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The Laws of Love

Page 19

by Belle Winters

  She was wearing a red strapless dress. The front was cut low past her breast and the cups were covering only the parts that would deem it appropriate for public. Her ample breasts were full and were rounded nicely at the top showing off her cleavage in the sexiest way I’ve ever seen on a woman. She had a silver belt around her waist. The bottom of her dress was loose, and would have been dragging on the floor if not for her heels. The split in her dress reached all the way up to her waist belt and you could see the little strip of tight dress covering her sweet spot and rounded ass so her sweetest parts weren’t on display. As she walked or even as the barest wind went past her, her dress fluttered around her gorgeous legs.

  When I reached her, my hand gripped her waist all on its own and I drew her closer to me. “Hey baby.”

  She smiled at me, her blue eyes shining. “I told you not to call me that.”

  “Sure, sweetheart. So, did you find yourself a new spell in your book or did you get a fairy godmother recently to turn you into a princess?” I asked her.

  A small laugh spilled from her lips and I wanted to kiss her. I hated the fact that I couldn’t lay a claim to her here. It would completely ruin everything. “a princess? We she-devils don’t turn into those my dear. It’s a spell just to make you think so.”

  I smiled. “So this is a ruse so that you can hatch your evil plan?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Seduction is definitely a part of my plan tonight, I’ll need to look the part.”

  I frowned and my grip on her tightened. I leaned down and lowered my voice, “the only person you’ll be seducing tonight is me, and you do best to remember that Cassie.”

  She raised an eyebrow in challenge. “We’ll see about that.” She said as she sauntered away seeking out my sister. I watched her ass in that red dress. What the hell was Shelly thinking putting her in that? I noticed more than enough men’s eyes on her as she walked through the room. I scanned the area and found both Mavoriks in the room together. Junior’s eyes were wide and watching her. Hook, line, and sinker. I just needed to keep myself under control.

  I walked around the room putting myself into conversations but not really paying attention. I watched Cassie like a hawk without being obvious about it. I snuck glances at Mavorik junior occasionally and at one point I saw him and Paul chatting together like old buddies in a corner. Shelly walked past them making it a point to put a little extra sway in her hips. When they ogled her as she approached I wanted to gag. Some things were just plain wrong, like checking out my sister. I watched as Gerald said something to her first engaging her into conversation. I had no idea what they were discussing but I saw my sister giving Paul extra attention. I saw a shared look and silent conversation take place behind her and with a wink it appears that Gerald excused himself. His eyes zeroed in on Cassie at the bar and he made his way to her.


  I was pulled into several conversations and I had to continue to make excuses to make my exit. If my previous encounters with Mavorik told me anything about him, it was that he would wait until I was alone to approach me. My goal that night was to be alone as much as possible. I was focused on what I needed to do here, but I couldn’t help the fact my mind kept going back to that moment I found him with her wrapped around him. Why was she here and why were they together? Maybe they were getting back together? Maybe they already had. I was jealous, confused, and angry on the inside. When he approached me I wanted to question it but I figured it would probably be a bad idea at that time but it was hard because the questions are burning a hole in my tongue. I made my way to the bar and ordered a glass of champagne. I couldn’t have anything stronger because I needed to be as focused as possible, but it would be pretty weird to just be at the bar at this type of event doing nothing.

  “Cassie?” I heard behind me.

  I turned around and acted surprised to find Mavorik behind me. “Mr. Mavorik, great seeing you again.” I told him holding out my hand.

  He took my hand and instead of shaking it pulled it up to his lips and placed a wet kiss on my hand. Gross. I had to fight the urge to wipe it off on my dress.

  “You can call me Jerry. Gerald and Mr. Mavorik is my father.”

  I let out a giggle. “Ok, Jerry it is. How are you?”

  He smiled. “I’m doing well, but enough about me. You look positively radiant tonight as always.” He said looking me over. GAG!

  “Thank you! I uh, like to put in a little extra effort sometimes when I’m convinced I might run into somebody…” I trailed off as I gazed at him letting the implication hang in the air.

