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“But, Mom,” I start.
“No buts this time. This is the rest of your life we’re talking about. If you don’t take control of it, then I will. You may be eighteen, but until you’re mated, you live by our rules. I don’t like blackmail, so don’t make me resort to that. This ball is about dancing and mingling. You are going to participate and have fun doing it. Am I making myself clear enough, young lady?” Mom asks sternly.
Defeated, I look down at the tiles on the floor. “Yes, ma’am, I will be on my best behavior. I’ll participate and act appropriately so I don’t embarrass you.”
“That’s better. Jane will be there with you for the ball, at least. I bet she’s taking this whole thing seriously,” she quips.
“I just want to go to college and see. Maybe I’ll find the vampire of my dreams there. I would hate to settle.”
“You could just as easily find that special someone at the blood ball if you just put yourself out there.”
“I said I would try. Anything else you want to discuss before I go back upstairs?”
“Now that you mention it, there is. I promised that I wouldn’t say anything about the human situation. However, I expect you to tone it down when you and Jane hunt from now on. You are obviously impressionable and I need you to avoid any situation that could bring shame to this family. It’s not just you that would be ostracized. You should heed my warning and remember that.”
“I understand, Mom. It won’t happen again. Now can I go upstairs?” I ask impatiently.
“Fine, go. I expect you down here at sunset though. We need to get a jump on the evening now that we are leaving earlier. Good night, dear. I might turn in early as well and read a book.”
“I’ll see you later,” I say as I’m already bounding up the stairs.
I shut the door and slide down the back side of it. This is a total disaster. I can’t believe my Mom. She’s playing dirty and that’s something I’ve never seen her do before. She must really be worried I’ll embarrass her.
It should be easy to blend in at the blood ball. There are six of us coming out. My idea is to do the minimum expected and still look like I’m participating. It’s just more stressful to think about cocktails beforehand. I’ll be under the scrutiny of not just Cody and Thayer, but their parents as well. I hate being sized up and looked at like some piece of property. I prefer to make decisions on my own terms.
Putting my head in my hands, my mind runs through all the possible outcomes of the ball. No way am I coming home with a future mating ritual planned. If I’m lucky, no one will even pay attention to me and they’ll be all over Jane. She is, after all, the one who’s looking forward to this.
I know that isn’t a likely outcome. It’s no secret that a few of them fancy me. They are either interested in me or what being with me gets them. Being third in line for the throne’s a pretty big deal. If the first two in line remain unmated and produce no heirs, then the crown falls to me. That’s a lot of motivation for some vamp to court me.
How could anyone want a mate like that? It would be better to find someone that is there for me and not my royalty. How can I tell the difference? Some guys can be very convincing. Taking a deep breath, my arms push me up from the floor.
Not bothering to turn my iPod back on, I crawl up in bed. The paint on my clothes has already dried so I don’t particularly care about getting it on the bed. Everything that has happened tonight has worn me out. I’m exhausted.
Trying to calm my whirling mind, I practice some meditation techniques. It works better than expected. I’m out like a light in no time flat.
Later that evening I groggily make my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. My entire body comes to a complete halt, however, as I hear the hushed voices of Mom and Dad. I hang back, trying to decipher their conversation.
“I wish she would take her royal duties seriously. She holds the future of this race in her hands and she doesn’t even care,” Mom says.
The words sting after processing them. Did she really think of me that way? It’s disheartening to believe they are even having this conversation. I know this blood ball is important, but seriously? Mom is completely exaggerating the situation.
“Callie’s still very immature. I’m sure she will come around after she sees how important this blood ball is. She’s never attended one before and I just know she will pull through this phase,” Dad replies.
Immature? A phase? What the hell? This conversation is growing increasingly uncomfortable as I continue to listen. I’m fighting back the sting of tears at their harsh words.
“You didn’t talk to her last night. She is veering down the wrong path, Milo. Now, every time she goes hunting with Jane I’m going to worry about her breaking the council rules. I was actually scared for her last night when she confessed her interactions with the human.”
Betrayal strikes at her last statement. She’s broken our code. It’s hard to believe she told Dad. Our trust is shattered now and I don’t know if I want to pick the pieces back up.
“We can only hope that it doesn’t happen again. If you’re that worried about it, I can put a low profile security detail on them when they go out. You’re right, she is a royal and she needs to represent our family in this community.”
I can’t believe my ears. Now they are going to have a babysitter follow me around? How had things gotten so out of hand in just a day? This is all because I told Mom about that stupid human. Damn her and her mouth. I’m on overload and can’t take any more of this conversation.
Quietly, I’m already backing up until my feet hit the stairs. My legs carry me up the stairs as silently as possible. As soon as I safely reach my room, my only desire is to flop onto my bed and let the tears finally fall.
I’m happy my state of mind caused me to lock the door when I returned to my room. Shortly after my escape, Mom knocks on my door and I mentally prepare myself. I’ll be the perfect daughter today and at the blood ball. I may not be ready to mate, but it’s clear my family’s reputation is at stake. I’ll at least try.
