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[Anthology] A Clean Fake Marriage Romance Collection

Page 75

by Victorine E. Lieske

  She gave him a sleepy smile and sat next to him, her hands raised up. “Don’t look at me. I’m atrocious.”

  That wasn’t the word he was thinking. He chuckled. “We’ll have a car waiting for us when we land.”

  She buckled her seatbelt and leaned her head against the back of the couch. “Good. I need a shower.”

  Tara would be happy; there was no staff at his cabin. Just Kanye, and he was only hired to stock the fridge and drive them to and from the airport. She’d be able to make all the sandwiches she wanted.

  The airplane landed and they climbed down the steps to the asphalt. Kanye pulled up in his jeep. “Hey, Mr. Shade. It’s been a while.”

  Kanye sported the darkened skin of a native to the islands, and wore cut-off jeans and a muscle shirt. He hopped out of the jeep and grabbed their luggage. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “This is my wife, Tara. Tara, this is Kanye.”

  Tara shook his hand and smiled. “Nice to meet you.”

  Kanye opened the passenger door for Tara and helped her in.

  Rick climbed in back. He worried a little that Tara would think his cabin was too small. It only had three bedrooms, a small living room area, a kitchen, and an enclosed patio. The one bathroom had a shower, but no tub.

  As they drove, Tara pointed out the landscaping. “What are these bright purple flowers? They’re everywhere.”

  “They’re bougainvillea,” Kanye answered.

  “They’re beautiful. I can smell them in the air.” She continued to marvel at the view as they made their way down the road.

  They pulled up in front of the cabin. His car sat under the car port. He’d had Kanye gas it up before they arrived. Rick hopped out and unlocked the front door, letting Tara enter first. He suddenly wished he’d paid to renovate the place, like he’d always had in mind. The hardwood floors were old and scarred, and the wood paneling made the place look so dated.

  “It needs updating,” Rick said.

  Tara turned to him, a bright smile on her face. “It’s perfect.”

  “Really?” He looked around the living room. “It’s not too small?”

  Tara walked over to the stairs that led to the upstairs bedrooms. “No, it’s great. Mind if I check it out?”

  “Be my guest.”

  Kanye walked in and set the luggage down. He grinned at Rick and slapped him on the back. “Enjoy your stay.” He ducked back out before Rick had a chance to say anything else.

  Rick peered out the window and watched the jeep take off down the road. Tara came to the railing upstairs. “This is great. There’s so much character.”

  “I bought it for the view out back.”

  Tara came down the steps. “Can I see?”

  “Sure. There’s a small deck, and a trail that leads down to the beach.”

  Tara walked through the enclosed patio and opened the back door. She gasped. “Rick. This is heaven.”

  He smiled to himself. The cabin wasn’t much, but the backyard was spectacular. “I like to sit out here and watch the sun set.”

  Tara walked to the edge of the deck and put her hand up to shield the sun from her eyes. “What’s that bit of white down there in the trees?”

  “A hammock.”

  “Are you kidding me? I can’t wait to try it out. This is so peaceful here.”

  He was thrilled she liked the place. “It is.”

  She turned back toward the cabin. “I’m in desperate need of a shower. Do you mind?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Thanks.” She headed toward the door.

  “If you want to make a list of items you need from the store, I’ll text it to Kanye.”

  Tara’s steps slowed. “Why don’t we run to the store together after I shower?”

  “Yes. That’s fine. We can go after you clean up.” He’d just put on a baseball cap. Most of the time that worked, and no one recognized him.

  Rick changed into one of the outfits he had in his closet, and left the scruff on his face. While Tara showered, he scrounged around in the kitchen. By the time she was done, he’d cut up some fresh fruit and had the yogurt dip open and ready.

  Tara came in the room, her phone pressed to her ear. She had her hair pulled up again, and he wished she’d left it down. “Did you have a good sleepover, sweetie?” She pointed to the spread of fruit and gave Rick a thumbs up.

