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Romance: Bad Boy Romance: The Billionaire Revenge (A Contemporary Multicultural Office Romance)

Page 11

by Horton, Amanda

  “It’s just business Roxanne; I wouldn’t get too emotional about it,” said Paul, smirking as he winked at Roxanne. “I have not spoken about my situation with Lila to any other publication. Let me give you an exclusive scoop in return for a temporary engagement. We both know how much this would mean to your magazine, and the marriage will be over in twelve months. We’ll break off the engagement like nothing happened. Think about it.”

  Roxanne was out of words. She needed the interview more than anything else, but to marry Paul James for twelve months felt like rather an extreme compromise. But then, what other option did she have? If she said no, Paul would walk away and find some other journalist to marry. He had nothing to lose and she had everything to lose. Paul James was in her living room and if he left he would never come back. She had to make a decision.

  “I hear you, Paul. Give me until tomorrow to decide, will you?”

  Both Paul and Roxanne knew that that meant yes.

  “Tomorrow night. Have dinner with me… and we will go from there,” said Paul.

  Something in the air around them shifted, and she felt a strong attraction that pulled her to him. He was everything she wanted; too handsome, too smooth, and a famous sports player. A part of her was nervous, but another part asked her to let go and relax and enjoy the events that played out in front of her.

  “Fine. Where should I meet you?” she asked.

  He stood to button up his sports coat.

  “I’ll pick you up at 8. Wear something nice.”

  He gave her a half smile as he left the room, leaving her standing there staring at his retreating back.

  Roxanne felt butterflies in her stomach as she settled back into her chair. Somehow, she could not help but feel like she had just opened up an avenue that she could not quite come back from. All she could do was ride it out. However, she was getting the interview she needed to bring something special to the magazine for the next issue. She could not help but think that maybe all her praying at the ballfield was about to pay off.

  “If it is you, dad, then thanks,” she said.

  She smiled as she leaned back in her chair.


  He had no reason to be nervous. He had dated plenty of women before, but here he was like a schoolboy before his first date. He kept thinking back to the conversation they had had and his offer. Though he was quite sure that Roxanne was convinced, there was a slight chance that she may have made up her mind otherwise. He pulled his car up in front of her apartment building.

  As he started up the stairs, he saw her coming down. She wore a pale pink silk, off-shoulder dress and her mass of auburn hair fell in waves down over her shoulders. Her glasses were gone and her makeup was perfect, highlighting those big brown eyes that were exactly as he remembered them.

  The dress fit her body like a glove and he realized how truly beautiful she was. A part of what attracted him to her was her carefree approach and the fact that she could wear sweats and a t-shirt and be adorable or a high fashion dress that made him want to lay her down right there on the stairs. He felt himself staring, but let his eyes roam over her once more before he finally spoke.

  “Roxy, wow. I mean, you look beautiful.”

  He stared at her, his eyes meeting hers and holding her gaze for a long moment; the heat between them was unmistakable. He saw her blush and knew the compliment had hit home.

  “Thank you; and please, Roxy? I mean, I haven’t heard that since I was in high school,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  He shrugged.

  “It suits you.”

  Paul looked handsome in his white shirt, tailored sports coat that accentuated his broad shoulders and dark denim pants worn with black patent leather sneakers. He held her hand and escorted her out to the shining yellow Porsche that was parked out in front. Roxanne felt like she had known Paul for ages, although she did not remember wanting to look pretty for someone in the longest time. The evening, as he held her hand and walked her to his car, felt normal to Roxanne. More normal than a first date should have felt which, in turn, made Roxanne feel strange.

  After a short drive, Paul pulled into the Taj Hotel downtown and Roxanne was taken in by the opulence of the beautifully lit structure. She thought the evening could not get any more special.

  “Paul, where are you taking me? This is a bit too fancy, don’t you think?” asked Roxanne, knowing that it was Paul James she was with.

