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[Anthology] A Clean Fake Marriage Romance Collection

Page 71

by Victorine E. Lieske

  She looked up at him.

  He didn’t know how to tell her the evening meant something to him. Cooking the meal together, even though he’d messed it up, had been fun. He’d felt like they’d shared something. But how could he put it into words? He ended up just saying, “Thanks.”

  He wasn’t sure she would know what he meant, but she smiled. “Sure thing.”

  He lowered his gaze. “Good night.”

  TARA SHUT THE DOOR and dimmed the light. Spending the evening with Rick had been nice. Different than she had thought it would be. He was more down-to-earth, somehow. She enjoyed messing around with him in the kitchen. In fact, it had felt a lot like flirting.

  But that was silly, and she needed to put those thoughts out of her head and act more like a responsible adult. She slipped into her pajamas and crawled into bed. Maybe marrying Rick was impulsive and stupid, but she couldn’t go back now. She could, however, stop acting like a fool. He was a movie star and she was nobody. A year from now, he’d go on being a star and she’d go back to Iowa.

  She closed her eyes but didn’t fall asleep for over an hour. And even then, consciousness was right at the surface. Her brain didn’t want to stop thinking about her evening with Rick.

  Tara woke the next morning when someone small crawled on top of her. She opened her eyes to see Kylee two inches from her face. Morning light peeked in the curtains. Kylee put her hands on Tara’s cheeks. “Mommy? Are you awake?”

  “I am now.”

  Kylee didn’t respond to her sarcasm. “Good. What are we going to do today?”

  Her half-awake brain couldn’t think of anything spectacular. “Take naps.”

  Kylee screwed up her face in disgust. “I don’t want to take naps.”

  “I do.”

  “Can we go to the zoo?”

  The thought of walking around the zoo in the summer heat didn’t appeal to her. “I don’t think so.”

  “The children’s museum?”

  Indoors. That had more promise. “Maybe.”

  “Yippee!” Kylee jumped down from the bed and ran into the bathroom. When Tara set out her clothes, Kylee frowned. “I want to wear my ladybug shirt.”

  “That’s fine. Go get it out of the drawer.”

  Kylee ran to the dresser and pulled the bottom drawer out and grabbed her favorite red shirt with black polka dots. It was getting small on her, but Kylee loved it, and Tara didn’t have the heart to give it away just yet.

  When they went down for breakfast, Kylee ran up to Rick who was sitting on a kitchen barstool. “We’re going to the children’s museum!”

  Tara folded her arms. “I said maybe.”

  Rick smiled down at Kylee. “Ooh, that sounds like fun. Can I come?”

  “Yes! You can play on the boat with me.”

  Tara sighed. “I guess we’re going.”

  Rick turned puppy dog eyes on her. “Sorry, didn’t mean to undermine you.”

  “That seems to be happening a lot lately.” She couldn’t get angry, though, and she smiled to show him she wasn’t upset. With Rick going along to help her with Kylee, the children’s museum sounded like it might actually be fun.

  Her phone chimed and she pulled it out of her purse. A text from Bobby showed on the screen. She opened the text.

  I want to see Kylee today. I have the day off. Call me.

  She gritted her teeth. What was he doing? He couldn’t text out of the blue and demand to see Kylee. He was supposed to take her last month so she could train for her new job. He hadn’t had any time then. What made him think she would drop everything and rush Kylee over to him today?

  Rick must have seen the look on her face, because he hopped off his barstool. “Everything okay?”

  “No. I have to make a phone call.”

  Chapter 9

  Rick watched as Tara walked into the other room, her movements stiff. From the look on her face, she was about to chew someone out. He didn’t want to eavesdrop, but . . . oh who was he kidding? He wanted to eavesdrop. Slipping into the hall behind her, he followed her until she went into the library. After a moment he heard her speak.

  “Bobby. It’s me. What do you think you’re doing?”

  She was talking to her ex. What did that creep want from her? He leaned closer to the doorway, his hand resting on the marble table in the hallway.

  “You can’t see Kylee today. We have plans.” She blew out a breath of frustration. “I know you have a right to see your daughter. I just don’t understand why you would suddenly text me that you have to see her today.”