  He motioned for her to sit down and eat with him.

  “Which movie did you watch? That one, again?” She mouthed, ‘Poor Amanda.’

  Rick popped a grape in his mouth and took a second to admire Tara’s sundress. It had little purple flowers on it, and it hugged her curves.

  She finished up her phone call with Kylee, then hung up and set her phone on the table. Her gaze traveled over him. “What are you wearing?”


  “You look like a tourist.”

  “I’ll blend in.”

  She bit into a strawberry, not quite hiding her smile. “Okay.”

  “You don’t like the flowered shirt?”

  “It’s . . . bright.” She turned away from him, and he had a sneaking suspicion she was laughing at him.

  “I’ll have you know, the flowered look is very popular here.” He said it with a straight face, but he couldn’t help the smile in his voice.

  “Really?” She turned back around. “Well, I won’t lose you in a crowd, that’s for sure.”

  He laughed. “Want me to change?”

  “No way. I want to see you out in public like that.”

  Almost without thinking about it, he swiped his finger into the fruit dip and wiped it on her nose.

  She jerked back and her mouth fell open, a gasp escaping. “Oh, no. Now you’ve done it.” She dipped her finger in and he hopped off his chair before she could come at him with it.

  She leaped forward, but he was too fast and moved out of the way before she reached him. He sidestepped around the table, toward the sink. She came at him again, this time successfully smearing dip on his nose.

  He grabbed her wrists while she laughed at him. “I’m funny, huh?” he asked, out of breath from goofing around.

  “You sure look funny to me.” She grinned at him.

  He stared into her eyes, and suddenly the mood shifted. His gaze traveled down to her lips. What would she do if he kissed her? Would she stop him? Or would she allow it? It seemed as if he had no willpower to stop himself. He slowly moved closer to her.

  Her phone chimed and broke the spell. He let go of her hands and wiped the yogurt dip off his face. Tara turned around and grabbed her phone off the table. She stared at the screen.

  “It’s Bobby.”

  He picked up a napkin and handed it to her. “You’ve still got . . .” He motioned to his nose.

  She wiped it off.

  “What does he want?”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “He’s mad. Said something about us not holding up our end of the deal.”

  “What? Give me that.”

  Tara seemed surprised, but she handed her phone over to him. He read the text.

  I don’t like being played a fool. Your husband better hold up his end of the bargain or I’ll become the nuisance you don’t want.

  There it is. A threat in print. But was it enough to issue a restraining order? Rick doubted it. Threatening to be a nuisance isn’t much. Rick typed in a response.

  This is Rick. I did what you asked. Now leave us alone.

  His response came back quickly.

  Your agent told me to take a flying leap.

  Rick swiped his hand over his face. Crud. He’d told his agent to call. He didn’t specify what he wanted his agent to do.

  I’ll talk to him.

  You’d better. I don’t like being jerked around.

  Rick wanted to answer with something about being a jerk, but forced himself to calm down.

  I’m on my honeymoon. I’ll talk with him as soon as I can.

  Maybe that
would buy him some time.

  Bobby answered back. Oh, yeah. Congratulations.

  Rick changed the screen and handed the phone back to Tara. “I took care of it.”

  She eyed him skeptically. “What did you do?”

  He sighed. “I told him I’d talk to my agent.”

  “Wait, you’re trying to help Bobby?”

  Rick folded his arms. “No. I’m trying to appease Bobby. We can’t get a restraining order until he hurts one of us, and I’d rather not have that happen.”

  She seemed to take in what he said, then nodded. “You’re right. I don’t want to risk anything happening to Kylee.”

  “Me neither.” He motioned to the table. “Are you done eating?”

  “Yes, I am, Magnum P.I. Let’s go shopping.” She tossed him a snarky grin and put the lid on the yogurt.

  He wanted to swat her behind, but kept his hands to himself. “Whatever. I’m cool and you just can’t stand it.”

