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Meeting Munroe

Page 5

by Danelle Nelson

  I walked into my apartment a short twenty minutes later, Nate sitting on the sofa where I always found him. He turned, his face full of surprise, “I did not expect you tonight,” he winked.

  “I’ve fucked myself, Nate,” I whined, sitting next to him.

  “What’s up, baby-cakes? Tell Nate about it.”

  “I slept with him, he totally threw me under the bus like a used condom, and then I went to freaking dinner with him. I’m losing my mind!” I exclaimed, putting the couch pillow over my face and screaming.

  “Tranquilo, it’s going to be fine. How’d the dinner go?”

  “Amazing,” I sighed, “He’s used to dominating, I told him that wasn’t what I was about. We talked about birth control and STD’s.”

  “Jesus, getting serious much? What was his explanation for the way he acted after sex?”

  “That it’s what he does. I seriously don’t see this going anywhere. He’s full of lust and I’m not his usual MO. That’s all, when he realizes it’s not as exciting as he thought, he’ll kick me to the side and I’ll be jobless.”

  “You can’t think that, why would you go on a date?”

  “Because there’s something about him, something wonderful underneath,” I sighed.

  “Yeah there is, baby-cakes, you’re glowing.”

  “That might have something to do with the almost orgasm I had at the restaurant.”


  “He finger-fucked me, quite unexpectedly. The waiter showed up before I could get off though,” I laughed, unable to keep it at bay any longer, “It’s fucking ridiculous, Nate, seriously! I haven’t been so dick stupid since high school.”

  “Ahh, Matt, I remember that. You where rather stupid. Promise me you’ll keep your wits about you this time, yeah?”

  “I promise. How’s work, how’s your life?”

  “Amazing, per the usual. I’ve finally talked Anastasia into going out with me, on an actual date,” he was head over heels for her, but she only liked to bang, not date.

  “That’s progress! I’m excited for you, Nate. Maybe things will go good for both of us. If we’re lucky.”


  When I walked out of my apartment the next morning I was stunned to find Tim’s SUV out front and his driver standing on the curb waiting for me.

  “Ms. Fox, Mr. Munroe requested that I picked you up this morning for work,” the driver said, rather bashfully.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Terry,” the man replied. He was rather tall with a thick frame. He had to be at least six-feet, as he towered over me at five-foot nothing.

  “Terry, thank you for the offer, but I love walking,” I said, waving goodbye.

  “Ms. Fox, please, I’d like to keep my job. Let me take you this morning, and you can talk to him about it afterwards.”

  I turned on my heels, eyebrows raised, “You’d lose your job if I didn’t get in?” I questioned, unsure if I believed him.

  “Just the once, please?” he waived his hand towards the open door.

  “Only this once,” I agreed, slipping into the back seat. I wasn’t used to having someone so domineering. “Thanks for making me feel like an ass, I didn’t need a ride,” I texted Tim.

  “How’d that make you feel like an ass?”

  “I tried to turn it down and he told me he’d get fired if I refused. I hope that isn’t true.”

  “Only a little, you’re in the car though, right?”

  “Indeed, I am, sir, your little coy plan worked,” I scoffed, the man was devious. I put my phone away, the drive taking forty minutes. I’d have gotten to the office a lot sooner had I just walked. I walked inside of the lobby, the large black leather sofas filled with people, the hustle and bustle of New York City staring me straight in the face. Walking through the turn tables I noticed Tim standing off to the side, waiting for me. “Hey,” I smiled.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he leaned in and kissed me gently on the forehead.

  “Someone’s in a good mood,” I scoffed, punching him lightly on the shoulder.

  “Somethings in the air, it seems. How did your night go after you left the restaurant?”

  “Good, I went home and spent time with Nate. Rather uneventful. How about you?”

  The elevator dinged open and we stepped inside, “Uneventful. Went to the gym, then worked in my study.”

  “Work a lot, do we?”

  “It’s how I got where I am.” Ding, we walked out of the elevator and into the office. “Join me in my office for lunch today, noon,” Tim said, as he walked off.

  “Alright,” I mumbled under my breath while walking towards the break room. Vicki was standing next to her locker, putting her things away. “Good morning,” I chirped cheerfully.

  “Hey girl,” she shut her locker, “How’d your dinner go last night?”

  “Wait, what? How did you know about that?”

  “You’re spending time with New York’s most eligible bachelor, everyone knows.”

  My mouth fell open in astonishment, “I didn’t think of that,” I said, rather stupidly.

  “So, are you two officially dating now?”

  “No,” I shook my head, “Well, kind of,” I finally said.

  “Don’t sound too confident there,” she pointed out.

  “It’s not that I’m not confident, it’s that I know things aren’t going anywhere, you know?”

  “Sure, I understand. Let’s get to work though before he chews us both out.”

  I nodded, “Yeah, you’re right.” We walked back to our desks, both of us quickly clocking in before checking emails and schedules. Today seemed to be wide open for Tim, which explained why he asked me to lunch.

  Ping, I had a new email from the man himself.

  Please schedule in our lunch meeting, one hour.


