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Arsen Page 36

by Kathryn Thomas

  “And you don’t?”

  “After a while you get tired of it. The club is always on the verge of coming apart. If we would work with each other instead of against each other, we could get so much more done. As it is now we can’t do shit. Except for Fletch and the rest of the guys, it’s every man for himself.”

  “What about your crew? Do they get caught up in that stuff, too?”

  “Some. But Perri, Bobbi and McKenzie are tough bitches. They can kick serious ass. Bobbi is like a fucking ninja. She can probably kick any man’s ass in the club. And the guys have kicked enough ass that nobody challenges them much anymore.”

  “Even yours?” Sierra teased.

  “Maybe. I wouldn’t want to test her. Nobody messes with her. McKenzie and Perri have each other’s backs and Fletch has broken more than one bone. My guys are tough and for the most part nobody messes with us anymore.”

  “What’s the deal with this challenge shit? How did that all get started?”

  “Damned if I know. It has always been that way, but it has gotten worse. Dom told me once it was a way for the club to sort out problems. If someone had a beef with someone else they could challenge, then the members would sort it out. Somewhere along the way, it evolved into what it is now. Everyone is always scrapping for top dog, and these little alliances form and break up all the time. I used to read about Rome when I was a kid, the Roman legion and all that shit. The fucking Romans could learn a thing or two about underhanded backstabbing from the DVMC.”

  “How long have you been with them?”

  “About six years.”

  “How did you get to be vice president so fast? I mean, I assume you got there fast. You’re younger than most and Paul has to be, what, sixty? Most of men and women appear to be in their late thirties to early fifties.”

  “Yeah. I got there by using my fists and cock.”

  “Your cock?”

  “Yeah. Monica, she used me to drag her up the ladder. She brought me into the club then hitched her star to mine.”

  “She was one of the women fighting when we came in, right?”

  “Yeah, the redhead with the big tits. She likes to fight, and she likes to fuck, but mostly she likes to do both at the same time. She gets off hard on it. She set me up with Dom. He busted in on us while we were fucking. I think the idea was for him to kick the shit out of me so she could watch it happen, but it didn’t turn out that way. I was young and stupid and looking for something. So she recruited me and then I became her pitbull. She kept setting us up in one fight after another. Fucking, fighting, sometimes both. She didn’t care. Finally, I had to face Dom again.”

  “He was the Vice President?”

  “Sergeant at Arms, and he was gunning for me. He wasn’t happy that Monica had thrown him overboard for me.”

  “What happened? I assume you won.”

  “Yeah. He was with Skye at the time. It was last one standing. Monica took Dom out first then it was me against Skye and Monica. But I—”

  “Wait!” she interrupted. “How does that work? You beat Dom, so doesn’t that end it?”

  “Yes and no. Skye was his proxy, so if Skye had taken me out, then it would have come down to Monica and Skye to determine the winner. That’s where all the animosity comes from between those two. But it didn’t come down to that.”

  “And all four of you were fighting? Skye and Monica must be pretty tough to stand a chance with you.”

  “Not fighting, Sierra, fucking. It was whoever was the last one still able to fuck.”

  “Oh,” she said, still not sure she understood. “So you out fucked Skye?”

  “And Monica, too.”

  “That’s what I don’t get. Wasn’t Monica on your team, or something?”

  “Yes, but if she could out fuck me, too, that raises her standing in the club. After all, she took on two men and out fucked them both.”

  Sierra shook her head. “This is too complicated for me. How do you keep up with it?”

  “It’s nothing formal. It’s about respect, and you just sort of know.”

  “So now you were the Sergeant at Arms?”

  “Yeah. But I was sick of being used by Monica. I kicked her ass out, then I challenged for the Vice-Presidency. That was Tucker. He didn’t want to fight and just let me have it.”

  “Any one challenge you for it?”

  “A few times. Especially when I started putting together the crew. But nothing in the last year or so.”

  “Who’s the Sergeant at Arms now?” Sierra asked, fascinated by all the backstabbing and intrigue. This was a lot more interesting than any television show she’d ever seen.


  “Ah! Who else from the crew?”

  Colt smiled. She was figuring it out. “Gunner is the Treasurer and Harrison is the Secretary.”


  “He watches our backs.”

  “So you have your top people in positions of power, and one standing by? I bet that goes over well.”

  “Not such a problem now. But as we were putting the team together there were a lot of challenges.”

  “But your people stood them all off?”

  “For the most part, yes. That’s why Gunner’s old lady left. Monica fucked her up good while we were putting the team together.”

  “That’s what you meant when you said I would have a target on my back.”

  “That’s right.”

  “But you still want to turn the club around, and you have your people in place. Why haven’t you moved?”

