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The Laws of Love

Page 5

by Belle Winters


  This sucked ass. The girl got me in trouble with my mother, and to top it all off I have to sit across from her watching my cousin pull out all his best moves for her. He wanted her no doubt, not that I blamed him. She seemed almost normal with other people, who weren’t me.

  “So I hear a little bit of an accent, where you from sugar?” Reno asked.

  “I’m from a small town in Texas. Everything is very different there.” She said.

  My mom piped in. “Do you have any siblings?”

  “Oh no, it’s just me and my parents.”

  “Do they come out to visit?” she asked.

  Cassie paled. “No.” she said on a small whisper.

  My mom frowned. “I’m sorry dear, did I say something wrong? Are you not close?” she asked.

  Cassie gave her a small smile. “No you didn’t. We’re very close actually, although they weren’t completely fond of the idea of my moving out here by myself. They were going to come visit some time ago but well, things happened.”

  Shelly being the nosy person that she is continued to pry. “Why not?”

  I took a sip of lemonade to hide my discomfort. I could tell that this wasn’t something good just by looking at her. “My dad… he got sick and well, traveling isn’t an option right now.”

  I frowned. How the hell didn’t I know any of this about her? That’s right, because the only things we said to each other was insults.

  My mom’s hands flew to her mouth. “I am so sorry… I should’ve kept my mouth shut.”

  Cassie shrugged. “No big deal, you didn’t know. Besides it’s not like he’s dead you know. It just kind of sucks sometimes is all.”

  Reno spoke up. “So who’s the man in your life darling?” he asked.

  She pinked. “I don’t have any.”

  Shelly smiled. “Sure you do. You have this guy over here,” she said waving a hand at me and I nearly choked. “Sure, it’s not what you would want but it’s what you got.”

  Cassie broke out laughing. “You’re right about that.”

  I scoffed. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? I have to deal with you. Not the other way around Cass.” I used my sister’s nickname for her.

  She smiled at me. “No sir. You are not allowed to use my nickname. That’s against the rules mister.”

  “What did I tell you about the rules?” I asked her.

  She leaned forward and shifted her plate. Before I could realize what was happening she pushed her plate against my glass causing for it to tip over, right on me. I pushed my chair back and tried to wipe off the remnants of the water. Shit, it was a full damn glass. I glared at her as she snickered damn pleased with herself. I had something for her ass that’s for sure.


  That was awesome. The look on his face… priceless. He’s not drenched, but he’s wet enough to be uncomfortable. I watched him stalk into the house and I continued on like nothing ever happened. When we were finished it started to get a bit cool, so Lorraine suggested that we have desert inside. We were all standing around cleaning up when I was suddenly knocked off balance. I had felt a pressure against the back of my knees and waited to hit the ground. Instead I felt arms cradling under my back. The scent of woods and his soap filtered through my nose and I had to stifle a groan.

  For some odd reason I felt relaxed, comfortable even in his arms. In my moment of stupidity, I didn’t stop to question why I was in his arms. That was until I went air bound and let out a scream. It was quickly muffled as my body was submerged in water. I swam back to the top and spluttered water out of my mouth. Drayden was standing at the edge of the pool, arms crossed, with a damn proud look on his face. His family was close behind watching, but I could see them barely holding back their laughter. My face instantly reddened and I wanted to drown myself.

  I was mortified. I couldn’t believe he did this to me. Sure I had taken things to another level by spilling his drink, but it was a cup. He would’ve dried off quickly, I’m sure he was already dry. What does he do, throw me in a pool in front of everyone that I just met today? I’m sure my mascara was tracking down my face and I looked like every bit the drowned rat that I felt. He extended his hand to help me out and he looked weary. I’m sure the obvious thing was I would’ve tried to pull him in with me. But I didn’t, I was embarrassed and most of all hurt. We have said and done some cruel things to each other, but I never thought he would do something like this in such a public setting. I don’t know why I was being a wuss but I felt my eyes sting with unshed tears. I took his hand just so I could get out. As soon as I was on my feet I took off running towards the house.

  Chapter 4


  Cassie ran out of there like a bat out of hell. I heard my mom fussing faintly in the background but I was already chasing after Cassie. When I reached her she was at the front door trying to open the locks. She twisted the knob and just as the door started to open I slammed it shut. She spun around and that’s when I saw the tears in her eyes. Fuck!

  I grabbed her arm and moved her out of the way so I can lock the door. She just watched me quietly looking like a wounded animal. I tightened my hold just a fraction and stared into her eyes. “Come.”

  She looked around nervously but there was no one in sight to save her. She sighed reluctantly and let me tug her up the stairs. I went to my old bedroom and shut the door closed. She stood against the wall and wrung her hands. I heard her sniffle and I knew she was trying not to cry. I sat down at the edge of my bed and gestured for her to join me. She came over hesitantly and took a seat.

  “I’m sorry.” I told her.

  Her eyes widened in shock. Yes, I know, I just shocked the shit out of myself. I don’t know why I cared if she was hurting and that I did it. “Why?” she asked. “I spilled water on you first.”