  I quickly wrote back,


  I used our scheduling software and put our ‘lunch’ meeting in from twelve to one. Immediately after I hit save another email from Tim pinged through.

  Quick fingers - thanks,


  The response made me giggle, reminiscing on the night before.

  I had to get myself off last night, btw.

  I waited for him to respond, while deviously smiling.

  I didn’t give you permission to cum.


  Mr. Dominate, I see.

  Last I checked I don’t need permission to cum, Mr. Munroe.

  I waited patiently, but he didn’t respond back. I was tempted to write again, but I figured it better if I didn’t. Instead I browsed the internet, my eyes falling on a picture of us sitting inside the restaurant, my head laid back with pleasure. Shit. Holy fucking shit. How could I be so stupid!

  Sorry to keep interrupting you but have you seen the pictures?

  Please answer back!

  You mean the picture of you about to orgasm? Thought it was pretty hot, actually.


  You fucktard.

  You’ve got to be shitting me. This is NOT COOL. I’m coming in, now.

  I stood, walking into his office without warning.

  “What the fuck!” I exclaimed, panic taking over.

  “Calm down,” Tim stood, walking towards me. “No one knows what’s going on there but us, okay? Your heads leaned back, that’s it.” he said, trying to calm me down.

  “Tim, my heads leaned back because you’re finger-fucking me!”

  “Vanessa, calm down,” he walked over, grabbing me by the arms and pulling me into his chest. “Seriously, no one can tell. Everyone does want to know who the mystery girl is, though. My mother called this morning, as soon as I arrived.”

  “Great, we’ve a following.”

  “Not as bad as it seems, though, right?” Tim asked.

  “Sure, if you say so,” I shrugged. I broke free of his embrace and walked towards the door, “This feels kind of like a bad dream,” I pointed out.

  “A bad dream that fucks your brains out,” Tim replied, winking.

  “Ahhhh, I’m leaving now,” I laughed.

  I felt a little better than before but needed to see the picture one more time. “Is everything okay?” Vicki asked as I walked back towards the desk.



  “I’m pretty sure that is your favorite saying,” I sat, opening my internet browser and finding the picture once more. While my head was thrown backwards, I was sitting on the opposite side of the table from the angle the picture was taken. It didn’t even appear that we were touching, much less doing what we were actually doing. Relief washed over me. “Hey Vicki,” I started, “Do you want to go out tonight?”

  “Girl, yes.”

  “Good, because I need a break from life. Hope you don’t mind going to a regular bar,” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Fine by me. Paparazzi won’t follow us there.”

  “Do you think they’ll be following me now?” I whined.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  I sat my forehead on the desk, letting out a small whine, “What did I get myself into.”

  “Serious hotness, if you ask me. The man’s untouchable by all standards. You’re lucky girl, go with it.”

  ∆ ∆ ∆

  Noon came rather quickly, no pun intended, and I found myself wondering into Tim’s office. “Hey,” I mumbled while looking at my phone.

  “Hey beautiful, food should be here in a moment,” Tim replied, still glued to his computer.

  “Sounds good,” I sat in the black leather chair on the opposite side of his desk. I watched in fascination as he feverously worked on the computer, his hands going at warp speed. “What are you working on?”

  “I’m trying to buy a construction company out in the Bronx, but they’re trying to high-ball me. Nothing too serious,” he finally looked up from his computer, giving me a show stopping smile. “You’re really the most beautiful woman I’ve laid eyes on, Vanessa,” he stood, walking to the window and grabbing a spare chair. He brought it beside my own, sitting down and looking at me.

  “You’re too kind, Tim,” my cheeks burned with my pulsing blood.

  He leaned forward, his hair brushed my cheek as he moved his mouth towards my ear, “I can’t wait to see you naked.”

  My thighs clenched together in response as my nipples filled with blood, aching against the rough cotton material of my bra. I bit my lip, “I can’t wait to see you naked, Mr. Munroe.”

  “We should work on that,” he whispered, placing his hand on my thigh.

  “Isn’t the food going to be here soon?” I panted.

  “It’s here now, actually,” he stood just as the door to the office opened.

  “Twenty-five dollars, sir,” a young girl said, holding out a plastic bag.

  “Keep the change,” Tim said, handing the girl a fifty-dollar bill. She nodded before turning back towards the elevators. Turning back towards me, Tim held up the bag, “Chinese?”

  “Ohh, that sounds good,” I replied, licking my lips.

  “Not as good as you, though,” he winked. I laughed, watching him walk back to the chair. He pulled out two foam containers, one containing Mongolian beef and the other fried rice. The aroma made my mouth water, realizing just how hungry I was. We dug in, unspeaking, eating like ravaged beasts. I was starving, per the usual, and ate without looking up. When I finally came up for air Tim was staring at me, a small grin on his face, “I’ve never seen a woman eat the way you do. You love food.”

  “It’s a bad habit. I find food more enjoyable than I should,” I took another bite.

  “I don’t think that’s a bad habit, your frame doesn’t mind,” he pointed out. I looked at him, eyebrows raised, what in the hell did he mean by that. He must have read my facial expression because he quickly spoke again, “I don’t mean to offend you. Your frame, you’re petite and slim, even with your love of food.”

