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Night Break

Page 11

by Carey Decevito

  “You mean porn?” I inquired, then nodded. “I can do that.”

  Lowering his body over mine, he smirked, shaking his head. “No, baby. Why would I want porn when I have you in the room?” I must have looked confused because he elaborated. “If I’m going to jerk myself off, I want it to be so I can watch you do the same to yourself.” Before my gasp could escape, the man plunged his tongue inside my mouth and devoured me like I was the world’s best treat.

  Chapter 27


  The feel of Devolin’s hand gliding over my cock with my guidance had almost been my undoing. I damn near shot off like a geyser. And here I was about to give the woman total control, considering this was her first time. It would be a miracle if I didn’t manage to make a fool of myself before I got her off.

  “I need you, Kip,” Devolin whispered against my lips.

  “Take me in. Guide me inside you,” I kissed the side of her mouth. “We’ll go as fast or as slow as you need.”

  She slid her nose against the side of mine while nodding.

  Her soft shaking hand took hold of me and the air in my lungs froze. My breathing picked up again as soon as she ran the tip of me along the length of her sex, coating it in her juices. My eyes crossed the moment she fit me into her entrance, removing her hand only to skim up my stomach, toward my chest as her legs began to squeeze, putting pressure against my ass to bring me deeper.

  I halted my hips’ forward progression and took a moment to study the woman laying beneath me. Her eyes met mine as I pulled back, then pushed in again slowly, savoring the tight silken feel of her, the way her inner muscles gave then sucked at my length.

  Pulling out, leaving nothing but the tip, I pushed in further than before and continued to do this a few times until I was fully seated inside her. Reality startled me to a full stop, however, when the wince of pain I’d expected never came. Her inner muscles contracting around me had my brows furrowing in suspicion.

  Devolin blushed a deep crimson.

  “Care to explain?” I growled.

  “It isn’t what you think.”

  She tried to soothe me by rubbing her hands over my pecs, but I pulled them away, holding them down between us.

  “You’re not—”

  “I am.” Her tone left no room for argument. “I just…” She sighed, “I—”

  “Devolin,” I growled my impatience.

  “I-broke-it-by-accident-while-playing-with-a-vibrator-alright?” came out in one long, exasperated word.

  Huh? Had I heard her right? “Come again?”

  “I was…you know…playing around with a toy one night.” Her gaze was trained to my jaw momentarily before it met mine, a guilt-stricken expression on her face. “It felt so good, and I went too deep, and I—”

  Holy fuck!

  “Shut up,” I snapped.

  She ignored me and kept talking.

  “I broke my hymen.”


  “But I’m not going to apologize, because it was the best damn orgasm I’ve ever had.”


  “Next to you of course.”


  “You’re mouth on my boobs was great and all, but your mouth down there?” She sighed, her eyes taking on a dreamlike glimmer.

  I smirked. “Babe.”

  “Pure heaven. I saw stars, Kip.” The awe on her face was unmistakable. “I can only imagine what—”

  By then, I couldn’t help myself. At first, my shoulders were the only things shaking and all too quickly, the rest of my body followed as laughter overcame me.

  “What’s so fucking funny?”

  “You,” I said, getting hold of myself and grinning down at her. “Every time we’re in the same room, it’s one surprise after another. I like it.” Images of her playing around with herself floated to the forefront of my mind, causing my cock to flex inside her. Devolin’s irritation melted, instantly being replaced by lust.

  “Kip?” Her hands feathered into my hair and pulled my face down to hers.

  “Yeah?” I whispered.

  “Will you fuck me now?” she asked sweetly.

  Grinning down at her, I pulled my hips back, then slid right back into her as far as she could take me. “How’s that for an answer?”

  If I hadn’t suspected it earlier, I would have right then. In our postorgasmic haze, my forehead buried into the pillow next to Devolin’s head as we tried to catch our breath, I knew that I was falling for her.

  Far too soon, reality set in, breaking us from our early morning tryst, as my phone began to ring.

  Depositing a kiss to her shoulder, I pushed myself away from Devolin. Her groan of displeasure at our intimate disconnection had me smiling down at her. Turning away from her, I grabbed my pants but not before the cell in its pocket stopped ringing.

  Grabbing my phone, thinking to myself that if I were lucky, I’d have Devolin on her back, begging for me to take her before the sun went down tonight, I activated my screen. A message notification from Brycen was there front and center.

  My mood soured instantly as soon as I heard the voicemail.

  Suffice to say, it took six words from the man to dash my hopes of feeling Devolin wrapped around me before the day’s end.

  We’re off to Mexico, mi amigo.

  Chapter 28


  “You’re heading to Mexico today?” It didn’t make sense. I hadn’t even gotten the results of my latest triangulation efforts and the new vectors I’d mashed into my algorithms. If that didn’t work, I wasn’t quite sure what my next recourse would be.

  “When Brycen can’t sleep, he works,” Dalton said, as if that served as a suitable answer, all the while pouring each of us a travel mug of coffee. It didn’t, so I looked over at him while I buttered our breakfast toasts. “He went in early this morning only to find your system going off.”

