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Arsen Page 37

by Kathryn Thomas

  He held her aloft as his orgasm ripped through him, his legs shaking as he spilled his essence into her. It had been a long time since he’d come so hard, but that was what she did to him, and he liked it. His hips fell as his orgasm released him, her lips finding his as he sighed in relief and satisfaction.

  “Are you done?” she whispered after their lips finally parted.

  “Are you?”

  She kissed him gently again. She needed a moment more to gather her strength, but then… “Not even close.”

  He could already feel the passion increasing in their kiss and he began to pump his hips slowly. “Good. Neither am I.”

  Sierra couldn’t stop smiling as she dried her hair. They had gone again, after their first tumble, in a long hard mating that had left them sweaty and out of breath. They had slept for a time until Colt woke her as he nursed her breast, which led to another round of fucking, first in the bed and then in a chair before they collapsed into another exhausted sleep. Finally, she’d gotten her toes curled again this morning in the shower as he pressed her against the wall and fucked her so slowly they may have drained every drop of hot water in the place.

  “Are you ready for Reno?” Colt asked as he spat toothpaste into the sink.

  “Yes. Will you stay the night?”

  “I think I can be talked into that.”

  Her smile widened. She certainly hoped so. Her itch was temporally scratched, but it would return by the time they arrived in Reno. “Colt, can I ask you something?” He was acting completely different this morning, his normal aloofness missing.

  “Sure. What?”

  “I know you said you wouldn’t tell me what you’re planning to do to take the club straight, but when you do, if I have the money, is it something I can invest in?”

  “Invest in?”

  “Yeah. If there is one thing I’ve learned, if you want to make money you have to own the business. The Candills own practically everything in Gallup and they live in a nice house and drive nice cars. I don’t want to be working for minimum wage the rest of my life.”

  “What makes you think you want to invest in it?”

  “I might not, but I trust you. I think if you think it’s a good idea, it probably is.”

  He thought it over. He’d considered bringing in outside investors before he rejected the idea, not wanting to give up control. “I’ll have to think about it.” He paused as he thought. “You could come back with me. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.”

  She stared at him a moment. “Join the DVMC? Are you serious?”

  “Sure. Why not? I can’t promise you much, but you can handle yourself and I can always use another person I can trust on my crew. You could pool your take with ours, be a part owner in what I have planned.”

  “And if I don’t want to do that?”

  “What? Join the club or be part of something bigger?”

  “Either. Both.”

  Colt shrugged. “There’s always Reno. But there are easier ways to earn money, big money, than busting your ass eight to five every day. How would you like to have a payday like yesterday once or twice a month?”

  She licked her lips as she thought it over. So much money… “You don’t worry about being caught?”

  “Of course I do. That’s why I’m careful and think this shit out first. So we don’t get caught.”

  “Would I be your old lady?”

  He chuckled. “I can’t promise you love, Sierra, but I can promise you a better life than you had if you pull your weight on my crew. If you throw in with us, and show us we can trust you, you could be on the ground floor of something big.” He paused and grinned sly at her. “And for a while anyway, I want to give you the fucking you deserve every night.”

  She flashed hot at the thought of getting every night what she got last night and again this morning. “If I throw in with you, you’ll tell me what you’re planning?”

  “After a time. Seems only fair you know what you are investing in.”

  “And if I choose not to?”

  “That’s fine, too.”

  “And if I decide not to stay in the club?”

  “So long as you don’t violate our trust, then you can leave if you wish, but let’s be very clear here, Sierra. If you cross us, if you talk about the DVMC with anyone, then I will hunt you down myself. Are we clear about that?”

  She nodded, remembering, once again, that despite Colt’s laid-back demeanor, he wasn’t a man to cross. “I understand and you have my word.”

  “Good enough. You need some time to think about it?”

  “Can we start? I have three hours to think about it on the way.”

  Colt grinned. “Sure. But if you wait until we have to turn around and come back to make up your mind, I might have to charge you.”

  “I wouldn’t mind paying,” she smiled in return. “Can we stop and get some clothes before we leave? I’m tired of wearing the same clothes all the time…and they smell.”

  They first stopped for some civvies, a collection of shirts, jeans and underwear. As they walked out she surprised him by asking to get a leather jacket, and he knew just the place.

  The clerk had helped her pick out a riding jacket, then, perhaps sensing an opportunity, had encouraged her to take a pair of pants. When she stepped out of the changing booth, his cock almost instantly began to harden. The pants fit her just right, clinging to her like a second skin and showing off her ass to perfection. The opening of the vest drew the eye to the bulge of her breasts, made more appealing by the two open buttons of the white shirt underneath.