  He fell for it. His grin turned enormous and his hand traveled up my arm. “What are you drinking?” he asked.


  He nodded and ordered us both another drink and lead me away to a more secluded area of the room. “So how did you end up working at a law firm?” he asked.

  Shit. I don’t want to talk about me, we need to talk about him. “Oh you know, I’ve had a bit of interest in it but not much, hence the assistant title.” I looked up into his eyes and stepped a bit closer. “So, have you always wanted to be into finance, or is just a family aspiration?” I asked trailing a nail down his tie.

  I saw his instant excitement in his eyes. He started talking but he was more focused on how and where I was touching him. “It’s always been assumed that I would take over after my father.”

  I smiled and flattened my hand on his chest. “Oh, so you’re a good boy then?” I teased.

  He watched my tongue flicker out to wet my lips. His hand found my hip and he stepped closer. His head cocked to the side and his eyebrow lifted slightly. “You like good boys?” he asked.

  Oh god I didn’t want to do this dance with him. He was smooth, I’ll give him that but I didn’t know how I would keep this up. I thought about it for a second and had the perfect idea. There’s only one person I wanted and if I pretended he was Drayden, then I might be able to pull this off. I needed him more focused on me than his words.

  I shook my head slowly. “Oh no, I like bad boys… but you wouldn’t happen to be bad would you?” I asked him. He smiled and nodded. I placed my free hand on the other side of his chest and leaned close so that my breath fanned across his face as I spoke. I tilted my head as if I was going in for a kiss and there it was, what I need the desire, the want, the need. In my mind, this was Ayde and he was going to do naughty things to me. “Bad boys don’t take over their daddy’s empires.”

  I pulled back some when he looked ready to seal the deal and he scoffed. “You have no idea baby.” I almost cringed. Lord I hated that pet name. Drayden used it occasionally but I’d told him how I felt about it. He mostly calls me sweetheart but uses baby when he wants to be a pain in my ass.

  I leaned in closer so my mouth was next to his ear and he put his other hand on my waist. “Tell me how bad?” I whispered breathlessly. I was imagining Drayden’s hands on me, he was pulling me in, and his thick hardness would greet me. God he was always so fucking hard.

  He moved us so that his back was to the crowd and mine to the wall. We were in a more secluded spot so unless you were paying attention you most likely wouldn’t have noticed us. The hairs on the back of my neck have been standing up all night and its even stronger since Jerry has approached me. I know who it is without having to think about it because besides the awareness, there’s been a slowly building throbbing in my core begging for him. Drayden was watching and it cause my eyes to flutter. I bit my bottom lip drawing it slowly into my mouth imagining it was Drayden sucking on it in that way I loved.

  I heard Jerry groan and I opened my eyes. His eyes where hooded and his pupils had darkened. He was horny. He stepped in closer to me and leaned his head down brushing the tip of his nose against my cheek. It didn’t feel bad and I was worked up, but he didn’t smell right. It wasn’t who it was supposed to be. I faked a shudder knowing that’s what would have happened if it was the right man. His thumb began to run circles on me as he started
to talk. “I was a troubled kid before. Got into a lot of trouble, my dad always bailed me out. I didn’t want to take over my dad’s empire, I wanted to play sports. He took that from me and I didn’t give a shit anymore. Bar fights, everything. It wasn’t until me and my best friend got caught with hacking into a banks system that I changed.”

  “Mmm…” I mumbled. “Very naughty and good with computers. Did you do time? Get some tattoos?” I asked. He seemed to start thinking so I put a finger on his cheek and traced it down to his chin and over his lips. He kissed my finger and pressed closer into me. I put my open palm against his neck and slid my fingers through his hair. “Nice.” I purred and his hips jerked a bit. Yikes, he was REALLY turned on. I looked down and I could see his manhood straining against his pants. I was a bit flabbergasted about the whole thing since I’ve never had much luck with men and here I was seducing one. If you told me I’d be here doing this a month ago I would’ve laughed so hard I cried.

