The Laws of Love

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The Laws of Love Page 6

by Belle Winters

  She laughed. “Not even close buddy.”

  I still had her address in my GPS history so I chose it and found my way to her house. She turned on the radio at some point and had me listening to a bunch of pop girl music. When I pulled up in front of her place, her face took on that same embarrassed look as the last time. I wanted to badly to pry, but I didn’t. It wasn’t my place or my business. She got out and headed into her apartment and I went home.

  I quickly shed my clothes and hopped in the shower. I looked at my loofa and shook my head. I knew she used it that day she was here and my towel. She might’ve used my toothbrush had I not taken one out for her. I shook my head and went to my room to get relaxed. I would probably spend the next couple of hours going through email before I called it a night. I would be up early tomorrow to do my workout. I was walking out of my room when I noticed a flash of pink in the corner of the room.

  I remembered then that she had left her stuff here that day, probably rushing. I knew everywhere she’d been which was the living room, kitchen, and my room because the evidence was everywhere. She obviously got ready in my room because my lotion was on the floor by the bed with her clothes in a messy pile next to it. My bed was a bit ruffled like she sat her naked ass there. Not to mention my loofa was on the hot water knob and my towel was on the door. Her shoes from the night before were still by the couch and she left a little bit of coffee in the pot with a used mug next to it.

  I was a neat freak. I kept things in order and normally I would be peeved at the messes. For some reason when I came home I found it funny. If it wasn’t for the fact that she didn’t know that about me I would think she did it all on purpose. I had washed out her clothes and folded them up and placed them to the side. I’ve been meaning to take them to her at work but I didn’t want it to be awkward. What was even weirder about the situation is that if a girl even left a sock behind I’d be livid. She left a whole damn outfit. I don’t think she even realized it because she hasn’t asked about it. Not to mention the clothes she just left in my childhood room at my parents’ house. I was the one to actually suggest that she leave them. Thinking back to that room… I groaned at how my body went full preteen on me earlier when she was on me… and in that goddamn towel. Holy hell. What in the hell was this woman doing to me?


  I woke up Sunday pissed. That had to be the best dream in my life and it had to be starring him. We were back in his room and I was laying on him but instead of me freaking out because of how amazing it felt, I fell deeper into his embrace and kissed those lips. Boy was it better than I had previously imagined. I rubbed my lips wondering what it would be like to actually do it.

  I groaned and sat up. What is happening to me, now I’m lusting over him? You just don’t get it. He was all hard body and soft at the same time. His body enveloped me and his smell, oh my god it drives me insane. The fact that he had me nearly in tears one second and curled up into him the next is a little more than alarming. I don’t think he knew how bad I wanted him in that moment and that’s why I ran. I’m lusting over someone who I hate… and hates me back. Pathetic much?

  I needed a distraction, so I decided to do laundry and clean my apartment. By clean my apartment I meant the one and a half room. I had thankfully a small separate bathroom. Outside of that my kitchen was in the far left corner. I had a futon that acted as a couch and bed when I had the energy to pull it out. I had a dresser that I sat my TV on top of. There was a closet against the far wall next to a window. I have a small dining room table against the other wall and well the only thing left was a door. I tried to decorate as best I could but the place was shoebox. The peeling paint, squeaky floors, and pretty shitty conditions like the noises and such didn’t help the situation. But it was mine, and I made the best of it.

  For dinner, I made a bowl of ramen noodles and watched reruns of scandal. I didn’t have cable but I was able to hack into my neighbor’s Wi-Fi and used Amy’s Netflix account to watch TV. Yes, I was living the life. At some point I fell asleep.

  The next day when I got to work Drayden was already there. I checked the time and saw I was early, this was weird. He only ever beat me here when I was running late. I plopped down in my chair and before the computer was even booted I heard him boom my name.



  “Come here.”

  It was too early to argue so I got up and made my way into his office. “What’s up boss?” I asked sarcastically.