  “Motherfucker!” Surprised at this news, I dropped the knife into the margarine container, then spun around to face him.


  My excitement got the better of me. “It worked?” I took the coffee he offered me as he nodded. “It actually, freaking, honest to God worked?”


  “I didn’t think I’d have a chance in hell with what you all gave me for the search parameters. The algorithms I had to modify to—”

  Dalton lost his patience. “Fuck your algorithm talk, woman. Quit rambling like a lunatic, finish up because we need to get out of here.”

  My mouth snapped shut, lips pressing tightly together. Disregarding his snippiness, I folded our toast in napkins, walked over to the couch. Shouldering my purse, I turned to the short-fused man. “Well, you coming or what?”

  The man smirked as he approached. Grabbing me around the waist, he kissed the dickens out of me before leaning his forehead to mine.

  “Sorry for snapping.”

  “It’s okay.” I tilted my head back and swiped his lips with mine.

  “Let’s go,” he growled against my mouth.

  The morning had flown by in a whirlwind of activity.

  Men were walking around with what I’d dubbed their game faces on. They all looked so threatening.

  It wasn’t until I saw Dalton, Theo, and Tate come out of the conference room discussing firepower, shells, night-vision goggles, and a slew of other items that I didn’t quite know about, that reality started to sink in.

  These men were taking off to save Minister Wentworth’s fiancée. My supposed soon-to-be-aunt to be more precise. The man himself had only given me three other aunts over the years. Each one younger than the one before. But Dalton didn’t know this. It wasn’t important in the grand scheme of things. What was, however, was that these men stayed safe and came back unharmed.

  And I was part of that operation.

  I wasn’t sure when it was that I’d forgotten that I would be assisting these m
en from HQ. Men who’d come to mean the world to me, despite my lingering skittishness. Men who would enter a crime-ridden country, infiltrate a cartel undetected, and rescue a woman who’d been kidnapped because of my fucked-up cousin and politician uncle’s shady dealings with that same cartel. I’d read up and done my research on the Juan Cartel and its many chapter leaders: Enrique Ortiz specifically. Getting caught would surely mean war. They wouldn’t be safe down there. Hell, I wasn’t sure if they’d ever be safe again if Ortiz ever got his hands on their personal information. Fuck, this whole thing was insane and a massive clusterfuck waiting to happen! I could feel it.

  Panic struck me in that instant.

  My breathing became choppy. My hands grew cold and sweaty. If I had a mirror, I was sure the color had drained from my face.

  Is it hot in here?

  “Babe?” Dalton sounded far away.

  Why is the room spinning?


  “She’s gonna drop, D.” This came from Theo.

  Within seconds, I felt the warmth of Dalton’s arms picking me up, then I gave into the darkness that seemed to have crept up on my periphery from nowhere.

  I came to in Dalton’s office, cradled against him on his lap.

  “You’re back,” he murmured against my temple. “How are you feeling?”

  I didn’t want to tell him that I was freaking out, although I figured it was pretty evident. I didn’t want to say that I felt guilt for leading my uncle to Dalton and his team in the first place. If it hadn’t been for me, Dalton wouldn’t be going off on this potentially deadly mission. I also didn’t want to tell him that I thought that we’d missed something. Something crucial. Something that made me doubt my capability for this operation, despite his utmost confidence in my skills.

  No, I didn’t tell him any of that.

  He needed to focus.

  For himself.

  For his team.

  Pasting a smile on my face, hoping to all hell that I was convincing enough, I looked up at him and said, “I’m okay. Just a little overwhelmed is all.”

  He didn’t seem entirely sold on my reassurances, if the expression on his face was anything to go by. “You’re sure?”

  I nodded, then leaned up and kissed him.

  I would be fine.

  I had to be.

  I would be the pillar of support the team needed. The eyes and ears to their brains and brawn.

  I wouldn’t fail.

  Because failure was not an option.

  Chapter 29


  “I need you to do me a favor,” I told Theo, as I closed my office door behind us; after making sure that Devolin drank some juice and had recouped enough from that panic attack of hers. I recognized the signs for what they were the moment they appeared. She wasn’t fooling me one bit. Overwhelmed, my ass.

  “What’s up?” Theo asked.

  “I need you to get Morgan to look in on Devolin while we’re gone. I’ve got Skylar, but I think she’d be able to relate more with a woman who knows what it is to have someone she cares for on an intimate level leave on a mission. It might help her out.”

  Theo nodded. “That’s a good idea. It might curb Dev’s panic attacks. Does she have those often?”

  “You caught that, huh? I don’t know. This one was the first that I’ve known about,” I said. He nodded again, but I could tell he had something else to say. “What is it?”

  “It’s just…” he sighed. “She was great back when we were looking for Morgan last year. Trust me, no one will ever be more grateful for her help than I am, but are you sure she can manage this op?” The man was wondering the same thing I’d been asking myself since her episode less than an hour ago. “Things are different when the heart’s involved. It’s not the same and you know it. It clouds the judgement, fucks with the head.”