  I sighed, “but it wasn’t this bad,” he said gesturing to my wet… everything. “And it didn’t hurt my feeling when you did it. I get it, I embarrassed you and that was wrong and against our unspoken rules. I know for a fact you wouldn’t have reacted like this if it was just us two. And I’m sure I would’ve someway ended up in that pool with you.”

  She looked up at me and smiled reluctantly. “I did consider pulling you down in there with me.”

  I nodded. “I know; I was afraid of that. But I couldn’t let you drown… there were witnesses to the murder.”

  She laughed. “But no one is here now…” she started and before I could see where she was going with this she lunged at me.

  I was caught completely off guard and fell back and she toppled on top of me. At first she just swatted at me and I put my hands up to try to block some of her blows. She wrapped her itty bitty hands around my neck and started trying to shake me. There was no pressure there so she wasn’t choking me, I think she was just finally getting it out of her system so I let her have at it. When the shaking stopped she eased her hands off of my neck and collapsed on top of me. She placed her forehead against my chest and I felt her exhale through my shirt. I was now damp from having her on me.

  “You’re exhausting.” She said in a low voice. It was in that moment that I realized our position. I was laying down in my childhood bed with her on top of me. Her breasts were pressed against my chest and her legs were intertwined with mine. I don’t even think she realized what she was doing when she did it. She didn’t move for a couple of minutes and I didn’t move her either.

  Thankfully the angle she was laying in avoided my crotch, otherwise she would’ve felt my cock pressing against my jeans begging for entrance. She turned her head around and tucked her head underneath my chin and let out another long breath. On its own accord my arm came around her back and began rubbing circles. I smoothed down her hair and began twirling it around my fingers like she normally does. When she shivered I knew she needed to get up.

  “Cassie?” I asked.

  “Hmm?” she responded low. She was fucking falling asleep on me.

You’re cold and shivering. You need a shower and dry clothes.”

  She sighed again and picked her head up. She met my eyes and frowned. She looked down to where our chests were pressed together and gasped. She leapt off me like she was on fire.

  “How did that happen?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know.” I got up myself and cringed. My whole front was very much soaked. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out two t-shirts and sweat pants. I gave her the smaller sized ones even though I knew she’d be swimming in my clothes. Either way, it was better than what she had on.

  She took the clothes from me hesitantly and went into the bathroom. I listened to the shower running and tried to do anything but imagine her in there naked. I changed my clothes quickly and it wasn’t long until the water turned off. I laid back down on the bed as I waited for her to dress. I heard the bathroom door open and then her voice. “Umm, Drayden?”

  I turned my head around and my throat turned dry. She was standing there in a towel that barely hid anything. Her sexy long legs went on for miles and I was back to a horny teenager. “Yea?” I croaked.

  “I um… need clean underclothes.” She stated blushing.

  I gulped then stood up to grab her some briefs. I walked them over to her and had to fight the urge to rip the towel away from her and get a good look at her. She took them and ran back into the bathroom. I dropped back down to sit and held my head in my hands. She’s really going to kill me I’m sure.


  Goodness, how did that happen? One minute I’m choking him and the next I’m comfortably laying on him falling asleep without a care in the world. Did the water short circuit my brain or something? I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it, it felt amazing. That’s what made everything even worse. I put on the clothes he gave me and sniffed. They smelled just like him, I noticed that he has the same wash and shampoo as he did in his home. He must’ve used this stuff forever.

  I was swimming in his clothes but they were a better option than walking around soaked. I shrugged and made my way back into his room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed and I took my time looking him over. Broad muscular chest? Check. Disheveled but sexy black hair? Check. Thighs that could probably squeeze the juice out of a lemon? Check. An amazing six pack? Yet to be determined. He must’ve sensed me watching because his head snapped up, and I studied his face completing my checklist. Long thick eyelashes? Check. Nice strong angular chin with a five o clock shadow? Umm yes! Clear piercing green eyes? Absolutely. Nice kissable lips? Hell yes. Woah, kissable lips? Cassie backtrack immediately.

  He licked said lips and I bit mine to hold back my response. “Ready?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Sure.”

  “Are you ok now? Do you still want to leave or are you staying for desert?” he asked. I thought about it and after the scene I made I didn’t think I could face them again.

  He sighed. “Its fine, they understand. Plus, it would make my mom feel better. I’m sure she’s down there ranting about how it’s her fault since she coordinated the dinner and all.”

  I relented. “Fine. But I need socks.” I said pointing to my bare feet. He got up and grabbed a pair and launched them at my face. I flipped him off and put them on.

  He led the way back downstairs into the family room where everyone was sitting around eating and chatting. They cast me a few curious glances but no one commented to my relief. I took a seat next to Reno and Drayden came in a few seconds later with two plates with lemon meringue pie on it and took the other seat next to me. I looked at it and salivated. As soon as he handed it over I dug in. The first bite was everything I ever dreamed and I think I moaned out loud.

  “Oh my god.” Reno said with a moan. I looked over at him in confusion. He met my eyes and pouted. “That had to be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  I laughed at his silliness and shook my head. I turned to Lorraine, “please tell me you didn’t make this and you bought it somewhere.” I begged.