  “What do you think?” she asked as she sauntered up. She hadn’t intended to buy anything other than the jacket, but the look on Colt’s face, and everyone else’s in the store, changed her mind.

  “Hot as fuck,” he whispered, just loud enough for her to hear.

  That settled it, and made up her mind on what to do, so she purchased the entire outfit, along with a pair of boots, helmet and a set of shades. It cost her over a grand, but she didn’t mind. For a while, at least, she was going to go with Colt.

  Sierra stepped out of the store, decked out in black. She looked like any other member of the DVMC, save for the patch, and she looked damned good, too, if she did say so herself. She slid her shades on and buckled her helmet, feeling every bit the badass biker bitch.

  “You’re sure about this?” Colt asked as she settled behind him.

  “No. But I’m doing it anyway.”

  The rumble of the big Harley drowned out his chuckle. One thing about Sierra, she didn’t back down.

  As they bellowed north, Sierra tucked in tight to Colt’s back, the desert flowed past in a brown and tan blur. She might not be his old lady, but she certainly affected him in ways that a woman hadn’t in a long time. He didn’t know what the future held for them, but at this moment, just the two of them on his hog, free from the concerns of the DVMC as the Harley sang its road song, it looked at bright as the Nevada sun.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sierra swaggered into the bar as if she owned the place, peeling her shades off in what she hoped was dramatic fashion. If she was going to look the part, she wanted to back it up with attitude.

  They had ridden as far as the gas in the Harley would take them before stopping and filling the tank. While she and Colt may look badass in their black leather, that didn’t mean they weren’t hot in the desert heat, and an air-conditioned bar and something wet was just what they needed.

  Had they left straight away from the motel this morning they wouldn’t be riding in the heat of day, but getting to play slip and slide in the shower with Colt this morning, then her shopping trip, was worth the delay. Especially the shower.

  “Michelob on draft and a menu,” Colt said as they settled in a booth.

  “Same,” Sierra said.

  The skinny waitress nodded, popped her gum, and spun to fetch their order.

  “Everyone is looking at you,” Colt said with
a grin. Not that he blamed them. This was a well-known biker bar just north of Vegas, and it was full of bikers. Rogues, outlaws, inlaws and loners, they all mixed here and it was considered neutral ground. The place was large, a destination in its own right, and was always full of leather clad men and women, but there wasn’t a woman in the place that came close to having the impact Sierra did.

  She looked around, struggling not to smile as her eyes swept the bar. People were beginning to turn back to their own drinks and conversations, but it was clear she’d caused a sensation when she’d entered, and she liked it…she liked it a lot.

  The waitress sat the two beers and menus on the table. “I’ll check on y’all in a minute,” she drawled, her southern accent as thick as honey.

  They picked up their menus, but Colt barely glanced at his before putting it down again. He’d been here many times in the past five years and knew the fare well. What he didn’t know, though, was what he’d been thinking when he’d invited Sierra to join the club. Well, actually, he did. He’d been thinking he wanted her in his bed for a while. That’s what was so confusing. Yes, Sierra was hot as the fucking desert, but he’d been bedding sexy women for years and never invited one to join the club. He should take her to Reno and leave her there. That would be what was best for her, but goddamnit, he wanted her. He wanted her not only because she was smoking hot, but also because she was different from so many of the women in the club. All of the ones he would even consider making his old lady were already paired up with another member. The rest, the free floating fucks as he thought of them, he didn’t have any use for other than as a place to stick his cock. They were stupid, always stoned, nasty pieces of work, or all three.

  Take Monica. She certainly wasn’t stupid, and wasn’t always stoned, but she was one conniving bitch and he didn’t trust her as far as he could come on her. That was the big failure of the DVMC. Nobody trusted anyone else. He trusted his crew, and a few others, but even those who generally supported him were still caught up in the backstabbing and dirty dealing of the club.

  He couldn’t blame them. They were trapped in the system and if they didn’t mix it up, they would get eaten alive. But Sierra? She wasn’t afraid of anyone or anything. She’d proven that several times already. He needed another person he could trust, someone who would rise above the sex, drugs and booze. She could show others there was a better way. All he had to do was—

  “Since you’ve been here before, what’s good?” Sierra asked, interrupting his thoughts.

  “I always get the Greasy Pig.”

  Sierra looked the menu over. “Fried boneless pork chop sandwich?”


  “Okay,” she said laying the menu aside. “You convinced me.”

  “What can I get for y’all,” the waitress asked almost before the menu hit the table.

  “Two Greasy Pigs, with chips,” Colt replied.

  “Ranch for the chips?”

  “None for me,” Colt said.

  “Yes, please,” Sierra countered.

  “Want a refill?” the girl asked with a nod at their half empty mugs.

  “One more.”