  “Because I’m still trying to do this without breaking the club. It takes time. I’m slowly showing brothers and sisters alike there may be a better way. What makes it tough are the Monicas and Doms working against me. If I could figure out how to get rid of them, and their close supporters, I think I could get what I want. But, once again, Paul likes to keep us at each other’s throats. So long as we are fighting each other, we can’t turn on him.”

  Sierra looked into Colt’s eyes. She could see life in there as he talked about the club and where he wanted it to go. He seemed more alive and animated than at any other time she’d seen him. “What is it you want to do with DVMC?”

  Colt shook his head. “That’s only for the officers of the club to know.”

  “Who am I going to tell? I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  Again Colt shook his head. “Just a little venture we have been working on.”

  “Does Paul know?”

  “He knows I want to take the club legit, but he doesn’t know the details. If he did, I’m sure he would do what he could to tear us down.”

  Sierra sat and mulled over what Colt had said as she finished her burger and beer. She knew he was a planner, someone who was careful and methodical. If he believed something was a good idea, it probably was. She racked her brain trying to figure out what he could be working on out in the middle of Nowheresville, Nevada, but came up empty. “Want to go count some money?” she finally said to fill the growing silence.

  He smiled and stood up, throwing four twenties on the table for their tab. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Colt dumped the cash onto the bed, setting aside the gun and stocking she’d used as a mask. Counting didn’t take long because, unlike the money from the carnival, this time the cash was neatly bundled and labeled.

  “$158,000,” Sierra breathed. She picked up the pen and pad the motel provided and began to scribble as Colt restacked the cash into the saddle bags. She felt a rush as she looked at the number, unable to believe it, so she did the math again and got the same answer. “$23,700…each,” she breathed. She stared as Colt tossed bundles to her, finishing by peeling off a few bills from one bundle.

  “There you go. Your share. How does it feel?” He asked as he sat aside an identical bundle for himself.

  She carefully picked up the five bundles and the few bills, her hands shaking uncontrollably as her breath caught in her chest.
She could feel the tears coming, but try as she might, she couldn’t stop them. She turned away, placing the money in the side table drawer as she tried to get control of her emotions. “Thank you,” she said softly, her back still to him, not wanting him to see her tears.

  “Hey, you earned it.”

  She wiped her eyes and turned to look at him. “That’s more money than I could dream of. I used to dream of finding a hundred dollars, or getting a bonus at Christmas. But this…”

  “It should be enough to give you a start.”

  She circled the bed, stopped in front of him and took him into her arms, then laid her head against his chest. “Thank you.”

  “Be careful,” he cautioned. “You can’t deposit that much cash in the bank without tripping all kinds of alarms.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that any deposit over $10,000 in cash and you have to fill out some paperwork and the IRS is going to be notified. You don’t want that, obviously.”

  Sierra stood still, thinking. There was so much she didn’t know. “Okay. Thank you.”

  He smiled. To be so strong she seemed so fragile right now and he realized how tough her life must be. He looked down at her and waited until she tipped her face up. As she did he slowly lowered his lips to hers and she took them, slowly, erotically, the kiss traveling the length of him and causing his cock to spring to life.

  “Are you ready for me to pay off the rest of my debt now?” she whispered as she slowly stepped back from the kiss.

  “No debt.”

  “Even better,” she smiled as she pulled her polo over her head before unfastening her bra, holding it in place after pulling the straps from her shoulders. She watched as he skinned out of his shirt, pants and underwear, her mouth almost watering in anticipation.

  He moved in and turned her around so he was standing behind her before he carefully pulled the brassiere from her hands and let it fall. He traced his fingers gently under her breasts as he nuzzled her neck. Her skin was flawless, smooth and without mark, and for some reason his shampoo and soap smelled better on her than he would have imagined possible. He kissed her slowly, wanting to take his time and enjoy her as he hadn’t enjoyed a woman in a long time. There was no pressure, nothing to prove, just a man and a woman enjoying life’s most basic pleasure.

  She almost moaned as his hands slid slowly down her stomach and began to pluck at the button to loosen her pants. This was so unlike their previous encounters where the sex was rough and one-sided, Colt being slow and gentle in a way she hadn’t expected but welcomed. She tried to turn to face him, but he held her, pulling her back into him and pressing his hardness into her ass. She desperately wanted to kiss him, so she twisted her head as far around as she could before pulling his head forward and down until their lips met.

  He allowed her to turn in his arms, pulling her in tight as they kissed, their tongues engaged in a slow and erotic match. He pulled back and began to kiss down her body, kneeling in front of her as he slowly slid her pants down and off her feet. The room was cool, the air-conditioning pumping, and he liked how her skin pimpled slightly in gooseflesh.

  His tongue was leaving behind a trail of delicious coolness in stark contrast to the heat of his breath and lips. She squirmed and cooed in anticipation, her hands on the back of his head, as he kissed his way lower. He paused at her womanhood, his soft breath between her legs heating her up even more. She waited but he made no movement and finally, after a seeming eternity, she couldn’t stand it anymore and pulled his face to her most intimate area.

