Book Read Free


Page 17

by Andrea Heltsley

  I’m a woman now. I’m mated to the most amazing man in the whole world. I love him so much. I get to spend the rest of my immortal life with him.

  The whole ride home, I can’t stop thinking about Cody. Warmth floods me and an aching in my heart is present. I don’t know if this is my love for him or his love for me. Our thoughts and feelings are now intertwined forever.

  We eventually come to a stop and my focus returns to reality. The car door opens and I’m helped to my feet. Soon, I feel fingers untying my blindfold and I sigh in relief. Once it’s off, my eyes adjust to the night and I see my house come into view.

  A touch of melancholy fills me as I realize I will be moving tomorrow out of the only house I’ve ever known. I’ll be on my own with Cody. A delicious heat stirs within me and I struggle to keep a blush from creeping into my cheeks.

  As soon as I thank my chauffeur, I bound up the front steps and fling the door open in excitement. After scanning my surroundings, I find my parents in the study. Not even bothering to knock, I barge right in.

  At first, I’m nervous that they will judge me for what I did last night. Then I remind myself that they did the same thing when they mated and probably still do. Oh gross, I didn’t need that visual at all.

  Mom is standing beside my Dad and they appear to be looking over some documents. Both of them look up at me as I shut the door behind me.

  “Oh, honey, it’s so good to see you back home,” Mom states.

  “Thanks Mom. What are you up to in here?” I ask, trying to steer the conversation away from my mating.

  “Your mother and I were just going over some council paperwork. It’s nothing really exciting. Jane and Lana are already up in your room and impatiently awaiting your arrival.”

  “Oh, good. I can put them to work helping me pack! I have to be ready for the movers tomorrow.”

  “Have fun, dear,” Mom says, dismissing me.

  I nod and exit the study, shutting the door behind me. Taking a deep breath, I practically skip upstairs towards my room. I’m absolutely thrilled Jane and Lana are here. I may not be looking forward to the inquisition, but I’m thankful for the support.

  I don’t even make it all the way into the room before I’m practically knocked over by Jane and Lana. They throw their arms around me and squeal in delight. Grinning from ear to ear, I return their embrace.

  “Okay, before the third degree starts, I need to change. I’ll be right back.”

  I hurry towards the closet and place the dress on a hanger. It will always be special to me and I will keep it forever. I pull on a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top. I don’t need to be fancy to pack. I will shower and change before Cody gets here.

  They tug me towards the bed and we all sit cross-legged on it. I sigh in resignation for the upcoming, rapid fire questioning.

  “You’re my sister now! I can’t believe it. I’ve always wanted a sister. We’re going to have a blast. We can go shopping and watch movies and hang out in the castle. Oh, and you’re a princess who will rule us someday. That’s awesome sauce!”

  I chuckle at Lana’s enthusiasm. Whoever mates with her is going to have their hands full. I’m truly excited that she’s the sister I never had, besides Jane. We’re going to be like the three musketeers, I just know it.

  I can’t even squeak out a reply before Jane is grilling me.

  “How does it feel to be mated? Was Cody amazing? I bet he was. He’s a pretty great catch. Where did they take you? I wonder what it will be like to mate with Chase. Hmm, he’s really hot. I bet it will be unbelievable.”

  “I love being mated to Cody. He is my partner in every way. I feel like I was missing a part of myself and now I’m whole. It’s surreal. I wish I knew where they took us. They blindfolded us and locked us in a room.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. Was he amazing?”

  “Gross! You’re talking about my brother. That is an image I would rather not have.”

  “Jane, I didn’t get a chance to thank you for what you did for me. I know I told you, but it needs to be said again. You are the most loyal friend a girl could have. You gave me a life free of the guilt of Chase’s death.”

  “I told you, girl. He’s sexy and I would have gone after him that night if you didn’t have dibs. This could have just as easily been me. I think getting to sire him and mate to him is going to be nothing short of a fairytale. I didn’t just do it for you.”