  His grip on my hips tightened a bit. “I’m not good with computer’s… that’s all Phil. And no I didn’t go to jail. Neither of us did. Our parents bailed us out of it using their power and money… in return though we were to carry on with the lives they set out for us without bitching and moaning about it. So it was either hard jail time or do what your daddy says. You can see what I chose. I do have a tattoo though, if you want to see it...” He put his mouth to my ear and I felt his tongue flicker out. I shuddered this time for real. He took it as excitement but it was disgust. Fine I wasn’t playing fair but we’ve had boundaries dude. “I’d have to get naked.” He finished.

  Ok. That was it, I’ve had enough. I figured this was all I was going to get out of him. He seemed to be ready for more, he was done with the prelude and that meant it was time to make my exit. I thought fast.

  I moved my leg to the outside of his planting his leg in between both of my own. He took that as an invite to come closer. I sucked in a breath like I was so excited and put my hands on his chest rubbing my way down to the waistband of his pants. I put on the sultriest look I could muster and hoped it looked erotic and not pained. “Naked? That sounds good…” I bit my lip and grabbed his hand.

  “You ready to go?” he asked. He was excited thinking he’s pulled all the moves to score tonight.

  I nodded. I started to lead the way out and looked around the room searching for Drayden. I knew he was watching but where the fuck was he? I kept looking as I walked as slow as possible and I finally locked eyes on him. He was standing with fucking Victoria again. I felt my anger build and my nostrils flared. He took a few steps our way until he was standing in front of me, Victoria in tow. He stopped a few steps away.

  “Cassie… Are you doing what I pay you for or are you playing around?” he snapped at me.

  Son of a bitch, no he didn’t! “Drayden… what does it look like I’m doing? This is your client and we were discussing business.” I hissed.

  Drayden’s eyes narrowed. “He is not my client, his father is and that hardly looked like business. Anyway I need you to talk to a few people, please get your job done.” His look hardened and his face was a mask. There was no real reading him except the fact he was visibly put out with me.

  Jerry spoke up. “I apologize for monopolizing her time.” I felt a paper slip into my free hand when he grabbed it. “See you around Cassie.” He replied smoothly before giving me a wink and walking away.

  I had been looking for Drayden to get me out of this mess and an excuse which he did and I’m grateful for… but I’m not sure if that was an act or not. I mean it didn’t feel like an act, but I couldn’t be sure. And what the fuck with this chick? That was the pressing matter at hand. She was looking on smiling as if she was enjoying him degrading me. Bitch.

  “I’ll be getting back to work so you can get back to your date.” I said. The jealousy was practically oozing out of my pores.

  He began to say something but Victoria beat him to the punch. “Yes, why don’t you run along and leave us.”

  I crossed my arms and my eyebrow arched. “Nice to see you back together. After the way he broke you down at the office I thought for sure you were done. I mean I thought a girl would have a little more dignity that to run back to a guy who treats her like that.” She bared her teeth at me like an angry animal. “Well I guess that’s the difference between us woman and you girls.” I saw I had gotten to her and that made me just feel a little better. Drayden was still unreadable and if my thoughts from tonight had been right, I couldn’t handle to hear it right now. He wasn’t one to hold back and I knew I wouldn’t take it well. If I was going to break, I was going to do it while I’m on my own so I turned on my heels and stalked off.

  I found Shelly but she was engaged with Paul. I didn’t see Jerry again so I figured it was time to make my escape for the night. I hightailed it out of there without being seen by anyone of consequence and caught me a cab. As I watched the meter I cringed. I’ve definitely been spending money that I couldn’t afford lately and I needed to reign it in. Ramen was going to be the only thing on my menu for a while by the looks of it.

  When I got home, I went straight to my freezer and pulled out my ice cream. I took a seat on the couch and flipped on the TV. I put on some TV series and zoned out into my own thoughts. I was thinking about everything that occurred the last few weeks. When my thoughts reached a full on depression stage I picked up my phone and called Laura.

  “Hey stranger.” She greeted and I immediately felt shitty. I’ve been so involved with Drayden I was being a neglectful friend.

