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Page 9

by Andrea Heltsley

  I can tell it’s no hardship for him to place his hands on my waist and lift me up into the seat. His muscular frame is hot. He shuts the door behind me and slides into the driver’s seat. I’m at ease. Being in Cody’s presence again has lulled me into a sense of peace and happiness.

  He grasps my hand and pulls it to his lips and kisses it. Then we are off, pulling out of my driveway and onto the road. The moonlight spills over the view of the community and I admire it. I must have been smiling because Cody brings my attention back to him.

  “What’s making you so happy? You feel very Zen right now.”

  “There are a million different ways I could answer that question. The moonlight flooding the valley is gorgeous, I’m with you, I’m in love. Do I need to go on?”

  “I don’t know, I think I have you beat. I’m in love with the most beautiful princess in all the land and for some reason, she loves me back. I can’t wait for Saturday. I want to be with you, united, in love and together. There couldn’t be anything better in this life.”

  I’m blushing now. He’s laying it on thick, but I like it. It makes me feel loved and like the princess I am. Who could have foreseen this? Cody and I are true mates and by some miracle, we’ve found each other.

  It’s a short drive to his house and we are there in minutes. He parks and hurries around to open the door for me. Once again, he grasps my hips and lifts me out of the truck. Only this time, I slide down and come face to face with him just inches from me.

  I breach the gap and indulge in a kiss. He tastes like cinnamon mint. He must use cinnamon toothpaste. Yum. My body is pressed against him and he leans me into the side of the truck. I close my eyes and let everything fall away except the feel of his mouth caressing mine.

  He pulls away first, but I can feel how excited he is. It is very satisfying to know I have that effect on him. “You are going to get me in trouble, Callie. We can’t do this out here, and I certainly have no willpower against your feminine wiles.”

  “Who says I have any willpower when it comes to you?” I tease.

  “Come on, woman. Let’s go make our appearance for my parents. I think they want to grill us.”

  “Ugh, are you sure we can’t get out of it?”

  “My parents are very persistent. It is inevitable so we might as well get it over with.”

  “Okay, but you owe me later,” I reply with a wink.

  “I’m counting on it,” he says in a husky tone that leaves no room for doubt.

  Cody pushes open the door and we step inside. I’ve never been to Cody’s house. Shocking, I know, given the small community that we are. Truth is, I’ve never been close to Cody until now. His parents ran in the same circles as mine, but we usually weren’t allowed around the grown up events. I see Lana at school and hang out with her occasionally, but we’ve never spent time here.

  I’m not surprised when Lana bounds down the stairs and wraps me up in a big hug. “Holy hot sauce, I am going to have a sister! You’re the best sister I could imagine having. I’m so happy for you guys!”

  “Thanks, Lana. I’m pretty excited myself. Your brother’s amazing. It’ll be great to spend more time with you.”

  “I’d love that, Callie. I’ve always wanted a cool sister.”

  “I’ll tell you what. I need to go out with Jane one day this week to get my mating gown. Would you like to come with us? We can catch dinner, too. Make a girl’s night out of it,” I suggest even though the thought of being away from Cody makes me ill.

  “That’d be awesome! Just give me a call when you get the date nailed down.”

  “I will,” I say before turning my attention to Cody again.

  “Alright, let’s do this. Lana, we’ll see you later.”

  He tugs me gently towards a room down a short hallway. Cody knocks on the door and we wait until his Dad says, “come in.” He opens the door and we step into a gorgeous sitting room.

  “Oh, Callie. It’s great to see you again,” Mrs. Gregoria says to me.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Gregoria. It’s great to be here.”

  “Oh, dear, call me Ginger and Cody’s Dad is Nick. You are going to be family. None of this formal stuff anymore.”

  “Okay, Ginger. Thanks.”

  Cody pulls me down to the rich, gold settee and I scoot into him. His presence soothes me. I only hope it will always be like this.