  He rolled his eyes but didn’t acknowledge my comment. “I was working on this case all weekend and something isn’t adding up. I need a second set of eyes. Do what you need to do but get a message up that we’re both unavailable until further notices. The top guys who report directly to me knows in emergency they can reach me on my cell. I don’t know what, but I have a feeling that the reason he picked Paul had a lot more to do with them being chummy. Probably a little too friendly if you ask me.”

  I nodded and went back to my desk. I did as he said and made my way to his office. He closed the door and turned on the shade, I’m assuming so that if anyone came looking anyway they wouldn’t know we were here. I took my usual seat on the floor and he joined me. He began spreading paper out in front of me and started talking through it telling me what everything is. We sat there shifting through papers for hours. We took two food breaks, but we were on a mission. I checked the time and saw it was once again after 10pm.

  So background, Gerald Mavorik owns a billion-dollar investment firm. He is being sued for fraud, insider trading to be exact. I laid out five documents that showed millions of dollars’ worth of transactions. Looking at each individual line item, it looks like a few ten to a hundred thousand per line item. But there’s multiple that end up netting to a pretty penny. On an offsetting sheet you see similar transactions going out the door, but at a much higher value. I looked closer and saw that everything happened in the span of a week. The dates show they accumulated the money coming in over the course of three days. Multiple transactions under 3 employee ID’s. There was a day or two in between and then they sold in the same fashion. Same employee ID’s. The same trend occurred on a few other documents. I took out my calculator and determined the difference between the buying and selling price in these couple of incidences and added them up. My eyes went wide and I met Drayden’s eyes.

  “What did you find?” he asked.

  “Huh?” I asked.

  “You had that look.” When I frowned he continued. “When you have something your eyes squint and your nose starts twitching. You were so focused in on it I was trying to get your attention but you didn’t even realize it so I just waited.” Ok, that was embarrassing. And when had he learned all those things about me? He sat patiently as I tried to absorb that information but I needed to tell him what I found.

  I cleared my throat. “Well, if I’m reading this correctly than the SEC is right. Well at least it looks like it.” He nodded for me to continue so I did. “Well I see the pattern here, and I can tell what they would be insinuating because I’m doing the same thing. It appears he has three employees who do the dirty work for him…” his eyebrows flew up and I frowned.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  I motion him to come closer so he crawled over until he was right next to me to look over what I was talking about. I pointed down at the papers so he could follow my explanation. “You see this column here? This is the employee ID. I’m looking at transactions made for four different companies and those are the three I see. Now I’m looking at the printouts of everything and this is insane. Pay attention to the numbers on here in red, I wrote those and I’ll explain. They’re buying in small lots of these securities over the course of a few days because it would raise a red flag if they did it in these large lump sums.” I explained pointing to the millions of dollars net they were spending. These particular ones were each for between $10 and $20 million. “Then there is a two to three-day time frame where nothing ha
ppens. Then they conduct the same pattern of activity. They’re switching up the lot sizes a bit, but the number of shares they sold is equivalent to what they bought. The only thing is that while they only spend $10 million, they’re bringing in 9 figures. They’re too close to be fishy. They have how many employees and only these three are engaging in this activity. It would be less suspicious if he expanded across his employees. But if you were doing something illegal you would need to keep your network small.”

  Drayden scrubbed his face. “Holy shit.”

  “What next?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Well we’re defending him, so I don’t see how any of this would help the case. I mean for us so we would probably try to bury the evidence or come up with a logical reason but…” I trailed off. I didn’t feel particularly good about having to defend a person that I knew was guilty. Especially for this huge amount of fraud. This is just the first couple that I looked into, who knows how many more there were.

  “If it were up to you, what would you do as a lawyer?” he asked.