  “It’ll be right out,” the waitress replied as she picked up the menus and left with their order.

  Sierra sipped her beer as she glanced around the bar again. She was having a hard time believing she was doing this. Less than a week ago she was stuck in a dead in job in a dead end town. Then Colt and the Death Valley Motorcycle Club had ridden in and stirred up trouble. With a gun to her head she’d been taken as a hostage and then given a choice. Walk twenty miles in the middle of the desert or return to the DVMC clubhouse to satisfy Colt’s carnal desires. She’d chosen the latter, and ended up making more money in one day than she did in a year by knocking over a grocery store. To top that, rather than walk away and starting anew with her good fortune, she was going back for more.

  She watched Colt a moment as he sipped his beer. What she was doing made no sense! Part of it was the allure of easy money, but she would be kidding herself if she said the thought of sharing Colt’s bed every night wasn’t a factor.

  The plates with the steaming sandwiches and chips hitting the table pulled her from her thoughts. “Let me know if you need anything,” the waitress said as she sat the two beers on the table.

  “We should go,” Colt said. They had spent several hours in the bar, shooting pool and sipping beer. Sierra sucked at pool, but she nearly beat him anyway a couple of times because he couldn’t focus as she leaned over the table. He noticed that most of the bar seemed mesmerized by her, as well, and it wasn’t for her skills with a cue.

  He’d given her some lessons, stepping in close behind her and pressing in tight to her ass. She was so bad he couldn’t tell if she was affected by the feel of him, but his game sure as hell was.

  “After this game, okay?” she said with a smile that made him feel sweaty. “Help me with this shot?” She didn’t care if she sunk the shot or not, but she did want to feel him pressing against her ass again as he wrapped his arms around her to guided her stroke.

  He stepped around the table and bent over her, placing his hands on hers. As she pressed back into him, he nearly groaned desire.

  She smiled as she felt him push back into her and she glanced up to his face. He was looking at her, not the shot, so she flattened herself more to the table, allowing her breasts to flatten and press up in the blouse. “You’re not watching what you are doing,” she whispered as he drew her cue back.

  He glanced away and with a sharp motion, struck the cue ball. It was as sloppy shot, but the six ball dropped into the pocket. They took their time straightening, Colt keeping her ass tucked tightly into his crotch. “It’s all in the stroke,” he murmured into her ear as he pressed into her ass a little harder.

  “You’ll have to show me your stroke when we get back to the clubhouse,” she replied as she moved to line up another shot, once again lying on the table, offering her ass up for him to see.

  He smiled as she scratched the shot. She may suck at pool, but that wasn’t a skill set he cared about at the moment.

  He braked hard as the side road flashed past in the light of the headlamp, then looped the bike around in the middle of the road and pointed it down a dirt track.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We have to make a stop.”


  Why, indeed? They had only been on the road for another hour, but he hadn’t been able to get the vision of Sierra stretched across the table and her purring promise of pleasure when they arrived back at the clubhouse out of his mind. He’d been nursing a throbbing hard-on for the entire hour and he couldn’t stand it anymore. “There’s something I need to do.”


  “You’ll see.”

  They rode about ten minutes down the dusty track before he stopped the bike and shut the engine off, the headlight going dark and leaving them in moonlight.

  “What now?” she asked as she stepped off the bike.

  He carefully leaned the bike onto the stand, making sure it wouldn’t sink into the sandy soil and fall over. “Now,” he said as he grabbed her and pulled her forcefully to him, “I’m going to fuck you like you have never been fucked before.”

  His kiss was breath taking in its intensity, far more so than any kiss she’d ever experienced. There was no stopping what was about to happen and they began to strip, throwing their leathers to the ground. They tumbled to the earth, still hot from the scorching desert sun, but she didn’t care. There was no tenderness, only need, and they grasped and tugged at each other as they were devoured by their desires.

  He didn’t understand what was happening to him as they wrestled and squirmed on their leathers. He was always in charge, always in control, however he felt anything but in control with Sierra. He wanted her so badly that he didn’t care about anything other than feeling her surrounding him, kissing her, fucking her for hours without end. Her kiss was torrid, lighting
a fire in him unlike any he’d experienced before. With a gasp he pulled back and began to kiss down her body, tasting the salt from her sweat.

  “No,” she growled, pulling him forcefully upwards. She needed him inside of her, and right fucking now! She’d been sitting in her own dampness for the last hour and she wanted to waste no time before feeling him inside of her again. “I want you to fuck me, and fuck me hard,” she breathed as her lips closed over his again. She was burning with desire, knowing they were going to be fucking hard and loud in the desolate landscape. She could easily imagine them as the last man and woman on earth, and for reasons she couldn’t explain, that excited her even more.


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