  She listened for a minute, silent. “I know.” More silence. “No, I don’t want to go back to court.”

  He was threatening to pull her back into court? What a vile man.

  “We’re going to the children’s museum.” A pause. “Yes, I guess you could meet us there.” Another pause. “Okay. We’ll see you.”

  She sounded like she was getting done with the call, so he turned to go back. A pair of large brown eyes peered up at him. “What are you doing?” Kylee asked, her head cocked to the side.

  He put his finger to his lips, then he picked her up. “I’m just making sure this is stable,” he whispered as he tapped the table. “You can’t be too careful with tables.”

  “Yes,” Tara’s voice said behind him. “It could tip over and hurt someone.”

  He turned around and put on a sheepish grin. “It might.”

  She gave him a flat look, but then turned to Kylee and forced a smile. “Your daddy is coming to play with you at the children’s museum.”

  Kylee squealed. “Daddy’s coming?” She clapped her hands together, and Tara’s smile grew tight.

  “Yes. So let’s be on our best behavior.”

  Kylee put her hands on Rick’s face and turned him so he was looking at her. “You’ll play with me and daddy, right?”

  Sure. Just what he wanted to do. Spend the afternoon with the jerk that dumped Tara. “Of course.”

  Kylee wriggled and when he set her down, she ran. “Let’s go, Mommy! I want to see Daddy!”

  “Okay, let’s eat breakfast first.”

  Tara couldn’t quite hide the frown on her face, and Rick wondered exactly what Bobby had put them through. Rick had his shortcomings, but at least he knew he wasn’t a family man, and he didn’t create one just to leave them on the side of the road. He clenched his jaw and shoved his fists into his pockets, then followed Tara back into the kitchen.

  They ate cereal while Kylee told him about all the things at the children’s museum. Some of the words he didn’t understand, but he smiled and nodded anyway. She seemed most excited about getting dressed up and putting on a stage production for him. He admitted, by the time they were done eating, he was looking forward to it as well.

  Since they weren’t looking for publicity, he put on his favorite baseball cap and sunglasses that allowed him to blend into the crowd. Tara gave him a thoughtful look when he came out of his bedroom, but didn’t say anything about his getup.

  “You ready to go?”

  He nodded. Kylee held her stuffed animal in one hand and grabbed his finger with the other, tugging him toward the stairs. “Come on, Rick. Walk faster.”

  Tara stopped them. “Kylee, we should leave Winnie the Pooh home. You don’t want to leave him there.”

  Kylee clutched her stuffed animal to her chest. “But I want him with me.”

  Tara bent down. “Kylee, remember when we left him at McDonald’s? We had to go back and you cried the whole time. You don’t want to lose him again, do you?”

  Kylee shook her head and handed Tara her toy. “No.”

  Tara put the bear in the other room and they were on their way. By the time they arrived at the museum, Kylee could hardly contain herself. “Where’s Daddy?” she asked when they walked in the door.

  Tara glanced around. “I don’t think he’s here yet.”

  A frown appeared on Kylee’s face. “But he’ll miss my play.”

��I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” Tara swallowed, and Rick didn’t miss the worried look she tried to hide. While they stood in line to pay, Tara glanced around every few minutes.

  After they were admitted, Kylee tugged them toward the stage. “Is Daddy here yet?”

  Tara shook her head. “Why don’t you go get dressed up and check back in a few minutes?”

  “Okay.” Kylee ran behind the red curtain.

  A boy in a diving mask pranced about the stage pretending to be underwater. A tired-looking mother clapped her hands in between trying to wrangle a toddler from escaping her grasp.

  Rick and Tara sat on an empty bench and waited for Kylee. The boy in the diving mask ran backstage.

  Rick nudged Tara. “Do you think Bobby will show up?”

  “He was adamant about seeing Kylee today. I can’t imagine he’d change his mind, but you never know with him.”

  “Why does he want to see Kylee?”

  Tara twisted her fingers together. “I don’t know.”

  Before he could think it through, he put his arm around her. “Don’t worry. I won’t let him hurt her.”

  “All he has to do is cancel and it will crush her.”

