The Laws of Love

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The Laws of Love Page 7

by Belle Winters

  I felt disgusting and a little used. I’m not too proud to admit that yes, I was hurt too. More than I wanted to be. I gathered my stuff and got ready to leave. At the last second I thought to be professional so I grabbed a sticky pad and jotted down a note for Drayden. I dropped it on his desk and left to go home. I felt ashamed and I knew this was something I would never admit to anyone… ever.

  When I got home I called Amy and Laura for a girls’ night out. I needed some cheering up and nothing was better than going out with my best friends and getting shit faced. They both agreed to my text right away and I felt marginally better. I decided to take a nap since we weren’t meeting up until later.

  When I woke up I had four missed calls from Drayden and a text that I deleted without reading it. I also had texts from Amy and Laura saying they were on their way here. I checked the time and cursed. It was 7:30, I had slept for around 5 hours! I jumped up and hopped in the shower. There was a knock on my door just as I was stepping out.

  I skipped to the door and let them in. Laura entered first with a bottle of tequila in hand and a bag in her other. Amy came in next and immediately pulled me in for a hug. I stepped back and frowned.

  “What was that for?” I asked.

  Amy crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me. “Do I look stupid? The only thing that can make a girl send a text like that desperate for drinks is a man. Did you forget who I am? I’m the poster child for those.”

  Laura nodded as she grabbed three glasses and poured us each a drink. “Well, I’ll tell you this… I’ll kill the bastard. You never talk about guys, ever. You never date, you never give them the time of day and this asshole screws up before you even had a chance to talk about him. What a fucking loser.” She threw back a shot and refilled her glass before continuing. “With that said I bought you your outfit for tonight.” I opened my mouth to argue and she just continued on. “You will take it, you will wear it, you will rock the hell out of it, and you will not under any circumstances blow off any cute guys that approach you tonight.”

  I rolled my eyes accepting the bag. “Guys never hit on me.” I grumbled.

  “Sure they do, you’re just too dense to realize it. Have you seen yourself? Every time we go out we have to watch guys drool over you. You have those beautiful blue eyes, wavy black hair, and body to die for… I mean if I had your ass and tits forget it. I need Victoria secret to give me that type of volume. Plus, you’ve got spunk, you’re a fighter… guys like that shit.” Laura said.

  I shook my head. I knew she was trying to make me feel better and I appreciated her efforts. It was a very nice and a very uncommon thing for Laura. I mean when it came to us, she would give us a pep talk every minute of the day. For anyone else you’re better off pulling teeth. I pulled out the dress and examined it. Dress was a stretch. It was like a scrap of material.

  “What the hell do you think this is going to cover?” I asked.

  She laughed. “Nothing, that’s the point. Make sure you wear a thong!” she screamed at me as I gathered some underclothes. I flipped her off and closed myself into the bathroom to put on my bra and panties as well as put on some lotion and things.

  When I walked back out they began hooting and wolf whistling and my cheeks pinked. They’ve seen me in close to nothing more times than is probably healthy, but they’re like my sisters. They liked to pick on me. I picked up the black piece of scrap and threw it on. It fit me like a second skin and by some stroke of luck was a stretch material so I was able to keep my ass and boobs from nearly falling out.

  Amy suggested that we go to some new lounge that opened up uptown. Unlike me, they weren’t in debt and Amy had a car. She didn’t drink much so she normally drove when we went out because she always was the designated driver. The area she drove us to looked pretty familiar but I shrugged it off. A lot of midtown and the Upper East Side looked similar. They all smelled like money and had fancy setups. I normally didn’t pay any attention because well I know I was nowhere close to affording anything near it and probably never will.

  We walked into the lounge. It was pretty packed and looked awesome, and by awesome I mean out of my price range. I cringed at what this would do to me financially but I needed it. I couldn’t just sit home and wallow in my self-pity. I decided to throw caution to the wind and live a night like Laura. If by some miracle a hot guy decides to give me the time of day, well then I’m going to let him.