“Yeah, Mom, what’s up?”
“Are you up and ready to go yet?”
“I’m almost ready.” I lie. “I’ll meet you downstairs in five.”
“Alright, just hurry up. We have appointments set up and a full schedule this evening.”
As soon as my ears hear her retreat down the stairs, I bolt up and rush to the bathroom. Splashing water on my face makes the crying less apparent.
Tossing my now rumpled clothes in the hamper, I pull out a fresh pair of jeans and a lavender V-neck tee that brings out the violet in my eyes.
Satisfied, I rush downstairs and nearly smack into my mother as I’m rounding the corner to the kitchen. Momentarily stunned, we just stand there like idiots. Finally, after a few beats, I snap out of it.
“I’m so sorry, Mom. Are you okay?” I ask.
“Boy, you are a woman on a mission. You didn’t even slow down around that corner. I’m fine, even though you mowed me down,” she teases.
“Yeah, sorry. I’m just excited to spend some time with you. Let’s get out of here.”
“I’ve ordered a car today. With the blood ball tonight, I won’t take any chances of you not coming out. You are royal and therefore, at risk. The extra security should be sufficient for our trip to town.”
Following her out the front door, I stop beside Mom in front of a sleek, black sedan with tinted windows. Yes, vampires love tinted windows. It gives us a sense of privacy and we are very private people.
Scooting in, I make room for Mom to sit in the seat next to me. She gives the driver directions and we are off.
We are silent as the road winds and we make it to the gate. Mom hands over her pass and Nathan, the guard, nods before returning it to her. The gates swing open and we are free. Well, as free as we can be with a chauffeur.
“So, honey, are you looking forward to the ball? You get to wear a gorgeous dress and be the center of attention for a whole n
ight. I loved my coming out. The blood ball was so gorgeous. I remember it like it was yesterday.”
Mom gets that far off look in her eyes and I know there are memories streaming through her head. I finally speak up, breaking her train of thought.
“I’m getting more excited as the ball inches closer. I can’t believe it is already time. I want to look like a princess tonight.”
Mom beams. I obviously said the right thing. Silently patting myself on the back, it’s my turn to grin at her. Purposely, I shove the betrayal of her telling my Dad to the back of my mind for the night. This event is special and the need to focus is overwhelming.
In no time, we’re pulling up to a stop alongside a curb. When we exit the car, we are standing in front of a fancy nail boutique. It’s more upscale that I expected, but then again, Mom would accept nothing less for a royal engagement.
It’s turning out to be fun. We both get pedicures and gossip like only girls can. I choose a soft, shimmery lavender for my toes. They break us up for our manicures and I mull over the events that will occur tonight.
It’s hard to always remember that my parents have my best interests at heart and I should listen to them. They have experience and I can learn from their mistakes. Gee, that actually sounded grown up coming from me. I crack a smile and return my focus to the nail technician.
The tech is quick and does a wonderful job. I settle on a French manicure that makes me look sophisticated. Satisfied, I wait for Mom to finish and pay. She has chosen a soft pink and it looks amazing on her.
We are giggling and comparing manicures as we step out of the shop. Unfortunately, I’m too busy paying attention to my nails and not watching where I’m going. Suddenly I’m smacking into somebody and I stumble. Landing on my butt, it takes a moment for me to realize what just happened.
Then a hand is there, helping me to my feet. Once I’m standing, I look up to thank the stranger for helping me up and apologize for running into him. That’s a huge mistake. This isn’t happening. I close my eyes and my brows furrow.
My eyes slowly reopen and peer at the figure in front of me. Yep, it’s happening. It’s him. Chase. There, in front of me, stands the human that has caused me so much trouble and turned my world upside down.
His eyes penetrate mine and they see something unexpected, recognition. Panicking, I speak in a rapid pace.
“I’m so sorry for running into you. I should have been paying attention to where I was going. Thanks for being so kind as to help me up.”
“It’s quite alright. It was my pleasure to help up such a beautiful woman. Tell me, Callie, how are you today?”
I feel my Mom stiffen next to me. All the color drains from my face in a whoosh. There is no way. Last night, I erased his mind. Butterflies struggle to break free from my stomach. I’m in pure panic mode. This has never happened to any vampire that I know of, ever.
My eyes grow wide and it’s obvious that he’s enjoying this. If he remembers me, then he likely remembers what happened last night. He should be running the opposite direction instead of standing here, looking at me with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. Curiosity did kill the cat they say.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” I say, trying to tamp down the panic.
“It’s Chase, you know, from last night. Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten about me. I would recognize those beautiful, violet eyes anywhere. That was some night, Callie,” he says as he emphasizes my name.
What the hell? My eyes dart to my Moms. I need some direction. I’m not sure what to do now. Mom looks like she’s ready to spit nails. This makes me cringe. How had I messed this situation up so badly?
“It’s nice to meet you, Chase. I’m Callie’s Mom. Why don’t you join us for some tea so we can talk? I would love to get to know you better. My daughter has told me all about you,” she offers with a chill in her voice.
