back. Even though it was typical Martin to put on a macho show at most meetings, Maddy couldn’t believe it when he openly expressed his distain for her.

  “You have made the right decision, my boy,” Martin said, still gripping Jason’s hand, his other arm wrapped around Jason’s shoulders. “I know your board will make the right decision, too. Derek’s got a good head on his shoulders and is one of my best architects. He has the experience needed to see a job like yours through to the end.” He gestured in Derek’s direction, grinning. As an afterthought, his voice dropping to a patronizing tone, he added, “And I perfectly understand you wanting to include Maddy, but she’s still learning. She’s coming along nicely, and in a few years, I’m sure she will be a fine architect, too.” He released Jason’s hand and cleared his throat. “I am so glad you decided to include her. This learning experience will be good for her,” he mumbled.

  Maddy smiled weakly as all faces at the table turned and stared at her. Only Martin avoided looking directly at her, and that rankled even more than Derek’s impertinent wink. Jason, however, without a doubt was uncomfortable. Unquestionably, her boss had thrown her under the bus, and he knew he had been a part of it.

  A sinking feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. She could see now that no matter how hard she worked or how good her designs were, it would never be good enough for Martin. Martin was just like her father—let nothing or anyone get in the way of getting what you want.

  Maddy knew the snub was partly because she was the only female architect in the firm and couldn’t be considered one of the ‘good ole boys.’ She was just a woman who couldn’t play golf and wouldn’t know how to enjoy the pleasure of a Cuban cigar. Plus, she hadn’t found out until a year after she started working for Bleeker’s that the only reason Martin hired her was as a favor to her father, t
he owner of Whitcomb and Associates, attorneys for Bleeker Architectural Firm. It hadn’t mattered one whit that she had graduated at the top of her class and that she had won the Cranston International Young Architect Award two years in a row. No, she was just a sad disappointment to her father as far as Martin was concerned. She was sure Martin had congratulated himself on saving his old golfing buddy from the embarrassment of an ungrateful daughter who disrespected her father’s wishes and refused to join the family firm.

  Her pride wounded and tears threating to slip out of the corners of her eyes, she snatched up the folders in front of her as soon as the meeting was over heading for the door, trying her best to mask her disappointment.

  I can’t let them know how much that hurt, she thought, steeling herself against the smug and arrogant looks from her male counterparts.

  Just before she reached the door, Jason stepped in front of her and suddenly paused. He turned too quickly for her to stop. She stumbled into him, and the folders exploded out of her arms.

  “Ooof,” Jason grunted. “I’m so sorry. Are you all right?” He took hold of her shoulders to steady her, looking deep into her eyes. An unexpected feeling of excitement and confusion came over her. She couldn’t read the expression in his eyes, but her body had no trouble reading his touch. Butterflies exploded in her stomach. For a moment, she forgot her disappointment.

  “Yes, I think so,” Maddy replied. An embarrassed smile played on her lips as she looked up into his amber eyes. Suddenly the air in the room seemed to have disappeared.

  “Here, let me get those for you,” Jason bent down and scooped up the scattered folders. Maddy watched his suit jacket stretch across his broad back, revealing the powerful muscles it covered, and she swallowed.

  What’s the matter with me? She swallowed. I should give him a piece of my mind for giving into Martin’s and Derek’s bullying. She pulled herself up straighter and braced herself as he stood up.

  “There, that’s the lot,” he said in that delightful Aussie accent that set her heart to fluttering. He placed the wayward folders in her hands. “You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked again with a slight sideways grin. “Wouldn’t want anything happening to make you miss our flight. I’m looking forward to showing you Sydney.” His face sobered. “About this morning. Well … ah … I’m truly sorry. It’s a bit hard to explain right now, but rest assured that everything is going to be okay. I promise you that.” He smiled and gave her hands a slight squeeze. “You do understand, don’t you?” He sounded hopeful as he tilted his head slightly trying to catch her eye.

  Maddy felt a blush creeping up her neck, and her heart rate accelerated as his hands lingered while he apologized. Afraid he would see how his touch was affecting her, she kept her eyes glued on the diamond sparkling in the tie tack that held his Armani tie in place. Butterflies rioted in her stomach as she nodded her head.

  “Yes, thank you,” she croaked, her mouth going suddenly dry. “I look forward to it. I mean, I look forward to you showing me Sydney, not missing the flight,” she stammered, flustered. Embarrassed and mad at herself for acting like a bumbling idiot, she turned and hurried down the hall to her office, clutching the folders tightly to her chest and hoping he hadn’t noticed. But, she knew he probably had. How humiliating that had been, and yet exciting at the same time …

  No, she didn’t understand it. Not at all! But, what was she going to do about it now? Well, she wasn’t going to let Derek or Martin spoil this trip or the opportunity to make the Cornish International Board see that she had the better design. Even though Jason had practically said she had the job, she was going to earn it on her own. It wouldn’t mean anything if the job was handed to her out of pity. If it were the last thing she did, she would make Martin Bleeker eat his words!

  Sighing, Maddy wiped her hand down her face and felt moisture from a tear that had slipped out.