  I rushed back to my office when my meeting was over. Those few minutes with Cassie on me and wanting me were amazing. I spent the entire hour going over what happened and thinking of ways to get her to give herself to me. I loved how she felt in my hands, in my arms, on my lips. I got one hit and I’m addicted.

  When I walked off the elevator my eyes immediately went to her desk. She wasn’t there so I assumed she was getting a late lunch or in the bathroom. I walked into my office, leaving the door open so I could hear her return. I lost my suit jacket and sat down in my chair. I looked down to my keyboard and saw a paper sitting on top of it. I frowned and picked it up,

  Drayden, Gone home early. Not feeling well.


  I frowned, what the fuck was this? The girl left me notes all the time and never have they been as… distant as this. Hell, most of the time she leaves them for no reason when I’m away from my desk. Things like ‘watch your back’, ‘I’m coming for you’, ‘you’re an asshole’, and my favorite, ‘I hate you!!’.

  I tried calling her to see what actually happened, but she didn’t pick up. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with her and she wasn’t feeling sick until after what happened between us. I sighed, she was avoiding me. FUCK! She already regretted what happened. She didn’t want anything to happen. Maybe I’ve been reading her wrong?

  I leaned back in my chair and groaned. How could I have fucked up so bad? I got through enough work for me to feel like I got something accomplished, and for the first time in weeks I was out the door by 8. On my way home Reno called me to say he was in the city for a couple of days on business. He just finished up the ‘business’ part and wanted to meet for a drink. I on the other hand needed to get up and get to work tomorrow early as hell. I thought about my shit day and reluctantly agreed. I told him to meet me at my place and we’d go somewhere local. He’d probably end up crashing with me anyway.

  I went home and changed clothes into some jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater. They opened this new spot down the block from me called Rain. I heard about it, but I’ve never been. Lately I haven’t had the time for much anyway. It was more crowded than I anticipated and I contemplated leaving. The decision was taken away when Reno walked ahead of me and got himself a seat at the bar. I sighed and went to join him.

  I have no idea how long we’ve been here, and I’ve lost count of how many drinks we had. All I knew was that I was passed tipsy, I was full on drunk. Now you would think that knowing how fucked up I was I would get up and take my ass home. But when you’re drunk some common sense tends to elude you. So here I was ordering yet another scotch when I heard Reno.

  “Holy shit! Is that my future wife?” he asked.

  I shook my head and laughed. “you would actually have to be with a girl long enough to marry her.”

  I watched him sway a little and he shook his head. “Na man, that’s Cass. She’s fucking hot.”

  I scowled. Why was he messing with me like this? Didn’t he know how strung tight I was right now over the girl? All I kept thinking about was the way she felt in my hands. His joking wasn’t really funny. “That’s not funny.”

  “She’s right there. I had to do a double take she’s hot man.”

  I turned to the direction he was looking and scanned the crowd. I grew even more frustrated that he kind of had my hopes up and I’m not a nice angry drunk. I was just about to blast him when I stopped and backtracked. My mind was muddled but not that much.

  Sure enough she was there, in fucking spandex! There was nothing left to
the imagination in what she had on and what was worst? There was some preppy douche over there chatting her up. She was swaying a bit and it looks like her attempts to pull her dress down on the bottom exposed more of her chest on the top. When his hand reached to touch her arm I growled.

  Fuck this. I got up and stormed over to her. For a drunk guy I did one hell of a job, but I think it was because right now I had tunnel vision. My assistant and her little friend were about to get it. I walked right behind her and grabbed his hand removing it from her. She spun around and I glared at her.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked.

  She threw her hands on her hips. “What do you mean? Where did you even come from?”

  I crossed my arms. “does it matter? What are you doing with him?”

  “Talking and you’re interrupting.”