  She thought it was probably his standard procedure for any date he went on.

  “Wasabi, by Morimoto; I hope you like Japanese,” replied Paul.

  “Are you serious? I have wanted to go to that place for, like, years. That’s amazing!”

  Paul smiled, knowing that they had made a great start to the evening.

  He pulled into the restaurant and soon they were seated in the private dining area of the restaurant. The chef appeared at the table to personally greet Paul. Roxanne was blown away at the kind of service they were getting and she could not wait to kick start dinner.

  “Hi, Saito. Long time, bud,” said Paul.

  “Certainly, Mr. James. But it’s great to see you. How can we get you started today?”

  “We’ll have some Prawn Tempura, Bluefin Tuna Sashimi, and Seaweed Salads to begin with. And for main course we’ll get the Kobe Steaks. And please also send in some sake, Saito; we’re thirsty,” said Paul.

  He did not even need to look at the menu and Roxanne was beginning to fall for him with every move.

  “Anything else, Roxy? Sorry, I hope you don’t mind me ordering,” He said, giving her the most affectionate smile.

  “Extra wasabi, please!” replied Roxanne and the three broke into laughter.

  They dined on their fish that had been flown in from Tokyo that evening, sipped on their first grade sake and slowly eased into their favorite subject of sports.

  “OK, favorite players of all time then, you answer this correctly and I’m sold.” said Paul, smiling at her.

  “Ragan. Good guy; down to earth,” she answered, without hesitation.

  “Hmm, interesting choice. He was good, but didn’t have what it took to go the long term. Me? I’m a Simmons guy.”

  “Simmons?” she snorted. “You can’t be serious? I could appreciate Jackson, Bonds, even Sisler, but not Simmons.”

  She was very matter-of-fact about it and Paul was amused.

  “Simmons was notorious for being a womanizer; that made headlines more than his skills,” continued Roxanne.

  “Maybe that’s why I like him; you know, since I also love women.”

  He smiled at her once more, enjoying the blush that crept over her face.

  “What about Stargell? You can’t possibly…never mind, I can tell by the look on your face,” she said, leaning back in her chair, satisfied by her abrupt redirection of the conversation.

  There was a long moment that passed between them and then he finally spoke.

  “Alright then, Roxy; I think we have something to talk about. What did you decide to do about my proposal?”

  Roxanne was prepared for the question and after how well the night had been going, she felt like she would be a fool to reject Paul’s offer.

  “Yes, Paul. Let’s do this,” she said and nodded at Paul with a smile.

  Paul was happy. His effort had finally come through, but in his mind he had forgotten all about the real reason he made the proposal to begin with. Now, he was just looking forward to spending more time with Roxanne.

  “That’s great, Roxy. Thanks. I’ll have my lawyer do some paperwork so we both are safeguarded. You, of course, would have to move in and make everything look normal. I’ll make this article the best one you’ve ever done,” he said.

  With their dinner now over, Paul walked her outside, his hand on the small of her back. She was stiff, but he saw the pale pink of her cheeks from the sake that they had had or, perhaps, from something she was feeling. He decided it was the latter. In a moment of impulse, he pulled her to him as they
waited on the car. His lips found hers in a searing kiss.

  Roxanne was surprised at the sudden affection by Paul, but she did not resist him. His full, round lips felt good on hers and as they explored each other’s mouths with their hands on the other’s backs, they built a kind of bond, a promise to each other.

  The ride home was more than awkward. Roxanne did far less talking than normal, which was disconcerting to Paul. He could only assume she was rethinking her proposition.

  “You OK, Roxy?” he said, pressing her for information.

  “I’m fine; more than fine. Just taken aback by everything. Just let me know when you’re ready with the paperwork and all that. If anything, I’m anxious to get started on the story.”

  She smiled as she looked at him. He had taken his sports coat off and rolled up his shirtsleeves near his elbows. His muscled arms held the steering wheel firmly and his beautifully chiseled face was as calm as ever. Roxanne could see that there was nothing in that moment that troubled him. She craved the touch of those luscious lips again.