  “Hey, what are you up to?” I asked.

  She cleared her throat. “I uh – I’m just hanging around at home…”

  My eyebrow raised. Why did she sound nervous? “And…?” I asked.

  She sighed. “I might have company.” She said.

  “Who might that be?” she usually just spilled the beans so I was definitely intrigued. Hey it was better than thinking about the mess I called my life recently.

  “Some guy, I met him a few weeks back… I didn’t really get a chance to talk to you or Amy about him yet. We need a girl’s night tomorrow, what do you say?”

  “Hell yea!” I said. I think that was exactly what I needed right now.

  “Cool, I’ll text Amy. We’ll meet here and probably all crash here.”

  “Ok. Talk to you.”

  “Later.” She ended the call.

  I dropped the phone on the couch beside me when there was a knock on my door. I frowned since I hadn’t been expecting company. I scooped a large chunk of ice cream on the spoon and shoved it in my mouth before swinging the door open. There stood Drayden, hands gripping the doorframe and a dark look in his eyes. My mouth fell open and I wouldn’t have noticed if not for the ice cream that dripped out my mouth onto my chin. I quickly shut it and wiped my face with the back of my hand. I know, very elegant.

  His eyebrow cocked up but I couldn’t do more than stare at him. I had no idea why he was here and why he was looking at me the way he was. Instead of waiting for my brain to kick in again and act like a normal person he pushed his way inside. I closed the door and locked it and just took him in. I never pictured him here in my home. He looked so large in this tiny apartment. It shrunk 10 sizes the moment he walked inside.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked when I was able to find my voice again.

  He didn’t respond, instead he slowly undid his tie never taking his eyes off me. Images of Veronica on his arm filtered into my brain. “Are you hard of hearing? I asked you a question.” I said smartly.

  He chuckled but there was no humor in it. I looked at him closer and I was beginning to see it. He wasn’t aloof, he was pissed. Probably more than I have been. He swaggered over to me slowly taking his time and I was a bit afraid. I wasn’t scared for my life or anything I just had no idea of what to expect from him.

  His walk turned more predatory and I gulped. I backed up slowly until my back hit a chair. I looked down to see the dini
ng room chair right behind me. I looked back up and met his eyes. “Now Cassie, I have a few things we need to discuss.”

  Was it me or did it seem like all the oxygen in the room was disappearing extremely fast? “And what would that be?” I responded trying to sound calm.

  He tsk’d me like a petulant child. “Did you or did you not flirt with another guy?”

  My eyebrow arched. “Really? The whole purpose of tonight was for me to get Jerry’s attention and to get information out of him.”

  “Ah, therein lies our problem baby…” he took a step back and shook his head, “Is that what you did?”

  Finally, my defiance and fight has returned. “Damn right!”

  He shook his head. “Oh no, that’s not what I saw. You touched him…” his hands ran along the middle of my cleavage as I had done with Jerry’s tie. “Like this…” he said running his hands across me from shoulder to my waist belt. He leaned forward and ran his finger across my face and my lips. I was so, so fucking wet for him right now with him touching me like this and hearing his voice.

  “I – I don’t know what you mean….” I said.

  His fingers traced my lips and I moaned nipping his finger but he remained seemingly unaffected. He bent down to whisper in my ear, “I didn’t like it… in fact it made me angry."

  His hands gripped my ass and his body was suddenly flush against mine. I felt his hot hard cock against my stomach and I had to rub my legs together for some relief. One hand trailed to my thigh to the slit of my dress and slipped his hand underneath gripping my butt roughly through my panties. “Did he touch you like this when he had you in that corner? I couldn’t get a good look.”

  I was frustrated and he was toying with me. His other hand trailed up my front and pinched my nipple. “Did he?” he demanded.

  I shook my head. My legs were trembling and working overtime just to hold me up. “No one else gets to touch you.”

  Images of Victoria and him cascaded through my head and I growled. Shit, I was angry too and I need not forget that. “I’m not yours!” I yelled.


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