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Dennis the Conqueror: A Harem Fantasy (Sword and Sorority Book 1)

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by Scot C Morgan

  "I told you I was going to get even with Brad today. You said you were in. So…" Monica sounded resolute, but I was too tired to ask what she was talking about, or who Brad was.

  "But, I don't think he's up for it." Sydney's voice was like an angel.

  "So, we'll wait until he's rested a little. Who cares if we miss class later?"


  I heard a rustling and the small clink of something metal, followed by a soft thump, something hitting the floor.

  Then my body felt cold again, but only for a few seconds. I felt my blanket come down on me again, and more warmth. I wasn't sure who was on which side of me, but I felt Sydney's and Monica's naked bodies press into mine. A surge went through me. Dennis the Conqueror.

  I drifted in and out of consciousness.

  Wake the fuck up!

  But I was losing the fight. Blackness and stillness poured over my mind as my body gave in to its need for complete rest.

  As I drifted off, I heard that voice again. "Guardian."

  My dream came into my head slowly, materializing in the blackness. I must've been in that first part of sleep, where you know you're sleeping and you know your dream is a dream, because I was taking it all in and thinking how cool it was.

  My dream started great, but then turned to some weird shit. Sydney and Monica were in it, which made sense. They were naked. That made sense too, given my situation when I fell asleep. But there were about a dozen other women in my dream too. I recognized some of them as girls I'd seen in class or around campus, and one of them was my ridiculously hot English Lit professor, Ms. Thompson. She had a PhD, but if you didn't know it, you'd swear she was a senior in college, at most two or three years past.

  All that wasn't the weird part. One by one, first Sydney, then Monica, then each of the other women started to blur and their bodies looked like they were being stretched, with their legs being drawn down into a funnel of some sort. I watched the looks of shock on each of their normally beautiful faces as their entire bodies thinned out into a wisp of gas or something before disappearing into a black void below. I had only a split second to be freaked out and slightly pissed about what was happening before the same thing happened to me too. I thought it must've been one crappy bug I'd caught from the cleanup at Conan's. Then I was gone into the void.

  Chapter 2

  I awoke still in a dream, or so it seemed. My head felt a little fuzzy. I saw stars in the night sky above me, and a flickering glow to my right. I felt the warmth, but I turned and saw it was coming from a large fire several feet away—not from Sydney or Monica, who weren't next to me anymore. I heard crackling coming from within the flames; the fire wasn't college-party-bonfire sized, but it was close to it. The light from the fire made it hard to see anything else around me for a moment. I pushed down with my hands to help myself sit up. Whatever I was touching wasn't my bed or blankets. As I sat, I looked down to see I was resting on a huge pile of oversized leaves. It looked like I was in a bird nest, except it was greener and flatter.

  What the fuck?

  I thought I must still be dreaming. Maybe it was the virus I must've caught from the cleanup at Conan's. Probably a fever, I thought. I remembered hearing how a high fever can cause hallucinations. Then I remembered hearing the voice in my head when I was in class. I was sure it was what was causing my funky dream.

  I took a second to take stock of how my body felt. Sure, I was dreaming, but since I knew I was then maybe I had enough awareness to tell how sick my body still felt.


  I felt fine. No. I felt awesome. Not sick in the least. In fact, I felt pretty damn good.

  I shrugged, thankful I at least didn't have to be sick in my dream.

  I turned my attention to my surroundings once again. My eyes now adjusted to the darkness of the sky and the nearby wall of trees, and the brightness coming in from one side where the bonfire was.

  "It worked!" The woman's voice came from behind me. She sounded familiar.

  I spun around on my bed of leaves, still seated.

  Holy shit.

  Two women stood before me. Not Monica and Sydney. Each of the two women wore a tattered skirt—no, a loincloth. Well, a loin-skirt. I mean, the cloth tapered down in front of their crotches, but rose up in a V, giving no coverage to their legs or hips. Savage Land couture. Their tops were of the same style, though woefully inadequate to conceal the ampleness of their breasts.