  “It’s so great to see a young couple in love. I can only hope Lana finds someone special the way you two have found each other. Being true mates is an amazing gift,” Ginger says.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why we wanted to talk to you this evening,” Nick adds.

  I nod a simple response.

  “Cody told me you were nervous about the transition. We want to make it as smooth as possible for you both. What would you think about having a condo in the East village, just five minutes from campus?”

  My eyes light up. I wouldn’t have to live in campus housing? I didn’t even consider that possibility. “That would be amazing. I just want to be with Cody; wherever he is, I’m happy.”

  Nick chuckles. “I’m glad you feel that way. We own a condo and Ginger and I want to give it to you two as a mating gift. Before you try to protest, I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Thank you. That’s a wonderful present that we can cherish together.”

  “Thanks Mom and Dad. I know we will make some great memories together there.”

  “Now, Callie, have you decided when you want to have your mating pre ceremony? I hope you haven’t planned anything yet.”

  “I haven’t planned anything. Maybe we can do it Thursday, if that is okay with you. I’m sure my Mom and Jane will be fine with it.”

  “That’s perfect. I promise we’ll keep it small, just friends and family. You’ll get a lot of wonderful gifts to start your lives off together. I got some of the most fabulous things at mine. Lana and I will coordinate with your Mom.”

  “I’d love that, Ginger.”

  Apparently, Cody’s had enough. “I’m going to steal my mate away and show her the gardens now.”

  He stands up and pulls me with him, never letting go of my hand as we say goodbye.

  As soon as we are out the door, Cody grasps me around the waist and pushes my back to a nearby wall. I can’t help but laugh as he comes closer and leans down to kiss me. Familiar sparks light a fire in my belly as our tongues mingle.

  I giggle again and pull away. “We’re in the hallway, Cody. Behave yourself.”

  “Mm, that’s not possible with you. Let’s at least get away from prying eyes and make out in the garden like real teenagers,” he says in a teasing tone.

  I’m so happy; I hope nothing ever ruins this. I would do anything to keep this love. Cody’s my mate and the bond is getting stronger by the hour. I don’t know if I can survive until Saturday to make it official.

  He senses what I’m feeling and squeezes my hand. We don’t say anything until we exit through the back door and slip around the giant hedges, out of sight.

  “This is much better. Follow me. Let’s go sit on the bench.”

  He guides me through rows of hedges and flower beds. All the flowers are in bloom and the flower beds are a myriad of beautiful colors. The smell of Jasmine is heady and I stop to smell it. When we finally make it to the bench, I am in awe.

  In front of me is a decorative concrete bench, but that’s not what holds my attention. There is a giant fountain in the middle. Soft light reveals the glistening drops of water as they fall. It’s gorgeous and gives me a serene feeling.

  As I take in the fountain before me, Cody wraps his arms around me and I just stand there enveloped in his arms. I close my eyes and let everything but Cody and the sounds of the fountain fade away.

  This is a little slice of heaven. I’m so glad he brought me here. I can hear the water in the fountain and the smell of the flowers. I can hear the beating of Cody’s heart behind me. I take in all of this and stamp it in my memory to refer back
to at a later time.

  When I finally turn around to look at Cody, he’s studying me. I quirk a quick smile then tug him over to the bench. We sit, side by side, in silence as I take everything in. I’m enjoying this place and know it will be one of happiness for us.

  I lay my head on Cody’s shoulder and sigh.

  “I love you, Callie. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. I’m so happy I found you. Now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go.”

  “I love you, too.”

  That’s all I can say because I can’t guarantee he will have me forever. Until Chase is dealt with, my future is uncertain. I wish so badly for this situation to go away tonight.

  Just the thought of hurting Cody brings tears to my eyes. It is the cruelest thing I could ever do to someone. Chase should have never happened. I’d give anything to go back to that night and change it. I would never have looked his way, never indulged in my needs with him.

  Cody lifts my chin up and frowns. “Are you okay, princess? What’s wrong?”

