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The Royals of Monterra: A Design for Love (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 7

by Madge H. Gressley

  Jason waved jauntily from the doorway before disappearing down the hall. Maddy pulled the blanket up around her shoulders to shut out the cold that had settled over the room.

  Chapter 14

  Derek took off walking after he left St. Vincent’s. He had to get Maddy out of his system. He couldn’t let Victoria happen all over again.

  She’s not Victoria, his inner voice chided him.

  Yeah, yeah. He stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets. Hunching his shoulders, he glowered down at the sidewalk as he trudged on, oblivious to the sites and sounds of Sydney. Deep down he knew she wasn’t, but after two years, the crack in his heart still hadn’t healed.

  At that moment the promise he had made to himself the night Maddy fell invaded his thoughts. The promise that he would find a way to be a part of her life even if it broke his heart again. Did he have the courage to risk it?

  He didn’t know how long he had been walking, but by the angle of the sun, it must be close to noon. The pedestrian traffic had increased and left little room for daydreaming as he walked. When he came to a small alfresco café, he headed for a table toward the back in the shadow of the large green awning that hung over the dining area. A waitress instantly appeared with a cheery smile. She rattled off her name and the lunch specials and paused, waiting for Derek to give her his order.

  He stared blankly at her. “Uh … what was that again?” He was totally unaware of anything she had just said.

  The waitress smiled again, the dimples in her cheeks showing. “That’s all right, sir. My name is Niki, and I will be happy to take your order.”

  “Well, Niki,” he said slowly, giving her a sideways grin. “I’ll have whatever you said the special is and a tall cold beer.”

  “Coming right up, sir.” She grinned from ear to ear and dashed off in the direction of the café’s entrance.

  Derek leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and his head in his hands. A vision of Maddy’s face looking at Jason this morning rolled through his mind. How could he have been so stupid as to let himself fall in love with her? It was Jason she wanted, not him. Pain ripped through his heart, opening the crack wider. If he had thought the pain Veronica left in her wake was unbearable, he was sure this one would kill him. When had he let this happen? He didn’t know. Maddy had just wormed her way into his heart when he wasn’t looking. Worst part was, she didn’t even know she had.

  Derek closed his eyes, ran his hand across his brow, and sighed. He heard the waitress set his beer on the table and walk away. He grabbed the chilled mug and drank half of the cold beer before sitting it back down.

  Moments later he heard a chair stutter-scrape across the concrete surface off to the left of him. Derek glanced casually in the direction of the two men sitting there. He didn’t give them a second thought until he heard Jason’s name mentioned.

  “Have you got the paperwork with you?” the man in the gray suit asked the one in the blue.

  “Yeah,” Blue Suit replied. “All Jason’s gotta do is sign it and the sheila will be none the wiser.” He slid a large manila envelope across the table to Gray Suit.

  “I don’t like this, John,” Gray Suit said, picking up the envelope. “It’s the next thing to kidnapping.”

  “Yeah, well,” Blue Suit replied, “he ain’t takin’ any chances on this.”

  Blue Suit’s phone buzzed in his pocket. “Yeah,” he answered. He listened for several seconds. “Yeah, I got it right here. All signed.” He slipped the phone back into his pocket.

  “That was Jason,” Blue Suit said, looking across the table at Gray Suit. “He has just left the hospital and is concerned that she’s being too hesitant about the trip up to the Gold Coast. If he can’t get her to agree to plan A, he’s goin’ with plan B.” He pointed to the envelope. “The business is down the drain if he doesn’t get some ready cash in the next month. You know that.”

  “Yeah, but just the same,” Gray Suit said, shoving the envelope into his briefcase, “I don't like being a party to this.”

  “What’s gonna go wrong?” Blue Suit asked, exasperated. “So she doesn’t agree to marry him. Big deal. He’s already got the preacher to sign the license, so all that’s needed is her signature, and he’ll get that one way or another. She ain’t gonna refuse, knowin’ her old man’s life is on the line.”