  As they arrived at her apartment, she leaned her head to one side to look him over.

  “What are you doing after this? I mean, if you’re not busy, could we maybe could start the whole interview thing tonight?” she asked.

  Paul chuckled, knowing there was far more to it than just the interview.

  “Roxy, are you inviting me upstairs?” he said, giving her a half smile and watching as she turned red.

  “Yes, I mean no… well, yes,” she said.

  She stood by the car now, crossing her arms.

  “You probably have another hot date with some hot little number, so you don’t have to. Never mind.”

  “I’m already on a date with a hot little number, Roxy; you just don’t know it,” he said as he got out of the car, ready to walk up with her.

  She opened the door, allowing him to walk in behind her. She was neat and tidy; something he loved. Living with her would not be awful, he thought. Even now, he watched the way she walked around setting up her things just right; it was almost soothing to him. She had no idea how beautiful she was, especially when she was being herself. Soon, she settled across from him.

  “So, shall we start?” she said.

  “Sure,” answered Paul, knowing something was about to happen.

  “Mr. James, when the scandal broke about you and your ex-wife, what were you doing and how did it affect you?

  “I was in my house on Langston, minding my own business. I was alone and, more importantly, I was in a good place in my life,” he said.

  “Why is she doing this to you? In your opinion.”

  She was jotting down notes as he spoke.

  “She wants money; it’s always been what motivates her,” replied Paul, who was beginning to get very distracted by the beautiful woman that sat in front of him. All he wanted to do was to put his arms around her and kiss those luscious lips again.

  “Roxy, did you know you have this habit of biting your lip when you work?” he said, moving closer to her on the couch.

  She blinked twice and continued.

  “No, I didn’t, and you were saying why she needs more money?”

  “You are beautiful like this, Roxy.”

  He let his hand drift over to her leg, sliding up the silky smoothness of it, taking Roxanne completely by surprise.

  “Why are you playing with me like this, Paul?” she said. “First the kiss at the valet stand, and now this? You are doing your best to drive me crazy, so please.”

  However, she very much wanted what Paul was doing; in fact, that was the reason she had invited him up.

  “Maybe I’ll just show you, instead,” he said.

  He moved quickly and his lips found hers in a searing kiss. His hand moved up her thigh to reach her silk panties that were wet with anticipation. He slid them over to the side and massaged Roxanne’s tender flesh with his fingers. A wave of pleasure ran through her body and with it a strange and random thought that was as unexpected as what happened next. Roxanne pushed Paul’s hand away and broke away from the kiss.

  “I’m thinking we can pick this up another day,” said Roxanne, barely managing to whisper out the words.

  She wanted him, but a fear crept up on her when she realized that she had submitted to someone totally in a matter of just one day. She was scared that it was all happening too quickly.

  “Roxy, are you OK?” asked Paul.

  “I’m OK, Paul,” she replied, sitting up on the couch and getting herself together. “It’s just that too much has happened today and I’m exhausted. I’m not ready for this right now. But I’ll see you later. Let me know what we need to do next. Sound good?”

  “Alright, Rox; as you say. Good night!” said Paul.

  He got up and left Roxanne’s apartment without another word. Roxanne was actually exhausted and she needed some rest to figure out the emotions inside of her. On one hand, she was attracted to Paul, but on the other, she knew it was just a business agreement.


  Roxanne had moved into Paul’s apartment a few days after their agreement. There was no doubt that she had feelings for him now, but Roxanne did not know what to make of them. Could she really be falling love with this elusive stranger who could be gone in a few months? Even now, as she stood looking at her reflection in the long glass mirror, she was thinking about how he would see her. He had told her to be ready; that he had a surprise for her. Nothing about that really surprised her, though. He was always doing little things.

