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[Anthology] A Clean Fake Marriage Romance Collection

Page 33

by Victorine E. Lieske

  The audience grew silent after the clips ended. Megan turned to Penelope. “As you can see, Adam and I weren’t exactly best friends.”

  Penelope leaned forward. “But wasn’t that just sexual tension?”

  Megan shook her head. “Definitely not. I honestly didn’t like the guy.”

  Adam forgot his resolve to not look at her and stared. What was she doing?

  “I think it’s time to bring out our third guest.”

  Third guest? It wasn’t until then that he noticed the other empty chair beside him. Adam jerked his gaze over to the stage entrance.

  Doctor Lemon stepped out, crossed the stage, and sat down. Confusion clouded his brain. What was going on? This was supposed to be a routine appearance. The doctor wasn’t on the schedule.

  Megan cleared her throat. “If I’m going to come clean, I can’t ignore our good friend, Doctor Shelby Lemon.”

  Come clean? A sinking feeling started in his chest and moved to his stomach. What was Megan doing?

  She continued to speak. “You see, the day we had Doctor Lemon on our show, I was shocked to find out Adam had some kind of buried feelings for me. If I’m going to be totally honest, I must admit that even though I didn’t like the guy, I found him physically attractive.”

  Where was she going with this? He tried not to squirm.

  “And when the machine said he had hidden, deeper feelings for me, I was kind of blindsided. I mean, ladies, who doesn’t like to find out an attractive man likes them?” The women in the audience all cheered.

  “When did you find out the truth?” Penelope’s face grew serious.

  The truth? Oh, no. She wasn’t going to...Megan didn’t know. Right? He swallowed.

  “After Adam and I had our first date, I found out the website was telling people to stay tuned for our second date. I was furious. That’s when I went down to the station and overheard Adam talking to our producer.”

  Everyone in the room froze, and Adam couldn’t breathe. She’d known this whole time.

  “What did you overhear?”

  Megan turned and pointed to Doctor Lemon. “That she is a fake.”

  The audience gasped, and the doctor’s face blanched.

  Megan continued. “She’s not a real doctor. The machine was a setup. She was controlling it the whole time.”

  Doctor Lemon jumped up, her composure lost. “This is an outrage!” Unfortunately, the force of her movement dislodged her wig, making it sit on her head askew.

  The audience laughed until Doctor Lemon stormed off the stage. All Adam could do was stare in disbelief. It was then that he noticed the caption showing on the screen. “Megan Holloway Tells All.” His mouth went dry.

  Penelope looked like she’d won the lottery. “What did you do, when you found out Doctor Lemon wasn’t real?”

  Megan avoided his gaze. “I did the only thing I could think of. I got revenge.”

  A clip of Adam’s face reading the karaoke sign flashed up on screen, and everyone went wild. He slid down a little in his seat. Why was she doing this? What had he done that was so terrible now? He’d told her he loved her. Did that offend her so much that she had to retaliate with this ‘tell all’ show?

  Penelope turned to him for the first time. “Adam, did you know Megan had found out about Doctor Lemon?”

  He blinked. She really expected him to participate in his own public hanging? Everyone waited for his response. He shook his head, because no words would come.

  Penelope turned back to Megan. “How did you feel, knowing that you were being deceived?”

  “I was upset, of course. But, despite everything, I was also aware that our dates were making our show more popular.” She stopped, looked down at her feet, and swallowed. “I’m ashamed to admit it, but I continued to date Adam because I thought it would further my career.”

  The audience murmured, and Penelope held up her hand. “Before you pass judgment, let’s hear the whole story. Megan, what happened next?”

  “We went out a few more times. Then he hit that deer in the road.”

  Penelope looked up at the screen, and a clip from that night played. Adam watched himself on the screen having an emotional breakdown, holding that dying fawn by the side of the road. What was the purpose of bringing that up?