  Her eyes rose and she shook her head. “Sorry, I made it… why?” she asked.

  I moaned again. “O god. That means I’m going to have to come over here at least once a week for my fix. Do you know this is my favorite thing the world? You have no idea, and it’s so hard to find it this good anymore.” I scooped up another bite. “I think I’m in love with you.” I confessed.

  Everyone laughed at that, but I wasn’t joking. Lemon meringue pie and key lime pie were god’s gifts to the world. They could heal souls, bring people back from the dead, hell heal broken hearts. This stuff is the bomb. Speaking of which… “Do you make key lime pie also?” I asked.

  She nodded and I bent over holding my stomach. “What’s wrong?” Shelly asked.

  I finished off my plate and set it down while I held my eyes shut. “Is it as good as this one?” I asked while in my head I chanted, please say no, please say no.

  “I would like to think so.” She said.

  I growled. “Dammit, then if I want to keep getting some of that,” I said gesturing to Drayden’s half-filled plate, “then I can’t kill him?”

  She laughed. “Well how about if you keep him alive, I’ll be sure to send you some every week. You know as an incentive.”

  I closed my eyes. “I’m not sure whether to be happy or cry right now. But I think I love pie more than I hate him.” I sighed and looked at Drayden. “I guess I don’t hate you as much as I thought, but then again I really love my pie. So you get to live… for now.” With that I dug my spoon into his plate and took a huge bite out of his pie.

  “If I give you pie will you be a good little assistant and stop being a pain in my ass?” he asked.

  I scowled. “How much pie you got? I’m willing to negotiate.” He shook his head and sighed going back to eating his pie.

  “I don’t think there’s enough pie in the world to make you agree to that.” he said around yet another mouthful.

  I watched him enjoying his pie longingly. I guess he noticed that I didn’t respond and looked over at me. I was staring at his pie, the final piece and I probably had drool on my chin. In this moment did I care? Absolutely not!

  He scooped up the last piece and I wanted to cry. He bought it up and instead of chomping on it raised it to me in offering. “Scooby wants a Scooby snack?” he asked.

  Yea it was a dig, but I didn’t give a damn. I was getting the pie! I nodded like a bobble head and opened my mouth like a trained animal. He put the spoon in my mouth and I took my time getting all of it off and savoring it. When he withdrew it I saw there was a little bit of whipped cream still on the spoon, so I grabbed his hand and bought it back to me so I could lick it off. When the spoon was cleaned I smiled. Ah, life with pie is great.

  Reno cleared his throat and I turned to face him. His eyes were wide and watching me. “Would you go out on a date with me?” he croaked.

  I laughed. “Yea sure.” I told him still laughing and rolled my eyes.

  “I’m serious here.” He turned to Drayden, his eyes still wide. “Have you not been watching this? You can’t tell me I’m the only one here. You can’t deny it dude.”

  Drayden just smirked, and wait hold the hell up. Did his cheeks just get pink? Is he blushing? No. Fucking. Way. The great and mighty Drayden just blushed. He didn’t answer but instead said, “How long are you staying here? A day or two?”

  I scoffed and feigned offence. “You asked me out knowing you were leaving. I take it back I do not accept.”

  I couldn’t hold back my giggle, but he played along. “Baby I’d stay here forever if I could have you? What do you say?”

  “Nope. Too little too late.” I said.

  This time Charlie spoke up. “You let your mouth get into trouble… again. You need to work on your game.”

  Reno rolled his eyes and tossed a pillow at Charlie. “Shut up.”

  I stayed for another couple of hours before I decided I was overstaying my welcome. I said my goodbyes then remembe
red I had on Drayden’s clothes. God dammit.

  I found him by the stairs and went to him nervously. “So… I kind of have your clothes on and I’m about to head home. Can you take me back to change?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “How did you get here?” he asked instead.

  I crossed my arms. “Cab, now change?” I asked.

  His eyebrow went up. “You’re wearing that. Your clothes won’t be dry and that would defeat the whole purpose of putting those on to begin with. I’m heading home now; I’ll give you a ride. Wait for me here I’ll grab our shoes.”

  He went upstairs and I scowled. I considered following him but he might’ve pushed me back down the stairs. He came a minute later and he had an apologetic look on his face. I raised an eyebrow in question so he can get on with it.

  “So here’s the thing… Your shoes are still drenched, but I have these slip-ons you can put on to go home.”

  I shook my head. “This just gets better and better. You do realize I don’t have on one thing that I own.”

  He laughed. “Well at least we know the clothes look good. They might even help improve your look.”

  I flipped him off and opened the front door. “Where’s your car?” I asked.

  He snickered and pointed to the driveway. I stomped the whole way there, which by the way was difficult considering I was walking around in socks. He unlocked the door and I slid into the passenger seat making sure to slam it.

  “My car did nothing to you.” He said as he got in.

  I rolled my eyes. “But its owner did. Fair game my friend.”

  “So now we’re friends?” I asked as I pulled out of the driveway.

  She scoffed. “In your dreams mister. There’s still some serious payback due for your actions today. If I were you I would afraid, very afraid.”

  I smiled. “But you choked me, I think we’re even.”


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