  “Then why was he touching you?” I asked, my voice lowering to a near growl on its own accord. The more I spoke to her the more pissed off I became.

  “None of your business.” She sneered.

  I gripped the back of her neck and bought her face closer to mine. “It is. You know what else is my business? Why did you run today?” I asked.

  Her face fell and her shoulders slumped. Her defeat was written clearly across her face. I took a step closer and wrapped an arm around her. She fell into my chest and she swayed a little. I tightened my hold but I didn’t know how much good that would do since we were both drunk.

  I bent down to whisper in her ear. “Who are you here with?” I asked. She gestured around her but I didn’t see anyone. I frowned, “can you call one of them?”

  She nodded but didn’t move to get her phone. I’m sure she was done for the night, I knew what I was about to do and was scared of what might come out of this decision. The last time I was impulsive I screwed up royally, but it was worth the risk. No fucking way was I leaving her here like this by herself. And I was definitely in no position to drive myself.

  I pulled her under my arm. “I’m taking you to my place. It’s right down the block.”

  She nodded again and her eyes were closed. I shook my head but she spoke, “I knew I recognized this.” She said in a whisper.

  I walked her out and she mostly stumbled. It took longer than it should have. Reno was at the bar talking to some pretty hot chick but she didn’t seem his normal type. She had this biker chick look going on, but she wore it well. He looked over at me and I motioned to Cassie. He nodded and gave me his signal that he probably won’t be seeing me again tonight. I guess he’s picked his girl for the night.

  When we got outside I thought the fresh air would’ve woken her, but instead she shivered a bit. Made sense since she wasn’t wearing shit. I took off my sweater and wrapped it around her. She tried curling into it and I cursed. I guess she was a sleepy drunk. I prayed for god to watch after us because I was going to have to carry her home. It’s not that I think her weight was too much, it was just I was drunk too and wasn’t exactly light on my feet at the movement. One wrong step and we’ll go tumbling down.

  I scooped her up into my arms and carried her to my house. I took my time walking and I’m sure passerby’s thought I was kidnapping her. She looked knocked out cold and I could barely walk in a straight line. It was a struggle and I almost dropped her twice trying to get my keys out and unlock the door. I looked at the couch in longing but I knew the both of us wouldn’t fit there.

  I carried her up the stairs to my room and ungracefully dropped her onto the bed. She rolled but didn’t open her eyes. She sniffed the bed and sighed. “Smells like Ayde” she mumbled and I felt it in my gut. What the hell was that supposed to mean? I stared at her for a minute and shook my head. I was too drunk to be thinking about this.

  I stripped down to my boxers and went to climb in my bed when I realized she was strewn across it. I rubbed my head frustrated. I walked back over and shook her.


  She groaned.

  “Cass, get up.”

  She stirred and her eyes blinked. “Ayde?” she looked around. “We’re at your house?”

  I shook my head. What if I was someone else like that douche? “Yea, it’s bedtime.”

  She nodded and stood and removed the dress. I closed my eyes and collapsed on the bed. She fumbled but found the light. The room went pitch black and I could hear her struggling to get to the bed. The mattress dipped and the cover was whipped back. She climbed into the bed and I heard her patting down the mattress.

  “Where are you Drayden?” she asked.

  “I’m right here.”

  “I can’t find you.” She whispered. I reached over and felt her hand. I grabbed it and yanked her forward and her body collided with mine.

  “I found you.” She said happily as she climbed on me got comfortable. I pulled the covers up and wrapped an arm around her. She was already sleep when I was done and I fell out right after.


  I woke up and groaned. My eyes felt like they were glued shut, my mouth was drier than the Sahara, and my body was aching. The only good grace is besides that I was extremely comfortable and warm. I moved my arm and noticed that I felt something smooth and hard underneath me. Umm. Am I dreaming? It would be both a gift and a curse. A gift so that I would be over all of these horrible, horrible feelings. A curse, because I really wanted to know what – wait! I knew that smell.