  Megan blinked, and he thought for a second she was trying not to tear up, but when she spoke her voice was steady. “My opinion of him changed that night.”

  “How so?”

  “I saw a side of him I hadn’t seen. A tender side.”

  Adam squinted at her. What was she doing? Why did he feel like he was on a roller coaster, with no way of knowing where he would end up?

  Penelope smiled at the camera. “I think we all got to see that.” She turned back to Megan. “Then the next thing I remember seeing was you losing it.”

  Another clip rolled, this one of Megan shouting about not ever marrying Adam, even if she were dying and he was the only cure. The audience laughed, and Megan blushed. “Not my best moment.”

  “Why were you so angry?”

  “Leon was trying to manipulate the show. He was online encouraging our fans to push for marriage.” Megan took a breath, still avoiding his gaze. “I didn’t like being coerced. I felt played. I got angry.”

  “But then why would you agree to be on the ABC show, Winning Megan Over?”

  Another blush touched her cheeks. “I was told it would be a dating show, and to be totally honest, I did it to further my career again.”

  The audience frowned and whispered amongst themselves. But Megan didn’t stop there. “They were also offering us a hundred thousand dollars to do the show.”

  Adam silently groaned. This was definitely a ‘tell all’ show. Megan wasn’t going to stop until she’d given every gory detail. Why she was doing this was clear. She was releasing him from any more contact with her. She was doing this so they could go their separate ways.

  Without coming out like this, they would have to make up excuses as to why they weren’t living together. They’d have to lie, and say they’d had a fight, were separated, or some other such thing. They’d have to lie until they got a divorce. She was doing this to give him an out.

  But he didn’t want her to take all the blame. He was part of this too. “I talked her into it,” he blurted.

  They both stared at him. When Penelope had gotten over her shock, she quietly urged, “Go on.”

  “I wanted the money. ABC was only willing to do the show if we agreed to get married at the end.” Everyone gasped at this revelation, but he ignored them. “I convinced Megan to go ahead with it, to get married, but only on paper. She reluctantly agreed. The marriage was never supposed to be real.”

  The audience burst into loud chatter, and Penelope had to calm them down. “I’m being told we need to go to commercial break. We’ll be right back with Megan Holloway and Adam Warner, as we learn the whole truth about their show.”

  As soon as the cameras were off, Megan turned to him, her eyes accusing. “What are you doing?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  Her gaze softened. “Sorry. You just startled me. I thought you’d just sit and listen.”

  “Oh, believe me, I’m quite entertained by all of this. But I couldn’t let you take all the blame for what happened.”

  She placed her hand on his knee, the gesture about driving him out of his skin. “Thank you. But this is my tell all. I need you to sit and quietly listen to the rest.”

  He no longer wanted to listen. All he wanted to do was to pick her up, throw her over his shoulder, and take her home so he could kiss her until she fell in love with him. Instead of admitting his caveman-like urge, he simply nodded.

  “Thank you,” she repeated. Then she settled back in her chair, and they waited until the break was over.

  Penelope snapped back into action as soon as the cameras were rolling. “We are back with Megan Holloway and Adam Warner. Megan and Adam have just revealed that the
ir marriage was never supposed to be real. Please tell us more about this, Megan.”

  Megan clutched the sides of her chair, her knuckles white. “The actual marriage is real. We used a real minister, signed real papers, and it’s legally binding. Adam and I are married.” She stared at the cameras. “But we agreed to it under false pretenses. We never intended to act like a real married couple.”

  “So, nothing went on in the bedroom, then?” Penelope gave the camera a wicked grin.

  Megan shook her head. “We agreed to get married because of the show, and for the money. That’s the only reason.”

  The audience obviously didn’t like this statement, but hushed to hear what else Megan was going to say. “I knew ahead of time that I was not to fall for any of the other men on the show. They were there to create tension, but never as serious contenders. I knew Adam would propose, and I knew I was to accept.”