Chase hesitates, but only for a second. He winks at me with a grin before responding. “Sure, that sounds nice. I would love to get to know Callie better. She won me over last night. I’m quite glad I ran into you all today.”
It’s possible my Mom might have stopped breathing right then and there. I’m thankful for the chauffeur that walks around the car and opens the back door for us.
We usher Chase in first and then Mom scoots me to the middle seat. She sits next to me and the door closes. I look over at her to gauge her emotions and am hurt to see the betrayal emanating from her, like I felt earlier in the evening.
The ride is silent and uncomfortable. It isn’t until we reach the gates and the chauffeur flashes our pass that the silence is broken.
Chase is wide eyed, completely in awe. The place is beautiful, I always thought so myself.
“What is this place? Do you really live here? This is amazing.”
That’s when I realize I’m in deep trouble if my Mom is bringing him into our community. Is she going to let him walk away? Maybe she can erase his memories for good. One can hope, because the only other option is one I would rather not even entertain.
“This is one of those self-sufficient communities you see in the papers. We do just about everything ourselves here. We have lived here forever, it seems.”
It’s hard not to notice her use of forever. He doesn’t know how literal that response is and I will not be telling him. I’m going to say as little as possible. I don’t want to dig my grave any deeper.
Silence falls once again as Chase takes in his surroundings. His mouth is open slightly in what I can only describe as wonder.
We finally come to a stop in front of the house and I’m first to scramble out of the car. It’s hard trying not to freak out, but it seems inevitable. This human that has such an effect on me is here, at my home. He remembers. I’m not sure whether he is stupid or brave to come here with us.
“You have a lovely home,” he offers.
I wince, knowing my Mom’s response will be stiff and forced. My Mom doesn’t like humans. She thinks they are nothing but trouble. She and my Dad don’t have to hunt like Jane and I do. They are mated, so they can take blood from each other to replace the human blood.
At this Moment, mating doesn’t seem so bad. After this incident, I think it will be nothing short of imperative to prevent another mishap with a human.
“Thank you, won’t you please come in. Callie will show you to the sitting room and I will have tea prepared,” she replies before dismissing us in search of our maid.
Smiling at Chase and nodding my head in the direction of the house, I open the front door. He steps through it and stops on the other side of the door, just inside the foyer. The sense of wonder is plastered across his face.
Our home is more like a modern day castle than a house. I grew up here, so it’s something that I’ve never really thought about before now. As royalty, we entertain guests here for functions or meetings and such.
In fact, the only reason we don’t have anyone here during the blood ball this year is because I’m coming out. Guys from around the world will be here and they don’t get to see me until the ball, with the exception of Cody and Thayer. Other families are hosting all of them this year.
Breaking my train of thought and returning my attention to Chase, it’s hard to force myself to speak in a subdued tone instead of the frenzied one that is trying to surface.
“Follow me; we can have a seat just inside that set of doors.”
Pointing to the set of large, double doors on our right, I make my way to them and open them wide. Nervously, we enter and sit in two of the chairs. Chase sits across from me.
My eyes finally meet his. That’s a big mistake. He has this effect on me that I can’t understand. Goose bumps form on my porcelain skin and I absently rub my arms.
“Callie, I…” he gets out before my Mother and my father join us. The maid follows and prepares some tea for Chase. The spell is broken. I shake my head and turn away. If my parents caught that they interrupted something, they didn’t let on.
sp; Chase takes his tea and my Dad clears his throat. “So, Chase, how is it you know my daughter?”
Dad gets right down to business. That’s not a good sign. I’m in for it. Still, I’m confused by how this could have even happened. This incident defies all logic. I want to speak up. I want to shout out. This isn’t my fault. I did everything right.
Instead, I just sit there, my eyes downcast, waiting for my father and Chase to hash out details of last night so I can determine just what is going to happen to me.
“Sir, I met her at a club last night and was quite taken with her. She is truly unique and beautiful.”
Those words penetrate my thick skin and I want to melt. For the moment, I wish he isn’t human but that he is a vampire. Instead, he’s human and this is a serious situation. The difference could mean life or death to either of us.
Dad takes a second to absorb his statement before replying. “Please, what do you remember about last night?”
“To be honest, I remember everything. We met at the club and hit it off. Callie is beautiful and I was thrilled to have caught her attention. We danced for quite a while before we went back to my place.”
My Mom goes ashen. She knows what happened after that because I told her. This is not good. So far he hasn’t come out and said it, but it appears that he remembers all of it. My Dad is going to blow a gasket.
“She went back to your place last night? I hope you were a perfect gentleman to my little girl.”
“Yes, sir, I was completely respectful. I am curious as to why she left like she did, considering we were getting along quite well.”
I frown. “What do you mean why I left like I did?”
“You’re a vampire aren’t you? You drank my blood, told me to forget and left. How could I actually forget something that amazing? I’ve never felt anything like that in my entire life.”