  I know she did, but I don’t argue. I’m hopeful he can make her happy. Siring a new vampire creates a special bond in addition to the mating bond. I think they will be alright.

  “So, besides giving you the third degree, we’re here to help you pack so you can spend time with Cody later on. See, we are sort of awesome!” Lana explains.

  “Who would have guessed I would have such a fabulous sister and totally rockin’ best friend. I really am lucky to have you both. Don’t worry, when I’m ruler, I’ll still be the same Callie.”

  Jane snorts and I narrow my eyes at her.

  “What’s so funny about what I said? I love you both.”

  “It’s not that, Callie. You’ll never be the same again. That doesn’t mean you won’t be an amazing friend, sister and ruler. It just means that you’ll grow up and that’s alright.”

  “Thanks, Jane. Now let’s get this place packed up. They must’ve brought these boxes while I was gone. Lana, you can start with the wardrobe boxes and clean out the closet. Jane, you can work on my desk and dresser. I will collect everything else and all my paintings. We should be done in no time.”

  They both nod at me and we break off. I turn my speakers on and plug my iPod in. I flip playlists until I find my workout list. We could all use the motivation to get this done quickly. I can’t wait to see Cody.

  As I take down my pictures, I feel a touch of sadness. I’m packing up a lifetime of memories and it just doesn’t seem real. I take great care with my paintings and soon my sorrow has bloomed into something more. This is my whole life and it is just being packed up in a series of boxes.

  My phone buzzes and I know it’s a text message from Cody. I smile and pull it out of my cotton shorts.

  Hey, princess, is everything alright? I already miss you like crazy. I love you and I will see you in a few hours. Xoxo-Cody

  I take a minute to respond back before shoving the phone back into my pocket.

  I’m just getting sentimental. I hope you like art, because I have a million paintings. I miss you too. Jane and Lana are keeping me company. See you soon! -Callie-xoxo

  I can feel his happiness through our bond and take that to mean he will accept my artwork and crazy taste in decorating. I couldn’t love this man any more than I do now.

  We’ve just about finished up when I hear a knock on the door. I panic, thinking that it is Cody. I really wanted to shower and change before he got here. Sighing in resignation, I fling the door open to see who it is.

  I’m not thrilled to see Chase at the door, but I try to give him a warm smile. He’ll be mated to Jane so I’ll have to get over our past and look towards the future. Chase deserves a clean slate.

  “Hey, Chase. Come in. Jane’s just over there.”

  “Thanks. And Callie? I’m glad everything worked out the way it did.”

  “Me too, Chase. Me too,” I reply sincerely.

  I really am glad things ended up the way they are. I get to keep Cody forever and Jane gets her happy ending.

  Dark thoughts of the consequences threaten to surface. I don’t want to think about the breeding law or my future stint as ruler. Grinding my teeth, I choke the thoughts down and focus on the here and now.

  Chase reaches Jane and sweeps her up in a swoon worthy hug. He lightly kisses her forehead and she giggles. I’ve never seen Jane so happy. Suddenly, all my repercussions seem worth it.

  “Alright, Callie, I’ve packed up everything in your desk and dresser. I can’t believe you’re moving to the castle tomorrow. What a bizarre twist of circumstance
s. Anyhow, I think Chase and I are going to head out.”

  “Thanks so much for helping me so I can spend time with Cody.”

  “No problem, you’ll be helping me soon enough,” she replies with a mischievous grin.

  “So when’s this big change going to happen?”

  “The change will be Wednesday at the castle. Alexander is going to oversee everything to insure there are no issues. I’m actually grateful. I don’t want to end up on trial for doing anything wrong.”

  “I hear you there. Have fun you two.”

  “See you later, Lana.” qct Then she turns to me. “Later babe.”

  Lana and I give them a wave and they are gone. The door shuts behind them. It’s quiet for a beat and then Lana speaks up.

  “I’ve got most of your closet packed up too. I know you still need to shower and get dressed before my brother comes over, so I’ll follow Jane’s lead. Have fun tonight, Callie.”

  She crosses the room and gives me a huge hug. I can’t help but grin.

