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The Dunewalkers (Moving In Series Book 2)

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by Ron Ripley

  The Dunewalkers

  Ron Ripley

  Copyright © 2016 by Jolly Publisher

  All rights reserved.

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  Keeping it spooky,

  Ron Ripley

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: The Squatter

  Chapter 2: William Moves In

  Chapter 3: In Leo’s Library

  Chapter 4: Leo’s Journal: September, 20th, 1998

  Chapter 5: Brian Takes a Trip

  Chapter 6: William Engberg’s Place

  Chapter 7: Leo Goes Looking, October 1st, 1998

  Chapter 8: Discoveries

  Chapter 9: The Dog Walker

  Chapter 10: Chaos on the Beach

  Chapter 11: Reviewing the Film

  Chapter 12: Waiting to Hear from Brian

  Chapter 13: Leo visits Mrs. Marseille, October 4th, 1998

  Chapter 14: The Calm before the Storm

  Chapter 15: The Phone Call

  Chapter 16: An Old Friend

  Chapter 17: Leo’s Journal: October 10th, 1998

  Chapter 18: The Girls

  Chapter 19: More Guests

  Chapter 20: Leo, October 20th, 1998

  Chapter 21: Whodoo Voodoo

  Chapter 22: Morning Tea

  Chapter 23: Leo and His Grandmother, October 20th, 1998

  Chapter 24: The Morning

  Chapter 25: Leo, October 31st, 1998.

  Chapter 26: Déjà Vu?

  Chapter 27: Day Release

  Chapter 28: Leo, November 4th, 1998

  Chapter 29: The Drive

  Chapter 30: Jenny, Sylvia, and Jeannette

  Chapter 31: Leo, November 5th, 1998

  Chapter 32: At Sylvia’s

  Chapter 33: The Past, the Present, and the Future

  Chapter 34: William in the Beach House

  Chapter 35: Giving William a Call

  Chapter 36: In Leo’s Room

  Chapter 37: Leo, August 15th, 1995

  Chapter 38: Picking out a Toy

  Chapter 39: Redecorating the Beach House

  Chapter 40: A Cold Caller

  Chapter 41: The Postal Service Delivers

  Chapter 42: Leo, May 6, 2005

  Chapter 43: Visiting Leo’s Library

  Chapter 44: Leo, May 11th, 2005

  Chapter 45: William Takes a Stroll

  Chapter 46: Meeting an Old Friend

  Chapter 47: Playing Hide and Seek

  Chapter 48: What to do about Paul

  Chapter 49: In Leo’s Backyard

  Chapter 50: The Snow is Deep

  Chapter 51: In the Confines of the Shed

  Chapter 52: Seeking an Exit

  Chapter 53: Remaining Strong

  Chapter 54: Healthcare

  Chapter 55: Alive and Unwell

  Chapter 56: A Rude Awakening

  Chapter 57: Still Breathing

  Chapter 58: Visiting the Beach House

  FREE Bonus Scene!

  Chapter 1: The Squatter

  George had been watching the house at the end of the coast road for a week.

  The weather was getting colder, and he needed a place to crash for the winter. Tucked away at the end of the road with almost no vehicle traffic and only a few people who walked by, the little white and green clapboard house looked like it would be fine.

  Plus, since it was so small, the police wouldn’t be looking at it when they made their winter rounds. Only the big houses drew special attention.

  The engine of his car sputtered and a noxious burnt rubber smell drifted in through the heating vents.

  He took his foot off of the brake and made his way back to the parking lot for Moody Beach. He could leave the car there and walk back up to the house. A car, especially one with Maine plates, wouldn’t attract any attention from the police.

  Just another local out for a walk down to the Marginal Way and back. George grinned, turned off the lights, killed the engine and put away the keys. The pockets of his jacket contained a couple of cans of beans and some candy bars.

  George may not have liked to work, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t take care of himself when he needed to.

  He turned his collar up against the bitter wind coming in off of the Atlantic and tried to pull himself into his pea coat. His pants were pressed against his legs by the stiff breeze and the sound of his boots on the pavement was ripped away by the same harsh wind.

  Five minutes of walking brought George to the house, the darkness settling in around him. His wristwatch beeped loudly in the middle of a sudden lull in the wind.

  Five o’clock.

  He walked up the driveway, scattering stones with each step.

  A child’s laughter brought him up short.

  The sound seemed to have come from the beachfront side of the house. The wind howled then dropped down again.

  George stood still.

  He had no good reason to be at the house. But there were no lights on, there was no car in the driveway.

  The laughter grew louder.

  Cautiously George stepped off of the driveway and eased his way around the edge of the building. He heard voices, people making small talk although he couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.

  George took a deep breath, stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets, put on an air of nonchalance, and stepped out like he was cutting through the yard to get to the beach.

  And there was no one.

  The voices continued.

  Laughter rang out.

  A child let out a happy, shrill laugh.