  The brunette raised the long silver staff she was holding as she spoke. "Thank the heavens! Our Guardian has returned to us."

  Wait. What?

  The blond woman stepped up next to the brunette and leaned closer to her. I heard her whisper, "He doesn't look like the Guardian."

  "In time," the brunette said, lowering her staff. A smile slowly drew up her cheeks. "He is our champion, and we must help him to become his destiny."

  The blond scrunched her nose and tilted her head to take a better look at me. She shrugged. "I'm new at this. I trust you're right, but I hope he's ready before we need him."

  The smile on the one with the staff faded as she said, "I hope so too."

  I scooted to the edge of the pile of leaves, which I saw was on top of a large stone platform. I hoisted myself down the three feet to the dirt below.

  "My name's Dennis," I said, approaching the two women. "I figure, this is my dream. So, we might as well get on with it." It looked like it could end up pretty good. My usual awkwardness didn't come into play. Nothing to stress over in a dream, I figured.

  "I am Alara," the brunette said, "Priestess of Carnera. But you are not dreaming."

  "What? Of course I am, honey." I stepped over to her. Man, she was hot. "Nice name, though. I'm not sure where I came up with that one, but it's good. Carnera, though. I just pulled that one out of my ass."

  I noticed the blond's eyes widen. Her jaw dropped slightly, leaving her mouth open, but she didn't say anything.

  Alara took a breath and let it rush out with a huff. "I remember now how difficult this can be. Come with me." She gestured for me to follow her as she turned. Her loin-skirt slightly bounced erotically against her full tanned ass when she walked. The sight made her request to follow her easy to comply with.

  I noticed the blond look at me with curiosity, and maybe a bit of confusion, as she walked beside me. I saw her gaze lower and I glanced down to find out what she was looking at.

  Oh, yeah. I only had my boxers on and between falling asleep next to Monica and Sydney then seeing these two scantily-clad babes the blood flowed, if you know what I mean.

  We were heading toward a small stone building fifty or so feet away, nestled under the canopy of tall trees. There was a small fire just in front of the building, off to the side.

  "So, what's your name?" I raised one eyebrow and gave my other dream woman my best how you doin'. Too bad I wasn't this smooth when I was awake.

  She dipped her head slightly as she looked up at me. Her cheeks blushed. Her long hair spilled over her chest, moving slightly as she walked, but pausing occasionally as it struggled to overcome her large breasts.

  "Nithia." Her gaze dropped again to my thinly clothed manhood, then she quickly turned her head forward.

  "Nice to meet you, Nithia," I said. She didn't face me again until the three of us made it to the front of the stone building. I decided to hold off on conversation while we walked there, instead soaking up the hypnotic views of Alara's ass and Nithia's profile. Between the two of them, I remained mostly clueless as to the rest of my surroundings until we stopped next to the little fire outside the stone hut.

  The building was small, probably only one room, I guessed. The stonework was uneven, but sturdy looking. A rough-hewn wood door with thick black iron hinges was the only portal visible on the structure, at least from the front. The sides were covered with vines and closely growing trees.

  Alara stood next to the small fire—which made her legs look great—and turned to me. There was an iron rotisserie skewer
over the flames, but nothing was on it. I saw the charred ends of a few small bones peaking out from the burning wood beneath. Animal bones, they appeared to be. Small. Rabbit maybe.

  "You are not in a dream," she said. "Unless we all are a dream in the mind of the gods of the heavens."

  Uh. Yeah. Okay.

  "I'm not one to argue," I said. "And I certainly don't want to wake up yet," I gave her the up and down with my eyes, "but you're going to have to take my word on this. I'm dreaming and you two rank up there with my best efforts at it."