  I will not cry, she thought angrily as she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. I will not let Derek Nichols get under my skin. He’s just a self-righteous jerk who thinks he’s God’s gift to women, and they can have him! As for Martin, as soon as I get another year under my belt, I’m outta there! So, if Derek doesn’t like to play fair, well, two can play that game. Angrily, she kicked one of her sneakers across the floor. The trouble was, she didn’t know how or where to start. Unlike her father, who took every underhanded opportunity he could to win his cases, unethical practices were not in her nature. Grandmother Lydia had seen to that, and Maddy had promised herself that she would never become ruthless like her father or brother in obtaining what she wanted.

  The doorbell chimed loudly, shaking Maddy out of her depressed musings. She frowned. She wasn't expecting anyone. She didn’t have time for company. There were a million things that needed to be completed before tomorrow’s flight to Australia.

  Maddy opened the door. Sharon White, her best friend, stood there with a box containing a large, steaming-hot pizza from Antonio's, her favorite pizza place.

  "Peace offering." Sharon grinned. "No anchovies. I can't let you go all the way to Australia upset with me for defending Derek." She shoved the pizza box into Maddy's hands and made her way through the door. “I know you think I’m crazy for defending him, and I am sorry for that, but if you would just get to know him and give him half a chance, you would see he is really a great guy.”

  "Humpf!” Maddy snorted. “Well, it's going to take more than one 'I'm sorry' pizza to smooth things over." She chuckled good-naturedly, taking the pizza and setting it on the table. She really couldn’t stay mad at Sharon even though they didn’t see eye-to-eye about Derek. "Now, if you had brought some beer to go with this, I'd say we would be about even." She reached for some plates in the cupboard.

  "Yeah, well, I figured you would want to drink up what's left in your fridge. You know it could spoil while you're gone." She grinned at Maddy sheepishly. She had been concentrating so hard on what to say to Maddy that she had actually forgotten to stop off at the Zip Stop on her way over. She just couldn't let Maddy go all the way to Australia with her nose out of joint over her defense of Derek.

  Chapter 2

  It was well known that Derek considered himself the office ‘heartthrob’ at Bleeker’s. His arrogance turned Maddy’s stomach. Just because everyone said he looked like a young Tom Selleck, dimples and all, his attitude said he thought every woman in the office should fall madly in love with him. Several had, only to have their hearts stomped on, but they still clamored after him.

  Maddy was embarrassed for those women who seemed to have no shame. “Where’s their self-respect?” she commented to Sharon after watching one of the female assistants leave Derek’s office sobbing. “When are they going to learn?”

  Maddy shook her head. “Can’t they see he’s nothing but a womanizer? He doesn’t care one whit about them.”

  “He’s not as bad as you make him out to be.” Sharon shook her head as she replied. “He’s a really nice guy once you get past that shell he’s erected around himself.”

  “What shell?” Maddy asked, disgusted. “All I see is an arrogant, self-centered jerk trying to see how many women he can destroy.” She snorted and stalked away. “I don’t understand why you keep defending him,” she called over her shoulder.

  Although she had no reason to, Maddy suspected that secretly, Sharon might harbor a desire to jump his bones just like all of the other women in the office. It bugged her that Sharon always came to his defense. For the life of her, she couldn’t see why, unless Sharon was just as infatuated with him just like all of the others were.

  How could Sharon defend him? She turned and looked back and saw Sharon walk into Derek’s office. How could she? Maddy wanted to stamp her foot in disgust, but two junior architects were staring at her. She smiled sweetly at them and closed the door to her office. She leaned back against the door, clenched her hands into tight fists, scrunched up her eyes, and mouthed a silent scream. What did I do to deserve to be plagued by t
hat man?

  She knew she was probably being unfair to Sharon. They had become best friends on Maddy’s very first day at Bleeker’s. They had instantly bonded over a ‘welcome-to-the-office’ cup of coffee when Sharon had greeted her at the door to her new office. They found that they agreed on almost everything except Derek Nichols. She felt a stab of betrayal as she watched the door to Derek’s office close.

  Chapter 3

  Although Sharon was not attracted to Derek, she knew he really was a great guy, and if Maddy would just give him half a chance, she would see it for herself. Unfortunately, Maddy and Derek had gotten off on the wrong foot when Derek was hired, and in truth, he had been a royal jerk those first few weeks. Sadly, his manners hadn’t improved over the last year either. For some reason, he had singled Maddy out to receive the majority of his attention and had taken pleasure in pushing Maddy’s buttons, especially while they were working on the Cobblefield project. After Martin had assigned Maddy the high-profile project, he had suddenly had second thoughts and decided it would be too much for her to handle by herself and had delegated Derek to oversee her progress.

  Much to Maddy’s irritation, Derek had questioned her relentlessly about every decision she made on the design. ‘Why did you do this?’ ‘Wouldn’t this be much better?’ ‘What were you thinking here?’ ‘Are you sure you figured the tolerance of that load-bearing beam right?’

  Finally, it had almost come to blows when Maddy decided she had had enough. She had fisted her hands at her side and told Derek exactly what she thought of him in no uncertain terms. He had laughed and told her to get over herself, and said he had only been following Martin’s orders to make sure she knew what she was doing. She shouldn’t take it personally.

  But, she did take it personally, and that comment had been the final straw. Maddy stopped just short of slapping his face, remembering who she was. She had turned silently, wadded up the blueprints, tucked them under her arm, and stalked out of Derek’s office. In her haste, she had toppled over Derek’s cup of cold coffee; the brown liquid quickly ran across the drafting table and onto the carpet. His laughter followed her down the hall to Sharon’s office. She barely made it inside Sharon’s office before she broke down.


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