  Her laughter bounced off the walls, and he couldn’t stop himself from grinning.

  Chapter 16

  Tara pulled a gray button-up shirt from the hanger and tossed it to Rick. The store actually had a decent selection. “Here you go. For when you want to be done looking like you lost a bet.”

  “Ouch!” He held the shirt to his chest, looking in the mirror. “You’re starting to hurt my ego.”

  She giggled and slapped him on the back. “And I thought nothing could hurt your ego.”

  He turned quickly and snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her to him. “Woman, you’re driving me crazy.”

  Tara’s heart raced in her chest. She knew he was just flirting because they were in public, and they had to act like a couple in love, but the way he was looking at her felt real. The whole thing felt . . . different than she thought it would.

  His gaze fell to her lips and he leaned down, close enough that she could easily close the distance. “I’m going to kiss you now,” he said, his voice low enough that no one else could hear it.

  Her mouth grew dry. It was all for show, but she almost didn’t care anymore. She wanted him to kiss her. “Okay,” she whispered.

  The kiss took her breath away. The way her heart beat against his chest, and how her lips tingled as he teased them with his own, she almost melted into the floor. Was this what it was like, when two people loved each other?

  She froze. Where had that come from? She wasn’t in love with Rick. Was she?

  He pulled away and looked at her, an unspoken question in his eyes. She slapped on a fake grin. “You’d better get more than one shirt if your closet is full of ‘Grandpa on a cruise’ outfits.”

  He smiled, but she could see the reservation hidden behind his eyes. “You got it.”

  Patting the back of her head, she made sure her hair wasn’t falling out of her bun. She peered at their cart and assessed the assortment of clothes she’d picked out. They should last her for the two weeks they were planning on ‘honeymooning.’ “I’ll go grab the personal items I’ll need. Meet you at the register in ten minutes?”

  He nodded.

  She practically ran to get out from under his scrutiny. What was she all upset about? She wasn’t in love with Rick. That was preposterous. She signed up for kisses in public and dancing at parties. There was no way she’d let his pretty face get to her. She wasn’t anything more than the hired help. And he was just a handsome man.

  Okay. A drop-dead gorgeous movie star. There. She admitted it. But that didn’t mean she was in love with him.

  By the time she’d gathered up a toothbrush, shower gel, and her favorite disposable razor, she’d convinced herself she was being paranoid. Stepping away from his charm had put her head on straight. She didn’t act for a living, so maybe she’d allowed herself to get into the role a bit more than career actors. But now she knew. She just had to keep reminding herself that this was her job for the next year.

  And that worked great until she had to stand next to him at the register and smell his fresh, masculine scent. She bit her bottom lip and folded her arms tight. This was going to be one long year.

  They paid for their purchases and she climbed into the jeep. Rick gripped the top of the steering wheel with one hand and looked over at her. “Do you want to see more of the island?”

  She leaned her head back on the headrest. “Maybe later. Right now I’m thinking a nap in your hammock sounds like heaven.”

  He cocked his head at her, a slight smile on his face. “Sure.”

  She closed her eyes as they drove to the cabin. The smell of the ocean was relaxing. After they took their things into the house, Rick opened the back door and motioned for her to go.

  He followed her outside. She peered at him, wondering why he was following her, but didn’t want to be rude. They walked down the path toward the hammock. “This is lovely,” she said as they approached the beach.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I love how quiet it is here. L.A. is great, but here I can rejuvenate.”

  The hammock stretched between two palm trees right before the grass turned to sand. Tara shielded her eyes and looked out at the ocean. “I can see why.”

  “The beaches in L.A. are always so crowded. When I come here, I can clear my head and think.”

  Tara nodded, then looked down at the hammock. “How do I get in this?”

  Rick slid his hands over her hips. “Move closer.”

  She stepped toward the suspended fabric, ignoring how his hands made electricity shoot through her. “Okay.”