  “You do realize,” Gray Suit persisted, “that if anyone finds out about this, we’ll all go to jail?”

  “So who’s gonna tell ’em? You?” Blue Suit leaned forward. “I didn’t think so.”

  The waitress appeared, placing Derek’s order on the table. “Will there be anything else?”

  Derek shook his head and waved her off. She frowned slightly before stepping away to wait on the table with the two men.

  Damn, he thought. I knew there was a reason I didn’t like Jason, and it wasn’t just because I was jealous of him. I gotta warn Maddy. I only hope she will believe me.

  He stared down at the sandwich on the plate in front of him and shoved it away before finishing his beer. The waitress stopped by his table. “Is there something wrong with order, sir?”

  “No, just decided I wasn’t as hungry as I thought,” Derek replied. “But, you can bring me another beer.” He smiled, but it never reached his eyes.

  “Yes, sir.” Bewildered, she picked up the plate and carried it away.

  Derek turned his attention back to the men, but the tables around them were now filling up with noonday diners. Their chatter drowned out most of what the men were saying, but he had heard enough to know he had to do something, and quick.

  Conflicted over his feelings for Maddy and the desire to strangle Jason, filled his mind as he tossed what he estimated to be enough money to cover his uneaten lunch, the two beers, and a tip on the table.

  He walked quickly back in the direction of the hospital. Visions of what Jason might do to Maddy plagued Derek. From what he had heard from the men’s conversation, it sounded like Jason was going to propose marriage to her. If she didn’t agree, Jason was going to make her, by threatening her father. He wondered how she would respond, considering what Sharon had told him about Maddy’s relationship with her father. Still, he was her father, and Derek couldn’t see her intentionally letting anything happen to him.

  Questions rolled around in his head. Should he come right out and tell her what a bastard Jason was, or should he soften it? He didn’t know for sure just how Maddy felt about Jason. Had she fallen in love with him? He couldn’t be sure, but he couldn’t let her get hurt. On the other hand, if he told her the truth, would she accuse him of causing trouble for her because his proposal had not been chosen? Would she believe him or hate him more?

  A bolder-size lump had settled in his stomach as he waked toward Maddy’s room. He could see the door to her room slightly ajar as he approached. Stopping just outside the door, he paused, listening for voices inside. Hearing none, he gently pushed the door open. The room was quiet except for the steady beeping of the heart monitor. Maddy was asleep. The vision of her lying there took his breath away. He longed to run his fingers through her coppery hair that lay splayed out in soft waves across the pillow; he wanted to feel her soft body pressed against his; he wanted to kiss her soft pink lips until they were plump and swollen from his kisses. He stood there, his heart racing, longing to crush her to him, fearing the rejection if she ever knew. He didn’t have the heart to wake her. She needed to rest. He sighed and turned to leave.

  “Derek,” she said sleepily. “Don’t go.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” He walked up to the side of her bed.

  “I wasn’t asleep. Just resting.” She smiled up at him. She reached out to touch his hand. “Stay awhile.”

  His heart lurched at the touch of her hand. It was the first time she had ever tried to touch him without anger blazing in her eyes. No, he corrected himself. It is the only time.


  Maddy didn’t move her hand. She let it rest o
n Derek’s as she searched his face. It was as though she was seeing him for the very first time. Why hadn’t she looked at him before? Her eyes took in the solid bone structure of his face, the soft smile that played around his lips, his eyes that looked back at her with warmth. Was that desire she saw hiding there? She couldn’t be sure. Her heart turned over at the thought that maybe it could be. Could he be feeling something for her? Had she judged him wrong all this time? When had she fallen in love with him?

  In that moment, their eyes locked together. Each searched the other’s face, looking for some sign that they were both feeling the same thing. Slowly Maddy took Derek’s hand and guided it to her lips. She kissed his palm, her eyes never leaving his. She let his hand slid up to her cheek. Her eyelids drifted down and she turned her face into his hand, kissing his palm again, barely conscious of the increased beeping of the heart monitor.