  I drew in a deep breath and I smiled inside. Why does it smell like Drayden? I had to be sleeping. Well if I was I wasn’t going to complain I was going to enjoy it. I let my hand roam all over the hard planes and lines I figured was his massive, strong chest. Why won’t he kiss me? His kisses are really good; I feel his lips on mine every time I look at them which is more often than I care to admit. Hey I was dreaming so I might as well have some fun, all this time I’ve been wondering just how big he is… let’s find out.

  I let my hand travel down slowly until it reached material. I felt the top and figured that this was his briefs… easy access! I slipped my hand underneath the waist band and slowly made my way to his cock. I came across a bit of hair and continued on my path until I was able to wrap my hand around him. I’ve never felt one before, never even in my dreams. It felt nothing like I thought. It was hard as a rock yet smooth as baby skin at the same time. It was too wide for my fingers to fully grip him and as my hand trailed up, I realized just how long he was. Holy damn, I never knew they were like this. Can the real thing be anything like this or is my brain working overtime?

  My stomach rolled and I had to slam my lips shut. I was going to be sick and I knew that was for real. My eyes popped open and I gasped. Drayden’ face was inches away from mine and I realized this wasn’t a dream. My hand flexed from shock and he groaned. My face paled as I slowly slid my gaze down to the tent in the blanket. I moved my hand a bit and he groaned again. I was actually touching his cock. I yanked my hand back and this time when my stomach lurched I was out of the bed and over the toilet in record speed.

  I tried to be discreet, but it was no use. When I was done I collapsed to the floor and held my head. All of the day and night before came rushing back to me. Being at work, in Drayden’s office, his hands on me, him making me cum, me running… then realizing I shouldn’t have done that. I met up with Amy and Laura and hit the bar, and then Drayden found me. He carried me here and I stripped and climbed into bed.

  I looked down at myself and I felt my cheeks pink. He saw me in my underclothes! I saw him in his underclothes. I touched him. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn’t see the large figure looming in the doorway.

  “Hungover?” he asked.

  My head snapped up and I looked at him guiltily. I nodded my head slowly and shrugged. “Wasn’t my best idea…”

  He laughed. “We’re lucky we made it. We were both drunk and I carried you. That was a disaster waiting to happen.”

  I shook my head. “it feels like you dropped me, are you sure you didn’t?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I mig
ht’ve kicked you in the head…”

  I flipped him off and extended my arms. I had no energy and the room was spinning. Right now my hangover was hitting me full force and I didn’t have it in me to be embarrassed or anything.

  His eyebrow flew up. “Seriously?” he asked.

  I nodded and pouted. “I know you can, you did it before.”

  He shook his head. “You don’t want to brush your teeth first?”

  I sighed. “I can’t even stand up let alone see straight.”

  He took the few steps towards me and put his hands under my arms and lifted me up like a small child. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he walked back to his room and literally tossed me on the bed. I bounced a few times and it felt like my brain was knocking against my head.

  “Jerk.” I muttered and he laughed.

  “I’ll be back…” he said and didn’t wait for an answer before leaving the room.

  I didn’t move from my spot on the bed and instead curled myself into a ball. It felt like life was coming to an end. God I was never drinking again. Even with my eyes closed, I still felt dizzy.

  “Cassie…” I peeked an eye open and looked at Drayden. He had a large cup of ice water in his hand and I groaned. I was so thirsty and so sick at the same time.

  “I don’t know if I should drink that.” I admitted.

  He shook his head and held out a hand. “Come on, you need to stay hydrated. Even if you throw up again you need to drink this.”

  I sighed and let him pull me up to sit. I downed the glass and dropped back down. “What time is it? How much longer until we need to be at work?”

  “Its 9:00 and we’re working from here today. You’ll probably be sick for the rest of the day by the looks of it. We can work on the case… but you need to sleep off some more of that alcohol.”


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