  “You’re treading water, Mr. Munroe. Careful before you drown,” I scoffed. Men had no clue when it came to women. “So, what did your mother say?”

  “Asked who you were, if it was serious. The usual.”


  “Well I told her I’d only really known you for two weeks and that we’d see where it went,” he shrugged.

  “Feels like it’s been longer, right?” I laughed.

  “Oddly enough, it does,” he nodded.

  I finished the food that was in front of me, shoveling a spoonful of rice into my mouth, “I’m surprised my father hasn’t called yet.”

  “Are you done?” he questioned.

  “Yeah,” I took a sip of water that was sitting on the desk. Tim put the plates to the side and pressed a button underneath his desk, which caused the glass panes to shade over, providing us with privacy before getting on his knees and crawling towards me. The gesture made me giggle, but he continued. When he got to my legs he pressed the palms of his hands on my knees, slowly spreading them before him. I bit my lip as he took his fingers and hooked them on my panties, pulling them out from under my skirt. He gently pulled them off, taking it one foot at a time. I had my stilettoes on this afternoon, and leaving them on he pulled my panties over them and threw them to the side of the room. I tried to clench my thighs together, but Tim placed his palms back onto my knees, pressing them outwards again. I didn’t resist, and I allowed him to place his head under my skirt, his hot breath falling onto my sensitive bits. I waited in anticipation for him to make a move beyond hot breath, but he didn’t. He sat there, quietly for a moment, before coming back out. “What’s wrong?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” he grinned, “You smell delicious, Ms. Fox,” he moved back under my skirt, his lips immediately making contact with my clit. He sucked it into his lush, warm mouth, his tongue flicking gently.

  “God, yes,” I moaned, as the pleasure washed over my body. He gently nibbled, along with slow, tantalizing circles from his tongue.

  My hips gyrated against his face, his five o’clock shadow rubbing into my skin, creating new sensations. I threw my head back, enjoying the pleasure, unable to control it. My body rocked, relentlessly, searching for release. I wanted it badly, I needed it from the night before. He suddenly pulled back, “I need you,” he rasped, unbuttoning his slacks. I nodded in response, my body too wound up to respond verbally. I panted instead, needing him as well.

  His pants dropped to the floor, his throbbing cock springing from his underwear, taunting me with its gorgeous luster. It was long and strong, waiting to please me. “Please,” I whispered, as I watched him put on a condom.

  “Oh, I’m here to please,” he responded, walking forward and positioning himself at my opening. He rubbed the head along my slit, parting my lady bits and lubricating his shaft. He lightly pressed into me, parting the way for his pleasure. His cock entered me millimeter by millimeter, his face transfixed on my own. He took his time, barely getting the tip in before pulling back out, then repeating the process once more.

  I pressed my hips downwards, slipping him into me further than he’d intended, causing him to lose control and thrust, our bodies contacting as his shaft fully submerged. I moaned out, the pleasure too much to handle. “Yes,” I breathed, while gyrating my hips.

  “You’re so tight,” he groaned, his body pumping relentlessly into me. I’d awoken the beast, I’d taken the slow and steady teasing into relentless fucking. The friction of my grinding brought my body to the edge, the tension of my orgasm waiting for release, for his body to hit mine in just the right spot.

  “I’m going to cum,” I exclaimed, causing his movements to fasten. One final thrust pushed me over, my body quivering around his, bringing him to his knees. He shuddered, releasing within me, joining me in the pleasures of the flesh.

  “Fuck,” he exclaimed, out of breath. I grinned, a ridiculous grin, before grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into my chest.

  We laid there for a moment, before he stood and grabbed
a towel that was sitting on his gym bag. Memories from our encounter the day before came flooding back, and I waited in silence for him to detach from the situation. He didn’t though, and instead once he was done cleaning his own parts, bent down and gently cleaned mine. “Do you think Vicki heard us?” I questioned, realizing I’d left her at the computer just an hour earlier.

  “My office is soundproof,” he replied.

  “Well that’s neat,” I giggled, “No one can hear the screams, huh?”

  “Exactly,” he winked, before coming down and kissing me passionately. I grabbed onto his neck, pulling him downward. “Wait,” he said between breaths.


  “I don’t want this to end, but I’ve gotta get back to work. I’ve got a meeting in ten. Join me for dinner again tonight?”

  “I can’t, I have plans,” I shrugged, “Maybe tomorrow?”

  “I’ll pencil you in,” he said, winking.


  I arrived home that evening just after six, with plans to meet Vicki at Up-Street Bar at nine. I walked through the door to emptiness, Nate not yet home from work. It was the first time I’d been alone in a while, finally giving me time to reflect on the past few months.

  Just as I set my purse down my phone rang, my Dad’s name popping up on the screen. A small smile lit my soul, “Hey Daddy,” I said into the speaker.

  “Ness, how are you?” he asked, his voice full of relief.

  “I’m good, Daddy. I finally got a job,” I exclaimed.

  “Does that mean you’re not coming home?” I could hear the disappointment ringing in his voice.

  “At least not right now, no. Nates taking good care of me, though, you know he always does.”


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