  It seemed as though they had known each other for years, rather than the two short months since they had first met. She was adept at playing her part well with the press. She held onto his hand and gushed over him like a woman in love. The problem was that it was quickly becoming the reality, despite her best efforts to remind herself that it was an unemotional arrangement. She had never set out for all the emotions he created in her, especially when he would steal a kiss from time to time. He said it was practice for the press, but each time left them both breathless and wanting more.

  She pulled her hair back and slipped on her hat. Whatever his surprise was today, he had wanted her to dress up in her baseball game attire. She wore her comfortable denim shorts and her favorite baseball t-shirt. She had had it for as long as she could remember and had outgrown its ideal fit, but she wore the shirt anyways. Slipping on her shoes, she glanced at her watch and then picked up her pace slightly. He was big on punctuality; something she had learned early on. She sat by the front door and smiled as she caught a glimpse of the car coming around the corner.

  He was all smiles as he came inside, dropping a swift kiss on her upturned mouth and letting his eyes roam over her attire. His gaze met hers for a split second.

  “Nice shirt,” he said.

  She pushed him off of her.

  “You said be comfortable; this is me being comfortable. Also, you know there’s no press here; you don’t have to kiss me.”

  “Maybe you’re right, but maybe I want to kiss you, Roxy.”

  He turned away before she had a chance to respond and opened the car door for her. The trip they took was a short one and a smile spread across her face as they pulled up to the ballfield. She glanced happily at him.

  “You know this is my favorite place,” she said.

  “Yes, and today you’re a star.”

  Paul ignored her puzzled look as he came around to open her door and help her up and out of his slinky car. He gently held her hand as they walked up the flights of stairs to a box he had had set up just for them. A table was set inside the box with two seats and the perfect view of the game below. Being a player obviously came with some perks.

  Lunch was a catered affair. She ate with relish; all the while watching the game. She caught him looking at her from time to time and she gave him a smile. Soon the game paused for a special midgame show and she watched intently as a group of players gathered in the arena. One of them took a mic from a man at the side of t
he field and began to speak.

  “Today we have a special guest in the house, everyone. Right up there.”

  He pointed at their box and Roxanne giggled with the fun of seeing Paul on display, though he was used to it. As the crowd looked their way, there were some catcalls and cheers.

  “OK, OK, calm down. Now I know you see ole Paul James up there, but despite being a fellow player, that isn’t who I am talking about. It’s the person with him.”

  He paused again and the crowd cheered even more.

  Roxanne felt as though something had hit her in the stomach. She looked at Paul with a questioning glance and he simply shrugged at her, turning his attention back out to the man on the field, who began to speak again.

  “Jackson Baker was a good man, a true patron of the game, who came to this field whenever he could, bringing his two daughters to share his love for this great game with them.”

  Roxanne felt tears spring to her eyes as the big screen flicked on and she saw pictures of herself and Mia with their dad. Images taken through the years of them together, and them at the ballfield, flashed up as the man continued.

  “He was a good man, singlehandedly raising his daughters, and today we are here to honor them, by gifting them the seats they always sat in together. They now own those seats, for as long as this stadium is standing. All of this is courtesy of Paul James. I give you, the Baker seats.”

  A tarp was lifted. It revealed the seats, which had pictures painted on them of the three of them together, on a red background. Roxy felt the tears rush down her face and she smiled when she saw Mia wave up at her from one end of the tarp. She turned to face Paul and found she did not know what to say. Never before had someone done something so thoughtful and special for her. In that moment, she fully understood that Paul loved her like no man could.

  Still unable to speak, she saw him move. He picked her up in his arms and hugged her close. She could faintly hear the crowd go wild below as he held her; his lips found hers and they shared the most real kiss they had experienced.

  It was a great game, with the home team securing a narrow victory. Roxanne was still on cloud nine when they arrived home. She turned to face him and waited for what was to come, though neither of them really knew what that was. He kicked the door shut behind him and pulled her into his arms.


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