  He sees my tears and it’s so hard to hide my pain from him physically, but I can’t hide mentally. He can feel my remorse and I know I have to tell him something.

  “I just can’t imagine you with any other girls before me. It makes me jealous and sad to picture you taking blood and kissing other girls. How far you could have taken things is gnawing at my insides. I can’t help it. Pictures keep popping in my head and my imagination just runs away with me.”

  It’s not the whole truth, but it’s a truth. I can’t push the images away and as our bond grows stronger, my jealousy spikes. I can’t believe how emotional this mating has made me. My life, hanging in the balance because of Chase, hasn’t helped either.

  Cody wraps his arms around me and I nestle against his chest. I don’t bother to hide my tears. He can feel my sorrow anyways.

  “I want you to understand something, Callie.”

  I look up into his hazel eyes and see his sincerity.

  “There will never be another girl for me. It was you the moment my lips met yours. I don’t care about humans, in your past or mine. Of course, I am jealous as hell of your past with Jane. I know how you two picked your humans and all the hot guys you’ve seduced. It makes me crazy to think about.”

  He pauses and then continues with his speech. “The one thing that keeps me sane is the fact that at the end of the day, you’re mine. Soon, you’ll be coming home to me. You’ll only ever be in my bed. I’ll never share you where it really counts. The past has to stay in the past.”

  Too bad my past won’t stay buried. My past followed me home and I’m crazy with worry over it. I so badly want to share with Cody what has happened. I want to prepare him in case… I can’t even finish that trail of thought.

  “Thank you. I feel much better after hearing your perspective.”

  “You’re welcome. Anytime you want me to cheer you up, I will. It’s my job to make you the happiest mate ever. You’re mine and you will be the mother to our children. I can’t imagine anything different.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and place my mouth over his, effectively changing the subject. He eagerly returns my kiss, ratcheting up the intensity. His kiss is slow and controlled. He is dominating me and I let him. It’s pretty hot.

  Desire hits me full force and I struggle to keep it in check. I want to do things to him and images flood my imagination. I know he can feel my desire because his kisses become more demanding and his hands begin to wander.

  He settles them on my hips and pulls me onto his lap. I let out a moan as I settle and that is all it takes. The dam breaks. We kiss and he plays with the hem of my tank top, running his hands softly against my bare skin. I shiver from the pleasure his touch brings.

  He begins to kiss my jaw and then my neck. Before I know it, his fangs have descended. I only have a seconds notice before I feel the pierce of them into the soft flesh of my neck. It takes a moment for the pain to recede and the euphoria to take over. A flood of pleasure rushes through me as he drinks.

  My mouth waters at the feeling and my own fangs descend. He pulls away, finally, and I’m quick to sink my own fangs into his neck. He cradles my head as I drink. I am practically lost in the taste of him. He tastes so sweet, with just a hint of metallic. I know that I’m dangerously close to losing control.

  As swiftly as I started, I pull away, breathing heavily. I seal the puncture marks and then lick the remainder of his blood off my lips while my glowing eyes find his. His have ignited and are full of fire. I know mine must resemble his because I feel the intensity between us. My eyes are probably glowing violet with an iridescent purple ring around my swirling pupils.

  We’re both breathing heavily and staring at one another. It’s then I realize that I am straddled across his lap. I know the blood high will hit me soon and I want to be someplace more comfortable with Cody.

  “That was…um amazing. Let’s go inside so we can actually enjoy our blood high.”

  He lifts me up and sets me upright on the ground as he stands to his full height. His fingers intertwine with mine and we make our way out of the garden. I’m happy that our licks seal the wound because sharing blood is a pretty intimate experience and I don’t exactly want to broadcast our activities to his family.

  “How about watching a movie? I’m sure I can find something we will enjoy.”

  “I think that sounds perfect, but only if you snuggle up to me on the couch,” I reply.

  “Deal,” he says as we open the back door and he leads me down a hallway and into a den.