  As if on cue, her phone chimed, signaling a text message. She threw him a look, and then dug her phone out of her purse. Relief showed on her face. “He’s here.”

  She fiddled with her phone, probably telling him where they were, because a moment later Bobby came strolling up to them. He stuck out his hand to Rick. “I’m Bobby Goodwin.”

  Rick stood and took his hand, simply because there was nothing else he could do that wasn’t completely rude. “Rick,” he said, introducing himself.

  Bobby ignored Tara and sat down on the bench next to Rick. “Yes. I know who you are. I hear you and Tara are getting hitched.”

  The look on Bobby’s face sent alarm bells through his head. What was this guy up to? Was he trying to get out of child support? “Yes.”

  At that moment Kylee came rushing out on stage wearing a tall princess cone on her head and a pink gown that was two sizes too big for her. When she saw Bobby, she squealed, “Daddy!”

  Kylee ran to Bobby and embraced him. “You get to see my play!”

  Bobby nodded. “Of course. Go up on stage.” He shooed her away.

  Kylee’s smile looked like it would stretch off her face. “Okay!” She climbed back up on the short stage. The boy came out from behind the curtain wearing a green frog costume. A hood covered most of his head, sporting frog eyes and a wide mouth. He crouched down and began hopping around the stage.

  “No, you have to stay by me,” Kylee shouted to the boy.

  Bobby turned to Rick. “So, what are you working on right now?”

  Kylee hiked up her long dress and marched over to the boy, who hopped out of the way. “Stop! I have to kiss you and make you turn into a prince.” The boy kept hopping and Kylee chased after him.

  Tara laughed and clapped her hands. Rick smiled. “Bravo!” he shouted. A few passersby stopped to watch.

  Bobby ignored the stage. “You involved in a film?” he asked, trying again.

  Irritation swept through Rick. Wasn’t the guy here to see Kylee? “No.”

  The frog gave up hopping and ran away from the princess, who was desperately trying to kiss him. A small crowd had formed around the stage and everyone laughed.

  “Wait!” Kylee yelled. “You have to let me kiss you!”

  The frog gave a panicked expression to the crowd and zig-zagged out of her way. Laughter filled the room.

  “I’m between gigs too,” Bobby said. “This industry is tough, isn’t it?” He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

  Rick ignored Bobby and clapped for Kylee. “You go, Kylee. You get him!”

  The frog zigged when he should have zagged and Kylee flew into him. She wrapped her arms around him and planted one on the furry frog eye on top of his head. The crowd cheered.

  The poor frog dropped to the stage and flopped around for a minute while Kylee backed up. Then he sprang up and wriggled out of his frog costume. “I’m a prince!” he yelled.

  Everyone clapped except for Bobby, who looked annoyed that Rick wasn’t paying attention to him. Kylee beamed and ran behind the curtain to put away her costume.

  “Yep, this business is tough. I’m actually looking for a new agent,” Bobby said. “You know how agents can be.”

  Rick didn’t say anything. He just stared at Bobby.

  “Any chance you could put in a good word for me? Maybe talk to your agent?”

  So that’s what Bobby wanted. He couldn’t care less about Kylee. He found out Tara was marrying a famous actor, and he wanted to take advantage. Real nice. Rick glared at Bobby but didn’t answer. No way was he going to help this idiot.

  Kylee burst out from behind the curtain and ran to her father. “Daddy, did you see my play?”

  “Yes. Now go put on a costume and do another one.” He gave Kylee a little shove and turned back to Rick.

  Tara frowned and her lips pinched, like she wanted to say something but was keeping her tongue in check. Kylee tugged on her father’s hand. “But I want to go play on the boat now.”

  Bobby put his finger to his lips. “Hush, now. The grownups are talking.”

  A frown pulled Kylee’s lips down, and she blinked back tears.

  Rick stood, controlling himself so he didn’t punch Bobby in the face. “I think we’re done talking.” He crouched down to Kylee’s level. “Show me where the boat is. I want to see it.”

  Kylee recovered from her father’s brush off and took his hand. “Come on. It’s over here.”