  I thought about it for a minute. “Well, no offense I would be on the side of the SEC… if I’m right. But I would want to know if I’m right first. Starting points for me would be to find out who the three employees are, what Gerald’s relationship to Paul is – because let’s face it if he’s in on this and is keeping his lips shut that would be a problem for me. Having an untrustworthy employee, also I would look up these companies because he would have had to find this information some way. Lastly, I would review news articles and such from around that time the trading happened and check their records to see if this was the only occurrence when they had this type of activity with concerning these companies.”

  “Why?” he asked curiously. I noticed how close he was and how his smell seemed to circle around me.

  “Because, even with everything else I would want to prove that there was a cause in the spike of the share prices. HE would’ve bought under the pretense of an upcoming announcement or something so whatever it was that triggered it would be news. If we could get that information, we may also see who may be involved in the background. I think it will all help to pull the pieces together.”

  I twisted my fingers while he stared off at the wall moving his head side to side. I could tell he was thinking and the last thing I wanted to do was come off as bat shit crazy. Or for him to tell me that my ideas were horrible and I didn’t know a thing about the law. I felt like I was on the right track but this is really the first real case I’ve ever worked on. I know I need practice and coaching, I just also don’t want to make a fool out of myself.

  Drayden met my eyes and gave one hard nod. “Let’s do it.”

  I gasped. “You mean that? But he’s your client.”

  He shook his head. “He was my client when he and Paul insisted he was innocent. That first day rifling through stuff it was questionable so I don’t know how he was so sure unless he’s a bigger idiot than I thought. I don’t defend people who don’t deserve it, and from the looks of it he sure as hell doesn’t. To top it off he tried to take advantage of me and make me a fool. I don’t take kindly to either. He and Paul are going to have to watch out for us now.”

  I smiled. “Us?”

  He nodded. “You got us a solid lead and found what we’ve been looking for. You have a concrete theory and an extremely smart plan for next steps. You’ve proven more than capable to help with this. Not to mention you know confidential this all is. From what we found so far, one of our guys might be in on this, I don’t trust anyone else right now. He’s had a few other guys help do research and gather details for this case and no one stepped forward. If my hunch is right, people are being paid or promised to be paid under the table to keep their lips sealed. I might be coming off harsh but I’m taking them all down. As employees here and as lawyers with an honor code I expect respect, them trying to pull something over on me doesn’t sit well, and quite frankly it makes me extremely worried about his company. You don’t let infections fester and spread. You take them out in the beginning.”

  I nodded. “I understand and I would be honored to work this case with you.”

  He flicked my nose and went to stand. “Alright then we have a deal woman.” He extended his hand to help me up. “Let’s get you home before it gets too late.”

  Chapter 5


  Cassie found exactly what I’ve been spending weeks looking for. How the hell didn’t someone already hire her ass, I don’t know. So far we’ve been able to find articles that told us of what the events were that triggered the price value to go up now we were searching for a connection.

  We had been fielding stuff for weeks and I knew I couldn’t keep this up nonstop. Not to mention people were getting extremely suspicious about my sudden absence. There were whispers about what I was up to and I didn’t want anyone figuring it out. We decided that this week, we would get the office up and running again and work on the case secretly as we found time.

  Cassie R: How the hell are we going to get these people to talk? I mean we can do as much research as possible, but we need people to talk.

  Drayden M: How exactly is that inconspicuous? Walking up saying ‘tell me how you committed fraud’ won’t work over well.

  Cassie R: Stop being a pussy. Pull out your superman drawers and use that muscle for something.

  Drayden M: Someone needs to wash your mouth out with soap.