  “Thanks, Lana. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.”

  We break apart and she leaves the same way Jane did. Soon, I’m alone with my thoughts. I look around and realize that my whole life fits into boxes. I feel a little sullen thinking that and quickly change course. I don’t need Cody worrying over nothing.

  I hurry to the bathroom and take a shower. I make sure to shave my armpits and my legs so I can wear shorts and a tank. We’re just spending the night in, but he will be staying over.

  Excitement fills me even though we are under strict rules tonight. No funny business my Mom says. She normally wouldn’t let him stay over but she gives in because of the bond. It’s hard for us to be apart for long periods of time now.

  I throw my hair up in a messy bun and don’t bother to put makeup on. I also don’t want Cody to see me looking like a raccoon in the morning just yet.

  I’m just pulling my tank top on when I hear a knock at my door. Barefoot, I pad across the room to open the door. A big goofy grin blossoms as I see Cody. He looks super sexy in his thin, brown tee shirt that leaves nothing to my imagination. His jeans are faded and low slung.

  He catches me appraising him and smirks. I blush but he just scoops me up and kisses me. My body is on fire. I feel like flames are licking my skin as I feel his strong arms wrapped around me and his lips on mine.

  We finally pull away, breathless. I see his eyes are a warm, glowing, caramel color with flecks of golden brown. I could lose myself in those eyes.

  The Moment has passed though. I feel nervous energy coming from Cody and instantly I am on alert.

  “Cody, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing at all,” he says as he pulls me to sit on my bed.

  He fidgets with my hands for a minute and then looks up at me. My eyes are wide and I’m wondering what the hell could be going on.

  Then, Cody pulls out a blue, velvet box out of his pocket. Relief and apprehension simultaneously flow through me. I’m glad it’s nothing bad, but I’m not sure what’s in the box and I don’t absolutely love surprises.

  Silently, he hands me the box and I hesitantly flip open the lid. There, lined in blue silk, is a ring. It’s gorgeous. I think I might faint. Where did he get a ring like this?

  The ring looks like it’s set in white gold or platinum. It’s a pave set stone with diamonds surrounding it. The center stone is gigantic and, again, I wonder where it came from. He doesn’t let me think about it for long.

  “It was my grandma’s ring. She saved it for me to give to my mate, since hers is gone. I know we don’t really get married as vampires since the bonding is so much more intimate but I still wanted a symbol of our eternal love for each other. I want you to look down at that ring on your finger and think of me. I love you, Callie, and I would be honored if you would wear this ring.”

  “I’m speechless. I can’t think of anything I would like more. Your grandma must be an amazing woman to deserve this and I will wear it with pride. I love it.”

  Cody lets out a breath of relief and I’m glad he is so happy with me. I let him slip the ring on my left ring finger and then I grasp the fabric of his shirt to pull him in for a kiss. The ring feels heavy, a reminder of my promise to be with him for eternity. I sigh and deepen the kiss. Cody is definitely yummy.

  I finally let go of his shirt as we pull away from each other. I have balled the fabric into a burst of wrinkles and I wince. We try to straighten them out, but it’s no use. I giggle and Cody just shrugs, his hair falling in his face.

  “It’s all good, princess.”

  Switching subjects, I turn to take another look around my room. “Can you believe that my entire life is summed up in a series of boxes? It’s so pitiful.”

  “I know. I have even fewer boxes than you do. That just means going forward; any stuff we get will be ours instead of yours or mine.”

  “Very true, however, you get all of my artwork along with me. I have so many good memories trapped inside my paintings. I don’t think I can part with them.”

  “If you painted them, then they’re already special. They’ll look beautiful on our walls.”

  He’s always saying sweet things like that. I feel a blush in my cheeks and I lean in for a soft, chaste kiss. He tries to pull me in further and deeper. I want to delve into our kiss and forget about the world around us. I want to taste him, indulge in the feel of his lips pressed against mine.

  Too soon, I pull away. I promised my Mom we would behave. Besides, I want to snuggle up and watch a movie with him. It’s been a long couple of days and I could use the downtime.