  And someone shoved George in the back with enough force to launch him forward. He tripped over his own feet and landed in the soft sand on his hands and knees. George struggled to stand, and someone kicked him in the ribs with enough force to knock the breath out of him.

  A second blow to the back of his head caused his limbs to go rubbery, and he fell face first. He tried to turn away from the sand and succeeded, for the briefest of moments. Then someone grabbed him by the hair and pushed him down.

  He couldn’t breathe.

  He flailed his arms and reached back. He tried to grab hold of the hand of his murderer, and he found nothing.

  Sand was ground into his eyes, packed into his nose.

  Finally, he was forced to take a breath, and he inhaled nothing save dry, brutal sand.

  The voices continued, as did the laughter.

  George kicked out.

  “We know what you wanted,” a woman’s voice said suddenly in his ear. “You’re not welcome here. We won’t even let you stay once you’re dead.”

  “The dunes await, you charry man,” a much younger female voice said in a thick Irish brogue. “The dunes await.”

  George couldn’t answer.

  He couldn’t even breathe.

  He was drowning slowly in the sand.

  Chapter 2: William Moves In

  William Engberg sat in his truck and finished his cigarette.

  He exhaled and then he stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray and pulled the key out of the ignition. He got out of his truck, stuffed his keys in a back pocket and looked at the house before him.

  The building was small, painted white with dark green trim with
the Atlantic behind it. The ocean was gray and harsh, whitecaps breaking upon dark sands while a cold, northern wind battered at the dunes and seagrass.

  William smiled at the dark clouds. Behind them, the sun had begun its slow descent, and soon William would be alone with the ocean and his thoughts.

  Closing the truck’s door, he walked around to the side, reached into the bed and pulled out his sea-bag. He threw it over his shoulder and walked up to the house. He bent down and moved aside a loose paving stone to find the key to the house, as Jeremy’s mother had said.

  The key was old, a perfect match for the worn lock in the door.

  In a moment he was inside and the world beyond hidden from view. The house was dim, the poor light of the stormy sky coming in through the small windows. William found the light switch and flipped it up. A lamp flickered into life and offered up a view of the room.

  The house was really nothing more than a large studio apartment, equipped with a small kitchenette and the peace and quiet William so desperately needed.

  A few pieces of furniture occupied the house. A sofa that William knew to have a pull-out bed was in the room’s center. On the left wall stood a tall bookshelf, flanked by a pair of small, worn leather club chairs. A mirrored sconce was secured above each chair and a low coffee table sat between the two.

  The right wall was dominated by a large, stone fireplace. A bucket for ashes stood to the left and a large wood-box, already filled with a good supply of split, seasoned wood, filled the space between the right of the hearth and a small bathroom.

  William walked to the sofa, dropped his sea-bag on it and went to the kitchen. He opened the few cabinet doors and found that Jeremy’s mother had stocked them with dry goods.

  William smiled and turned his attention to the refrigerator. Inside he found bottled water and a small cake.

  Welcome, William, We’re Happy You’re Home, was written in blue across the white frosting.

  William closed the refrigerator.

  Home. He looked around. He fought back tears and a thousand unbidden memories. I have a home.

  With a long sigh, William shook the thoughts away and went to his sea-bag, opened it and unloaded his belongings onto the sofa. From a small box, he took out his coffee press and carried it to the kitchen. William found a kettle and filled it from the tap. After setting it down on a burner William went back to the sofa. He bent down to sort out his belongings and then he stopped.

  He straightened up, the hair on his neck standing up.

  Someone had walked past the window.

  William looked at the door and waited.

  No one knocked.

  No one passed by the other window.

  William’s entire body tensed and he moved cautiously to the left window, where he had seen the fleeting shadow.

  He tried to review the memory of the image.

  Nothing. A shape. No definitive features.

  Yet it had been a person. An adult from the size of the shape.

  It couldn’t be a neighbor, Jeremy’s mother owned the strip of beach a quarter of a mile on either side. Nor could it be a thief. There was nothing to steal.

  Except for the truck.

  William reached the window and looked out.

  His truck stood in the crushed stone driveway.

  The dunes spread out to the left and the right. The wind rippled through the grass with the same ferocity of the of the tide’s pull upon the waves.

  And a man was walking away.

  From what William could see, the man had on a knit cap and a pea coat, both of dark, navy blue. The man’s collar was turned up against the wind, and he walked with his shoulders hunched.

  “What is it, love?”

  William spun around so quickly that he stumbled into the window.

  A woman in a night-dress stood behind the sofa.

  Her long brown hair hung down past her shoulders, and she was pretty, her features strong and her eyes green. She smiled at him, and William realized two things. First, she was probably only in her early thirties. Second, she was dead.

  William could see the kettle and the red glow of the burner through her.

  And William found himself answering her in a low, rough voice.

  “Someone was walking through the grass, past the house.”

  The woman’s smile broadened.

  “You’ll get used to them,” she said. “There are lots of dune walkers here.”

  William started to reply, but the woman vanished.