  The den is decorated tastefully and I know his Mom has done it. I peer at the impressionist paintings lining the walls and smile. This woman has good taste. She has some fabulous pieces. I’m actually a little jealous.

  Cody goes to a cabinet and pulls out a couple movies. We finally settle on a classic, Alice in Wonderland. This is the darker, remade version that I happen to love so much. Off with their heads! I think and chuckle to myself.

  “What’s so funny, Callie?”

  “Oh, I was thinking of my favorite line from the movie, ‘Off with their heads,’ that’s all.”

  “My favorite line is, ‘I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date,’ with the white rabbit,” he responds.

  He pops the movie in and then pulls me down to the couch on top of him. We spoon as the movie starts, my back facing him and his arms wrap possessively around me.

  I sink into his embrace and let the movie carry me down the rabbit hole.

  Soon, I feel Cody’s breathing on my neck even out into a slow and steady rhythm. He’s asleep. It’s an amazing feeling to be in his arms while he’s so peaceful. I let his breathing slow down my own and before long, my eyes drift shut.

  I wake to the feeling of someone tucking my hair behind my ear. I look up to see Cody looking down at me. Smiling, I tilt my head up just enough for my lips to meet his. This kiss is slow and chaste. I feel his soft lips pressed against mine and I sigh. He is whom I want to wake up to every day from the rest of my life.

  “I like watching you sleep. You’re so relaxed, it is amazing to see. You’re beautiful, Callie. I’m the luckiest man in the world. I just wanted to tell you that.”

  “Well then, I must be the luckiest girl in the world, because I seem to have landed you and I think you’re nothing short of amazing.”

  He grins and I lean up for one last kiss. It doesn’t last long, because there is a knocking at the door. We sit up and adjust our clothes to make ourselves presentable.

  “Come in,” Cody says.

  The door opens and his Mom is standing there. Her expression is neutral so I’m not sure what’s coming next. There is no smile and I shiver a little. Whatever it is, it can’t be good.

  “Callie, your Mom called and she needs you home right away. She said something about needing to talk about mating plans. It’s getting late anyways. Cody, can you drive her home now?”

  “No problem, Mom.
I’ll get Callie home right away.”

  “It was nice to see you. I hope to see you around a lot this week.”

  Then she’s gone, just as fast as she came. I feel a sense of dread. Something went wrong, I just know it. I don’t want to ever have to tell Cody. I just want this thing to quietly go away.

  Cody can feel my sudden change in emotion, but he doesn’t comment on it. He must be getting used to my wacky mood swings. I hope I’m with him long enough to prove I’m not usually this moody.

  “You ready to go, princess?”

  “Yup, I guess I need to get home. Mom hates to be kept waiting.”

  He clasps my hand and I follow him out the maze he calls home and into the breezy evening. He, once again helps me into the truck and, before I know it, we have driven the short distance to my house.

  I don’t want my time with Cody to be over. I want to be wrapped in his arms, and have him never let go. It’s painfully hard to leave him. I didn’t expect that. Like the gentleman he is, he helps me out and walks me to the door.

  I’m trying to formulate what I need to say when he wraps me in a gentle embrace and kisses me. I stand on my tip toes to give him better access. We would have stayed that way for some time if the porch light hadn’t turned on and flooded us with light.

  “That’s my cue. I have to go, unfortunately. I love you. Do you want to go to a real movie tomorrow night? I can get a security detail so we can go out.”

  “I love you, too, and yes, I’d love to go out with you,” he says as he pulls away.

  He turns to leave and I watch him go. I feel the yearning for him to stay, but I know I have to face whatever is coming inside. He blows me a kiss and I smile. Then he’s in his truck and heading out of my driveway.

  I stand on the porch until I see the taillights fade. Then I open the front door to enter my own personal hell.

  Slamming the front door shut and slipping off my flip flops at the door, I look around to see my Mom sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I meet her eyes and see the sadness there. No, this can’t be happening. I shake my head no, but she nods her head yes.


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