  Penelope nodded. “I think there’s more to tell. Am I right?”

  Megan nodded, her lips pinched tight. “What I didn’t know was that Adam Warner was going to fall in love with me.”

  Chapter 25

  Megan peeked over at Adam and got to see the color drain from his face. She had to keep going or she would never be able to finish. “It was our wedding night. I was to sleep in the bedroom, and Adam had agreed to be on the couch. I was tense from the stress of the fake wedding, so Adam offered to massage my shoulders.”

  A few ladies in the audience made noises of approval. Who wouldn’t? Adam was all hunk. She was sure they were imagining him giving them a massage. She pushed away a smile. “We talked for a few minutes, but as our conversation turned more intimate, I grew uncomfortable.”

  Adam looked like he wanted to crawl under his chair. She hated embarrassing him like this, but she had to get everyone to understand.

  Penelope rubbed her hands together. “Then what happened?”

  Adam leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands. She was hurting him. She had to get the rest out. “Adam admitted to me that he had really fallen in love with me.”

  The audience froze, and the silence was deafening. Megan clenched her hands and tried to muster up her courage. “I freaked out. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I couldn’t handle his admission at that time. I clammed up. And when he asked me if I felt anything for him, I couldn’t admit my true feelings.”

  Adam’s head snapped up, his blue eyes meeting hers in a piercing stare.

  “Are you saying that you have feelings for Adam as well?”

  It felt like everyone in the room was holding their breath, waiting for Megan to speak. “I do.”

  The room exploded in noise, and Penelope once again had to quiet everyone. “Are you in love with him?”

  Megan stared at Adam, his body tense waiting for her answer, like a panther watching his prey. “Yes.”

  He jumped from his chair and snatched her up in a crushing hug. Before she knew it, his lips were on hers, with an intensity she’d never felt from him before. When she pulled back, he said, “You’d better not be playing me, Megan Holloway.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “I’m not. I tried to tell you, but you’d left and wouldn’t answer my calls.”

  Adam picked her up and swung her around, planting another passionate kiss on her. “You sure know how to make a guy sweat.”

  Penelope laughed along with the rest of the room. “If you two love birds could sit again, I do have a few more questions.”

  Megan pried herself away from Adam and sat. Adam took her hand in the warmth of his own. A montage of videos of them kissing displayed on the screen. Penelope motioned to the television. “America watched your passionate kisses. How did it feel, kissing Adam like this but not realizing that he was actually falling in love with you?”

  “I was confused. My heart was falling for him, but in my head I knew we were supposed to be acting for the camera. Except his kisses were intoxicating.”

  Adam grinned at that, and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “When did you finally admit to yourself that you were in love with him?”

  Megan pursed her lips in thought. “I didn’t allow myself to realize it until Kyle came right out and asked me. Then it hit me. I knew I had fallen for him.”

  Penelope’s eyebrows drew together. “I don’t remember Kyle asking you about Adam.”

  “They cut that part. Probably because it made it obvious who I would choose.”

  “That makes sense. Now, I only have one more question.” Penelope looked between the two of them. “What are you going to do now?”

  Adam spoke before she had the chance. “We’re going to go on a proper honeymoon!”

  The audience laughed, and Penelope shook her head, though she was smiling. “Now, Adam, loving someone and marrying them are two separate things. Are you sure Megan wants to make that kind of commitment right now?”

  He turned to her, his eyes pleading. He slipped from his chair and got on one knee. The audience cheered, then quieted down so they could hear. Megan’s heart jumped into her throat.

  “I know we’re already married, but you deserve a proper proposal.” He took both of her hands. “Megan Holloway, I fell in love with you so completely, I can’t imagine my life without you. Even though you enjoy putting me through torture...” He paused, glancing around at the studio and getting a chuckle from the audience. “My life would never be the same without you.”