  “Straddle the hammock, then slowly sit down.”

  She did as he said, but wobbled. “Whoa, I feel like I’m going to fall out.”

  “Steady. Just don’t lean too far one way or the other. You kind of have to balance in it for a second, then lean back and lift your feet in.”

  She looked up at him skeptically. “Sure, easy for you to say. You’re standing on solid ground. This thing doesn’t feel too steady.”

  He chuckled and took her hand. “Come on. Lean back.”

  “Alright, alright.” She sank into the hammock. “You’re right, it’s better when I’m farther in.”

  “Now just pick up your feet and put them in.”

  She tested the waters with one foot, then lifted the second one. “Ha, I did it.”

  He let go of her hand and sat on the ground next to her. “Perfect.”

  She peeked over at him, careful not to lean too much and spill out. “What are you going to do? Nap in the grass?”

  “Do you mind?” He stretched out and crossed his ankles. His muscles flexed as he adjusted his hat so the bill covered his face.

  She didn’t want to tell him she doubted she could rest with him so close. His smell wafted up in the breeze and solidified her thoughts. Her insides tied up in knots. She exhaled and closed her eyes. “I don’t mind.”

  He didn’t say anything else, and she tried to listen to the sound of the waves on the beach instead of imagining snuggling with Rick in the hammock. She could do this. She could get over her—whatever it was she had for Rick—and behave like a normal person around him. And she should be able to fall asleep, because she was definitely tired.

  Birds chirped while the breeze gently rocked her, and her brain ticked off all the reasons she and Rick would be good together. They had plenty of attraction. Her skin sizzled, even now, and he wasn’t even touching her. Just lying on the grass near her. He made her smile. He was kind. And why was she listing out all of his good qualities instead of sleeping? She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  His deep voice startled her. She thought he’d fallen asleep. “Sure.”

  “You said you wanted to move to Iowa to raise Kylee. Is it really because the values and the people there are so different? Or is it because you want to take her far away from Bobby?”

  Ouch. What a question. She wrestled with how to answer it. Was she really taking Kylee to Iowa to hide from her

  “Sorry,” he said. “That kind of came out wrong. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “No, you didn’t offend. I really thought I was doing it for the values, but you make a good point. Maybe part of me is trying to shield her from her father.”

  “I don’t blame you. He’s a jerk.”

  “He is.”

  “If he weren’t in the picture, would you consider living in L.A.?”

  Why was he asking this? She couldn’t imagine staying in a city that only reminded her of her own folly. “No.” Unless he was asking because he wanted her to stay . . .

  “Not that I’m trying to persuade you or anything. Just trying to understand your motivations.”

  Sure. Of course. She shouldn’t be thinking about them as a couple anyway. They were no such thing. “Right.”

  They were silent for a few moments before Tara got up the courage to speak. “I guess my motivations are complicated. I want Kylee to be loved by those around her. Growing up in Iowa, I always felt like I had a community of people who I could turn to if I were in trouble.”

  “That’s nice. I kind of had the same thing, only with the theater people we traveled with. We were a close-knit group.”

  “Yes. Right now I feel like it’s just me and Kylee against the world. I want to go somewhere where she can have that feeling of family.”

  “Where in Iowa would you move?” He threaded his fingers behind his head and looked at her.

  “I’ve always liked Ames.”

  “Is that where your parents live?”

  “No. They live in Iowa Falls.” She stared up at the wispy clouds, hoping he wouldn’t ask.

  “Why wouldn’t you want to move to Iowa Falls, then?”

  He asked. She sighed and shifted to get more comfortable. “My father disowned me when I married Bobby.” The words brought up all the pain and suffering from the past. The yelling. Her father telling her never to speak to him again.


  “He thought we were too young. The ironic thing is, his attitude just pushed me to marry faster, instead of making me come to my senses. He was right. We were too young.” She swallowed back the hurt. She’d made the best of the situation.

  “What about your mom?”


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