  Don’t I know it. As a matter of fact, I had a permanent ache in my leg to remind me how matters of the heart fucked with one’s head. All because of my ex-fiancée.

  Running my hands through my hair, I interlaced my fingers behind my head, releasing a stress-filled sigh while staring down at my feet. “Call your wife up and give her Devolin’s phone numbers and email. We leave in three hours. Make sure that whatever loose ends you might have are tied up. I’ve got a few calls to make, and I need to speak with the guys. See where their heads are at.”

  “Sure thing.” The man headed for the door, while I took my seat at my desk and picked up the phone’s receiver. “And, D?” He was facing me when I looked up. “You might want to clear that head of yours, too. This shit’s about to get tricky. We don’t need no bad juju.” He didn’t wait for an acknowledgment, he walked out.

  He was right. I needed to focus on this mission, our first foreign one as a group. One that could land us in deep water, should we not be ready for anything.

  After an hour of pulling each man into my office and going over the mission, reiterating contingency after contingency for any scenario that may come up, not to mention, gauging each team member’s focus, I called Devolin in.

  “I sent Miguel the details on the com units you wanted,” she said, as she entered and shut the door behind her.

  “Good.” I eyed the woman, trying to figure out what it was that she was hiding. She hadn’t been the same since she came to earlier: avoiding eye contact, body tense, and seemingly jumpy. Even around me. “Sit.”

  She let herself drop in the free chair across from my desk as I continued to study her with a critical eye. We’d deal with her shit after I’d finished dealing with mine.


  “Why’d you meet up with Hewitt?” I asked the question that had been nagging at me since yesterday.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “He wanted to talk.”

  “Twice?” I snapped. “What could be so important that it warranted two separate meetings?”

  “It wasn’t twice,” she defended.

  “That’s a lie and you know it.”

  Her face grew red. “It wasn’t!” she argued. “He brought me flowers the first time, then we had lunch the next.”

  “Why?” I demanded.

  “He wanted to know why I left him high and dry.” Her eyes narrowed on me. “He knows about you. He said—”

  “Did he tell you that we’ve investigated him on numerous occasions before?” I bit out. “His file is currently still open.” I paused to gauge her reaction. “Did he tell you more about the dealings that, you yourself have admitted, gave you goosebumps because they seemed fishy?”


  “Did he tell you about the file Brycen found on his computer, filled with shit about you?” I exploded.

  Her jaw dropped. “I—”

  “I’m talking emails, phone call recordings, texts, photos, Devolin. Photos of you outside your apartment. In front of my fucking house. What’s worse, there are shots of you, sick in your hospital bed, sleeping. I should mention that most of those were close-ups.” She gasped at this. “It could have been a gun instead of a fucking camera lens and you wouldn’t have been the wiser. There’re photos as recent as last night at McAskill’s.”

  “I didn’t know!” She got up to her feet, panic in her eyes. “I didn’t fucking know! Why didn’t I know? I have my system at home set up to run a scan of his computer. It’s supposed to ping my phone when something new pops up.” Then her eyes widened as she connected proverbial dots. “He has another one I didn’t know about, doesn’t he?”

  My nod was curt, then I got up to my feet and ground out, “What. Did. He. Say, Devolin?”

  “Dalton…” She began to pace the front of my desk.

  “What.” I rounded the piece of furniture. “Did.” When she was close enough, I grabbed her forearms to stop her. Her head shot up to look at me. “You tell him?” I demanded, giving her a shake.

  Her eyes welled with tears. “I didn’t say anything!”

nbsp; “Bullshit!” I declared. “Think, Devolin. Think! It may seem inconsequential, but that man knows how to take the tiniest piece of scrap information and build something that’ll take even the best down. Hell, you didn’t even know he was having you followed. What did you say to him?”

  “I had no idea how he got my address, because I hadn’t even submitted my change of address form yet,” she whispered to herself. “Now it all makes sense.”

  “That’s it, I’m calling Rex in.”

  “Who’s Rex?”

  “He’s a man who owes me a favor. While I’m gone, he’ll be with you the entire time.”

  “What?” she shrieked. “Why?”

  “Have you not heard a single word I’ve said?” I gave her a perplexed look. “There’s no denying the man is obsessed with you.” I reached for the file sitting on my desk behind me, then handed it to her. “You think I’m lying about those photos, Devolin? Look for yourself.” I gave her time to peruse the file’s printed out content. I think I made my point, if the stricken and clearly disgusted expression on her face was anything to go by. Figuring she’d had enough, I took the file from her and dropped it on the edge of my desk. “I could see separate eyelashes, fanned over your cheeks.” My tone faded to one just above a whisper as I lifted a hand to cup her cheek. “While I’m away, I want you at home when you’re not at the office. Anyone needs to see you, Rex will be with you for protection until I get back.”


  My thumb rubbed against her jaw to cover her lips and put a halt to her words. “I need you safe, sweetheart. I need my head in the game, and it can’t be if I’m worried about you and what that asshole’s agenda may be. He’s dangerous, Dev, and he’s fixated on you.”


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