  He waited, softly breathing on her pussy, forcing her to make the first move. He smiled to himself as she finally pulled his head forward in a suggestion he was delighted to follow. He moved in, kissing her softly, flicking her with his tongue, enjoying how she ground her hips into his face as she gasped, panted and purred in pleasure.

  She’d been pleasured by a man’s mouth before, but it was never like this. She didn’t know if it was because she was wound so tight or because Colt was exceptionally skilled at pleasing a woman, but she felt weak and unsteady on her feet as his tongue darted and probed. She could feel an orgasm of epic proportions building and she began to whimper. She took a half-step back and felt the bed hit the back of her legs. Colt pressed in, pushing her back, and she flopped to the bed, grateful to be off her feet so that she could truly enjoy the coming maelstrom.

  He followed her to the bed, pausing only long enough so they didn’t hurt themselves as she collapsed onto the crisp linens. He bore in, roughly massaging her clit with his tongue while making sounds as if were enjoying the most delightful treat. She began to gasp and moan softly, her hips thrusting harder and with more urgency as she approached her orgasm. He pressed in harder, battering her clit with his tongue, pulling and tugging at her with his lips as he continued his sweet torment until he felt her begin to tighten up, her orgasm beginning to take her.

  “No...” she moaned, trying to hold his head to herself as he pulled away. “Please…”

  He forced himself from her gasp, batting her hands away so she couldn’t finish herself. It was a mean thing to do, but he smiled as he rolled to his back and reached for the condom he’d placed on the nightstand. He would finish her soon enough.

  Sierra tingled, her skin alive as if a million tiny jolts of electricity danced along her skin. She tried to will herself into orgasm, clawing desperately for her release, but Colt left her hanging on the precipice, teetering on the knife-edge of climax. Finally, after long agonizing seconds, the pending orgasm melted away.

  “You fuck,” she growled in frustration as he moved away from her, tumbling to his back. She hated that shit eating grin he was wearing as he sheathed himself and she vowed to fuck that smile right off his face. He began to tug at her, steering her leg over him. Finally! she sighed as she moved over him.

  She settled on him as he held himself erect, the sensation of his cock sliding in her channel making him gasp softly, her moan as they finally joined sending an erotic chill through him. She was incredibly wet and tighter than any woman he’d fucked in a long time.

  Try as she might, she couldn’t suppress the sound of her pleasure as he entered her, stretching her in a way she never felt before, touching places no man had ever touched. The orgasm that was melting away came roaring back, stronger than before. She began to move, intending to pound him through the bed, to make herself come as hard as possible, as often as possible, and to fuck him until she collapsed from exhaustion.

  “Relax,” he breathed as he held her down, preventing her from rising. “Slow down. We’ve got all night.”

  She groaned again in frustration, but sat still, relishing the feel of him inside of her. If he would just let me take the edge off! Finally his grip relaxed and she began to move, slowly, rocking on her knees as he began to softly caress her breasts. Her orgasm was stalled by her slow pace, her need twisting her tight as her climax slowly grew and made her ache for her release.

  “Oh…fuck!” she breathed, gritting her teeth as she fought the urge to ride him hard and fast until she came.

  “That’s it,” he breathed as his fingers played over the erect points of her breasts. He smiled, the profound look of pleasure on her face making his cock feel like it was swelling even larger. Normally he was in control, but Sierra made him feel wild and unable to restrain himself. Fuck it! he growled to himself. If we’re going to fuck, then let’s fuck!

  He pulled her down until her lips bare millimeters from his. “Are you ready?” he whispered as he drew his legs up, preparing to give her what she wanted…what he wanted.

  She kissed him furiously in way of answer, whimpering and moaning into the kiss as he exploded into motion, pounding into her furiously hard. She broke from the kiss, gently biting his shoulder to prevent herself from screaming in pleasure as he fucked her hard and fast. The lurking orgasm came forward with a rush, bearing down on her like a runaway train, surrounding and drowning her in pleasure. The clima
x hit her like an avalanche, devastating and unstoppable in its power. She tried to rear up against his embrace, but he crushed her to his chest as he continued to pound into her like a machine, the sounds of their joining lost as she began to moan softly in pleasure.

  Her breath was coming in great gasping heaves before she began to keen softly and her nails bit into his arms painfully hard. He could feel her straining under the weight of her release as she whimpered and then began to keen softly again.

  Her orgasm destroyed her, a never-ending wave of pleasure that burned through her like a wildfire. She wanted to scream and curse and cry, unable to accept the pleasure of their coupling as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut and clung to Colt as if her life depended on it. Just when she thought she could accept no more pleasure, he crushed her tighter still, shuddering as he growled low and deep in his chest as he thrust even harder and faster before throwing his head back with a bark and lifting her off the bed as he pushed up with his legs.


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