  “Let’s go watch a movie or something. We could watch infomercials for all I care.”

  He chuckles and I pull him towards the door. He dutifully follows me downstairs and into the kitchen first. I need some of the blood cocktail. I offer Cody some and he has a glass as well.

  Once we’re finished, I guide him towards the informal living room. After switching on the television, I fling myself onto the couch with a sigh. Cody maneuvers himself around me and wraps me in his arms. It feels so good to be cuddling up with Cody again.

  We try to watch a movie channel, but there are nothing but old movies on. I settle on the least horrible one and drop the remote to the floor. I don’t really care about watching it anyways.

  I shift on the couch until I’m embraced in Cody’s arms. My head rests against his chest and I can hear his heartbeat. My mind wanders and soon I am remembering last night. If Cody could see me, I would be blushing something fierce.

  Cody has seen all of me, inside and out. He’s glimpsed a piece of my soul and I can’t imagine having this with anyone else. It’s a good thing we get our happily ever after.

  Soon, I feel Cody’s fingers twisting my ring around my finger. The ring. This is the ring that I will forever cherish.

  I can’t wait to show it to Lana and Jane. I wonder if Lana has already seen it. They will be so jealous. It is a ring definitely fit for a princess. For once, I feel as special as everyone thinks I am.

  “It’s so special, like you are.” I know it’s probably nauseating to watch or listen to us, but I don’t care. Cody is the only one that matters.

  He kisses the top of my head and holds me close. “Ah, princess, you are the one bright spot in my life. I love you and I forever will. Eternity isn’t long enough.”

  “I love you too.”

  The sleepless night we spent together yesterday has worn me out and my eyes droop. Finally, all thought fades away and my eyelids flutter shut. I can hear Cody’s breathing is now steady and even. He has fallen asleep with me in his arms. That’s all the encouragement I need before I relent and let sleep take me.

  At some point, I stir. Cody’s breathing is still even and I pull back to study him. Good gravy, he is so sexy. He looks so peaceful with his eyes shut and hair falling in his face. I have this sudden urge to brush his hair back and kiss him, so I do.

  He begins to kiss me back and I fee
l his hands tangle in my hair. My body pushes closer to the hard planes of his. He’s all lean yet muscular. I slide my hands under his shirt and settle them on his chest as our kiss deepens.

  I could have stayed like that forever if it hadn’t been for the throat clearing that comes from the doorway. We jump apart and I feel a little guilty. It looked like a lot more than it actually was.

  Mom is standing at the door, but she isn’t scowling like I expect her to be. She’s smirking as if she knew what we were up to and expected it. Hmm.

  We sit up and I feel the crick in my neck from sleeping on the couch. Even in Cody’s arms, the couch isn’t the most comfortable place we could have slept.

  “What time is it?” I ask her.

  “It’s time for Cody to go home and get changed. The movers will be there shortly. As for you, the same applies. Grab yourselves a blood cocktail and get going.”

  We nod in understanding. Satisfied, she turns and leaves us alone again.

  He puts his hands on either side of my face and looks into my eyes lovingly. “I guess it’s time then. I’ll meet you on the other side, Callie.”

  “Umm hmm, I’ll be there as soon as they can get my crap packed up. I wonder where they’ll put us once we get there. I’ve never been into any of the personal quarters.”

  “Me neither, but I’m sure as the future rulers, ours will be amazing.”

  Cody stands up, kisses me on my forehead and guides me into the kitchen. Mom is conspicuously absent so I pour the cocktail in glasses and hand one to him.

  We linger longer than necessary, not wanting to part. I have to remind myself that I’ll see him soon and then we won’t be apart again. Our time is coming.

  I walk Cody to the door and throw my arms around him. “I’m going to miss you even if it’s just for a little while. It’s really hard to be apart from you.”

  He holds me tighter and I can feel his breath as he whispers in my ear. “I’ll miss you too, princess. I hate being apart from you, but it’s only temporary. Tonight, you’re all mine.”


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