  Derek inhaled sharply at the touch of Maddy soft lips on the palm of his hand. They ignited a burning in his lower region that quickly spread throughout his body. At that moment, he wanted to pull her to him, to feel her soft curves blending with his hard body. Unable to stop himself, he slid his hands under her shoulders and gently pulled her toward him. He wrapped his arms around her slender frame and held her tight against his chest, burying his face in the curve of her neck. He placed soft butterfly kisses on her neck. He felt her shiver. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer as she tilted her head back, allowing him complete access to her neck. He could feel her heart beating wildly against his chest as his kisses found their way to the hollow in her neck. Cradling the back of her head with his hand, he gently tilted it toward his waiting lips. Her lips parted in anticipation. He hesitated briefly, letting the exquisite beauty of her face wash over him.

  Oh, God, he prayed silently as his lips claimed hers. Let this be real.

  Chapter 15

  Jason turned the lock on his office door and walked calmly back to his desk. The envelope he had been anticipating had arrived by messenger moments ago. It lay ominously in the middle of his desk, waiting for him to open it. He eyed it cautiously. Did he really want to go through with the plan? Yes, he was desperate, but was he that desperate? Could he really go through with the threat? His man was already in New York and waiting for the go-ahead. But, was he man enough to give it now? He hated getting his hands dirty, much preferring to have others carry out his instructions, but this was one of those times when he couldn’t avoid getting in the fray. If he stopped now and tore up the incriminating document in the envelope, no one would be the wiser. On the other hand, if he couldn’t induce Maddy to fall in love with him, what choice did he have? It boiled down to all or nothing, and he wasn’t about to go the nothing route.

  Gripping the envelope, he tore it open and pulled out the document. His hand trembled slightly as he read through it, even though he knew exactly what was written on the page. Shutting out the thoughts about the possible consequences if the whole thing went sideways, he signed his name on the appropriate line. All that was needed now was Maddy’s signature. Clenching his jaw, Jason shoved the document back into the envelope.

  One way or another, she will sign it.

  Glancing at his watch, he saw there was just enough time to stop in to see Maddy before heading out for an evening at the opera with Jacqueline. That was another fly in the ointment … Jacqueline. He hadn’t told her about any of this and shuddered at the thought of doing so. Jacqueline could rip a man to shreds with her sharp tongue. He should know, as he had been on the receiving end more than once. The only good thing about it was the makeup sex that followed after she’d cooled down. This time he wasn’t so sure she would cool down after hearing about Maddy and the wedding. But maybe he could placate her by telling her it was only a marriage of convenience. Nothing would change between them. Shrugging, he closed his office door, deciding that this was one time it would be best to wait until he had absolutely no choice but to tell Jacqueline.

  Trying to sooth his conscience about what he had planned for Maddy, Jason swung by the florist and picked up another bouquet of flowers. He placed the bouquet on the car seat beside the box of chocolates he had picked up earlier. Grinning, he thought about the other surprise had had waiting for her on the Excalibur … a three-karat diamond engagement ring. In spite of everything, he felt things were looking up. All of his money problems would soon be taken care of and he would have a beautiful woman on his arm. He refused to dwell on the thought that she might not accept his proposal.

  Jason had both hands full of flowers and chocolates, so he elbowed open the door to Maddy’s room and startled Derek and Maddy in a passionate embrace. They pulled apart and stared at him.

  “What’s this?” Jason demanded, his face turning an angry red. “What’s the meaning of this?”

  “Well, what does it look like?” Derek smiled slyly, still holding Maddy’s hand as he stood.

  “It looks like you are taking liberties with another man’s woman,” Jason said through clenched teeth. “Get your hands off of her!”

  “Look here, old man,” Derek chided, “hadn’t you better ask the lady in question?”