  I looked around, taking in more of the clearing now. The area was a rough circle, about eighty feet in diameter. Dirt mostly. Some scattered forest floor stuff—leaves, twigs, a couple of downed trees half rotted. The whole clearing was surrounded by a thick forest of tall—no, massive trees. Maybe not redwoods, but close. Aside from the stone building in front of us, with it's small campfire, the larger bonfire on the other side of the clearing, and the stone altar with the leafy bird nest I'd woken up on, there was nothing else to the place. And the thickness of the forest, with high undergrowth, made the place feel secluded. Away from the bonfire now, my eyes adjusted and I could more clearly see the magnificent night sky, filled with a thousand stars shining brighter than I'd ever seen them in Texas—except maybe for that time I went way west of Austin to the remote UT astronomical observatory site. I tried for a second to spot a few familiar constellations, but for some reason, I couldn't find them.

  "If he thinks this is all a dream," Nithia said with a worried look in her eyes, "how can he possibly protect us? And how would he ever be able to face the Dark One?"

  I was getting a little frustrated with my dream. I mean, I know you can't always determine what happens next when you're dreaming, but this one—while off to a good start—was not quite feeling right. Dark One? Why is my subconscious trying to complicate matters?

  Alara peered into my eyes. She seemed to be looking deep inside me somehow. I didn't mind so much—her emerald eyes were stunning—but she dragged it out a bit long.

  "I think we've made a mistake," Nithia said. She sounded really upset. I couldn't help but take it a little personally. Somehow I was a disappointment to her. Maybe not in some ways. After all, I did catch her checking me out. But evidently she was expecting someone else, or something more.

  "Okay," I said finally. "You girls have some interesting ideas, but how about we go inside?" I nodded to the door behind Alara.

  I marveled at how confident and bold I felt. It was easy in a dream, I reminded myself.

  "I don't think that's a good idea," Nithia said, but she was talking to Alara.

  Alara broke from her deep gaze into my eyes. "No. He's right."

  "What?" Nithia clearly didn't like Alara's response.

  At least Alara has the right idea. Maybe Nithia is my mind giving me a hard time.

  "I explained all of this to you before," Alara said, turning to the stone cottage and reaching for the door handle. "He's only just come to our world. He hasn't partaken of it yet. He won't fully awaken until he has. That's why he looks like he does."

  Wait. What? Is my subconscious insulting me now?

  "Can't he just eat some berries or something?" Nithia said, crossing her arms—which made her tits perk up nicely, not that they needed help.

  Alara smiled. "You know that's not enough. I am the Priestess. This is my duty. And as the only surviving member of our clan, you must act as my second in this task."

  "I never wanted to be your second." Nithia drew a scowl on her face.

  Alara's expression turned to one of sincerity. "But your sister-"

  "No!" Nithia flung her arms out and down to her sides, shifting her stance wider with a quick step. "You don't get to use my sister against me!"

  "Nithia, I didn't mean-" Alara reached for her, but Nithia jerked away from her and ran off into the woods.

  I watched her disappear into the shadows of the trees, then turned to Alara. "What was all of that about?"

  She was shaking her head. "I shouldn't have mentioned her sister."

  "What about her sister?" I asked.

  "She's gone now," Alara said, casting her eyes down at the ground.

  "You mean…gone?"

  Alara looked up at me. "Yes. She was taken by the Dark One's men, seven moons ago." She looked up to the stars. "Surely she is with the gods now."

  "And she was…your second? Is that what you said?"

  "She was… my friend. But I failed her."

  This dream is bumming me out.

  "Shouldn't one of us go after her?" I said, looking to the dark thicket of woods where Nithia had entered.

  What I said seemed to strike a chord in Alara. She looked at me for a long moment, holding a steady gaze into my eyes. Then she smiled, not a smile of light-heartedness, but one of simple happiness. Or maybe it was hope.

  At the same time, I liked the way her look made me feel, and I didn't. Her eyes on me had a weight, like she was handing over something she'd carried by herself for too long.

  "She'll be okay," she said, leaning her silver staff against the stone hut before turning to look to the trees. "It's not the first time she's run off. She never goes far, and she's more comfortable in the forest than anywhere. That's where I found her when we first met. Where I found both of them."

  "You mean her and her sister?"