  Cassie R: And you just need soap…

  Drayden M: This IM is on the fast track to HR. Better start packing

  I sat there and waited for a response. Instead my door flew open and she came barging inside. She came right over to my desk and leaned over me to get to my computer. I moved the mouse out of her reach and she stretched further rubbing her breast against my face. Really? If this was supposed to be torture, the girl has down in spades. She banged on my keyboard and I moved the mouse so it was in between both hands behind my back. She shifted so she was facing me and put her hands on my shoulders and moved her hands down my arms. She didn’t realize that she was standing between my legs and she was slowly bending bringing her face to mine. When she was riled up she didn’t pay attention to what she was doing. There were a few times she’s put us in compromising positions in the midst of her anger and she was totally oblivious. I knew I should move my hands to switch our angle but I was tired of fighting this. I knew she was attracted to me I could tell. I’ve caught her a few times when she thought I wasn’t paying attention. I haven’t had another woman since she started here and I haven’t thought of any other one.

  When her hands reached mine her face was so close. Her chest was heaving from her heavy breathing and her breasts gently rubbed against my chest. Her breath blew across my face and I couldn’t help it. I closed the distance and captured her lips. She stayed completely still, almost like she was frozen in shock and I nipped her lip. That seemed to wake her up and her hands came up around my neck as she opened for me. I dropped the forgotten mouse to the floor and gripped her thighs pulling them apart. I slipped my legs between hers and pulled her down on my lap to straddle me while never breaking the kiss.

  Her body rocked forward rubbing against me and I groaned. That was all it took to have me rock hard and I gripped her tighter. My hand trailed up from her knee to her panties and I felt they were wet. I didn’t wait a second before I started massaging her with my finger. She broke the kiss and her head flew back. She bit her lip and began grinding herself against my hand. She let out a low groan and I gave her more. I began moving my hand in a frantic motion and her head dropped to my shoulder. Her body began shaking and she clutched onto me tight. Just as she released her orgasm my name escaped her lips on a whisper and I nearly came. It was the sexiest thing I ever heard and I wanted to hear it again.

  I scooped her up and placed her on top of my desk. I pushed up her shirt and pulled her bra down below her breast. Her supple tits popped out and I salivated. I bent my head down and flicked her nipple
with my tongue and she moaned. I enveloped her breast into my mouth and she gripped the back of my head urging me on. I switched to give the same attention to the other one and I used my free hand to tweak and twist her nipples. Her body jerked and I reached back down to her sweet spot. I tore her panties off and began making my way down her body. I could smell her arousal from here and I needed to taste her. I was hiking up her skirt and had just got a glimpse of her bare glistening wet pussy when my desk phone rang.

  My eyes automatically snapped to it then back to her. Her eyes opened and she looked around disoriented. She looked down at me and her position and she reddened. She started scrambling to sit up and adjust herself and I got off of her completely. She hopped down and righted her clothes before practically running out of my office closing the door behind her. I cursed under my breath and dropped in my chair.

  What the fuck just happened?


  Oh my god. I’m a slut. A bona fied hussy. I am a virgin and I was about to give it up to my infuriating boss on his desk! I sighed and let my head thunk against the desk. Goodness that was the best orgasm. I’ve never been able to do that to myself. That only made it worst, he made me come apart with no effort at all. I was like putty in his hands.

  I pulled out my mirror and checked out my appearance. My lips were kiss swollen and I was flushed. I ducked my head to hide my smile. That was amazing! His lips, his kiss… o dear, they were better than I ever imagined! Yep, I’m totally having a fan girl moment right now. I’m ready to jump up and down squealing while I fan my face to cool down. Of course I couldn’t do it when said object of my girl crush is behind a door and would without a doubt witness it. I would just have to settle with celebrating in my mind.

  I was flustered for the rest of the day and when he passed me to go to a meeting I thought I was going to die in embarrassment. He shot me a quick smirk but didn’t break his stride. How the hell could he be so damn composed after what happened is beyond me. Then I scoffed. Right, he’s used to it. He’s had woman in office and I’m sure did a hell of a lot more than that. Who was I kidding, I was probably just a huge disappointment to him. He probably saw me as easy pickings, and well I was. Goodness, how could I be so fucking stupid? For a moment there I thought he actually wanted me.


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