  “Yes, that would be the proper thing to do,” Maddy interjected angrily, “since I’m not anyone’s woman.” She emphasized the word ‘woman’, staring directly at Jason.

  “Well … I mean … really that’s not what I meant,” Jason sputtered. “It’s just that you led me to believe that our feelings for each other were mutual.”

  “I’m sorry if you took my friendship for any more than what it was,” Maddy said. “I could never feel any more than friendship toward you. It would go against my ethics to have that kind of relationship with one of my clients.”

  Anger bubbled up in Jason to the point he could no longer contain it. “I will see that Martin fires you! No one makes a fool of Jason Cornish and gets away with it,” he yelled at Derek. “And you too!” He glared at Maddy. “I can see now why Martin was so concerned about you getting the job. You are a total embarrassment to your company playing fast and loose with my feelings. I will sue Bleeker’s for breach of contract!” he bellowed, red faced. Petals flew from the bouquet as he violently shook it. He turned and stormed out the room, jamming the bouquet and box of chocolates into the trash container at the nurses’ station.

  Derek kissed Maddy’s hand. “I suppose I should call Martin and give him the details of what has happened before Jason gets hold of him and blows it all out of proportion,” he said, smiling as he stroked Maddy’s cheek. “Jason is going to have a hard time suing for breech of contract though, since he is the one who has canceled it.”

  “Yes,” Maddy said softly. A single tear escaped out of the corner of her eye, and for a second, she let a brief moment of self-pity creep in.

  Derek moved his thumb to wipe away the tear. “None of that, young lady,” he grinned. “There is nothing for you to cry about. Jason is the villain here. I knew something was not right with him from the start. That was why I was glad when the plans were changed and both of us had to come to Sydney. It gave me a chance to watch Jason and protect you.”

  “Protect me?” Maddy questioned. “Why did you think I needed protection?”

  “I told you there was something about Jason that just didn’t ring true,” he continued. “And, I was right. Today I stopped at a café for lunch and I overheard two men discussing a plan that Jason had come up with regarding you.”

  “What plan?” she asked, sitting up straighter in bed.

  Derek cleared his throat before responding. “You see, I’d heard rumors before we left New York about Cornish International, and how they were in deep financial trouble. But rumors come and go, and frankly, I was surprised that Martin didn’t check it out when Cornish International sent the Request For Proposal to Bleeker’s for a bid to design their new complex. Of course, all Martin would have been concerned about was what it would do to Bleeker’s reputation if they got the contract to build for Cornish International. In a
ddition, considering that Martin’s biggest competitor, Strongham and Associates, was also in the running, he must have turned a blind eye to the rumors.

  “Concerned about all of that, I made some discrete inquiries when we got here. From all indications, it’s true. According to the scuttlebutt, over the past few years, Jason has been slowly syphoning off money a little at a time to pay for his extravagant lifestyle. Women, cars, you know. You saw his house. It was believed that he had hired a new CFO of questionable character in order to help him keep a second set of books to cover the discrepancies. Apparently, it was leaked to the board that the new CFO had a police record, and last month they called for an audit. Somehow, Jason convinced the board to hold off on the audit until after the new complex was built. So, this office complex was to be the job to pull his buns out of the fire.” Derek leaned forward to be closer to Maddy, reaching out to softly caress her arm.

  “My friend in New York said Jason found a buyer willing to pay top dollar if the complex is finished by September. My understanding that it would be more than enough to put him right with the company. However, now there seems to be some trouble with obtaining the permits to build and that would cost both time and money that Jason doesn’t have. His foreman informed him just how bad things were as soon as we arrived in Sydney.” Derek paused and looked into Maddy’s soft chocolate eyes and almost lost his train of thought again. He cleared his throat before continuing. “I’m guessing that is when he hatched his plan to marry you.”

  “What?” Maddy exclaimed, her eyes wide. “Marry me? No, no, no! He is out of his mind. I would never consider marrying him!”


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