  She blinked back the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. Adam smiled, and continued. “I would be honored to call you my wife. My real wife. Will you marry me for real?”

  A few shouts of approval echoed through the room before everyone held their breath, waiting for Megan to answer. She squeezed his hands, butterflies tickling her stomach. “Yes.”

  The crowd went nuts. Adam pulled her up for another embrace. “You don’t know how happy you’ve made me,” he whispered in her ear.

  And then the audience melted away as he gave her another toe-curling kiss.


  Megan sat on the porch swing, her legs tucked under her, Adam’s strong arms wrapped around her. She nestled into his chest. The sound of the evening crickets and the gentle rocking of the swing provided the perfect setting. She sighed.

  “What?” Adam ran his fingers over her arm, sending tingles through her.

  “Nothing. I’m just happy.” She peeked up at him. “I never thought I’d have this, you know?”

  The corner of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. “A porch swing?”

  She giggled. “Any of it. I thought I knew what I wanted. But sitting here, with you, I can’t imagine my life any other way.”

  “I’m glad Leon hired me back.”

  “He had no choice. The website blew up.”

  Adam kissed the top of her head. “Do you regret turning down the national show?”

  She snuggled closer to him. “No. I thought fame would make me happy. It didn’t.”

  He chuckled. “Me neither. I like it here in the country, saggy porch and all.” They were quiet for a moment before he spoke again. “So, what’s this surprise we’re waiting for?”

  “I can’t tell you. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

  They watched the dusk settle in, and just as the air was getting a bit too chilly, the neighbor boy, Eli, came through the trees. A small puppy wriggled in his arms.

  Megan jumped up and rushed to him. “This the one?”

  “Yep. Momma said we can’t keep any of this litter. Gotta find ‘um good homes.” The puppy snuggled into his armpit as he grinned. “I picked this one out special for you.”

  Adam stood. “What’s this?”

  Megan picked up the soft bundle. “Thanks, Eli.” She ruffled his hair and sent him back home. When she turned to Adam, she couldn’t decipher his expression. “I thought we could help out the neighbor kid. Maybe take in one of the pups.”

  The small golden retriever sniffed her shoulder, then gave
it a little lick. Adam descended the steps and lifted the puppy from her arms. “He’s perfect.” The dog licked his face, and he laughed.

  Megan’s heart warmed. “I’m so glad. I was afraid with what had happened in the past...” She let her voice trail off.

  “It’s a time for new beginnings.” He tucked the pup in the crook of his arm and took her hand. “For all of us.”

  The End

  Mistakenly Married

  Chapter 1

  Penny wrung her hands and walked to the back of the room. She opened the chapel door to peek outside for the fifteenth time in the last few minutes. William had to show up. He just had to. She turned and smiled at her family, seated in the cheap folding chairs at the front of the Chapel-O-Love. “I’m sure the traffic has held him up.”

  Her mother gave her a teary smile. Dad appeared to be trying not to say, “I told you this was a bad idea.” At least her sister, Kimmy, smiled and gave her two thumbs up, showing her support. Her little brother, Clay, just fiddled with his cell phone and looked bored.

  Where was William? He promised he would come. Tears blurred her vision and she blinked them away. Not now, in front of her family. She couldn’t be the mess-up they all expected her to be. Not again. She took a shaky breath and steeled her nerves. He wouldn’t let her down. She’d known him for too long.

  Well, “known” was probably not the right word. They hadn’t actually met before. But she’d been chatting with him online for over two years. They’d shared things some real life couples probably hadn’t. She knew him, knew his soul. Even if all she’d ever seen was a blurry photo of him, she loved William with all her heart.

  She probably shouldn’t have committed to marrying William without even skyping, but he had some kind of camera phobia. How could she insist? Would his looks really make a difference anyway? She loved his heart, not his dark hair or strong jaw line. If he couldn’t bring himself to get on camera, she needed to support him. She’d meet him face to face in a minute anyway.


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