  Tara sent him an appreciative glance. Bobby’s face soured, but he followed them through the crowd toward the next exhibit. Kylee climbed into the boat filled with brightly colored balls. “You can jump in here,” she said, demonstrating how to jump into the balls.

  Rick ignored Bobby and took a step closer to Tara. “Great jump, Kylee.”

  Bobby stood silent for a few minutes while they watched Kylee play in the boat. When Kylee began chatting with another child, Bobby hitched up his pants and turned to Rick. “I know how this business works. It’s not how talented you are, it’s who you know.”

  Rick made a calculated effort not to walk away from the guy. “Is that so?”

  “Yep.” Bobby leaned onto the wooden rail. “And I also know you and Tara here want a nice wedding with nothing getting in the way.”

  Tara’s cheeks flamed red. “Bobby, just stop it.”

  Bobby put his hands up in a surrender motion. “Hey, I want that, too. Wouldn’t want to see anything hold you two love birds up.”

  Rick clenched his hand into a fist but held it by his side. “Are you threatening us?”

  Bobby’s eyes widened. “Threatening? I think you misunderstood me.” He smiled, and an intimidating gleam came into his eyes. “I just want what’s best for the two of you.” He looked over at his daughter. “And Kylee.”

  The way he said Kylee’s name, with menace, made Rick’s stomach flip. Tara’s eyes grew fierce. “You stay away from Kylee,” she hissed, her voice low.

  Bobby’s smile took on an evil glint. “Now, how can I do that when she’s my daughter? I have a right to see my own daughter.”

  Tara’s hands shook and Rick pulled her close to his side.

  “But, like I said, I only want what’s best for her.” Bobby shoved his hands in his pockets. “And I hope you want what’s best for her, too.” He shot a meaningful glance at Rick before turning and walking away.

  Tara’s face drained of color and she looked up at Rick. “What’s he going to do?”

  Rick had no idea, but he wasn’t about to let anyone mess with Kylee. “Nothing. He’s not going to do a thing, because I’m getting a restraining order.”

  Chapter 10

  Tara held Kylee close and eased herself down on the pillows. She came upstairs to put her daughter to bed, but couldn’t let her go just yet. Bobby had rea
lly shaken her up and caused Kylee a lot of distress.

  Why had he left like that? She could have punched him in the throat. Didn’t he realize what he was doing to his daughter? When Kylee noticed her father was gone, she started wailing. Huge tears rolled down her cheeks, and Tara had thought they would have to leave the museum because nothing would settle her down.

  It was Rick who got Kylee to stop crying. He simply picked her up and patted her back. The gentle touch worked a miracle. Kylee’s cry turned into a hiccup, and then she snuggled into his chest and closed her eyes.

  After that, he distracted her by asking her to show him the rest of the museum. He was such a sport. He let Kylee drag him all over the place, and acted interested in everything she showed him. When they went into the miniature grocery store, he helped her fill her cart and check out. He made her laugh when he tried to climb into the small airplane, obviously made for kids. She was delighted when he danced to her “music” that she played on the instruments. Tara had to admit she giggled along with Kylee at his crazy antics.

  When they were done at the museum, he’d taken them out to eat, and then they’d gone to the park. He’d pushed Kylee on the swings and ran around the playground with her. She loved watching them together. Kylee looked at Rick with such adoring eyes. Having a male role model around for her daughter was wonderful.

  How was she ever going to thank him for what he did for Kylee? She kissed the top of her daughter’s head and slid her under the covers. Kylee stretched and curled up to the pillow.

  Tara put her hand on Kylee’s back, not quite ready to leave her. Whatever Bobby had in mind, she couldn’t let him use Kylee as a weapon. She worshiped her father. He could leave a permanent scar on her soul.

  Rick stuck his head in the door. “You okay?” he asked, his voice quiet.

  She nodded, even though that wasn’t true. She wasn’t okay. She was worried about Kylee and what her wretched ex-husband was going to do if he didn’t get his way.

  “Want to watch a movie or something?”

  She smiled and nodded again. That was a good idea. It might take her mind off Bobby for a while. She rubbed Kylee’s back one last time and then clicked off the light and followed Rick out into the hall.


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