  His body dumped its adrenaline a moment later, and he found himself shaking as badly as he ever had in Afghanistan after a firefight.

  He walked to the sofa, sat down amongst his few possessions and waited for calm to return. It took a few minutes, but William soon found himself breathing normally, the shaking gone. He thought hard about what he had seen, both the walker and the woman in the house.

  The woman had been undeniably dead, and the walker too, from what she had said.

  How the hell do you deal with a ghost? William thought. What if there’s more than one?

  The kettle whistled, and William stood up to turn the burner off.

  What do I do about the dead?

  Chapter 3: In Leo’s Library

  Even after a month, Brian was still amazed at the size of Leo’s library.

  Initially, after Leo’s death, there had been some difficulty at Brian and Jenny’s house. Brian had called the paramedics in regards to not only the bodies of Leo and Sam but for his own heart issues as well. He had been forced, however, to put in another phone call prior to that, to Lee Parker.

  Leo and Sam had essentially died of natural causes.

  The cabbie, a man, named Frank Figueroa, had not.

  Paul had used Frank as a door knocker and left a lot of the man’s skull and fluids on the front porch. Explaining the cabbie’s body, and its condition would have been a little difficult.

  Lee Parker was a bad man.

  There was no other way to describe him.

  But he was family, a cousin on Brian’s mother’s side. Both Lee and Brian had been a little wild, but Brian had never been caught at his misdeeds and eventually he had stopped. The possibility of prison had weighed a little too heavily on him, and while he loved his cousin dearly, Brian didn’t want to experience the horrors of time behind bars.

  Lee had never thought that far ahead, and, he didn’t seem to care either. He did some time in the maximum security prison in Concord, got out, and then did a little more. The most recent stretch, ten years, had just ended, and Brian had met up with Lee before everything had happened in Mont Vernon.

  When Lee was in prison, Brian always made sure there was money in his cousin’s prison account. Not a lot, but enough to make sure Lee was comfortable.

  Lee didn’t forget what Brian had done and so he was more than willing to help when Brian called. Lee was living in Milford, down the road from Mont Vernon, and since the man was once more fresh out of prison Lee needed some cash. For several thousand dollars Lee showed up quickly with a flatbed tow truck, some tarps, and another gentleman whose name Brian didn’t bother to ask or want to know.

  Forty-three minutes later the cab was gone, the cabbie was gone, and the porch was cleaned up. The worst had been picking bits of skull out of the wood of the door.

  Brian felt bad about Frank disappearing, but he also didn’t want to explain it to the authorities. More than likely, the whole “A ghost killed him” defense wouldn’t hold up in court.

  Brian pushed those thoughts out of his mind and looked at the first floor of the library. Leo, at some point in his short life, had purchased an old office building. The building wasn’t anything special, a concrete and steel structure slapped together in the seventies when the city of Nashua had seen a slight commercial boom.

  Leo had retrofitted the structure, so only support walls remained. All of the open space which had been created held tall metal shelves, and the shelves were packed with books.

bsp; Each shelf system had a number, each shelf, in turn, had both a letter and a Roman numeral. Luckily Jenny had found a card catalog hidden beneath empty cardboard boxes. Hand-written index cards populated the narrow drawers, each one giving not only the book’s information but where it might be found.

  Brian sat at a folding table and looked at the books in their harsh fluorescent lighting. He tried to imagine how Leo, who had such abysmal social skills, could have acquired so many volumes. Leo, who took each and every statement literally. The man’s inability to read body language and facial cues had to be seen to be believed.

  Behind him the elevator ‘dinged’ and Brian turned around in time to see Sylvia and Jenny step out as the doors opened. The two women, while only a few months apart in age, couldn’t be more different in appearance and shape. Sylvia was tall and willowy with her curious and eclectic clothes. Meanwhile Jenny was shorter, stockier, inked up with old-school tattoos and dark hair.

  Brian smiled at the pair as they walked in.

  “Hey Babe,” Jenny said, walking to him and returning the smile. She gave him a kiss on the head and looked down at his laptop. “How’s it going?”

  “Okay, I guess,” Brian said with a sigh. “Still working on setting the site up and putting it through its paces. How about you two?”

  “Good,” Jenny said.

  Sylvia nodded. She had lost a lot of her distracted, bemused appearance after Leo’s death.

  Either that, Brian thought, or I’m not judging her anymore.

  “We just finished up everything with the lawyer,” Sylvia said. “I still can’t believe he left all of this to me.”

  “You were his friend,” Jenny said.

  Sylvia nodded and then she said, “Oh, the lawyer gave this to me.”

  Brian watched as she reached into her purse and took out a thick, leather bound journal. Several rubber bands were wrapped around it.

  “What is it?” Brian asked.

  “Leo’s journal,” Sylvia said. “I didn’t even know he kept a journal.”

  “Have you looked at it yet?” Brian asked.

  Sylvia and Jenny shook their heads.

  “We figured the three of us could look at it together,” Jenny said.


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