  "Yes." She looked around the clearing as if remembering what was there before. "I am the last. The other priestesses fell, three in the first raid, three in the second. Balfin was away. We'd made him go. He didn't want to leave us, but he had a way to stop the Dark One, and we pleaded with him to do what he needed to do. Not only for us, but for all the people of these lands."

  I almost interrupted her with several questions: Who was Balfin? What's the deal with this Dark One? Why is this dream sucking so much now when it started out so good?

  But the way she stared past my shoulder toward the bonfire, and the distant look upon her face, kept me from saying anything.

  "Even when my sisters fell, I remained hopeful. It was just enough to carry me through my grief. I thought Balfin would defeat the Dark One. But I was wrong." She touched her hand to her breast.

  I felt like an asshole for getting a little distracted by the move.

  Dream or not, this was getting way too heavy for me. I was about to speak up and see if I could get my subconscious to stop screwing things up for me, but she turned her eyes to me and reached out, placing her hands on my shoulders. "You!"

  "Me, what?"

  "You have come to take Balfin's place?"

  I felt my eyes widen and I reflexively leaned back a little, casting a sideways glance at her. "Uh, no. I think you are confused," I said.

  She smiled. "No. It is you who are confused, but that is normal. Balfin was the same, or so my mother told me."

  She turned to the door again and this time opened it. Glancing back at me, she beckoned for me to follow her inside. "Your confusion will be gone soon."

  Yeah. I was confused. But she was a babe, and her ass had just the right balance of tautness and jiggle. I decided to go inside and hear her out.

  The inside of the stone hut was cozy. One room, like I guessed. There was a fireplace on the back wall, still aglow with embers nestled under a thick half-burnt log. To the left, a large wooden chest sat against the wall. A stack of blankets rested on top of the chest. To the right, where she now stood was a large bed. Not really a bed like I had in my apartment. It was more of a mat on the floor, or upon closer inspection, several blankets bulked up by whatever was tucked between them—the whole thing about a foot thick. It looked comfortable though.

  She reached behind her neck and pulled loose the knot which held up her top. She moved the tie strings a good ten inches in front of her—necessary clearance—and let them go. The simple cloth garment dropped to the stone floor.

  I stood watching the flickering light of the fire dancing around on her breasts. I'd never seen ones so full and�
� healthy. Her nipples looked like flowers with puffy petals. She bent over to pull the covers back and I marveled as her breasts adapted to the move. She knelt on the bed, extended her hand, and signaled for me to join her.

  "Come, Den," she said. "I will remove the veil of confusion clouding your mind."

  Fuck, yeah!

  Sure she got my name wrong, but Den was close enough, and I didn't think it was the best time to point out her mistake.

  Knowing I could wake up at any time, I stepped to it. No plan. Just blind stupid action.

  I moved to the bed as she reclined on it, making no effort to conceal her prize from me. I dropped my boxer shorts with some difficulty, due to increasing development down there. She appeared intently focused on what I had to offer. I was pumped by what was happening and I moved in to take the opportunity—no time for any more foreplay. Her naked body was charging me up and I was amazed she was giving herself to me. I knew I had to get in there and do what I could before I blew it.

  We spent the next hour under the covers, on top of the covers, and finally on the floor in front of the fireplace—bringing some of the blankets with us. I couldn't get enough of the way she felt. Soft, warm—and after a little while, dripping with sweat, sweet-smelling, and a little salty I discovered, as my tongue joined every other part of my body in pleasuring her.

  Man, I'm a natural. Who knew?

  The first race I sprinted, but as soon as she brought me to the finish line, she convinced me to run another. I didn't resist. She had every tool of persuasion at her disposal.

  Every inch of her body was an aphrodisiac to me. I caressed and kissed, and sucked and squeezed her curves and mounds and fertile valleys. Sometimes she held on to me with a firm grip to stay with me through the ride. Other times she used her hands and mouth, or just her writhing body, to stir me up again. More than once, I felt a strong wave build up in her until it crashed, and her flesh spasmed and quivered.


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